Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Akai Rhythm wolf and euro rack bass synth

Published on Dec 16, 2014 DrOctave1

"Playing with the akai Rhythm Wolf and the bass synth part."

Akai Rhythm Wolfs on eBay

First Look: GForce Software Oddity2 Synthesizer [The Elusive ARP Centaur & ARP Poly Guitar Synth]

Published on Dec 16, 2014 sonicstate

"To coincide with the launch of the Oddty2 - the latest version of GForce Software's Arp Odyssey emulation, Dave Spiers came down to the studio to show us what it can do"

At 5:30 he mentions the ARP Centaur which was to be a polyphonic ARP Odyssey. He believes there are two in existence with one owned by Pete Townshend of The Who. He's never seen one before. I did a quick search and found only three posts mentioning the Centaur:

1977 ARP Brochure - no pic, and note it's referenced as the Centaur VI.

Modded ARP Odyssey - claims it has "the Centaur filter"

The Top 100 Synths According to the A-Z of Analog Synths - the ARP Centaur at #46.

If anyone knows where to find a pic of the Centaur, let us know. I did a quick image search and found this Poly ARP Guitar Synth on (Googlish here). According to the thread this the only one out there.

Update: you'll find two pics and some info on the Centaur here.

Retronyms Phase84 for iPad Released & an Update on Wej

Phase84 Available Now Published on Dec 16, 2014 Retronyms

Phase84 has arrived. iTunes: Phase84 - Retronyms Inc - details captured further below.

Be sure to see the overview video by MATRIXSYNTH Patreon supporter Tim Webb of discchord below!

"Phase84 is a next generation phase distortion synthesizer. It fuses gritty digital sounds with traditional analog punch.

Phase84 is an extremely capable synthesizer and features over 110 presets, containing all sorts of basses, leads, pads, bell tones, sweeps, atmospheric sounds, pseudo-realistic tones, and more. While you don't need to know much about synthesizers to get a lot out of Phase84, experienced synth tweakers will be thrilled at the sheer variety of unique sounds that can be produced with this incredibly versatile synth.

*All synth sounds (bassline, chords, lead) were created with Phase84 with no external effects or post manipulation.

This video also features Wej — rugged performance base and wireless MIDI bridge:"

Quick update on Wej: Since Oct hundreds of people have preordered Wej and Retronyms is steadily approaching 90% of their preorder goal. They have just announced a Wej preorder bundle with Akai Professional — people can get a good deal on one or two compatible USB Midi controllers (MPK Mini and MPC Element) plus a Wej preorder. They're calling it the Mobile Producer Bundle.

And Tim Webb's overview video on Phase84:

Let's Play with Phase84 (Patch Design & Commentary)

Published on Dec 16, 2014 Tim Webb

"Retronyms has released their first synthesizer! This combines Phase Modulation, Frequency Modulation, and Subtractive synthesis for a very unique sound. It has qualities of 80s synths, but with a very modern tone. Here I explore the whole gamut! If you enjoyed this please consider supporting this series by sponsoring them on Patreon:

Be sure to visit for the latest music app news!"

iTunes: Phase84 - Retronyms Inc

"Phase84 is a next generation phase distortion synthesizer. It fuses gritty digital sounds with traditional analog punch.

Phase84 is a Tabletop Ready App. Combine Phase84 with drum machines, sequencers, effects, and more inside Tabletop — a free modular music app for iPad.

Phase84 is an extremely capable synthesizer and features over 110 presets, containing all sorts of basses, leads, pads, bell tones, sweeps, atmospheric sounds, pseudo-realistic tones, and more. While you don't need to know much about synthesizers to get a lot out of Phase84, experienced synth tweakers will be thrilled at the sheer variety of unique sounds that can be produced with this incredibly versatile synth.

So What's Phase84 All About?

