Showing posts with label Zerosum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zerosum. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sound Shredding Zerosum module

video upload by NOISEBUG

"Noisebug Exclusives:

Zerosum Inertia Voltage Controlled Annihilator and Noise Sorcerer

These are some powerful tube modules for #eurorack

Head to #noisebug to learn more"

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Scorpion Tail from Zerosum Inertia

video upload by NOISEBUG

"The Scorpion Tail from Zerosum Inertia is absolutely radical!

Check it out and then go to
For ordering info"

The Scorpion Tail 5U synthesizer module for dotcom systems is an audio signal processor designed to amplify, distort and create new waveshapes by processing audio through a 19EZ8 triple triode and A1B neon lamp.

The signal flow of the module is 3 gain stages in series fed into the neon lamp.
The audio result sounds like 3 waveshapers in series with the neon lamp as a fourth waveshaper or as a resonator/oscillator that tracks to incoming audio.
When the neon knob is at maximum setting clockwise it oscillates.
When neon knob is turned counter clockwise more distortion and waveshaping and lower frequency audio manipulation happens.
When gain stage knobs are full clockwise this creates a very crisp, clean and low noise loud amplifier.
When gain stage knobs are turned opposite of eachother and counter clockwise this creates oscillations and wavemangling distortion.

CV is handled by an SR3 vactrol for slewy slappy liquidy modulation behavior of the waveshapers instability.

It is recommended to start with all knobs full clockwise/about 5 o’clock position and then work the knobs backwards slowly while observing the sounds.

The sweet spot for the offset knob is about 2-3 o’clock when no CV is applied.
Then full counter clockwise when CV is applied.
When no CV is applied the offset knob manually sweeps the instability of the 3 waveshaper gain stages.
When CV is applied the offset adjusts the response of the incoming CV.
Work that offset knob when applying CV.
The most interesting and bizarre mangled sounds come when the first gain stage is barely letting audio through.
The loudest and less scrambled sounds are found when all gain stage knobs are full clockwise and offset is about 2-3 o’clock.

There are so many hidden sounds in this module you will have to record them before they disappear and warp into a new sound.
The intended use of this module is to process audio waveforms from an oscillator.
There is a lot of gain so you will most likely want to place this in the middle of the chain with a voltage controlled attenuator at the end of the chain to control final volume and dynamics.

Very interesting results are found when also processing synthetic percussion and rhythmic beats and sequences.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Erebus Orifice from Zerosum Inertia

video upload by NOISEBUG

"A. Description:
The Erebus Orifice is a synthesizer module designed for processing audio signals.
It is also capable of generating audio which can be manipulated with Control Voltage.
The Control Voltage is made possible with the help of a VTL5C3 vactrol.
Modulation sources providing 0-10v signals are ideal, 0-5v signals will work too.
The basic design of the Erebus Orifice is a tube preamplifier with a tweaked feedback path.

B. Inputs, Outputs and Controls
There are 3 jacks available:
Enter is where audio signals are to be inserted.
Exit is where audio leaves the module.
CV is where Control Voltage signals are to be inserted.
There are 2 knobs available:
Top knob controls feedback.
Bottom knob controls gain.
The purpose of a knob is to manipulate the behavior of the audio signal being heard.
Twist the knobs and observe the results.
Choose your own adventure.
There are only 2 directions to go: left or right.

C. Power details
The tube used is a 7 pin 6CB6 sharp cutoff pentode.
The use of the tube requires the user to have a power source capable of providing
150 mA of +5 and 30 mA of + and -15 on average load.
The plate voltage is 48 volts and there is no risk of injuring the user.

D. Mounting details
The module is designed to take up 1 space in a cabinet
sometimes referred to as "MU" for Moog Unit.
The Erebus Orifice is not designed to recreate or emulate such circuits.
It is an addition to the large format modular system, not a clone of any other design.
Rear depth of the module is a shallow 1.9 inches.
Power connection is provided by a 6 pin MTA connector  compatible with power distribution systems and QPS1 and QPS3 supplies.
The panel is 3mm thick aluminum with machine engraved print.
Panel will not flex or bend and print will not flake off."

Friday, April 05, 2024

4/4/24 (swarm) Gieskes Klok & No Drum + Zerosum Inertia PLXNA2 + OAM Uncertainty + Lexicon PCM 70

video upload by Cfpp0

"Butterflies, bats, 16mm swarm: Gieskes Klok modulates itself and No Drum and Olivia Artz Modular Uncertainty, which modulates No Drum, while Klok gates No Drum."

