MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for resynthesis

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query resynthesis. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Lyre Inc. FDSS Studio Additive Synthesizer + Resynthesis

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

This is the first post to feature both Lyre inc. and the FDSS Studio Additive Synthesizer. It was spotted and sent in via M Me. The listing, images, and info is from, posted here with permission.

Details from the listing:

"I am offering my ultra mega rare Lyre FDSS Studio.

The FDSS is an additive synthesizer with analysis and resynthesis function from 1987

The technical data is on the last picture in the web, you can find almost nothing about it

Ultra rare , as far as I know less than 50 devices have been built , only three have been delivered to Europe .

This synthesizer was available as an 8 or 16 voice version,
The 8-voice version was always the basic version, which could be expanded to include a further 8 voices out of 16.

Like the famous Technos Acxel synthesizer, the Lyre
FDSS synthesizer also designed and built in Quebec / Canada.

You had to operate it via a terminal, similar to the

Synclavier, Synergy or Kurzweil K150FS.

Software was and is included for PC and Apple Mac

Mac could be connected directly and with the PC you needed a card (ISA is included)

price, no idea.....

with such rare things "whatever someone is willing to pay" applies :-))

or exchange for vintage synthesizer?"

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Radon Atomic Resynthesis

Published on Jun 14, 2013 JeffreyPlaide·94 videos

"Radon Atomic Resynthesis is an ethereal, wildly-surreal experimental electronic music composition. The composition is inspired by almost random electronic tonalities and frequency modulations created on the Ionic Performer VST synthesizer. The beauty about the Ionic Performer (like the EMS Synthi synthesizers of which the Ionic Performer is a re-worked variation with integrated keyboard and a push-button matrix instead of patch pins) is that the envelope (trapezoid function) can be automatically re-triggered. This creates a repeating simple sequence of a single music event. By altering the oscillator controls, modulation sources and ring-modulation, many interesting and wild pulses can be produced in real-time and recorded. It was the raw stream of re-triggered pulsations and modulations that became the basis for the whole work. Inspired by early science-fiction electronic music, the Ionic Performer VST could deliver the sonic combinations and unexpected tonal collisions that cross-modulated audio oscillators can create if connected in this way. The first mix consisted of a bass track created on the Ionic Performer VST - low pulses with shrieks of higher modulations. Next came the mid-tones. Again created on the Ionic Performer, but with higher pulsations and strange FM collisions. It was then necessary to create an ambient texture "wash", so the bass line was slowed by a factor of 300% and processed with heavy reverb - sounding very science fiction and somewhat alien in context. An organ-like chord was created on the ORGANized trio VST with the Valhalla Frequency Echo for added effect. This 5-note chord gave added strange texture. The low-frequency background vibration is the same chord slowed by a factor of 500% and processed with flanging. The chorus of voices was created using the Tapeotronic (Mellotron emulation) keyboard playing a 3-note chord with added delay. Another Tapeotronic chord was used for the higher "alien voices" that fade in and out. This whole first mix was slowed by a factor of 200% with added reverb, and added to the first mix session. This gave the feeling of a kind of infinity feedback sound. All of these elements became part of the main master first mix. This main mix was then further added to by a ring-modulated and convoluted version of itself. In the middle portion of the composition a ring-modulated, convoluted, filtered, flanged, reverberated and 300% slow version came into being with added low-frequency background vibrations and pulsating bass sinewave tones created by signal generation. The middle portion is bracketed by falling nodulated inverted sinewaves. The last element is a high sinewave tone - rather like a singing tone. This final mix created the strange combination of forces that married all the textural elements into a full and atmospheric collage of electronic tone structures and modulations. The visuals were created by pure video synthesis techniques - electronic texture weaves, linear pulsations and sinusoidal moire patterns. Superimposed are strange solarised and edge-processed derivations of elliptical formations. The atom is represented by rotating moiré ellipses, with a cloud of particles representing the nucleus. Many kinds of solarised rotating forms are included to graphically illustrate the process of atomic synthesis. The end represents just a cloud of electrons being swept away by quantum forces in the matrix of space-time."

