MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Geert Bevin

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Geert Bevin. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Geert Bevin. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2017

New Moog Synth - Geert Bevin, Amos Gaynes - Designing and Implementing Embedded Synthesizer UIs

Geert Bevin, Amos Gaynes - Designing and Implementing Embedded Synthesizer UIs with JUC Published on Nov 22, 2017

This one was spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

A new product they can't go into is mentioned. Further below is a video by Geert Bevin featuring JUCE GUI on Linux running on a Raspberry Pi. Although Moog is known for their analog synths, they of course have already delved into digital synthesis via their acclaimed iOS apps and the Theremini. It will be interesting to see what they introduce at NAMM next year.

"Designing and implementing embedded synthesizer UIs with JUCE

Geert Bevin, Senior Software Engineer, Moog Music
Amos Gaynes, Product Design Engineer, Moog Music

JUCE has become an ideal platform to develop embedded UI applications. Moog engineering discusses C++ JUCE front-end application design on top of streamlined Linux distributions. This talk focuses on practical solutions with code examples, including: maintainable user-interface and user-experience design, code and application architecture, unit and functional testing, efficient message handling and dispatch, domain-specific interfaces, APIs promoting consistency and correctness, patch storage and retrieval, and application-specific scripting.

Presented at ADC 2017, Code Node, London."

Raspberry PI 3 super small and fast custom Linux distribution for Audio and MIDI Published on Aug 11, 2017 Geert Bevin

"Been working on an embedded Raspberry PI 3 project with audio/MIDI.

It is available as open source from here:

First steps were getting the smallest possible Linux distribution working with full LCD, mouse, keyboard, audio and MIDI support ... and running one full-blown JUCE GUI application. It boots up in just a couple of seconds with a customizable boot screen, pretty neat I think!"

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Digital Controllers & Synths, MOOG's Geert Bevin | Superbooth 2024

video upload by Anthony Marinelli Music

"Join Geert Bevin and me as we discuss the current state of expression for both digital and analog instruments. Geert is a multi-instrumentalist and master of gestural control for synthesizers with decades of experience designing many different types of controllers.

I set out to hear what Geert had to say about Digital Instruments vs Analog Instruments, and the discussion kept coming back to controllers. I soon realized that Geert really cares about music and that performers being able to have an expressive experience with their instruments is more important to him than whether or not the tone is generated digitally or not. In this information-packed discussion, we'll cover topics such as: why digital struggles with attack transients, the difference between generating a sound digitally and processing a sound digitally, digital distortion vs analog distortion, how to create scarcity in the digital realm, and how humans compensate for different instruments.

Geert Bevin worked with Eigenlabs developing the Eigenharp, collaborated with Roger Linn by writing firmware for the LinnStrument, worked on the Ultraleap - Leap Motion Controller that detects your hand position with infrared cameras to convert conductor-like gestures to shape sound, and recently designed a Bluetooth MIDI controller for the Apple Watch. He's currently creating experiences on software synths for Moog Music that go beyond the sound itself, exploring MPE as a common language to connect musicians with expressive controllers, painstakingly working to make digital knob turns feel as good as analog knob turns, and determining the future of both analog and digital electronic instruments.

00:00 Introduction
00:40 Moog's Software Mission
24:30 Moog Model 15 App
34:09 Why does digital have trouble with attack transients?
48:30 Logo (theme music)"

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Moog Releases Model 15 Modular Synthesizer for iOS

Published on May 3, 2016 Moog Music Inc

Now available on iTunes: Model 15 - Moog Music Inc.

Update: a quick note worth mentioning from Quincas Moreira who beta tested the app: It's a "brand new engine, they even worked directly with Apple to improve the ios's handling of heavy audio processing like this. Geert Bevin, the Dev, has said there is no dynamic voice allocation as this is a modular, all modules are constantly running, just like on a real one." You can find a list of Quincas Moreira's presets in the comments below.

