MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Maplin

Showing posts sorted by date for query Maplin. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Maplin. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Saving This Synth From The Scrapheap!! 1970s Maplin/ETI 4600 Restoration Part 2

Part 2 added to this post.

Monday, December 30, 2024

This Circuitry Is AMAZING - 1970s Music Synth Restoration


Maplin ETI 4600

Saving This Synth From The Scrapheap!! 1970s Maplin/ETI 4600 Restoration Part 2


"Today we try to fix this piece of history!"

Thursday, October 24, 2024

ETI International 4600 Vintage Semi-Modular Synthesizer

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via this listing

"This is a large semi-modular synthesizer, designed in Australia and released as a kit by Electronics Today International magazine in 1973. The large aluminium panel pivots forward for maintenance. Its 22x22 matrix switchboard, joystick, complex modulation and feature set is reminsicent of a larger EMS VCS3, a comparison enhanced by the use of genuine Cliff "little Dalek" knobs.

The main modules in the 4600 design were repackaged for the (smaller) ETI 3600 and the lightly larger Maplin 5600 kit synthesizers. Its notable features are volts-per-herz VCOS (rather than volts-per-Octave linear VCOs), complex Transient Generators that are like simple three stage sequencers, and a different-sounding VCF.

This is a rare, powerful and unique synthesizer that needs some TLC from a competent builder to unlock its potential.


In the early 80s before it had been completely built, it suffered damage (the plaster ceiling collapsed on it, because of a shoddy repair job after the previous tenants, a punk gang, had a "demolition party" that destroyed all internal walls). The keyboard was destroyed and there seemed little reason to replace it (the first 4600 keyboard circuitry was problematic and had been replaced by a design from the Fairlight team.) There was some scratches to the case and a lot of dust, though the pots did not seem scratchy.

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Williams Synthesiser?

video upload by matrixsynth via Andrew

Update: video above added along with new pics below, via Andrew.

"Explored the internals and it doesn't appear to be a Maplin kit, but looks like a DIY/Handmade."

Andrew went on to mention "It looks like a Dewtron DIY system. The controls are similar to that of the Apollo." [see this post]

This one is in via Andrew.

Note the WilliamSynthsizer on the top right, the 7 x 10 patchpay on the lower right, the massive 12 x 19 patchbay on the left, and the keyboard controller. I thought it might be a Maplin. If so, some massive custom work went into it. It could also be ralated to this synth from 1973's Wireless World magazine. There was also a custom white 5600s which has a larger patchbay compared to the standard square found on most Maplins. Note the one on this Williams Synthesiser is much larger. I could not find a matching keyboard controller.

Andrew plans to open it up and take a look at the inside. He also plans to take more pics. I'll put up a new post when they come in. Until then, if you know what this is, or have any guesses, let us know!

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Rare Titan Synthesizer by Tim Orr of Powertran, Transcendent 2000, & Maplin ETI 4600

A Funky Uses For A Tape Machine and a massive Tape - MAGICALL E2 video upload by @THISMUSEUMISNOTOBSOLETE

Formant & Digisound get a mention as well. See this post for another video of the Titan and an article.

"Plans are a foot. if you want to get on the list use contact form below. if you'd like to Support the museum here :-
if you'd like to visit
information / contact:-

Monday, June 06, 2022

Maplin 5600s

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via this auction

"This is my Maplin 5600s stereo sound synthesizer. It�s a very rare vintage monophonic matrix synthesizer. This was only available in kit form from Maplin Electronics in the early 1980�s."

Saturday, March 12, 2022

New Maplin 5600s DIY Build Based on the Raspberry Pi

video uploads by Derek Walker

"Maplin 5600s Build - pictures & videos of the build in chronological order from the beginning of the project, August 2018, to the end, June 2019."


"I recently came accoss the contruction manual for my Maplin 3800 synthesiser and flicking through it I wondered would it be possible to build the 5600s systhesiser today, August 2018, nearly four decades on.

With the passage of so much time there will be a few challenges to overcome namely component obsolescence. Integrated circuits, spring line, patch board, keyboard but to name a few. Please read the 'Hindsight Engineering' section at the end of the page.

On the positive side the build process should be simpler. For me the circuit boards will be easier to produce, no more ferric chloride, bubble etch tanks, spraying copper clad board with photo resist varnish and so on. Just produce the gerber files (I used EasyEDA) and send them off to JLCPCB.

I'm still considering what to do about the patch bay, try to source one or simply bring the inputs/outputs to limited number small jack sockets so they can be 'jumpered' - no room for 900 sockets!

I am also considering usng the Raspberry Pi instead of a keyboard either as a sequencer or as a 'soft' keyboard. I will re-hash my sequencer program for use with the 7" touchscreen and find a space to fit it on the panel."

You can find full build details at

Thursday, November 11, 2021


video upload by Outdoorsman

"This is an early analogue synth that I built from a series of articles in Wireless World magazine. I obviously spent a LOT of time making it....let's see if it still works..... (update coming soon!) Here's a link to the original articles...." (PDF link - pics below if you want to skip)

Note the article appears to be by Tim Orr of Powertran, and a D. W. Thomas. Anyone know who that is? The design reminds me of a Maplin.