You cand find additional Gieskes Kok module posts here.

This appears to be the first post to feature Olivia Artz Modular. Details on their modules follow via Perfect Circuit and Noisebug.

"Uncertainty from Olivia Artz Modular is a 2hp coin toss module; it is open source, with new, user-swappable firmware being developed. So, it will continue to grow and offer new functionality!

In the standard firmware, the top input accepts gates, triggers, or any signal between -5V and +5V. Based on whether the input is positive or negative, it uses two different types of logic to produce gates at the corresponding eight outputs. If the input is above +1V, then the module does eight differently-weighted "coin tosses"—one for each output. If the outcome of the toss is "heads," a +5V signal is output for as long as the input stays above 1V. If the input signal is -1V or lower, a slightly different coin toss algorithm is used, where the outputs are paired—if the result of the toss is "heads," the upper output of the pair in question sends out a signal, and if it's "tails," the lower outputs sends out a signal.

Alternate firmwares are available for free, and loading them is as easy as plugging in your module via the rear PCB USB connection, dragging on a file, and you're done. The first new official firmware is a VU meter—with the panel LEDs displaying the current voltage level, and each LED getting a dedicated gate output—somewhat like a multi-window comparator! Olivia Artz's Uncertainty module is a great way to add chance operations to your rack without sacrificing space.


2HP chance module with alternate firmwares available
Default firmware uses two distinct coin toss algorithms to convert incoming bipolar signals into eight streams of outgoing gates
Open source
One CV input with 10-bit resolution
Eight gate outputs"

Sunday, November 26, 2023

7/10/23 (alternate take) DIY Ray Wilson / MFOS synthesizer + Zerosum Inertia 6AS6 + Metasonix R-57

video upload by Cfpp0

"This video contains more filter sweeps than the video previously posted on 7/10/23, and the MFOS filter cutoff settings cause the Zerosum Inertia 6AS6 Signal Combiner to generate different rhythms than in the previous video. Two MFOS LFOs (at audio rate) go to Zerosum Inertia 6AS6, get combined, go to the MFOS filter, and go one channel on the R-57."


ON a separate note, in case you missed it, also see the Music From Outer Space and synthCube Announce Noise Toaster Project Contest.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

11/24/23 Pam’s + SSL 1660 (x2) + Zerosum Inertia TVM23 & 6AS6 + STG Moo Vanilla Envelope + CXM 1978

video upload by Cfpp0

Sunday, October 29, 2023

10/28/23 (beating) Pasco Scientific 9301 (x2) + Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph + Mackie Mix12FX

video upload by Cfpp0

"Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph shows out at 2:07, 2:22, and 3:38. The right Pasco Scientific 9301 modulates the left 9301 throughout. Both 9301s need a bath."

Saturday, October 28, 2023

10/27/23 (low pass x1k, x10) Pasco Scientific 9301 & 9302 + Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph

video upload by Cfpp0

"Two filter settings on the Pasco 9302 affect the Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph differently."

Friday, October 27, 2023

10/26/23 Pasco Scientific WA-93017A Fourier Synthesizer + Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph + Mackie Mix12FX

video upload by Cfpp0

"Maiden voyage on the Pasco Scientific Fourier Synthesizer, with assistance from the Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph. And some cheap stereo Flanger by Mackie."

Friday, September 08, 2023

7/19/23 SSL 1660 & 1330 + Zerosum Inertia Cenotaph & Destructor Beam & Vactrol Controlled Amplifryer

video upload by Cfpp0

You cand find details and an additional demo of the Cenotaph here.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

7/6/23 EML 200 (x2) + Q107 + Zerosum Inertia Destructor Beam & VCA

video upload by Cfpp0

"Not a single blinking light on the EML 200.
(Note to self: this is an excerpt from the 5:51 take after the 4:06)."

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

7/22/23 SSL 1660 & 1310 + Zerosum Inertia Destructor Beam & VCA + TonAtelier Lauter EML 101 VCF

video upload by Cfpp0

"Call it a stiff swing thing. An alternate take from the version previously posted on 7/22/23 (captioned as 'swing thing') [posted here]. This sequence is the same, but sounds very different because the filter remains more open and isn’t quieting notes as much or fluctuating the focus through dynamics."