Monday, June 07, 2010

Morphine Overview and Tutorials

YouTube via imageline — June 06, 2010 —

Morphine Part One - Introduction
Morphine Part Two - Interface Tour
Morphine Part Three - Generator Section
Morphine Part Four - Generator Section Two
Morphine Part Five - Resynthesis
Morphine Part Six - Modulation
Morphine Part Seven - DSP Effects
Morphine Part Eight - Create Your Own Sounds
Morphine Part Nine - Create Sounds with Resynthesis
Morphine Part Ten - Stand Alone Mode

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone on Kickstarter
If the Kickstarter video causes your mouse to disappear, click off screen and it should come back.

Note the video and project is not directly focused on synthesis, however the application (like the iPad as a synthesis platform) should be obvious. The following is a write-up on that potential in via reader cheater:

"I'm in no way affiliated with those guys, but this thing opens so many possibilities for the synthesis aficionado that I have to let you know what's in store. Why is this cool? Simply put, it's a Kickstarter for an open platform which could enable synthesis methods that are currently not possible, unless you lug around an expensive workstation, and put them in a desktop-module style case. For those intents and purposes it's a self-contained system with a 45 GHz CPU, the size of a DVD box.

Below are some examples of synthesis methods that could work out thanks to the radically different way this thing works. Each of those is slow on current PCs and because of the parallel nature of the chip in question are tons faster to execute on it:

1. granular synthesis. Ever try to run one of those in VST? They sound better the more parts you can have. Current PCs can only run so many parts, and you need thousands per voice. This thing could easily run a polyphonic synthesizer.

Here are some demos of what you can do with a granular synthesizer:

See how Alchemy only allows 10 grains per voice? You could have an order of magnitude more, with each grain bank (Alchemy has 10) modulated separately.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nearest launching of the Synthesizer - Acxel II

Press Release
Quebec, Canada - on March 26, 2008: Idarca-audio division of Idarca Inc. is proud to announce the nearest launching of the synthesizer Acxel II - which makes profitable the original Acxel legacy (early 90's) and of a revolutionary dynamic architecture parallel processor - patented by Idarca - the RPP. With its unique characteristics, Acxel II will set new standard of real time synthesis and audio processing.

Acxel II proposes 3 synthesis modes (with integrated sound processing):
Acxelink made up of cells (256 to 1280) independently parametrical: Amplitude, Frequency, Phase, Filter, Waveform. Cells-cells links, signal Inputs integration and processing and many other characteristics including macros.
Additive synthesis
Analog synthesis

Acxel II integrates unique functions on sound resynthesis and processing with full scalability:
Real TIme Resynthesis:
The Acxelink and Additive modes allocate without compromise a complete access in real time to all elements (Envelope, Midi, Modulation) of a timbre, created from scratch or configured with Analysis (integrated into the system).

Open architecture: Acxel II allows, in real time, to introduce external sounds (for example a guitar) into the synthesis elements, for simple effects or extended processes or sound fusions.

Scalable: The Acxelink mode integrates all of the elements to emulate and combine existing or original synthesis modes: Physical modeling, Wave Tables, FM, Wavelets, Vocoder, etc.

Acxel II will be available in 2 versions:
Acxel II - PCI: Sound Card (PCI) with software PC/MAC
- Deliverable in 4 to 6 months.

Acxel II - SAS: Stand Alone System with “preset” use for scenic performances or in Workstation (with PC or MAC)
- Deliverable in 8 to 12 months.

Touch Sensitive Graphic console available in option
- Deliverable in less than 12 months.

For more information on Acxel II:

Thursday, June 30, 2022

1999 Ensoniq Fizmo Transwave Two Oscillator Keyboard Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Update: note the display cover appears to be missing.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Making new sounds using artificial intelligence

Published on Dec 21, 2017 ANDREW HUANG

This sounds a bit like resynthesis.