"Suzanne Ciani, one of the first and most influential female electronic music composers and synthesists, creates a short sonic sketch using the Moog Model 15 modular synthesizer app. Ciani explores the custom-programmed sounds she designed in the app alongside Moog technicians as they hand-build the app's hardware modular namesake at the Moog Factory in Asheville, NC.

Listen to Suzanne's full composition here:

Ciani's unique patches are available as a free expansion pack in the Model 15's in-app store.

The Moog Model 15 App is an iOS version of the iconic 1970’s instrument. It is designed to evoke the joyous experimentation and sonic bliss of it’s predecessor’s vintage hardware, the Moog Model 15 App meticulously recreates the look, feel, and sound of its highly expressive analog namesake."

And a couple of user videos:

Moog Model 15 Synthesizer - Factory Sounds Demo

Published on May 3, 2016 Synth Anatomy

iTunes: Model 15 - Moog Music Inc.

Please support me on Patreon if you enjoy my content:

"This is the new Moog Synthesizer App Model 15 based on the Model 15 Analog Modular Synthesizer."

Moog Model 15 Modular - Monster New iOS App Exclusive

Published on May 3, 2016 sonicstate

iTunes: Model 15 - Moog Music Inc.

"In yet another beautiful studio room at the Funkhaus in Berlin, we saw a preview of the Model 15 - a lovingly emulated Moog System 15 modular modeled on iOS - sounded pretty tasty - Geert Bevin takes us through it"

Side note: Geert Bevin is the man behind the MPE: Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression MIDI specification. You can find previous posts featuring Geert and his work here, including the LinnStrument, Eigenharp, Madrona Labs Aalto, and Symbolic Sound Kyma.

iTunes: Model 15 - Moog Music Inc.

"The Moog Model 15 App is the first Moog modular synthesizer and synthesis educational tool created exclusively for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

* The Model 15 App requires iOS version 9.3 or later to work. *

Each facet of the Moog Model 15 modular synthesizer has been meticulously recreated in this application to ensure the power and transcendent sound quality of each module remains intact. The character, harmonic complexity and mystique of the Moog Model 15’s modules, from the legendary Moog 921–series oscillators and 904A Low Pass Filter, to the coveted 907 Fixed Filter Bank have been painstakingly preserved.

In order to develop the most immersive and expressive modular interface possible, the Model 15 App has been designed utilizing Apple’s new Metal advanced graphics engine. This ensures that all zooming, panning and modular patching throughout the application feels completely natural, something that would have been impossible otherwise.

The Model 15 App features both monophonic and 4-voice polyphonic operation is easily commanded via 4 seamlessly integrated controllers. Simple swipes and taps provide instant access to a traditional Moog keyboard, 1150 ribbon controller, 8-step sequencing arpeggiator and the award-winning Animoog keyboard with 22 built-in scales and polyphonic modulation capabilities.

Also included are extended features which expand the capabilities of the app beyond the traditional offerings of the hardware Moog Model 15. These include total MIDI integration, assignment for external control, use as a MIDI controller, dedicated Audio Bridge and MIDI Bridge modules, looping recorder module with overdubbing, a master ping-pong delay module and a new extension cabinet that includes additional amplifiers and voltage-controlled reversible attenuators that can be used for effects like ring-modulation.

Because the Model 15 App utilizes Apple’s Metal technology, only 64-bit devices are supported. Compatible devices include iPhone 5s or newer, iPod touch 6 or newer, iPad Air or newer, and the iPad Pro.

