Sunday, January 16, 2022

Casio VZ-10M

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via this auction

Roland JP-8000

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via this auction, also on Reverb

Best Ambient Synth Shootout #120: Alesis Fusion 8HD - Song 3

video upload by Christian's Sonic Spaces

"This is the third song with the Alesis Fusion 8HD. It's a synthesizer workstation (up to 190 voices per engine, 16 parts multitimbral) that offers several different synthesis types: AWM (sample playback), FM (freely configurable 6-operators engine), Virtual Analog (VA) and Physical Modeling (Wind and Reed models). There are three oscillators per voice that can be any of the above mentioned synthesis types and 20 different filter types including low-pass, band-pass, high-pass and a 4-band EQ for every patch.

I used for the recording the following FX chain:
Fusion 8HD - Elektron Analog Heat - Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe - GFI System Specular Reverb 2. Depending on the recorded track some FX are deactivated

The signal went through a Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2 into the PC via USB for recording. To create the complete song I recorded consecutively several stereo tracks. The final song was then mastered with a bit EQ and compression on some tracks and some limiting on the master track."

PO32 Tonic + iPhone Connection (Jamuary2022 Challenge)

video upload by Perplex On

"This jam is my attempt to take part on the weekly #jamuary2022 challenge by @True Cuckoo , where the theme "connection" has to be implemented in one or the other way. Besides, it has to use at least some acoustic samples.

I see the theme of connection contextualized in four layers:

- Emotional connection: The piano recording dates back about 5 years ago to one morning at my mother-in-law‘s house. While some part of the family was preparing food, i was tinkling on the family’s old upright piano. You can even hear my little nephew playing in the background. Especially since the piano and even the house doesn’t exist anymore in this form, it’s a nice reminder to this very moment.

- Literal connection: By strapping the PO on the iPhone, both devices almost become one new self-contained instrument, both by forming a physical unity and by enabling the usage of each audio output simultaneously.

- Physical connection: By utilizing the gyrometer sensor in the iphone to scrub through the recording in a granular synthesis environment (here using idensity app loaded with 2 pitched instances of the piano recording), the body movements are tied to the sonic outcome.

- Audiovisual connection: By presenting this little jam in combination with audioreactive visuals, which are moving forward with each snare hit, the goal is to create a visual clue for the audience to get involved even more into what is happening, creating a wider experience and connection to the act. Furthermore, there‘s a meaningful context to the interweaving circular visuals in the sense that a circle is a connection of infinite points. Like all these individual sonic grains form a whole connected sound. Like life is a connection of infinite single memories."

SOMA Lyra-8 & Ornament // It's like having two LYRAs!

video upload by Dexba

"First time with my new Ornament!
I resisted the impulse to buy it until I got a Pulsar-23, then I thought I was invested enough in the SOMA ecosystem to keep overlooking the Ornament.
So I got it, and I am still not sure how much use I will get out of it, but this jam was a real beauty. I effectively connected with the Lyra on another level, freeing up some mental space for better improvisation, in a way like having two Lyras under my hands.
You can't see it, but on my left, there was my girlfriend painting, so we shared this very artistic moment together and... I mean, that's the reason we do it, right?
When I will receive my tripod for the camera (which I ordered a month and a half ago), I will be able to maybe show you one of these moments together.
I hope you'll enjoy ✨"

#Jamuary2022 | Day 16 | #ROLI Blocks

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I wanted to do this yesterday, but had to recharge the set. The ROLI Blocks is an innovative set of midi controllers with midi polyphonic expression and a super cool UI. You can use a very useful iPad app when you're on the move, and use the blocks as midi expressiion controllers in your DAW. With the right eurorack interface, you can also drive your modular patches with five dimensions of CV control. This video is about the Blocks, I'll try to connect it to the modular probably in the coming week. I am expecting the new Lumi Keys block in April.

I got this set way before I got into modular so it's not used very often. But #Jamuary2022 is a great excuse to jam with everything that's lying around."

Thinking of a New Design for the Polykit-6 Analog POLYPHONIC SYNTHESIZER

video upload by Polykit

"In this video I discuss a new design for a full analog polyphonic synthesizer. It will have voice cards with all important components on it and should be easy to scale."


Specs of the voice card:
- AS3372E for VCF, VCA and waveform mixer
- AS3340 as VCO
- AS3310 as ADSR

Specs of the mainboard:
- Holds 6 voice cards
- Microcontroller for voice control and MIDI input
- i2c DACs/ADCs/demultiplexer for parameter/pitch control
- Control and user input

Ambient Set with 1010 music Black Box at Lugano

video upload by Senti mental

"1010 music Blackbox live ambient set at Lugano with atmospheres and samples taken mostly at location; some atmospheres added later as I couldn’t finish the set by time. Also snippet with Black Box filmed afterwards. bell type loop was created with Thor-synth-app on IPad.
Footage from Lugano, Svizzerland - story of a sleepless night… if there is a geographical paradise of mainland Europe, it must be Lugano, wish I was there now…
Best listened to with decent headphones or equvalent equipment."

Dr.YuEndo's Jamuary #6 - It snowed in Tokyo #sonicware #LivenXFM

video upload by SONICWARE

OP-X PRO-II: Oberheim VST - Jump, Rush, Prince!

video upload by SonicProjects

"SonicProjects OP-X PRO-II virtual analog software Oberheim VSTi synth. Playing through some patches of the Famous bank as well as demoing some other sounds and the available interfaces.

Computer and sequencer first part:
MacBook Pro Retina 15-inch 2015, macOS Monterey 12.1, Logic Pro 10.7.2"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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