Stream/download the track:

This one in via brian comnes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Musikmesse: Musikmesse_2010_Waldorf_PPG_V3_ALPHA.AVI

YouTube via FrequencyTestSystem
"Völlig unerwarte Präsentierte uns Waldorf eine ALPHA Version des Waldorf PPG V3. Die Prognose weist auf eine Juni Veröffentlichung und eine Preis von €150 Euro hin. Einen Upgrade von der Waldorf Edition wird es NICHT geben!"

"Totally unexpected Presented us an alpha version of Waldorf Waldorf PPG V3. The forecast has a June release and a price point of € 150. An upgrade from the Waldorf Edition, it will NOT be!"

Update via Qwave in the comments: "I heard it at the Messe and talked to Wolfram Franke, the programmer of this and the old 2.V. I complained about the different aliasing since the old days of betatesting the 2.V. Now, the new version with totally changed oscillator's inside code, the high frequency sample rate of the PPG wave 2.2 and 2.3 (slightly higher) is recreated more accurate. And then downsampled to the 44 kHz or what ever you use on your computer audi interface. The difference is easy to hear. The original aliasing was well in the hearing range of everybody. So the downsampling is much like hearing the PPG wave as recorded in high digital quality of an uncompressed CD format or even better. The sounds get all the gritty harshness of the real PPG waves. And I know what I am talking about, because I used to have a 2.2 and 2.3. And a waveterm B.
Right now, only the sample loading is implemented. I don't think the world will need all those outdated and very abstract to handle sequencer stuff of the original PPG waveterm. Or the resynthesis, which only worked for a single spectrum, not for a whole sound like on the Waldorf WAVE. Or the formant mode to create a single spectrum that is calculated to fill all slots of the wavetable to use a formant corrected version of the spectrum across the keyboard. Not that much needed.
I think most PPG waveterm users used sampling, because this was the new thing then. And every body hated the sequencer, but there were not so many alternatives available to us, then now.
On display was an alpha version. So things may change. Some features might be added.
The FX section is much like the one of the Largo. So you get the 6 stage chorus as well as some long delays and a reverb. But only one FX a time per part. The PPG 3.V is of cause multitimbral as the PPG wave 2.3. : 8 sounds a time. But with the very same limitations of the real PPG wave 2.3: a multi sample is only max 8 parts and uses up all 8 multi slots (named "bank" in the PPG wave 2.3). You may load multiple instances of the plug-in, to get more sounds at the same time. Or run the old 2.V plug-in side by side with this new one."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ensoniq Fizmo 48-voice Transwave Synthesizer SN FIZMO-10112

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated. via this auction

"This one also has the regulator fix that plagued this synth. Comes with AC Adaptor and manual in pdf. on cd. The extras are the hundreds of sounds I saved from over the years is included on cd and a copy of sounddiver 3.5 (Windows) which has a editor for the Fizmo and hundreds of other synths. The specs below but you really have to hear it to enjoy it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Check out my other auctions and good luck to the winner.

Polyphony - 48 voices
Oscillators - 4 MB of 16-bit internal wave ROM, featuring Transwaves (created through digital synthesis and resynthesis technologies); 2 osc for each of 4 presets - total of 8 simultaneous - 58 waveforms
LFO - 8 LFO's (7 waveform choices, can sync to Arpeggiator or external MIDI clock)
Filter - Resonant LP & BP 4 pole filters. Non-Resonant 2LP+2HP, 3LP+1HP, 2LP+2LP, 3LP+1HP filters.
Effects - 41 digital VLSI 24-bit effects (8 Global Reverbs, Chorus, Flanger, DDL, Distortion, Tunable Speaker, Chatter Box, Vocal Morph, Auto-Wah, Vocoder); Processes incoming audio
Keyboard - 61 semi-weighted keys (velocity and channel pressure sensitive, 4 programmable key ranges, 4 possible zones)
Memory - 128 ROM sounds, Up to 128 RAM, 64 Presets
Control - MIDI (up to 4 polyphonic channels)
Date Produced - 1998"