Saturday, August 12, 2023

8/9/23 .com Q123 (440Hz) SSL 1660 (gate rest) 1310 + LWSS + MooSonics + Zerosum Inertia (oscillate)

video upload by Cfpp0

"Same SSL 1660 sequence (except for the D slider position) as in the previous video, but with the 1660 gate set to rest, so that it deviates from steady 1/8th notes (the SSL 1310 is swinging them into 16ths). The Q123 Standards module (which has an oscillator that produces 440Hz to reference for tuning) runs into Zerosum Inertia The Destructor Beam, but self-oscillating and tuned higher than 440Hz. So flipping the 440Hz switch on or off selects either 440Hz or tube feedback and provides two tones to drone against the SSL 1660 sequence."

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

8/2/23 Yamaha DD-10 + Metasonix RK8 & R-57 + Zerosum Inertia 6AS6 + Synthwerks FSR-2P + PCM 70

video upload by Cfpp0

"Yamaha DD-10 plays its 'Computer Swing' beat, with Intro/Fill 2.

The left output of the Yamaha goes straight into the audio in on the RK8. The right output of the Yamaha goes to the Synthwerks FSR-2P and then into CV in on the RK8 (though it is not used in this video). The mix audio out of the RK8 goes to the Mazzatron pass through to the EWI bay to the Samson bay to the Mackie Onyx 16:4, where it gets PCM 70 Gated palate on an aux. Two bands from the RK8 go to the Zerosum Inertia 6AS6 (it matters which goes to which input). The 6AS6 out goes to the Synthwerks FSR-2P and then to the R-57 and through the Mazzatron pass through into the EWI bay into the Samson bay into the Mackie. Towards the end, it actually sounds better when the Yamaha volume is reduced, so more or less input gain is critical to the RK8 like it is with Metasonix TM and TX boxes."

Sunday, July 23, 2023

7/22/23 SSL 1660 + TonAtelier Lauter EML 101 VCF + Zerosum Inertia Destructor Beam & VCA + SSL 1310

video upload by Cfpp0

"Swing thing"

Friday, July 21, 2023

7/21/23 SSL 1660 + EML 200 (switch rhythm, dissonance, spring reverb) + Zerosum Inertia (percussion)

video upload by Cfpp0

"*SSL 1660 audio out to MegaOhm attenuator to EML 200 HPF to LPF to Reverb to Switch in A.
*Zerosum Inertia Destructor Beam 1 & 2 (tuned and self-resonating) to Q114 to ZI Vactrol Controlled Amplifryer to MegaOhm attenuator to EML 200 switch in B. Switch out to mixer 2.
*SSL 1660 cv out to EML 200 vco 1 & 2 to mixer 1 to mixer 2.
*SSL 1660 gate out to ZI VCA and to the pulse input on EML 200 switch."

Thursday, July 20, 2023

7/19/23 SSL 1660 (The Matrix) & 1310 (Digital Delay) + Zerosum Inertia + EML 200 spring reverb

video upload by Cfpp0

"Testing out The Matrix and this recording resulted. The feedbacking of the 1310 is worth archiving here. At the end I pull the audio cable from the 1660 and it’s CV continues to squeak the Destructor Beam while the 1310 feedbacks.

The Matrix is based on the Triadex Muse. Have to learn it, but this will be a cold dead hands module."

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Zerosum Inertia - TVM23

video upload by NOISEBUG

"Brian @ Zerosum Inertia has really outdone himself this time. We will start calling him the Duke of Distortion around here. In the video we spice up a stock Korg Drumlogue beat with both channels of the TVM23. In the first half I am modulating it with the a-118-2 random signal clocked by the a-119 gate out. In the second half I am modulating it with a triangle wave from the a-111-3 at LFO and audio rates. Enjoy!"

via Noisebug

The TVM23 is an all analog audio processor for eurorack format synthesizers.

38mm rear depth.

18HP wide.

200 mA +12 average load, 500 mA on first power up.

50 mA -12.

The TVM23 is a dual processor with two separate channels independent from each other.

The heart of both channels is a 6CB6 pentode. Two matched 6CB6 pentodes are used.

The left channel utilizes distortion and feedback to create harmonic trills and waveshaping effects.

A genuine 5C1 vactrol is used for Control Voltage of the feedback.

The bottom left row of jacks are for the left channel.

The left knob is for the feedback, the center left knob is for the gain.

This channel seems to have more obvious effects when an audio source higher in frequency is inserted.

Hit the transpose up on your sequence a few times to see what I mean.

The right channel is a loud but clean tube VCA suitable for sweetening audio signals and processing

dynamic depth.

