Tuesday, January 03, 2023

norns fall

video upload by studio snippets

Syntakt House Music Jam! #jamuary2023

video upload by Johan Wave

"A jam with my #Syntakt by #elektron with sounds from Swedish Radio. House jam for #jamuary2023."

Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 2.0 plus Kenton Midi Kit Video Tour

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by oscDrift

via this auction

"Excellent condition Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev 2.0. Includes professionally installed Kenton Midi Kit. Professionally replaced/upgraded power supply and Tantalum caps completed this month at Outlier Audio. New Batter(see voltage test image). Keyboard bushings have been professionally replaced(no clicking) along with having a Heat Sink installed(addresses tuning stability/drift which was notorious with Rev 1 and Rev 2 P5's)."

Analogue Solutions FuseBox Synthesizer SN 9311

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Black Corporation ISE-NIN: True Stereo Patches

video upload by Mostly Synths and Keyboards (Logan)

"Here are some original patches that use dual mode to create a stereophonic sound. This is essentially two different patches panned 30-40% left/right. Dual mode gives 4 voices of polyphony. There is some reverb added but I tried to keep it tasteful.

I've had the synth for about 10 days and am having a blast with it. I've found it straightforward to program and very much an instant gratification synth; however the velocity/pressure routing adds a great depth and making patches for left/right stereo sound is a little more challenging. I like how these turned out but I think with time I'll be able to make more sophisticated patches."

DEMO - Mutable Warps (After Later Audio Fuse) Parasites delay (v1.02) and frequency shift modes

video upload by brandon logic

"Showing Delay and Freq shift algo's my two favorite algorithms in Warps Parasites firmware (v1.02)
I found a lost alternate parasites firmware made by modwiggler member autopoiesis-
Only changes from version 1.01 are:
- delay mode has been reverted to the v0.95 implementation
(adds built in lfo for modulation and the time control goes from shortest delay to slowest without stopping and changing directions in the middle like it does in parasites 1.01 (the two small trimmers control the speed and mod depth of the lfo) - the fold's input bias control has been replaced with control over the order (via the smaller Timbre knob, like on the Comparator+Chebyshev mode) of a Chebyshev shaper that can be applied after the wavefolding stages. I find it convenient to have both in the same mode since harmonically richer sources take better to the Cheby, and folding simple signals first makes them more interesting through this shaper.
Here is the 1.02 firmware:"

Hans Zimmer Interview - Part 2

video upload by WaldorfMusicChannel

Part 1 here

"Hans Zimmer has composed music for over 150 films in an illustrious career spanning more than 30 years, winning two Golden Globes, four Grammys and two Oscars. The composer, who made a name in the 1980s and 1990s with 'Rain Man', 'Thelma & Louise,' and 'Driving Miss Daisy,' continues to haunt viewers with recent soundtracks such as 'Pirates of the Caribbean', '12 years a slave' and 'Dune'. In an exclusive interview with us, he shares his inspiration and tells us why he is a Waldorf fan since so many years."

ROLAND JX-8P | Dear Diary...

video upload by Synths and Sounds

"I once met a JX-8P. This is what happened.

All sounds from JX-8P with some Ableton effects. No synths were emotionally harmed in the making of this video."

Rare MicroKorg mating ritual caught on video! PLANET SYNTH

video upload by Synths and Sounds

"The mysteries of nature uncovered.
A Synths and Sounds original production.

This video was completely handcrafted. Every Image and Sound was self recorded."

The Sad Story of the Downfall of an Industry | ELKA EH105 and Bontempi MRS-49

video upload by Synths and Sounds

"This video took me way too much time!

0:00 Intro
1:29 The rise of the Marche synths
2:53 The golden era
3:29 The keyboard revolution
4:29 Witness No. 1: Bontempi MRS-49
5:55 Witness No. 2: ELKA EH105
8:11 The end of an industry
9:11 Outro"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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