Showing posts with label Nantes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nantes. Show all posts
Monday, May 06, 2024
LARIX-ELEKTRO Introduce 4TOMS Four Voice Eurorack Drum Module
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
video upload by LARIX ELEKTRO
"New module from Larix-Elektro, out now:
It's a four voice of drum with a lot of CV controle, and a complete stereo mixer. With a lot of possibilites.
The sound can be gentle, or very dirty.
The perfect module to build drum, tom, clave, bell or even strange FX."
"I'm pleased to introduce you to a new module in the new AUDIO series, the 4TOMS.
The 4TOMS is a set of four fully analog percussive voices with a lot of CV control, and with a full stereo mixer. It can generate a lot of various drums, and even kick drums or rimshot.
But the module can go further:
- Bell like, or FX sounds with the CV controle.
- Gentle drums, or very dirty saturated sounds.
The launching price will be 340€.
The module was firstly presented at SynthFest Nantes, and will be presented at SuperBooth too with some other new modules."
Saturday, February 09, 2019
SynthFest France 2019 Set for June 7 - 9
SynthFest France 2019 - Tombola Vintage
Published on Feb 9, 2019 SynthFest France
Un Yamaha CS20M pour 10€ !
SynthFest France is set for June 7-9, 2019.
"Le SynthFest France 2019 (6ème édition) se tiendra à Nantes du vendredi 7 juin au dimanche 9 juin 2019. Comme les années passées, beaucoup d’exposants seront présents. Le SynthFest France accueillant toujours plus de visiteurs au fil des éditions, 3 concerts sont organisés cette année, comme en 2018. Des show-cases en journée seront également programmés afin de permettre à toutes et à tous de venir voir et d’écouter un maximum d’artistes. Merci au public déjà fidèle qui fait le déplacement à Nantes tous les ans et sans qui le SynthFest n’existerait pas, et bienvenu aux nouveaux. Venez nombreux !"
"The SynthFest France 2019 (6th edition) will be held in Nantes from Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9, 2019. As in past years, many exhibitors will be present. The SynthFest France welcomes more visitors over the years, 3 concerts are organized this year, as in 2018. Showcases during the day will also be scheduled to allow everyone to come and see and listen to as much as possible. artists. Thank you to the already faithful public who make the trip to Nantes every year and without whom the SynthFest would not exist, and welcome to the new ones. Come many!"
Published on Feb 9, 2019 SynthFest France
Un Yamaha CS20M pour 10€ !
SynthFest France is set for June 7-9, 2019.
"Le SynthFest France 2019 (6ème édition) se tiendra à Nantes du vendredi 7 juin au dimanche 9 juin 2019. Comme les années passées, beaucoup d’exposants seront présents. Le SynthFest France accueillant toujours plus de visiteurs au fil des éditions, 3 concerts sont organisés cette année, comme en 2018. Des show-cases en journée seront également programmés afin de permettre à toutes et à tous de venir voir et d’écouter un maximum d’artistes. Merci au public déjà fidèle qui fait le déplacement à Nantes tous les ans et sans qui le SynthFest n’existerait pas, et bienvenu aux nouveaux. Venez nombreux !"
"The SynthFest France 2019 (6th edition) will be held in Nantes from Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9, 2019. As in past years, many exhibitors will be present. The SynthFest France welcomes more visitors over the years, 3 concerts are organized this year, as in 2018. Showcases during the day will also be scheduled to allow everyone to come and see and listen to as much as possible. artists. Thank you to the already faithful public who make the trip to Nantes every year and without whom the SynthFest would not exist, and welcome to the new ones. Come many!"
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
The River by Baloran - Demos by Laurent Lecatelier
Published on Oct 30, 2018 Laurent Lecatelier
1. The River Playing Demo
This is a demo of the 8 voice analog polysynth The River, made by Baloran.2. The River
This synth is full multitimbral, 8 voices with real discrete analog VCO/VCF/Envelopes & Tri-Chorus. Driven by the Riverkey, the River is designed to be the masterpiece of your home studio, controlling its internal sound engine as well as external gear (CV/Gate, MIDI, USB).
The River by Baloran,3. The River, déclinaisons
Polyphonic 8 voices multitimbral analog synth.
All Sounds from the RIver.
Déclinaison des flancs et teintes de The RiverThe River au SynthFest 2018
Démonstration de The River au SynthFest 2018, à Nantes.