Additional Features
• Ships with over 160 unique presets
• Recreates the sound of a hardware Moog Model 15 modular synthesizer
• Easily share presets and recordings with anyone
• Tutorial patches to assist all experience levels
• Intuitive patching and cable coloring
• Support for landscape and portrait modes
• Voltage-controlled stereo ping-pong delay
• Expressive sequencing arpeggiator
• Moog 1150 Ribbon controller
• Real-time looping recorder with overdub and immediate sharing
• Up to two controllers on-screen (iPad only)
• Optional left-handed UI operation

• 3D Touch and Apple Pencil integration for after pressure
• Note-per-channel MIDI controllers
• Ableton Link
• Inter-App Audio and Audiobus
• MIDI Bridge and Audio Bridge
• 7 and 14-Bit MIDI
• MIDI Program Change
• Bluetooth LE MIDI controllers
• Typing keyboards for shortcuts and musical typing
• AudioCopy, AudioPaste and AudioShare"

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

How Synth Apps are Made at MOOG: Interview w/ Geert Bevin


"How does MOOG make apps? What does the future hold for iOS music apps? What's coming next? Want to learn to make music apps? How to work at Moog? More below...

We talked to the head of Software at MOOG Music, Geert Bevin. He's one of the best music app developers in the world. This is an opportunity to learn from the best!

0:00​ Intro: Meet Geert Bevin, Head of Software Engineering
0:50​ What MOOG is working on?
2:11​ What it Means to move an iOS App to Mac
2:55​ How to make a realistic Synthesizer emulation?
7:39​ How to work for a company like MOOG?
16:47​ What technologies should you learn to make music apps?
17:45​ What Geert learned from Roger Linn
23:47​ Why do you use Apple-centric platforms & tech?
27:04​ Any apps coming for Windows?
27:30​ Challenges you face making music apps at this level?
30:26​ Porting AUv3s from iOS to M1 Silicon Machines
34:06​ Whose bug is it: Apple bugs or app dev issues?
36:03​ How Beta Testing is handled at Moog
39:40​ What's it like being a developer in the small town of Asheville
43:40​ Finding Inspiration + Creativity
45:55​ What does M1/Apple Silicon mean for the future of music apps?
51:30​ Will users have to pay to get Moog apps on the desktop?
53:18​ Music makes people's lives better
56:10​ Final thoughts / advice for App Developers
59:37​ Go to WWDC"

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

From Arduino to LinnStrument - Geert Bevin

From Arduino to LinnStrument - Geert Bevin from Official ZeroTurnaround Account on Vimeo.

Great talk by Geert Bevin on the use & development of the LinnStrument. Geert also worked on the Eighenharp, for Leap Motion, and Moog.

LinnStrument on Amazon, Reverb, eBay. Also see the site sponsors on the right.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Eigenharp Trio Improvisation at Electro-Music 2013

Published on Oct 2, 2013 Geert Bevin·197 videos

"This is an unprepared improvisation done by three Eigenharp players: Randy Brown (left), Geert Bevin (middle) and Paul Harriman (right) at the Electro-Music 2013 event in Huguenot, New-York.

Audio can be listened to and downloaded from Soundcloud:

More information about the artists:
Paul Harriman:
Geert Bevin:
Randy Brown:"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eigenharp Alpha Experiment 20100624

Eigenharp Alpha Experiment 20100624 from Geert Bevin on Vimeo.

"This is an experiment I was working on yesterday with Camel Audio Alchemy and Sonart 'Night Rock Café' Vintage Kit as sampler 4 for the percussion keys.

Not the best performance I've done of this, kinda messed up the drums and the tempo at times ... but you get the idea ;-)" : Eigenharp Alpha Unboxing from Geert Bevin on Vimeo.

" - Unboxing video of my Eigenharp Alpha with ebony finish, golden trim and ebony wooden keys. Hope you enjoy it!

It turns out that the stand in this videos is actually a bassoon stand, made by K&M. Thanks for the comments on Engadget to have pointed that out to me!" : Eigenlabs Booth at MusikMesse from Geert Bevin on Vimeo.

" - An overview of the Eigenlabs booth at Musikmesse Frankfurt 2010. If you can't make it, at least you'll be able to imagine what it looks like and what is going on there :-)"

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Gaz Williams Show - Geert Bevin and the story of MPE

video upload by Gaz Williams

"Tonight's guest is the fabulous Mr Geert Bevin, We discuss Eigenharp and the journey to MPE."

