Thursday, November 25, 2021

V Collection 8 - Software Update 8.2 | ARTURIA

video upload by Arturia

"Introducing another free update to our legendary keyboard anthology, inspired by your feedback. Bringing improved compatibility, streamlined performance, and a number of creative enhancements, V Collection 8.2 is our most efficient and powerful suite yet. Update today for free."

What's new?
Apple M1 compatibility
V Collection’s instruments can now run smoothly with native support for Apple’s next-generation M1 processors, ensuring flawless performance on the latest macOS machines.

More microtuning

Clavinet V, Stage-73 V, Piano V, and DX7 V now feature microtuning thanks to compatibility with ODDSound’s MTS-ESP, a versatile microtuning software utility designed with the help of Aphex Twin.

GUI & animation upgrade
We’ve upgraded the visual performance of all V Collection instruments using the JUCE 6 framework, meaning our 4K interfaces respond quickly and smoothly, no matter how hard you push them.

Preset loading
Presets from V Collection instrument’s factory libraries now load up to 2 x faster, meaning quicker sound switching, easier project navigation, and a smoother creative flow."

Future Retro Vectra Synthesizer Percussion Sound Demo

video upload by FutureRetroSynths

"All sounds you hear are from the Future Retro Vectra synthesizer. In this video we take a look at a few of the percussion sounds the Vectra is capable of.

Some clips may include a touch of reverb/delay from the Eventide Eclipse."

See the Future Reto label below for more.

KAWAI GMega XC-3 LX (1993) Part 2

video upload by Nacho Marty Meyer

"no effects or processes were used"

Part 1 here

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Modular Synthesizer Ensemble - Superbooth21

video upload by Modular Synthesizer Ensemble

"The Modular Synthesizer Ensemble at SUPERBOOTH 2021 in Berlin.
Workshop and Performance in the big Auditorium of the former GDR Pionier Palast now caled FEZ in the Wuhlheide.
Presented and supported by MILLER-ZILLMER Foundation.

ARP2600 and Korg ARP2600FS. Comparing the oscillators.

video upload by CGMAGIK

"Comparing my vintage ARP2600P with the new Korg ARP2600FS re-issue.
Outputs are taken from the left output patch point of each 2600."

Patchwerks Featured on Local Seattle News

video upload by KING 5

"A worker at one Seattle store said it looked like they were going out of business because inventory is so low right now." Patchwerks comes in halfway into the video.

Update: found the video on YouTube. Much better embed for the site. You can find the article on KING5 here.

I thought this was pretty cool. Patchwerks was featured on Seattle's KING5 news channel yesterday and today. The segment, as you can see, focused on supply chain issues impacting everyday shopping and seasonal items at Puget Sound retailers. It's fun seeing familiar synth heads featured on public TV.

Fun with Electrix MO-FX and some random thrift store records

video upload by CGMAGIK

"One of things I've always loved about the Electrix FX boxes is that they have a phono pre-amp built directly in to them! Fantastic for grabbing some random vinyl and having fun."

Expert Sleepers FH2 Accessibility & Remote Control

video upload by Feel The Noise

"Minimum firmware for this feature is 1.15.

Expert Sleepers FH-2 firmware, configuration tool and manuals:

Expert Sleepers FH-2 additional tools, including the accessibility tool:

Expert Sleepers panel layouts:

Raised Bar Home:

Thanks for watching!"


Kurzweill Access Demo

video upload by

"This is a handy tool for anybody with a visual impairment who wants better access to their Kurzweil K2000, K2500, K2600 or K2661 (and variants like the X and R models)."

Noisebug Now Accepting Crypto for Payment

via @Noisebug

"Noisebug is proud to be accepting BitPay and Affirm Financing at checkout!"

This had me wondering, is Noisebug the first shop to accept crypto?

I asked them how it works and they came back with the following:

“You can now buy synths and modules At Noisebug directly with Bitcoin without first transferring to your local currency. It is handled conveniently in the shopping cart checkout section of our website. You can easily peel of some of your crypto earnings and profits without having to transfer multiple times to multiple addresses or time each transfer perfectly. We are working to accept more coins in the near future.”

VM900 Pseudo Clocks

video upload by boxoftextures


"In one of my previous videos I was bemoaning the fact that the 960 Sequential Controller modules—henceforth to be called sequencers, as is right and proper—did not have clock inputs. And while technically true, at some point in a week or so of having given up on the idea and not thinking about it, it somewhat randomly occurred to me that you could make use of the Shift input to essentially clock the sequencer. The "proper use" of the Shift input is to force the sequencer to advance to the next stage when it sees an input voltage. It's not exactly a true clock because technically the sequencer clock would not actually be running but the effect is more or less the same; when the Shift input sees a pulse, it advances the sequencer to the next step. Sort of like a clock.

So normally what one does with a running sequencer is have it send out voltages on each step that get converted into notes by an oscillator. However, while that's the usual there's no reason you have to actually use it that way. In this instance, we're using the second row of voltage knobs to send out 2 volts on the first step and 0 volts on the others. Essentially this means that if the sequencer is set to 4 steps we've now divided that by four if we only send out a voltage on that first step. VoilĂ , we just made a 4-to-1 clock divider using only analog circuitry.

But that's just the beginning. Let's say Sequencer 1 is set to three steps and Sequencer 2 is set to five steps. If they're both being clocked by the same external oscillator, you now have a 5 against 3 rhythm going on. But what if you turn up knob 4 on that second sequencer? Now you have 1 and 4 out of 5 playing against the 1 out of 3 of the first sequencer. And now we're headed for polyrhythms. But why stop there? You can add in a third sequencer, for example. Or you can start ratcheting some of the steps to make even more complex rhythms. Or what would happen if you used the voltage of one of the sequencer steps to change the frequency of the clocking oscillator? Or how about doing all of these sorts of things and also have the sequencer's internal clock running as well? That's the beauty of modular; you can do all sorts of things.

I haven't explored all of those options in this particular video because if I did it would've been three hours long. Perhaps next time. What I've done this time though is go through all of the steps to get something like this working, more than enough to get you started if you're so inclined.


Cherry Audio Voltage Modular VM900 Collection:"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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