Laurent et Stéphane ont préparé une démonstration que j'ai découverte en même temps que tout le monde. Quel moment ;) Merci à eux et à toute l'équipe du SynthFest.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
SynthFest France 2018 Set for Friday, March 30 - Sunday, April 1 in Nantes
You can find full details on the event website.
"This event will host many manufacturers, such as Korg, Yamaha, Roland, Arturia, UVI... Other smaller manufacturer will be there, like Mutable Instruments with its new line of modules, Baloran with his wonderful 8 voice polyphonic River that will be demonstrated by myself, as I program the preset sounds on it at the moment.
Many Vintage synths also: Jupiter 8, OSCar, Prophet VS, Sequential Studio 440, Kobol, Synclavier 2, Korg 770, Roland SH3A…"
"The SynthFest France 2018 (5th edition) will be held in Nantes from Friday, March 30 to Sunday, April 1, 2018. As in past years, many exhibitors will be present. This year the light will be on the French manufacturers who will be many to make the trip. The SynthFest France welcomes more visitors over the years, 3 concerts are organized this year, instead of the usual two. Showcases during the day will also be scheduled to allow everyone to come and see and listen to as many artists as possible. Thank you to the already faithful public who makes the trip to Nantes every year and without whom the SynthFest would not exist, and welcome to the new ones."
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Nantes SynthFest 2017 Videos by Klair Zaki
Published on Jun 8, 2017 Klair Zaki
SynthFest 2017 - Présentation du GEM Promega 2+ par Paul Wiffen
SynthFest 2017 - Vika Yermolyeva avec Nani Sound et Christophe Duquesne (Anckorage)
SynthFest 2017 - Klairzaki essaie la harpe laser
SynthFest 2017 - François et le Sequential Circuits Pro-One
SynthFest 2017 - Nori Ubukata et l'Ondomo
SynthFest 2017 - Démonstration du modulaire Doepfer par Florence Michel
SynthFest 2017 - Performance de Michael Sean O'Connor (intégral)
SynthFest 2017 - Performance d'Olivier Romary au Korg Monotron Delay
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer (extrait 1)
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer (extrait 2)
SynthFest 2017 - Présentation et démonstration Arturia Matrix Brute
SynthFest 2017 - Présentation et démonstration Arturia Matrix Brute (v2)
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer (extrait 4)
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer avec Kilian (extrait 3)
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer (extrait 1v2)
SynthFest 2017 - Concert de Time Composer avec Kilian (extrait 3 v2) HD
SynthFest 2017 - Démonstration du HAKEN Continuum par Christophe Duquesne
Monday, June 05, 2017
The River by Baloran - New Videos, Availability and Price
The River by Baloran (sounds only) Published on Jun 5, 2017 coyotesynth
Two new videos of The River by Baloran spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child who stated the following: "Apparently a price of 5000 Euros with preorders starting in the next couple of months, with production units shipping within 9 months of that, starting with France and local countries first." The price might seem high, but according to the specs posted here, this an eight voice poly synth with VCO's based on Moog's The Source - a poly Source in essence. See the Baloran label for more.
Description for the video above:
"Cette vidéo présente quelques sons du River, synthétiseur polyphonique 8 voix de Baloran. More on
This video demonstrates some sounds made with The River, 8 voices analog synthesizer made by Baloran. More on"
Baloran - The River and Olivier Briand (SynthFest 2017)
Published on Jun 5, 2017 Max Courtman
SynthFest France 2017
Nantes 4/06/2017
See the Baloran label directly below for previous posts.
Synth Fest 2017, présentation de The River
Published on Jun 5, 2017 laurent
"L'intégrale de la première présentation publique de The River lors du Synth Fest 2017."
"The River's first public performance at the 2017 Synth Fest."
You can find addition posts featuring The River by Baloran here. Laurent is the creator of the synth.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Synth Fest in France, Nantes June 2nd/3rd/4th 2017
Details in via Lambert Ringlage of Spheric Music who will have some CDs at the event:
When: June 2nd/3rd/4th 2017
Place: "DIX"
Address: 10 place des Garennes in Nantes
There is a chance to test many synthesizers and other equipment, some of them being introduced and explained.
Sebastian Moumon by Mos-Lab will be there, just as Michel Geiss, Frederick Rousseau, Eric Mouquet, Zanov to name a few. Some of them are well known for their work as a musician or technician for Jean-Michel Jarre/Vangelis. Johannes Schmoelling (a member of Tangerine Dream 1980-85) has anounced his coming und will be prepared for autographs and an interview.