Sunday, August 08, 2021


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via this auction



Monday, July 12, 2021

Maplin ETI 4600 Analogue Vintage Synthesizer

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via this auction

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

'Ode to Trevor Marshall'

Monte Carlo

"Thought I'd put togther a little tune to show off the sounds of this mega synth.
This is the second 5600 I've owned, the first I sold after reparing it some years ago and quickly regretted selling it. When another one came up for sale I bought it and then spent ages fixing lots of little faults, including an original design error on the LFO. Now it's working perfectly.
The synth is controlled by midi from a midi to CV converter. The CV has to be exponential but the on-board exponential converter does not produce totally clean output, so I made my own converter which runs off batteries.
All the sounds are from the synth, except the drums. I added basic FX: chorus, phaser, reverb and echo to the parts.

BTW, Trevor Marshall is the genius who created this classic synth."

See the Maplin label below for more.

Friday, June 26, 2020


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via this auction



MEASURES 90mm X 70mm"

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Ghielmetti Pin Matrix Kit for the Teenage Engineering POM-400


"A bolt-on kit to turn your Teenage Engineering Pocket Modular 400 into a matrix synth like the revered EMS Synthi. Instead of using cables to patch outputs of one module into inputs of another, you use the supplied pins to connect a row (output) to the corresponding column (input).

The matrix itself is made in Switzerland by Ghielmetti, the original manufacturer of the pin matrices on the EMS Synthi, EMS VCS3, ETI International 4600 and the Maplin 5600.

The kit simply bolts onto the back of the POM-400 modules with the supplied hardware - there is no soldering required. Once bolted on, it enables you to make 100% of all the patches you could otherwise make using cables, with the added benefit of having virtually no restrictions on the number of available outputs and inputs for each module. Patch cables can still be used in conjunction with the matrix for interfacing the system with external modules and running sound out from the device.

For more details and to place an order go to"

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Maplin 5600s Synthesizer - Short Demos

Published on Nov 13, 2019 Abelardo Gil

"Here is a quick snippet of a sound that the Maplin 5600s Synthesizer can achieve."

This is currently for sale here.

Pics and details previously captured here.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Maplin 5600s Monophonic Vintage Synthesizer

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via this auction

"Up for auction is a Maplin 5600s Monophonic Vintage Synthesizer Synth Rare. This unit was completely put back together by Kurt Sampson in Prescott, Az and some of the parts are original but most of the parts are new.

I am going to break down the repairs as best as I can. The keyboard (digitally controlled) is new, the spring reverb is new, & the power supply was specifically constructed for this machine. All four oscillators work, the two filters work, all five mixers work, the keyboard control works, both amplifiers work, the sample and hold work, left and right outputs work great, the spring reverb / phaser work, & the 30 x 30 patch matrix works great and it comes with 14 pegs to make different combinations of patches. There are no dirty potentiometers. More recently the pitch wheel was installed, gate clock in, cv in, ext cv1, ext cv was installed as well so you can sync it up with a drum machine.

There are knobs on this unit that don't do anything. On the bottom left of the keyboard there is a knob that says computer and it doesn't do anything because you can't hook it up to a computer, on the bottom right of the keyboard ext. input 1 & 2 don't do anything, in the middle of the keyboard the foot pedal, foot switch, and echo knob don't do anything either.

I poured in more than 6k to get this guy going. This synthesizer sounds incredible and there is nothing else like it. Please take a good look at the pictures and ask any questions that you would like. I will not ship this keyboard. This is a pick up only situation and I live in Phoenix, Az."

Update: videos posted here.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

E&MM Spectrum Synthesiser Preview

Published on Oct 20, 2019 Reuben Jones

"The E&MM Spectrum is a British DIY synthesizer designed by Chris jordan and released with Electronics and Music Maker magazine in 1981.....

The magazine provided a painted metal faceplate, keyboard assembly, and printed circuits boards. The rest was sourced by the builder using a supply kit provided by the now defunct Maplin Electronic Ltd, UK (see also the Maplin/ETI 3600, 3800, 4600, and 5600S synthesizers).

The synthesizer uses the famed Curtis integrated circuits: VCOs (CEM 3340), VCF (CEM 3320), VCA (CEM 3330), and envelopes (CEM 3310). These chips were used by many companies at the time, including AKAI, ELKA, Ensoniq, Oberheim, Roland, and Sequential Circuits.

Perhaps the closest synthesizer to the Spectrum is the Sequential Circuits Pro~One, both of which use the same CEM chips for VCOs, filter, and envelope; and use a similar two-VCO architecture. However, whilst the Pro~One is known for an extensive modulation section, the Spectrum is very interesting in its own right.

