Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Dualtrx - 10min loop // TipTop Audio 808 Kit / Arturia Keystep Pro / Magneto / Black Hole DSP2

Published on May 19, 2020 Dualtrx

"Hello guys. I made a little patch using Tiptop Audio - 808 kit / Hats goes through the PicoDSP , for the 'stereo effect'. CB goes through Black Hole DSP2 by Erica Synths. The rest of the sounds are Rings and Plaits through Magneto by Strymon and Monsoon. Clicks and Pops from Bitbox by 1010music. Everything is Triggered and played by Arturia Keystep Pro."

Keyboard Mag. Aug. '85 | What Was In It?

Published on May 19, 2020 Espen Kraft

"Support this channel on Patreon:

A very intersting issue where the focus is on Japanese (now) synth pioneers, the manufacturers of synths and keyboards and more."

Espen Kraft What Was In It? posts

Monday, May 18, 2020

Orca vs NES / Chip Maestro MIDI cart

Published on May 18, 2020 brandon logic

Orca vs original Nintendo
chip maestro:

Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement on Modular Synthesizer

Published on May 18, 2020 Donghyuk Heo

"I made this on someone's request.

Please enjoy."

2+one oscillators

Published on May 18, 2020 António Machado

"All sound from Haken ContinuuMini. MidiTouchbar on the MacBookPro controlling barrels i=Low Pitch, ii=Volume iii=high Pitch, iv=Volume
Playing ContinuuMini pure sine wave."

Duelling Korg: MS 20 Kit and MS 20m perform Duelling Banjos from Deliverance

Published on May 18, 2020 Surface Noises

"Here's a potentially unbearable version of the Duelling Banjos music made famous by Deliverance, performed on MS 20 Kits (the MS 20 Kit and MS 20M KIt). With some rudimentary smartphone camera work so amateurish it's bordering on the ridiculous.

I have been toying with the idea of selling off all my synths. To show off the condition of these two wonderful devices (which I assembled myself from Korg kits), I decided to make a very quick rough video.

I got a quick midi sequence playing and then multitracked the results, recording four instances featuring both synths playing at the same time. Then I waved my camera around. 15 minutes later I had this video.

When I took a bit of time to play the synths when they were next to each other on the stand, I fell back in love with them - so they haven't been sold yet. Which I'm glad about! Korg really nailed its vintage reissues."

Only time will tell (Asia cover) with all GS Music synths

Published on May 18, 2020 GS Music

"Asia cover with our friend Juan Grima.

In this video we used Apollo Mini for the synth bass, the Apollo prototype with delay for the lead synth and Zeus for the electric piano like sound.

A Korg TR was used as a controller for both the Apollo Mini and Apollo I (with split keyboard).

'Only Time Will Tell' is the third single (second in the US) released by the progressive rock band Asia from their successful first album, Asia (1982)."

EML Synkey 2001 w/ CV/Gate mod

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Uploaded on May 18, 2020

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"incredibly rare Synkey. Bought for a project last year and now just want to make some room.

If you aren’t familiar, this was the last synth released by EML and while technically a monosynth has 13 oscillators that can be “stacked” in chromatic intervals to create chords. It could also “save” presets via punch cards and the reader on the left but I have never had or used the feature.

This also has a *very* rare CV/gate mod that can be used via the portamento jack on the back. It works via a standard TRS to TR/TS Y insert cable, where the tip goes to CV ring goes to gate. You can search YouTube for the Synkey and see it in action from a previous owner some time ago.

While I’ve never had it serviced, the Synkey itself is in pretty incredible shape physically—though like any 40 year old synth has the occasional scratchiness. I’ve never looked into who could even work on it, though I know there are technicians around that do work on other EML synths (like the EML-101)

I attached a video I took this morning that shows some of the functionality of the front panel and a lot of the modulation sounds."

Not the tuning knobs on the back.

RT311 Swarm Oscillator live tweaking

Published on May 18, 2020 Jörg Schaaf

"The RT311 swarm oscillator creates enormously fat soundscapes! In this video I am altering the parameters showcasing the sonic extravaganza of the Eurorack module."

Kawai SX-210

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