Phase84 is what's known as a Phase Distortion synthesizer. This form of waveshaping synthesis has its roots in Casio’s brilliant CZ line of digital synthesizers from the 80s. It is designed to have the warmth of a subtractive (analog) synthesizer, yet be capable of the squelchy tones and sharp attacks of an FM synth. Phase84 in particular can create warm pads, glitchy sounds, dirty basses, filthy sweeps, screaming leads, and anything in-between.

For those familiar with the typical Moog-like (or iMini-like!) synthesis, think of the "shaper" as being synonymous with "brightness" or "filter cutoff”.

More than 100 presets.
MIDI support.
inter-App Audio support.
Advanced Keyboard section.
Expressive Perform Mode with Groove Gate.
Tabletop Ready App.
Precision Knob mode.
Phat, naturalistic unison feature for super thick pads and sweeps.
Oscillator Section: 9 Params, 2 General-Purpose Oscillators, 1 Formant Oscillator.
Mix Section: 8 Params including Delay Amount and Pulse Width.
Envelope Section: Amplitude and Shaper Envelopes. Fully visualized and interactive ADSR plus special Fade Param.
Delay/Filter Section: Stereo delay with loss modeling and a punchy overdriven analog-style filter.
3 LFOs: More flexible than your average LFO, this has 4 waveforms, optional delay and repeat count, and can go into the audible frequency range."

Schippmann VCF-02, Pittsburgh Phase Shifter, Tiptop Z-DSP delay

Published on Dec 16, 2014 bigcitymusic

"Rhythmic triggers are input to the Schippmann
VCF-02 filter. This produces filter clicks, pips and pops which are further morphed by modulating the VCF-02’s filter types. The pinging and morphing filter is sent to the Pittsburgh Phase Shifter and Tiptop Z-DSP module (loaded with the dragonfly delay).

4ms Quad Pingable LFO is modulating the filter types of the Schippmann VCF-02, Pittsburgh Phase Shifter and Tiptop Z-DSP delay time. Triggers are generated using the Mutable Instruments Frames and mixed in the Mutable Instruments links module."

Moog Theremini Tutorial with thereminist Lydia Kavina

Published on Dec 16, 2014 SourceDistributionTV

"Thereminist Lydia Kavina, first taught by Léon Theremin himself, gives us great tips and tricks for playing the wonderful new Moog Theremini.

The Moog Theremini is an affordable modern re-imagination of the classic Theremin, which anyone can learn to play - it has:

• User friendly pitch assist correction with selectable scales and root note, so you can't play a wrong note! You can also turn this off for classical theremin glissando sounds, or just dial it back for partial correction as you improve your technique.
• 32 different sounds on-board, covering a range of basses, lead sounds, classical theremin tones and much more.
• Adjustable stereo ping-pong delay built right in, for wonderful ethereal sounds right out of the box!
• Built in tuner gives live visual feedback of currently playing note, showing how close you are to hitting the note to help learn pitch and scales.
• Built in speaker for instant playback anywhere.
• Headphone output (which mutes the speaker) for practising!
• Stereo 1/4" audio outputs to connect Theremini to audio interfaces, looping pedals, stereo systems, multitrack recorders or anything you like!
• Single Pitch CV output w/ selectable range, so you can connect it to analogue synthesizers and use the Theremini as a wild CV modulation source.
• 21 user selectable scales and user-adjustable root note selection (including chromatic)
• User selectable note range: choose the highest note and lowest note (stored per preset), so it can be set up as you prefer
• Removable pitch antenna - built in storage compartment on bottom-side for easy storage and transportation (carry bag sold separately)
• Built in 3/8” Mic stand and Camera stand adaptor.
• High quality rubberised feet so it can be placed on a table.

The Theremini is now available, and is around £249 in the UK."

Moog Thereminis on eBay

Abstractions Ultra Analog VA-2 and AAS Player Sound Bank by Richard Devine

Published on Dec 16, 2014

"Abstractions – Ultra Analog VA-2 and AAS Player sound bank"

"Abstractions is a collection of 127 signature sounds covering standard analog categories but revisited with Richard Devine’s unique style and aesthetics. These finely crafted sounds include super precise percussion hits, unusual basses, thick pads, deep and animated arpeggiator loops, rich intricate ambient textures, and more. This collection of exclusive sounds once again showcase beautifully Richard Devine’s mastery of sound design and are sure to provide many hours of exploration in evocative soundscapes.

