Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ready Made

Published on Jan 27, 2018 mmurmoons

"Composition for expanded MakeNoise Shared System and 0coast.

body of the composition is focused on the morphagene, with wogglebug as the clock.
morphagene is providing the keyboard stabs out of R channel (into optomix ch 1) and percussive low sound out of L channel (into optomix ch 2).
wogglebug is sending int clock out to cvbus ch4, which is then distributed to x clock in of rene, clk in of morphagene, and clk input of echophon. woggle is also sending brst out to cvbus ch2, where it is distributed to gate in of 0coast and dgate in of telharmonic.
Maths is sending control signals from ch1 and 4 to cntrl inputs of optomix, ch 1 and 2.
optomix is sending sum out to echophon, which is sending mix out to the cvbus's stereo out (L channel)
Rene is sending x gate out to trig in (ch1) of maths, and y gate to tring in (ch 4) of maths. Also sending qcv out to cvbus ch1, which is then distributed to both the v/oct in on the 0coast, the v/oct of osc2 on the dpo, and the degree in of the telharmonic.
telharmonic is sending P out to 0coast's balance external input.
the dpo is sending osc2 square out to modemix ch2 in.
0coast is sending dynamics out to chA input of rosie.
pressure points is sending ch1 gate output to modemix ch2 carrier cv input.
modemix is sending ch2 out to chB input of rosie.
rosie is sending the fxsend output to the input of erbeverb.
erbeverb seding L and R out to fxreturn of rosie.

patch is being monitored from stereo out of the cvbus and stereo out of rosie.

no external processing."

GRP-A4 Analog Synthesizer SN 003

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via this auction

Update: this one was re-listed. The link above will take you to the new listing.

"Offers 3 full-feature oscillators, plus 2 discrete LFO's. S&H, Noise, Mixers, 2 ADSR, 16-Step sequencer, A-440 generator. 12dB State variable filter and 24dB Low pass filters, Glide, Auto-pan, accepts external signals, Stereo Headphone TRS jack. CV/gates in and out. MIDI and USB in rear. Complex routing features: provides virtually the same flexibility of a modular without the need for patching. The A-4 is single-voice, and does not store patches.

Audiophile timbral quality. Truly holds its own with ANY other synth. One of the most beautiful synths ever made."

The NAMM Show 2018 - QuBit New Eurorack Modules

Published on Jan 28, 2018 Animato Audio

"Andrew of QuBit demonstrates the latest and greatest from QuBit: Synapse, Nebulae and Scanned. Scanned is a unique and little explored synthesis method using the metaphor of vibrating strings"

Best of CGS Serge BOG + SWAMP Jam #TTNM

Published on Jan 28, 2018

"After spending a few days figuring out how to get things running, I finally jammed on two-thirds of my new Serge Modular system for the first time, using the CGS BOG and SWAMP panels. The MARSH will join the two soon. PATCH NOTES BELOW!


PixelNoises Synth T-Shirts by The Tuesday Night Machines:


Audio gear used:
Best of CGS BOG & SWAMP Boats

Patch Notes:
The two NCOs are driven by the Sequencer Programmer which plays four two-note chords. All audio goes through the low pass filter, being modulated by one DUSG decay envelope. The other DUSG modulates a VCA through which White Noise is fed to create a percussion sound. One Utility LFO is the master clock. The other LFO is running at audio rate at constant pitch, going through the modulated Wave Multiplier into the Mixer with the Noise and the two VCOs. The mix is then sent through the VCF. The Gated Comparator acts as the main modulator in this patch, changing both DUSG's decay envelope times, PWM of the VCOs and wave folding of the Utility LFO (which creates the "melody" on top of the chords)."

Emu Emulator II+ (Includes Floppies & Lotharek Floppy Emulator + SD card w/Sound Banks)

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via this auction

"Included are 24 floppy disk of sound banks and 24 blank floppy disk for recording your own samples on (if you decide to leave the original floppy drive in).

I'm also including a Lotharek floppy drive Emulator. You can swap out the original floppy drive with this and play sound banks that are loaded on an SD card. This also includes an SD card LOADED with a near complete library of the OMI Universe of Sounds sound banks. TONS of great sounds in here. It includes the power cable adaptor and mounting bracket, but you will need to make a new ribbon cable to connect and use the drive. Besides that it's plug and play! A small note, I've seen videos where peoples Lotharek emulates some sort of "loading" noise, I'm not sure what the difference is or if it's some hidden setting, but mine does not make this noise."

Jasper Synthesizer Wasp Clone Midi CV GATE AC Adapter

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Jasper Synthesizer Wasp Clone Midi CV GATE AC Adapter panels and pcb's from jaspersynth in the UK
Just built 2 of great synths. Tested calibrated works great and sounds amazing.
Built with top quality parts from Digikey and Mouser electronics.
Comes with all as seen in the pictures.
USA and Canada Buyers ONLY"

DIY digital controlled analog monophonic synthesizer

Published on Jan 28, 2018 merlin07756

"This is a demonstration of my homebrewn monophonic analog synthesizer. It's based on a modded PAiA Fatman tied to an Arduino Mega. The keyboard is salvaged from an old M-Audio Keystation 49, the front panel was designed in Inkscape and printed online.


* monophonic
* 2 Sawtooth VCOs (more to come)
* 1 software based LFO (five waveforms) which controls filter envelope
* Creamy 12db low-pass filter (HP/BP yet to come)
* ADSR and filter envelope
* built in delay and distortion effects
* Arpeggiator and sequencer (latched and transposable of course)
* MIDI control and sync
* modwheel controls pitch based by LFO
* 4x20 LCD for control of the digital parameters

I've got the idea from - check him out :)

The synth is still not finished. I want to add minimum one VCO, a ring modulator, second LFO and some more modules. Also there are some nasty software bugs (especially with the arpeggiator and timing in general) which have to be resolved...

To be continued..."

New Soulsby Atmegatrons in the Works

via @SoulsbySynths

"Reason I’m not at #NAMM this year is coz I’m right in the middle of developing the next range of Atmegatrons. I have until May to turn these into real products! No sleep till #Superbooth2018 !!"

Godwin DrumMaker 32 P & Crumar DS1 Live Jam Improvisation - Analog Sound Made in Italy

Published on Jan 28, 2018 VSMI

"40 years old Made in Italy Analog Machines... Godwin DrumMaker 32 P groove presets machine with trigger out in Crumar DS1 mono synth gate in. DM32 Chord section thru DS1 Ext-Input filter controlled. Montarbo DRev128 echo/reverb only. Morning Live Session as is... ;)"

This is the first Godwin DrumMaker 32 P to be featured on the site. Never seen one before now.

NAMM 2018 - Alesis Vortex Wireless Midi Controller w/ Sliders & Trigger Pads

Published on Jan 27, 2018 Kraft Music

"Find exclusive Alesis deals at Kraft Music:"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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