There will be a tombola, you can listen and buy electronic CDs and you have a chance to exchange experiences with other artists.
The Synth Fest will be open to everyone who is interested in old equipment as well as new synthesizers.
Demonstrations of vintage keyboards and new technology will be presented on stage during these 3 days.
Concerts are planned for Friday and Saturday evening.
Friday evening at 21 o'clock:
Time Composer / Vika Yermolyeva / Marylou In Time
Saturday evening at 21 o'clock:
Kurtz Mindfields / Deep Forest / Zanov
Further Infos:
Informations about the festival and about hotels etc:"
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Sur le stand avec Commuter - SynthFest 2016 - NR Synth
Published on Apr 21, 2016 Nr Synth
"Sur le stand de NR Synth au SynthFest 2016 avec 'Commuter', producteur de musique électro, autour d'un Caïman type Moog.
The electro music producer 'Commuter' discovering a Moog type Caïman, at the SynthFest 2016 NR Synth's booth."
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
First Public Demonstrations of the NR Synth Caïman Synthesizers (Moog & ARP models)
Première démonstration publique-partie 1/2-Caïman "Moog"-SynthFest 2016
Published on Apr 19, 2016 Nr Synth
"Première démonstration publique de deux Caîmans de NR Synth au SynthFest 2016.
Première partie avec un Caïman type 'Moog'
First public demonstration of two Caïman synthesizers from the french brand NR Synth.
Part 1 with a Caïman of the 'Moog' type."
Note the ARP 2500 in the background.
Première démonstration publique-partie 2/2-Caïman 'ARP 2600'-SynthFest 2016
Published on Apr 19, 2016
"Première démonstration publique de deux Caîmans de NR Synth au SynthFest 2016.
Deuxième partie avec un Caïman type 'ARP 2600'
First public demonstration of two Caïman synthesizers from the french brand NR Synth.
Part 2 with a Caïman of the 'ARP 2600' type."
Side note: I believe this was the Nantes Synth Fest so gave this post the Nantes label below. If this wasn't Nantes, please let me know. See the NR Synth label for previous posts on the synths.
Published on Apr 19, 2016 Nr Synth
"Première démonstration publique de deux Caîmans de NR Synth au SynthFest 2016.
Première partie avec un Caïman type 'Moog'
First public demonstration of two Caïman synthesizers from the french brand NR Synth.
Part 1 with a Caïman of the 'Moog' type."
Note the ARP 2500 in the background.
Première démonstration publique-partie 2/2-Caïman 'ARP 2600'-SynthFest 2016
Published on Apr 19, 2016
"Première démonstration publique de deux Caîmans de NR Synth au SynthFest 2016.
Deuxième partie avec un Caïman type 'ARP 2600'
First public demonstration of two Caïman synthesizers from the french brand NR Synth.
Part 2 with a Caïman of the 'ARP 2600' type."
Side note: I believe this was the Nantes Synth Fest so gave this post the Nantes label below. If this wasn't Nantes, please let me know. See the NR Synth label for previous posts on the synths.
Saturday, April 02, 2016
Nantes Synthfest 2016 Retrospective
Published on Apr 1, 2016 franck vaissières
"Rétrospective du Synthfest III, le rdv des passionnés du synthétiseur, qui s'est déroulé à Nantes du 25 au 27 Mars 2016
images, montage, étalonnage, post prod Franck Vaissières
musique Klairzaki Project:"
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Frédéric Mourad Olivier - SynthFest 2016
Published on Mar 30, 2016 GruithuisenCityMan
"SynthFest 2016 - Nantes (France) - Vendredi 25 mars 2016
Frédéric Gerchambeau - système modulaire eurorack
Mourad Aït Abdelmalek - percussions électroniques
Olivier Briand - Korg Minilogue
Le SynthFest 2016 a été organisé par l'association nantaise Patch Work Music (PWM)."
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
2016 Synth-Fest Coming to Nantes / Frankreich with Yves Usson, Deep Forest and More
I received the following invite in German via email. You can find the Synth Fest 2016 site in French here and Googlish here. You'll find a Googlish translation of the email below:
"Die französische Organisation Patch Work Music ( organisiert zu Ostern 2016 das dritte Synthesizer Festival "SYNTH-FEST"
Es gibt wieder Gelegenheit viele Gerätschaften anzutesten oder vorgeführt zu bekommen (z.B. auch die Laser Harp).
