Thursday, October 10, 2013

4ms Modular Row Modules

via 4ms on Facebook

"Here's our upcoming case solution: Modular Row Modules.

Your synth is modular, and now your case is too.

Each row is an independent Eurorack case and can be latched together to form any size or shape system you need. Table top. Vertical wall. Console style. Angles and curves.

No screwdrivers or tools necessary, just snap the rows together and add angle pieces and support legs where you need them.

You can start a small Eurorack system with one row, then add more as it grows. Take one or two rows to a jam, or pull one out to re-configure without taking your whole system offline."

The Celebes Sea (featuring vintage analogue keys)

Published on Oct 10, 2013

"Original music featuring ARP2600, Moog Voyager, Mellotron, D6 Clavinet, Nord Electro 3 and Fender Rhodes"

Random Reaktor Stuff 03

Published on Oct 10, 2013 BrontoScorpioMusic·3 videos

"Another small Reaktor jam using some unfinished instruments.

The "Drone-Osc" uses a weird combination of phase modulation (like in the DX-7 and other FM synths) and phase distortion (Like the Casio CZ-1000). It can easily go from warm tones to harsh noise!"

MAschinestrument Vol.1 Native Instruments Maschine Expansion Pack

On Big Fish Audio here:

"Maschinestrument Vol. 1 is a one of a kind sound expansion pack for Native Instruments Maschine.

Using advanced layering of analog hardware synths, acoustic vintage electric pianos, hybrid digital synthesis and the leading modeling synthesis techniques, each instrument is designed to inspire and fit into your mixes like no other product available for Maschine.

Intense Maschine optimization means that each patch takes advantage of Maschine specific effects and routing, tempo synced modulations, mod wheel control over filter sweeping, beat delays, grain effects, etc. All set up and ready to go so that you can spend more time playing and creating while maintaining access to deep sound sculpting tools right at your fingertips.

Maschinestrument Vol. 1 provides:
- 6.75 GB of uncompressed instruments formatted exclusively for use inside of Maschine.
- 256 presets specifically sculpted inside of Maschine, taking advantage of all of Maschine?s potential.
- Each patch contains 30-45 samples for the utmost detailed modulations and tone.
- Advanced tagging means always being able to find just the sound you need when you need it, with no fumbling through the massive 256 presets available.
- 9 type tags covering bass, fx sounds, keys, leads, mallet, organ, pad, synth, winds
- 22 subtype tags
- Perfect for quickly inspiring and getting the most from your Maschine."

Tom Oberheim with New Two Voice System Hardware Synth with Built-in Handle

via Jason Subtractive of Sound of Science and Analogue Solutions on Facebook

"Handle too..."

Two more pics via Gearslutz:

NIIO Analog Iotone Core

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via this auction

" A box of instant techno, favoured by Blawan & the like. Very few of these about. Features & sound like nothing else.."

"The IOTINE CORE is an analog mixing tool designed to allow flexible sound shaping for a recording or live environment. The IC is ideal for breaking up a track for creative sound design and mixing. The dual VCF channels can be used for dynamic filtering, as well as to split and mix the sound by frequency. 14 analog saturation circuits are available for adding character and texture, as well as creating a unique space within the mix. The IC features 3 separate processing layers that each includes a Filter, VCA, and a selection of Saturation circuits. Both channels feature a smooth 12db VCF, ideal for audio filtering and reminiscent of 12db synth filters but with very low noise and full frequency range. The dual channel SAT selection with variable DRIVE offers rich texture and intensity circuits designed to alter sound density through a range of analog techniques. Dynamic movement of frequency and amplitude of the layers is a base design feature of the IC. The movement is derived from envelopes that are triggered by the input, resulting in organic and flexible modulation that conforms to the sound and creates a living animation that pulls out or pushes down elements of the sound. Further processing can be applied by separating the layers on output from the IC, allowing external mixing and effecting options that expand the unit into an incredibly flexible processing system..."

Bass Bot TT 303 + Korg Volca Beats Bundle

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This package includes 1 x Bass Bot TT 303 + 1 x Korg Volca Beats + Midi Cable. We have these in stock ready to ship!!! The Bass Bot TT 303 ™ with InstaDJ O.S. ™ is an intelligent synthesizer / sequencer featuring 21st century transistor technology."

New KORG Volca Bass - Volca Beats - Volca Keys Set in US

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via this auction

It looks like they are slowly trickling in. No official announcement on a full US release yet though.

Super Clean ROLAND JUNO-106

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via this auction

ANI iPad Live Looping with QuNexus

Published on Oct 10, 2013

"ANI used QuNexus for a sweet live iPad performance.

Check ANI out here:

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iTunes: NanoStudio - Blip Interactive Ltd
QuNexus on eBay


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