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Additive Synthesis Magical Mystery Tour // Pigments 3, Razor, Loom & Alchemy Resynthesis Tutorial

video by loopop

"Get these insights and many more in my ever-expanding book of electronic music ideas, tips and tricks :

► Patreon:​

Synths/gear in the video:
► Pigments 3
► Alchemy (part of Logic Pro)
► Razor from Native Instruments
► Loom II from Air
► Polyphylla (available from Ableton)
► Fabfilter Q
► Scopes by Melda:​"

Monday, July 19, 2010

Symbolic Sound Kyma X + Capybara 320 Basic System

via this auction
"Basic Capybara 320 system complete with firewire drive interface and Kyma X software CD (once installed you can update to the latest version off the symbolic sound website). It also comes with PDF versions of the Kyma X Revealed instruction manual as well as information on Prototypes and the Tau Editor.

This system has long been the secret weapon for professional sound designers and musicians such as BT, NIN, Aphex Twin, and many others. Specs below.

Imagine the sound designer's dream machine...
• a machine that would let you graphically string together unlimited-length chains of processing and synthesis modules and run them with zero latency on a dedicated multiprocessor computer with little or no impact on your main computer's memory or processing capabilities...
• where you could expand the processing capabilities of your hardware transparently, simply by plugging in more processing cards, because the machine was designed from the outset with scalability and multiple processors in mind...
• where you'd never have to sacrifice sound quality just because you're trying to squeeze more real time processing out of your desktop or laptop computer...
• with FireWire, timecode, MIDI, and 8 channels of 24-bit 100 kHz audio...
• controlled by the award-winning Kyma software with cutting-edge algorithms like granular processing, real-time analysis/resynthesis, aggregate synthesis, and spectral morphing...
• an online community of colleagues at the leading edge of film, music, advertising, and game development...
• a tech support staff that is among the most dedicated and educated in the business,
• and a symbolic, blue LED on the front panel.
Hardware Specifications

Basic Configuration
• four processors installed on the motherboard
• 96 MB sample RAM
• 12 expansion slots
• I/O and external sync (see below)
• External desktop or rackmount case (protects the DSPs and converters from the electrically noisy environment inside your personal computer, and leaves valuable slot-space free to use for other cards on your host computer)

Expansion Card
• two processors installed on the expansion card
• 48 MB sample RAM (per card)
• Up to 12 expansion cards (for a total of 28 processors) can be added

Inputs and Outputs
• 4-8 channels
• 32-100 kHz sample rate
• 24-bit
• Balanced Analog and Digital (AES/EBU)

External Synchronization
• Word Clock input
• VITC & LTC Timecode input and output

Interface options
• FireWire for Macintosh OS X and OS 9, Windows XP, 2000, and ME desktop and laptop machines"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tone2 Soundsets

Published on Dec 19, 2012 Tone2Audiosoftware·31 videos

Playlist (descriptions for the first 5 below - click through a video for the description on YouTube):

1. The Futuron expansion for RayBlaster
2. Analog for Saurus
3. Vocalic for ElectraX
4. Ambisphere for Rayblaster
5. Wavetables expansion for ElectraX
6. Top of the Clubs for Saurus
7. Dark Toxic for Saurus
8. Chiptunes for ElectraX
9. Dance & Trance for ElectraX
10. Morphing for ElectraX
11. Voltage! for ElectraX
12. Drums! for ElectraX
13. Vintage for ElectraX
14. Dance & Trance expansion for Gladiator2 (pt.2)
15. Dance & Trance expansion for Gladiator2 (pt.1)
16. The Electronic expansion for Gladiator2
17. State of Art expansion for Gladiator2
18. Progression for Gladiator2
19. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.1)
20. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.2)
21. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.3)
22. Abstracts for Firebird+ (pt.1)
23. Abstracts for Firebird+ (pt.2)
24. Electricity for Firebird+
25. Spectrals for Firebird+
26. Uniquity for Firebird+