Yves Usson, der Erfinder des MiniBrute und MicroBrute wird genauso auf dem Festval erwartet, wie Michel Geiss, Frédéric Rousseau, die bekannt sind als Musiker und Techniker für Jean-Michel Jarre/Vangelis.
Zudem gibt es CDs zu kaufen, eine Tombola und die Möglichkeit mit Musikern sich auszutauschen.
Das Synth-Fest ist offen für jeden, der sich für Vintage Geräte und neue Synthesizer interessiert.
Vorführungen von Vintage Keyboards und auch ganz neuer Technologie werden an allen drei Tagen auf der Bühne präsentiert.
Deep Forest gibt ein Konzert am Samstag.
Wann?: 25. - 27. März 2016
Wo?: Dix, 10 place des Garennes in Nantes, Frankreich
Eintritt: 1,- Euro Das Deep Forest Konzert kostet 5,- Euro
Weitere Infos bei den Veranstaltern Olivier Briand und Bertrand Loreau:
Vielleicht interessiert euch das selbst oder ihr könnt das an Interessierte weitergeben?
Danke und Viele Grüße
Lambert Ringlage"
the French organization Patch Work Music ( organized at Easter 2016, the third synthesizer Festival "SYNTH-FEST"
There is another opportunity to test or demonstration to get (as well as the Laser Harp) many equipment.
Yves Usson, the inventor of Minibrute and Micro Brute is just expected on the Festval as Michel Geiss, Frédéric Rousseau, known as a musician and technician for Jean-Michel Jarre / Vangelis.
There are also CDs for sale, a raffle and the opportunity to musicians to exchange ideas.
The synth festival is open to anyone who is interested in vintage equipment and new synthesizer.
Demonstrations of vintage keyboards and also completely new technology will be presented on all three days on stage.
Deep Forest a concert on Saturday.
When ?: 25 - 27 March 2016
Where ?: Dix, 10 place des Garennes in Nantes, France
Admission: 1, - EUR costs The Deep Forest Concert 5, - Euro
Learn more at the organizers Olivier Briand and Bertrand Loreau:
Maybe you interested either itself or you can pass that on to interested parties?
Thanks and best regards
Lambert Ringlage"
Sunday, July 26, 2015
SynthFest 2015 - Moog Modular - Olivier Grall
Published on Apr 12, 2015 Nani Sound
"SynthFest 2015 - Nantes. Présentation Moog Modular par Olivier Grall."
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Résumé du Synthfest 2015 à Nantes
Published on Apr 27, 2015 blackflag35
"Festival sur les synthétiseurs modulaires, organisé par l'association Patch Work Music, à Nantes le 3, 4 et 5 avril 2015. Démonstration de synthétiseurs Korg, Arp, Moog, Arturia, et bien d'autres.
Conférenciers et démonstrateurs présents : Frederick Rousseau de l'IRCAM, Michael O'Connor Electribe KORG, Francois Marcaud (Strings Machines), Sylvain Bezia (harpe Laser) avec Nanisound, Olivier Grall (Big Moog Modulaire), Cyril (Modularsquare), François Marcaud (string machines) Sylvain Bezia et Nanisound. Le tout "orchestré" par Olivier Briand."
Thursday, April 09, 2015
Nantes Synth Fest 2015 Pics by Modular Square
flickr set by Modularsquare
(click through for more)
Gorgeous MOS-LAB RSF Kobol Clone system.
See the Nantes channel label at the bottom of this post for more.
Saturday, April 04, 2015
Nantes Synthfest 2015 Pics Including Beautiful White ARP 2600
Beautiful white ARP 2600 at Synthfest 2015 Nantes France this weekend via Khoral's Cafe 80 where you'll find more pics of the event.
"Synth enthusiasts unite! That's in Nantes, France this weekend.
I had the opportunity to play on a number of vintage synths (Prophet-5, Korg PS-3100, Moog Source) but also recreations of ARP 2600, and obviously the new Korg Odyssey.
Oh, and there was Yves Usson, who helped design the excellent Arturia Minibrute."
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Synth-Fest in Nantes Frankreich France Set for Easter
via Lambert Ringlage (German below):
there is a synthesizer festival taking place on easter 2015 in Nantes (France):
The french association 'Patch Work Music' organizes for the second time, a synthesizer festival called "synth-fest".
Makers like Korg, Moog, MOS-LAB - a french maker of modular synthesizer, clones of Moog, Arturia, etc. will be presented during the three days of this event.
