Showing posts with label AHBA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AHBA. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

BAY AREA SYNTH MEET 2012 Pics by Ivo Ivanov

You'll find the full gallery on Facebook here.

Some of the makers in the order pictured here:

1. Josh Thomas of Toppobrillo
2. Dan Green of 4ms
3. Paul Schreiber of SynthTech/MOTM
4. Eric Barbour of Metasonix
5. Tom Oberheim, Scott Rise of Division 6 and George Mattson of Mattson Mini Modular
6. James Husted of Synthwerks
7. Scott Jaeger of The Harvestman with Chris Muir and his Eardrill-heavy Buchla.
8. Zerosum Inertia

If I missed anyone, let me know!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Division 6 at the Bay Area Synth Meet

via Division 6 on Facebook

"The Bay Area Synth Meet was good fun today!"

Some Synthwerks and Mattson Mini Modular in the shot as well.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Upcoming Synth Events

BAY AREA SYNTH MEET - This is happening today, right now as a matter of fact.

"Local meetup in Austin for anyone who uses or is interested in eurorack modular synthesizer systems. You do not need a modular synth to attend. Discussion, knob twiddling, & patching are fully encouraged. Please respect other people's gear."

Knobcon Schaumburg IL USA and on Facebook

"an evening and a day of electronic music instrument enthusiasm featuring a gathering of people and instruments and workshops for learning and exploration."

TRASH_AUDIO Presents: Synth Event 12

Modular Performances:
Alessandro Cortini
Richard Devine
Lichens (Rob Lowe)
Keith Fullerton Whitman

Synth Market Manufacturers:
The Harvestman
Make Noise
STG Soundlabs
Tip Top Audio

These in via Guy Taylor on Eurorack Synthesizers Facebook

Update: Two more:

Synth DIY UK 2012
"This years Synth DIY-UK meet will be held on July 21st. This is a chance for synth builders and fans to spend a day, or two, talking synth and meeting like minded folk. We've got raffle prizes (all proceeds to charity) and a great Venue. We start at around 10am on the saturday and finish around 17:00 and head off for beer and curry!"

Noisy By Nature in Los Angeles

"A Gathering Of Analog Enthusiasts

Audio & Visual Performances

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bay Area Modular Synth Meet Saturday Jan 28


Make Noise
Tiptop Audio


I Dream of Wires: The Modular Synth Documentary

via Rico on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Update via wavedeform in the comments: "I rsvp-ed too late to make the graphic, Eardrill will be there too, with a variety of Eardrill and Buchla stuff."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Analog Synth Meeting - AHBA 2009

flickr set by Todd Huffman
(click for more)
"When I was up at Random Hacks of Kindness there was an interesting cacophony of noise coming through the walls. I wandered around to find out what it was, and stumbled upon the Annual Analog Synthesizer Meeting.

It's a group of audiophiles who use only analog circuits to make music. They generally hand solder their systems, though you can get kits.

The systems produce sound like this:
Maths Module by Badr0b0t
(listen to it about halfway through, it starts off slow)

Info on Hacker Dojo:

Facebook page for the Analog Synth meeting:"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AH Bay Area 2009 Recap on Bleepology

on Bleepology

Left: The Mighty 14 Panel Serge

Below: I'm wondering if anyone asked for the Buchla to be moved so they could play pool.

Monday, November 16, 2009

MOTM Eurorack Morphing Terrarium Prototype

YouTube via deengineered
"Analog Heaven Bay Area 2009 Gathering

Saturday Nov. 14, 2009

MOTM Eurorack Morphing Terrarium Prototype

Scope is in X/Y mode, and as I krank to LFO, phase/vector shifting madness ensues. The wigglyness is known as Lissajous patterns.

Cool person Robert Rich (check out his vids), who designed the wavetables for the module, explains as things go along."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

AH BayArea 2009 via Kwote

You can find more images and the write-up on Kwote Music

Metalbox Gate Sequencer with Flame Clockwerk in custom blue panel. Blacet Binary Zone and MOTM 700 Quad VC Switch to the left.

Below: MOTM E340 Cloud Generator and E350 Morphing Terrarium. Euro rack modular with Doepfer, Harvestman and TipTop Audio. Blacet Frac Rack modular with ASMI modular. Wiard.

AHBA 2009

flickr set by Yotsuba&!
(click for more)

Buchla 200e with 222e Multi Dimensional Kinesthetic Input Port and Lightning Wands

Don Buchla

Wiard Modular Synthesizer with Blacet

Serge Modular Synthesizer

Buchla 259e & 261e waveform generators for 200e Modular Electric Music Box

YouTube via rollerskater
"New Buchla 200e Twisted Waveform Generator at AHBA.
Video taken with a point-and-shoot Canon digital camera."

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Analog Heaven Bay Area 2009

via kwote:


It's happening this month and I want to make sure all the synth freaks out there check it out. I promise to get lots of cool photos of all the synths and modular gear and I'll submit them to your site immediately following the event. Here's a sample of what I'll submit to you from last years event posted on my blog:


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AH BayArea 2009

via Brandon Daniel on the AH list:

"We are happy to announce our next installment of our (thus far) yearly
gathering. Please join us if you can.

Should be another great event!

Feel free to reply privately if you have any questions that aren't covered by that first URL, I'd like to make sure all relevant information is covered there. Most event discussion happens on the AHCali list, linked at the bottom of that first url."

Saturday, November 01, 2008

AH 2008 vid 1

AH 2008 vid 1 from synthdood on Vimeo.
follow-up to this post

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

AHBA 2008 Pics via Brandon

click here for images of the event by Brandon Daniel.

remember to click on the AHBA2008 link under labels below for all posts on the event.

Monday, October 27, 2008

AHBA 2008 Pics via synchro1

you can find the images here.

via synchro1 on AH:
"Also pictures from prior years:

Oakland - 9/9/2007
Marin - 11/12/2006
Oakland 10/16/2005

some day I'll find and post the old ones from the first gatherings, if only to see John Mitchell again.
oh yeah, and my new puppy"

One up for the pups!

AH 2008 Jon's Buchla 200e

AH 2008 Jon's Buchla 200e from synthdood on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

AH Bay Area 10.25.08 via Kwote

You can find images on Kwotemusic.

retrosynth ghett-o-scope

This one from Page 2 of David's AHBA set. Remember to check out the shots in detail.

TipTop Audio Z3000 in the Flesh

I completely missed this one in David's set for AHBA. Thanks goes to Mark Pulver for catching it on AH.

Pacific Northwest Synthesizer Meeting 2008 via Carbon111

You can find pics and notes via Carbon111 on SYNTHWIRE

BTW, you will notice the event referenced with PNW abbreviated and spelled out, the word meeting vs gathering, and so on. Same for the AH Bay Area event. I've created labels for each, PNW2008 and AHBA2008, so just click on them to see all posts for the events. The events label will bring up all event posts.

Pictured here: the group and some scrumptious cookies from Carbon111's wife, Laura. Thanks Laura! It was a fun event this year.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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