1. The Futuron expansion for Rayblaster -

Monday, December 10, 2018

Technos Acxel Additive Synthesizer Sequenced By Elektron Digitakt

Published on Dec 10, 2018 Perfect Circuit

"All of the sounds are coming from the rare and bizarre Technos Acxel additive synthesizer in multitimbral mode. Even the intro sound was resynthesized by the Acxel. We used an Elektron Digitakt as a sequencer to sequence six of the voices of the Acxel. The Acxel was designed in 1989 and was cutting edge technology at the time with its multiple voices which each have 32 additive "cells" and the ability to analyze four seconds of sound and resynthesize it.

Technos Acxel available here:

Digitakt availabl here:"

Supporters of MATRIXSYNTH get %10 off at Perfect Circuit!

See the Technos label at the bottom of this post for more. Pics and info via Perfect Circuit:

"The Technos Acxel Resynthesizer is an additive synth developed in Quebec, Canada during the late 1980s. Its architecture is based on sine-wave oscillators that are each assigned amplitude and pitch envelopes to form the component harmonics of a sound.

The major innovation of the Acxel was, according to Technos, resynthesis. The idea is to sample a sound and extract its harmonic content using the Acxelizer. This information is then used to assign parameters, including envelopes, to the oscillators.

The Acxel comes in two pieces: the Solitary and the Grapher. The Solitary contains the main guts of the machine, including the main CPU board, the oscillator boards, the sampling board, the Acxelizer board, the floppy drive, and the I/O.

The Grapher is the machine’s user interface and is what Technos highlighted in its advertising. It’s a vacuum-fluorescent display for status information and menus and a surface of touch-sensitive nodules, 2114 of which contain LEDs.


256 ISC configuration, maximum 8-voice polyphony
Includes OS 1.099A and OS 1.12 disks
Includes copies of the original three Technos Sound Library disks
Includes Grapher to Solitary communication DIN cable
Includes flight case with casters for the Solitary"

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Waldorf WAVE 32 Voice SN 9511000133

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.


"As a long time Waldorf enthusiast and Waldorf WAVE freak, see my pages, I made the decision to sell my WAVE +16 (= 32 voice, 61 keys). I just did not played it that often anymore. I still love it, but I can't justice its stay in my flat anymore.

But I still own many, many Waldorf synths. And I made my final thought about selling it after the release of the iPad app NAVE which gives me many WAVE functions and a sound that is fantastic. And for turning knobs there is my Waldorf Q32 and XTk30 at my place. So this is not a "good bye" from Waldorf wavetable synths.

It is one of the even more rarer 32 voice models.
61 keys, and standard blue/gray coloured.
It got the special "speed-up" modification by Waldorf for a bit higher internal clocked CPU.

I think there is no need to tell you about the beauty (optical and soundwise) of this top rank synth.

It is running on the latest available OS 1.902 (post Waldorf version). This OS also allows to do resynthesis based on .WAV files of up to 512 kB size (limit by the WAVEs RAM). Of cause I provide the last original Waldorf WAVE system too. And the factory sound.

It got a USB stick socket where the disk drive used to be. This enables data exchange with every USB equipped PC/Mac, as there is no special formation except for up to 100 different folder names. Ever folder represents one virtual disk.

It comes with a special flightcase and a PDF manual in english and german.

The fan in the back was exchanged with a higher quality one with way less acoustic noise.

I am the original owner of this 1995 built WAVE.

