Monday, January 19, 2015

Roger Linn Design's LinnStrument Coming to NAMM

Roger Linn Design will be at NAMM at booth 5006 with the newly released LinnStrument.

"New from Roger Linn Design is LinnStrument, an expressive 200-pad MIDI controller that captures three dimensions of each finger’s movement for subtle control of note volume, pitch and timbre, polyphonically. The note pads are arranged in a grid like a guitar or any stringed instrument, and continuous pitch slides across multiple note pads are possible. 200 six-color LEDs indicate scale notes in any of 6 colors. 22.5” x 8.25” x 1”. 5 lbs. Street price: US$1499."

live loops - octatrack, mpc 1000 and op-1

live loops - octatrack, mpc 1000 and op-1 from j tomes on Vimeo.

"a segment of a longer live set i put together playing instruments into the octa and looping them up on the fly."

Erica Synths MIDI TO CLOCK Module

Published on Jan 19, 2015 Erica Synths

"Simple, easy to build and cost-effective DIY and assembled MIDI TO CLOCK module allows to sync modular setups and analogue sequencers to midi sequencers, drum machines and other midi controllers. The module has low part count and doesn’t need calibration."

Vintage ElectroComp EML-500 & EML 200 Synth Literature Product Brochures

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via this auction

"ElectroComp EML literature from the early 1970's:

Fold out glossy ad for the EML-500,
Fold out glossy ad for the EML-200,
*Deluxe* signed letter from marketing manager, Norm."

The EML-500 went for $895, EML-200 for $950.  Click the pics to read.

Sequential Circuits Instruments Pro One

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via this auction

New DSI Teaser - Past is Prologue...

Moog Sub Phatty + Roland TR-8 + TB-3

Published on Jan 19, 2015 magevers

Soundsdivine's 'Complex Harmonics' - Timewarp 2600

Published on Jan 19, 2015 SoundsDivine111

"Preview of the presets from the 'Complex Harmonics' soundset for Way Out Ware's Timewarp 2600 synthesizer ."

Massive VST "Put The Knife 2 ur Neck" -2nd Edit-

Published on Jan 19, 2015 j j

"old track just edited a tiny bit ...
please don't get upset by the lyrics its all in the name of Good Fun & a demonstration of the software Massive VST ..nothing else !!!!

Organism 02 - DSI Prophet '08

Published on Jan 19, 2015 traxus12

"Another experimental self-running drone/noise patch on the Prophet 08! Using modulators to route LFOs into each other for some strange effects."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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