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Madrona Labs Aalto 1.7 Update Brings Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression Support

via Madrona Labs

"Aalto 1.7 is out now, bringing MPE support.

Good morning again! With version 1.7 of Aalto, our favorite West Coast softsynth now adds MPE support, and other improvements.

MPE stands for Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression. It's a way of using MIDI to transmit the rich, per-note expressive performances that instruments like the Haken Continuum, Seaboard, Linnstrument and of course our own Soundplane are capable of. Geert Bevin, longtime Eigenharp player and currently a software developer at Moog Music, lead the charge on this effort, and I thank him for moving things forward. You can find Geert's post with the MPE specifications here: []

Many smart and experienced people, including all us makers of new and ambitious controllers, looked over a draft of this spec and contributed changes. MPE makes sense, is easy to implement, and should be very useful. With its addition Aalto becomes one of a just a few great sound makers out there for per-note expression. I am hotly anticipating more Linnstrument+Aalto, Seaboard+Aalto sounds.

Soundplane owners have always had a great connection to Aalto over OSC. But the big deal for the Soundplane is that now, while we are still waiting for the OSC-based composition environment of our dreams, we can use ordinary DAWs to record and edit an entire Soundplane performance.

Aalto version 1.7 also brings improved Soundplane compatibility with MIDI patches, optimized animation drawing, and bug fixes. MPE support in Kaivo synthesizer will follow next month with other changes.

1.7 is of course a free update again. The demo is at the usual place, and license holders as usual can click "My downloads" up on the right there to get your update.

Macintosh users, please note:
Aalto 1.7 requires Mac OS X 10.7 or higher."

Monday, February 04, 2013

First Leap experiment controlling AU/VST effects

Published on Feb 4, 2013 Geert Bevin·179 videos

"This afternoon I took a few hours to write an EigenD ( agent for the Leap ( Currently it only supports sending out the x, y and z axis of two palms relative to the Leap device itself. The API is very intuitive and it shouldn't take long to gradually add support for hand directions and fingers, I wanted to first play around with it for a while though.

In this experiment I control two effects in Native Instruments' Guitar Rig 5. It's processing one of my songs that's playing from iTunes and you can hear the recorded result. I did have to manually align the audio to the video, so that might not be perfect.

This developer version of the Leap device supports a little bit less range and a restricted field of view, which is why it's sometimes missing some detection at natural boundaries. The production versions will not suffer from this.

The song is 'Never Lose' from my album 'Dream Like a Tree':"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

LinnStrument cover, expression data removed : The Choice

Published on Jul 28, 2014 Geert Bevin

"This is the same performance as in my other video: [posted here], but without the per-note pitch bend and per-note pressure expression. You just hear the notes with velocity as you would from a regular MIDI keyboard. Some parts are of course not entirely correct anymore since the glissandos are gone. I considered editing the MIDI data, but decided to keep it a one-to-one translation instead.

I hope this allows you to evaluate how new expressive controllers are able to breathe life into a performance."

Monday, March 26, 2012

Steinberg TV - MusikMesse 2012 - Eigenharp & Note Expression - Special Demo

YouTube Uploaded by SteinbergSoftware on Mar 26, 2012

"Geert Bevin from Eigenlabs giving a demo of the amazing Eigenharp together with Cubase's Note Expression feature."

Friday, January 16, 2015

"How far can you be?" on LinnStrument

Published on Jan 16, 2015 Geert Bevin

"I was playing around with the LinnStrument and iPad synths to get ready for NAMM, and kept thinking of my dog Droopy who is alone in the hospital right now. Here's a little musical painting of those moments.