Known problems:
- some parts of the Nextel colour are of the edges. Mainly on the back rim of the panel. This is typical for many WAVEs, even when they never left a studio. A bit of repair paint is included (but not yet used). Its 8 of 10 optical. But the unique and great design is still unmatched by all other synths. You will still feel a bit like having to bow down before switching it off.
- The LCD backlight is not working anymore. Several people on this list repaired this themself. But I am not a skilled synth tech at all.
- One row of pixels in the LCD is most of the times dead. Never searched for the real reason, so it might be just a minor problem like a bent ribbon cable or a cold soldering point.
- One voice got a slightly higher resonance then the others. A spare Curtis filter chip is included. But you may just skip the voice in the voice assignment via the service page for a perfect 31 voice WAVE or just play it anyway, as this is not that noticeable on most sounds anyway. But I better tell all I know here. Even a skilled musician preferred to play a concert with this WAVE and this a bit off voice in favour of using a different WAVE (with 16 voices only) that was available at the same time for this event.

Absolutely ONLY LOCAL PICK UP here at my place near Stuttgart. Of cause you are invited to test and play the instrument before you made your final decision about the sale. I don't have the time to deal with custom form and shipping companies, as the WAVE is just to big and heavy to be shipped from a post office. I know that this reduces the possible numbers of potential buyers, but please accept this. But if you should be willing o arrange everything including a pick up by some third person or a company at my place or my office, it is OK.

I know these 32 voice WAVEs are VERY rare. Not just the typical "rare" as used on eBay auctions for synths sold 100 times more. And there had been only one or two WAVEs with 32 voices on eBay in the last 10 years if I remember it right.

keep on turning these knobs

Till "Qwave" Kopper"

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Ensoniq Fizmo Realtime Transwave Synth SN FIZMO-10152

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Polyphony - 48 voices

Oscillators - 4 MB of 16-bit internal wave ROM, featuring Transwaves (created through digital synthesis and resynthesis technologies); 2 osc for each of 4 presets - total of 8 simultaneous - 58 waveforms

LFO - 8 LFO's (7 waveform choices, can sync to Arpeggiator or external MIDI clock)

Filter - Resonant LP & BP 4 pole filters. Non-Resonant 2LP+2HP, 3LP+1HP, 2LP+2LP, 3LP+1HP filters.

Effects - 41 digital VLSI 24-bit effects (8 Global Reverbs, Chorus, Flanger, DDL, Distortion, Tunable Speaker, Chatter Box, Vocal Morph, Auto-Wah, Vocoder); Processes incoming audio

Keyboard - 61 semi-weighted keys (velocity and channel pressure sensitive, 4 programmable key ranges, 4 possible zones)

Memory - 128 ROM sounds, Up to 128 RAM, 64 Presets

Control - MIDI (up to 4 polyphonic channels)

Date Produced - 1998

Friday, February 02, 2018

$30,000 Technos Acxel For Sale

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"The Technos Acxel Resynthesizer is an additive synth developed in Quebec, Canada during the late 1980s. Its architecture is based on sine-wave oscillators that are each assigned amplitude and pitch envelopes to form the component harmonics of a sound.
The major innovation of the Acxel was, according to Technos, resynthesis. The idea is to sample a sound and extract its harmonic content using the Acxelizer. This information is then used to assign parameters, including envelopes, to the oscillators.

The Acxel comes in two pieces: the Solitary and the Grapher. The Solitary contains the main guts of the machine, including the main CPU board, the oscillator boards, the sampling board, the Acxelizer board, the floppy drive, and the I/O.

The Grapher is the machine’s user interface and is what Technos highlighted in its advertising. It’s a vacuum-fluorescent display for status information and menus and a surface of touch-sensitive nodules, 2114 of which contain LEDs.

Comes with printed manual, sound disks and latest OS. The Solitary sits in a transportable rack case. Serious buyers only. This is the holy grail and strictly for synthesizer collectors."

See the Technos or Acxel label below for more posts including videos.