The 6CB6 is used for both audio processing as well as Control Voltage processing for this channel.

The bottom right row of jacks is for the right channel.

The right knob is the gain control for this tube VCA.

While most “VCA” modules are Voltage Controlled Attenuators, this is a Voltage Controlled Amplifier.

Your signal will come out louder than before when patching into this channel.

The left channel greatly benefits from having attenuation before entering.

Even better is placing a VCA before it to have dynamic depth control of the waveshaping and distortion effects.

You can use the right channel for this.

But most likely you already have a traditional VCA in your system so you can use what you have for attenuation/VCA duties before entering the left channel,

then patch the left channel into the right channel for it’s gain and audio sweetening effects.

I happen to have multiple tube VCA’s so I patch a tube VCA before the left channel and after the left channel for maximum character and saturation effects.

A lot of other people do too.

Whichever VCA you choose to use before entering the left channel you will be greatly rewarded with dynamic continuously variable distortion effects as the feedback loop is always changing.

Even before you insert control voltage into the feedback amount, the feedback loop is sensitive to the amount of signal feeding it and produces unique glitchy trills that sound like a video game.

Modulate the amount of attenuation with that VCA that goes before the left channel with a random voltage, sequencer, arpeggiator, envelope, sweeping LFO or clocked rhythmic gates.

I really like the NoiseRing and Wogglebug or sequence that is feeding my oscillators for this task.

For the right channel VCA a postive control voltage source from 1-10 volts with an onboard attenuator and variable response curve is recommended. Maths works great for this.

The VCA doesn’t use an exponential VCA chip or OTA like most other VCA’s, so the response curve is not a guaranteed linear or expo response and it is different with every tube used.

That is why it best to use a modulator with a variable curve and attenuation to dial in the best response.

It is recommended to start with all the knobs at full clockwise/around 5 o’clock and then work the knobs counter clockwise as you listen to the incoming audio source.

3-5 o’clock seems to be about the sweet spot for all the knobs but you will find hidden sounds everywhere.

The center knob controls gain, so if you bring it back too far counter clockwise that will attenuate the signal completely and no sound will come out. Center knob is usually best in the 3-5’oclock range.

The left and center knobs are part of a feedback network, so the settings between the two interact and manipulate the behavior and sound of the whole left channel in a symbiotic relationship.

They both effect the pitch effects that come from the feedback sounds.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Zerosum Inertia - 6AS6 Signal Combiner (eurorack valve mixer module)

video upload by NOISEBUG

"Zerosum Inertia 6AS6 Signal Combiner (valve mixer) in action.

The first section you can hear the comparison between a Doepfer mixer with 2 VCOs and then the 6AS6 directly after. Following that, you can hear the same patch through a filter, CV clicks / pops, and finally some simple rhythms all being mixed through the 6AS6.

Available on and Reverb."

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Zerosum Inertia - Cenotaph

video upload by NOISEBUG

"Alesis HR-16 (circuit bent) running through a @zerosum_inertia CENOTAPH.
Medium-Slow triangle LFO going to the CV input of the CENOTAPH. Drums dry on the right channel, CENOTAPH in the left channel.

The Cenotaph is device meant for processing modular level audio signals.

Line level or guitar level signals will work but need to be fed into a signal amplifier to get signal to modular levels before entering Cenotaph.

If low level signals are used the results will sound like a bit crusher and be less stable and predictable which sometimes sounds cool,

but overall it is recommended to stick with modular level signals like VCO waveforms straight out of the VCO.

The audio signal is fed into two 6CB6 pentodes then into a 4046 PLL and 4013 Divider.

Switchcraft 1/4” jacks and NOS military surplus tubes used.

Hand wired and through hole assembly, PCB manufacturing, enclosure drilling and metal work all done in USA.

For most stable results the left knob should be full clockwise/pointing to the right when third/right switch is in UP position. If center switch is in UP position then it doesn’t matter where left knob position is.

It is recommended to start with all 3 knobs in full clockwise position and all switches down.

Left knob controlls PLL level.

Left switch controls PLL behavior mode.

Center knob controls PLL frequency.

Center switch routes PLL INTO divider when up,

PLL and Divider are in parallel when center switch is down.

Right knob controls divider level.

Right switch selects divide down by 4 when down, divide by 2 when up.

Only use 12V DC Center positive + power source providing at least 1500 mA.

Use the power source that comes with Cenotaph."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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