Played on the LinnStrument, more information about it here:

Sound is generated by Audiobus on iPad Air, running SampleWiz going through Amazing Noises Reverb and Crystalline, recorded in AudioShare."

iTunes: SampleWiz - Wizdom Music LLC

Friday, July 05, 2013

Geco Tutorials

Geco Tutorial 1 : Quick Start Guide
Published on Jul 5, 2013 Geert Bevin·183 videos

" : First tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 2 : Controlling software synths
Published on Jul 6, 2013

" : Second tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 3 : Window Management
Published on Jul 7, 2013

" : Third tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 4 : GUI Customization
Published on Jul 8, 2013

" : Fourth tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 5 : Document Management
Published on Jul 9, 2013

" : Fifth tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 6 : Advanced Configuration
Published on Jul 10, 2013

" : Sixth tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 7 : Hand Open-Closed Linking
Published on Jul 11, 2013

" : Seventh tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Geco Tutorial 8 : Controlling External Synths
Published on Jul 11, 2013

" : Eighth tutorial that guides you through Geco, providing multi-dimensional MIDI expression through hand gestures with the Leap Motion Controller."

Monday, July 28, 2014

LinnStrument cover : The Choice from The Last Of Us

Published on Jul 28, 2014 Geert Bevin

"This is an instrumental cover of The Choice from The Last Of Us, written by Gustavo Santaolalla. I'm using the row-per-channel configuration so that each row acts as an individual string. The sound is coming from Trilian with an 8-part multitimbral setup (one for each row).

More information about the LinnStrument here:"

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Triple Mother Day

Published on May 8, 2016 Geert Bevin

"Live recording with my triple Moog Mother-32 rack and an MF Delay, no post-processing ... thought it was the perfect day to record what I've been working on. Available on SoundCloud here:"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

'What If' - original piano instrumental on Eigenharp Alpha

'What If' - original piano instrumental on Eigenharp Alpha from Geert Bevin on Vimeo.

" - This is one of the original instrumental piano pieces that I've been composing on the Eigenharp Alpha. I'm still contemplating on adding vocals over it and turning it into a song, but I'm not totally convinced yet.

However, after many months of keeping this under the wraps, I though it was time to record a video with the factory piano sound since I think it's stunningly beautiful and responds wonderfully well to dynamics.

Hope you enjoy it.

I you like this performance, you can download the lossless audio file from SoundCloud for free:​gbevin/​what-if-piano-instrumental"

Friday, May 06, 2011

Roger Linn Hosts New Musical Instruments Event at CCRMA - Eigenharp, Continuum and LinnStrument

YouTube Uploaded by SynthMeTV on May 5, 2011

"Roger Linn Hosts New Musical Instruments Event at CCRMA, Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Audio (CCRMA). At this event held on May 5, 2011. The Eigenharp was demonstrated by Geert Bevin, Senior Software Developer from UK-based Eigenlabs. The Continuum from Haken Audio, was demonstrated by Bay area pianist Ed Goldfarb. Roger Linn lead the discussion and demonstrated the LinnStrument prototype. Watch the whole event in video below. More news can be found at"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Strings for Rapture (Ode to the End of the World)

Strings for Rapture (Ode to the End of the World) from bar|none on Vimeo.

"This is a bit of noodling with a KYMA sound designed by Edmund Eagan for the Continuum that I adapted for the Eigenharp.

As you can hear, it has a lot of per note expression. Each key controls, velocity, pitch, timbre (reresonation of the strings), volume. phase, pick sound mix using roll, yaw, pressure, velocity of the keys, each key sending all this information INDEPENDENTLY!

There is a bit of bowed cello added which comes in only when I use the strip controller, everything else is one KYMA sound.

I'd like to extend my appreciation to Geert Bevin who designed the new MIDI configuration options for EigenD and made this connection possible. And of course to Edmund Eagan for this amazing sound, and to Symbolic Sound for KYMA."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Roger Linn on LinnStrument and new Expressive Controllers (Moogfest 2014)

Published on Apr 29, 2014 Geert Bevin·214 videos

"This is the complete lecture that Roger Linn gave at Moogfest 2014 about his upcoming LinnStrument and other new Expressive Controllers"

Be sure to see the Moogfest Channel for more.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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