Many analog and vintage instruments are also brought by fans of synthies. A Moog modulkar 3P+ sequencers, a Fairlight, a Synclavier, a few PPGs, and many more instruments like a laser harpe will be there. The visitors will be allowed to try or play all the instruments because the synth-fest is simply a meeting between passionate people of synthesizers.
Yves Usson, the conceptor of the MiniBrute and MicroBrute comes to this festival, as well as Michel Geiss, Frédéric Rousseau and probably Francis Rimbert. These musicians and technicians are well known for their collaborations with Jean-Michel Jarre.
Pierre-Jean Liévaux plays live on friday : 21h - 21h45
Bernard Szajner will be there too, the inventor of the laser harpe of Jean-Michel Jarre, and he will play live in concert on saturday evening.
Bernard Szajner : saturday 22h - 22h 45
Each concert takes 5,- Euro for the ticket. Please pre-order at
Moreover you can buy many electronic music CDs, there will be a tombola and a chance to exchange experiences with other musicians.
The synth-fest is opened to anybody who is interested in vintage and new synthesizers.
Demonstrations of vintage synthies and new technologie will be organized on a stage during the three days.
Most of the people speak in english as well (you can also get help from the organizers, who speak english too).
When?: April 3rd until 5th 2015 10 - 19 o'clock
Where?: Dix, 10 place des Garennes in Nantes, France
Ticket: 1,- Euro
Further infos can be asked for at the organizers Olivier Briand and Bertrand Loreau:
Maybe you are interested in that event or you know somebody who could be interested.
Just spread the news.
Thank-you and kind regards
Lambert Ringlage
New Album: Lambert Drachenreise (Spheric Music)"
there is a synthesizer festival taking place on easter 2015 in Nantes (France):
The french association 'Patch Work Music' organizes for the second time, a synthesizer festival called "synth-fest".
Makers like Korg, Moog, MOS-LAB - a french maker of modular synthesizer, clones of Moog, Arturia, etc. will be presented during the three days of this event.
Many analog and vintage instruments are also brought by fans of synthies. A Moog modulkar 3P+ sequencers, a Fairlight, a Synclavier, a few PPGs, and many more instruments like a laser harpe will be there. The visitors will be allowed to try or play all the instruments because the synth-fest is simply a meeting between passionate people of synthesizers.
Yves Usson, the conceptor of the MiniBrute and MicroBrute comes to this festival, as well as Michel Geiss, Frédéric Rousseau and probably Francis Rimbert. These musicians and technicians are well known for their collaborations with Jean-Michel Jarre.
Pierre-Jean Liévaux plays live on friday : 21h - 21h45
Bernard Szajner will be there too, the inventor of the laser harpe of Jean-Michel Jarre, and he will play live in concert on saturday evening.
Bernard Szajner : saturday 22h - 22h 45
Each concert takes 5,- Euro for the ticket. Please pre-order at
Moreover you can buy many electronic music CDs, there will be a tombola and a chance to exchange experiences with other musicians.
The synth-fest is opened to anybody who is interested in vintage and new synthesizers.
Demonstrations of vintage synthies and new technologie will be organized on a stage during the three days.
Most of the people speak in english as well (you can also get help from the organizers, who speak english too).
When?: April 3rd until 5th 2015 10 - 19 o'clock
Where?: Dix, 10 place des Garennes in Nantes, France
Ticket: 1,- Euro
Further infos can be asked for at the organizers Olivier Briand and Bertrand Loreau:
Maybe you are interested in that event or you know somebody who could be interested.
Just spread the news.
Thank-you and kind regards
Lambert Ringlage
New Album: Lambert Drachenreise (Spheric Music)"
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Nomad Hands Live @ Synth Fest 2014
Published on Sep 18, 2014 Olivier Briand
"Nomad Hands est un duo d'improvisation Electro-World.
Un petit montage ici de leur prestation au Synth Fest de Nantes en Avril 2014.
Il s'agit ici d'un spectacle de percussions électroniques avec des pads pour contrôler les sons, n'excluant pas quelques sonorités tonales, et encore moins une complicité musicale entre Mourad et Olivier."
via Olivier: "All is done Live and with Roland HPD15, KORG Wavedrum and MiniWavedrum, Yamaha DD11 and DTX, Korg Kaossilator pro, nano PAD 2, and Akai MPD18 controlling Kontakt sounds with a Laptop"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.