The design makes the most of the CEM 3340 VCOs, with a total of five waveforms, including a SUB square wave. The LFO, with multiple waveforms including random and regular sample and hold (the latter of which produces more defined sequencer like voltages), can be routed in positive or negative polarity to the VCOs, filter, ringmod/noise, and output. The multimode LP, LBP and BP filter is a self oscillating one and can be modulated by the joystick, envelope generator, and the LFO. There are also two sync options, as well as FM, ring mod, and an envelope shaper. The stereo output can also be modulated for panning and stereo FX; and there are eight jacks for external connectivity including CV/Gate in and out, and pre filter in.

In conclusion, I would describe the Spectrum as a drunk and wonky Pro~One. Mine is temperamental, and sometimes has a mind of its own, but when tamed, the Spectrum becomes a very live and organic synthesizer. The tech who serviced it for me said it reminded him of an ARP 2600, and described it as a 'proper synth'. describe it as "...a mixture of EMS Synthi, Sequential Pro-One and Roland SH-5" and "one of the most outstanding monophonic analog synthesizers in history".

This audio was recorded directly from the Spectrum in mono, using a TC Electronic Alter Ego delay pedal for some parts. All parts played from the keyboard, or using the LFO to gate the amplifier."

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Vintage Maplin 5600s Analog Synthesizer

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via this auction

"Over the last three years, this unit was put back together and rebuilt by several technicians. The majority of the unit was put back together by Kurt Sampson in Prescott, Az and some of the parts are original and some of the parts are new.

I am going to break down the repairs as best as I can. They keyboard (digitally controlled) is new, the spring reverb is new, & the power supply was specifically constructed for this machine. All four oscillators work, the two filters work, all five mixers work, the keyboard control works, both amplifiers work, the sample and hold work, left and right outputs work great, the spring reverb / phaser work, & the 30 x 30 patch matrix works great and it comes with 14 pegs to make different combinations of patches. There are no dirty potentiometers. Also, I have the old pitch wheel if you would like to have that as well. I poured in more than 5k to get this guy going. This synthesizer sounds incredible and there is nothing else like it.

There are knobs on this unit that don't do anything. On the bottom left of the keyboard there is a knob that says computer and it doesn't do anything because you can't hook it up to a computer, on the bottom right of the keyboard ext. input 1 & 2 don't do anything, in the middle of the keyboard the foot pedal, foot switch, and echo knob don't do anything either."

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Suprbooth 2018 - Metro Modular ECI Maplin & Aries Filter Clones & New Designs

Published on May 6, 2018 DivKidVideo

"Metro Modular from Australia have a range of both new and unique filter designs and reworkings of the ECI Maplin synth and also the back end of the Aries modular system."

See the Metro Modular label below for more.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Aries & ETI Maplin Re-boot Announced at Tokyo Festival of Modular & Australian Modular Scene

A peek into the Australian Modular scene @ Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017

Published on Nov 20, 2017 cuckoomusic

"Having a chat with with the lovely chaps from Australian Modular, about the Australian scene, about how they feel about their geographical location and also getting a brief overview of some of the modules coming out of Australia."

Metro Modular at 9:45 states they are going to reissue the Aries modular system and the ETI Maplin.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Unique Custom Vintage Analog Drum Synth

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via this auction

via the seller: "this is a one-off special, constructed in North London around 1983. I acquired it from the dude that built it. By coincidence, he lived at the end of my street at the time, 20 years earlier! I believe it's made from E&MM modules (Maplin), e.g. Syntom, Synbal, Synchime etc? not sure which exactly. it has 2 'toms' (pitch/sweep/decay/volume) and 2 'noise' (pitch, resonance, decay, volume), so 4 modules total. I know these modules are super rare now and sought after if you are inclined to raid it for parts (>sniff<) to 'evolve' it. it works pretty well, tho it can be temperamental, one channel is quiet and it may crackle a bit when you turn the pots, or not.. getting it warmed up and running is part of the fun. you can play on it but it needs some tlc or a service let's say. you buy it 'as is' and it will be sent fully insured at cost price (unknown at present, your choice) for full bid value, for your own reassurance. no returns accepted under any circumstances. pro production is not the point of this machine. i have been time travelling with it. it's rare and special and tons of fun live, with a polymoog for example. it doesn’t sync to anything; that's just a 5 pin din audio out (untested) and 1/4" jack out (working), you can see on the side. it runs from 240v mains and i cannot vouch for the safety of that. I've been using it 12 years without problem but I do not accept responsibility in any way, to any extent from any consequences of its use. the sequencer has one channel per sound, 16 steps switched on or off by switches... like a proto simmons sds 6. It has 2 tempo controls, which you can switch between. you can make bars 8, 12 or 16 steps long instantly. you can switch a channel permanently on, or off, or just to respond to steps that are switched on, on the fly. it has a stop/go button. that's it. there are tons of new things out now that do loads more than this but in some indescribably ways this remains a perfect piece of history, encapsulating the first synth DIY era. It's very odd, from the people that brought you 5600s & spectrum... and worth it just for the classic E&MM modules, which I'm basing the start price on."


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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