Who’s Richard Devine?
Richard Devine is a versatile and prolific artist and sound designer based in Atlanta, Georgia. He has released five different albums and performed his music worldwide. He has provided sounds to major companies such as Apple, Audi, BMW, Coke, Nestlé, Nike, and many more. He has also done some scoring for TV and movies, and sound design for video games. Richard also has done synthesis programming for major audio companies and recently released his own sound effect libraries with Sony Creative Software."

Pro2 Microbrute H9 [prelim]

Published on Dec 16, 2014 experimentalsynth

"A DSI Pro 2, Arturia MicroBrute an Eventide H9 combine to make a great live performance setup. This is a quick look at preliminary footage for a future video."

Soundplane using EigenD

Published on Dec 15, 2014 Mark Harris

"In this video, I take a rapid tour through some of the many features that exist within EigenD, that are useful in a live performance context, showing how they can all be controlled directly from our instruments.

This setup is the exactly the same as used on the Eigenharp Alpha, but is controlled from my Madrona Labs Soundplane with minimal changes.
(In a future video I will show how we can use EigenD to exploit a continuous surface, and the soundplane in particular)

- Controlling from the instrument
- Drummer (loop playback)
- Arranger (step sequencer ++++)
- Recorder ( per note expression recording)

theres so much more in EigenD... but they will have to wait for another day.

Tech details:
Eigen 2.1
t3d device agent listens to T3D osc
Soundplane application, broadcasting t3d osc

the t3d agent is setup to be similar to the eigenharp, so that it can be close to 100% compatible.
usually I would alter the setup to make use of the unique features, of the soundplane (see next video) , so this is for demonstration only,

The lights/menu may look 'complicated', but once you are familiar they become very logical, and you don't even have to look any more.
Im fumbling here a bit, as I wanted to show this Alpha setup, but its not my day to day setup, so Im a bit unfamiliar with it :o)"

Tristan Perich "0.01s" Book Signing Tomorrow at Printed Matter

"Please come by Printed Matter tomorrow, Wednesday Dec 17, from 5-7pm for a talk and book signing for Tristan Perich's new art book, 0.01s: The First 1/100th Second of 1-Bit Symphony. Copies of 1-Bit Symphony will also be available.

Printed Matter
195 10th Ave (between 21st and 22nd, map)
New York, NY

Also available online from Physical Editions.
(Order today for shipping by Christmas within the United States).

More information:"


via this auction

"The following synth programmers for Logic v4-9 have been fully updated to run in LOGIC X:

Virtual Studio Electronics ATC-1 programmer for SE ATC-1
Virtual Oberheim OB-Xa programmer with ENCORE ELECTRONICS upgrade (v1.2 or higher)
Virtual ACCESS Microwave programmer for Waldorf Microwave (original)
Virtual ACCESS Matrix-1000 / 6-6R programmer
Virtual PG-1000 for Roland D-50 / D-550
Virtual MPG-80 for Roland MKS-80
Virtual PG-800 for Roland MKS-70 / JX-10 / and JX-8p
Virtual PG-300 for Roland Juno-1, Juno-2, MKS-50, HS-10, or HS-80
Virtual Editor for Roland MKS-7, Juno-106, and HS-60
Virtual Editor for Moog Memorymoog (LAMM equipped)
Virtual Editor for Korg DW-8000, EX-8000
Virtual Editor for Novation Drumstation
Virtual Editor for Electrix MO-FX
Virtual Editor for Electrix Filter Factory

NEW FEATURES have been reverse ported to earlier versions. Previous users may contact me here for free upgrade to any version v4-9. New features include full RESETS, MIDI CC HYPERDRAW compatibility, and in a few cases a total reworking of the layout of the programmer for better ergonomics and feel."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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