Someone needs to make a watch version! ;) Sorry, when I first saw the image in this post it was a bit smaller and reminded me of a Casio watch.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tone2 RayBlaster2 Introduces New Impulse Modelling Synthesis (IMS)

Published on Feb 23, 2017 Tone2 Audiosoftware

"Download the free test version of RayBlaster2 now from !"

Reminds me of the formant synthesis on the Yamaha FS1R.

Some info from Tone2:

RayBlaster - a radically new form of synthesis!

Impulse Modelling Synthesis (IMS) is far more than a marketing buzzword - it represents a radically new and different approach in sound generation.

Based on the latest research in psychoacoustics, Tone2 RayBlaster unveils a completely new and unique world of sounds that is exclusive to RayBlaster and not possible with other synthesizers.

What is Impulse Modeling Synthesis ?

Offering a new world of high quality sounds and limitless creative potential for all styles of music,
IMS goes well beyond traditional forms of synthesis. Conventional synthesizers employ what is known as subtractive synthesis, in which the oscillator source is a looped waveform that is filtered to create a sound. By contrast, RayBlaster utilizes an entirely new and fresh approach to sound generation and creates its distinctive sound from many short bursts of energy, which combine to form a more complex sound. In fact, this innovative approach to synthesis is very close to how our human inner ear perceives sound. Because of its radically new method of synthesis, RayBlaster offers a wide range of original sounds, sounds that have never been heard before.

What is the difference to other synthesizers?

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

First Audio Demos of the Upcoming Ampethron Hardware FX Synthesizer

Published on Sep 13, 2019 Ampethron

Follow-up to this post.

known facts about ampethron (secret prototype at the moment):

- new concept of synthesizer, new style of controlling and playing sounds 

- revolutionary unit for Live-acts and Djs (also for studio production)

- many algorithms (types of synthesizers and instruments) in one DSP hardware device

- new types of synthesis / resynthesis

- 2 parallel / serial filters (14 types of filters including unique ones)

- 4 oscillators (real-time wavedrawing oscillator with touchscreen, wavetable, virtual analog, re-oscillator)

- touchscreen control + hardware control

- draw your own waveforms realtime with touchscreen (LFO and OSCILLATOR waveforms)

- multiple external connection possibilities

INFO: HYPERLINK " – Visit to get 200 Eur discount voucher and free wav samples

Limited amount of Ampethron devices will be sold in crowdfunding campaign (with significant discount!) 

Best regards

Phasenetic research labs

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

PPG Waveterm System (1982) waves, wavetables, sampling, resynthesis

Published on Jan 16, 2018 RetroSound

"(c) 2018 vintage synthesizer demo by RetroSound

PPG Waveterm A and Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer from the year 1982.

Only 500 Waveterm A&B are made in the early 80s
price WT-A: 15.000 DM

The Waveterm is the heart of the legendary PPG system and based on an old german computer called Eltec Eurocom II with Motorola 6809 processor.

- creation of Waves and Wavetables
- fourier analysis / resonator
- additive synthesis
- 8 bit Sampling for the WAVE 2.2
- sequencer / event generator
- storage of sounds on 8" disc

this demo video shows only a few functions (creation of waves, wavetables) of the Waveterm.
More coming soon."

Friday, May 12, 2023

Make Noise SoundHack Spectraphon | Overview & Exploration

video upload by Sarah Belle Reid

"A demo & walkthrough of the new Eurorack module Spectraphon, by Make Noise. Spectraphon is a dual complex oscillator that explores additive synthesis and resynthesis—allowing you to analyze and resynthesize characteristics of other sounds to create super unique timbres and waveforms.

This video includes an overview of what Spectraphon is and how it works, along with a number of patch examples demonstrating Spectraphon as a dual oscillator, and as an effects processor to create rich, resonator / spectral-blurring type sounds.

Spectraphon’s design is inspired by the Buchla 259 Programmable Complex Waveform Generator, the Buchla 296 Programmable Spectral Processor, and the Buchla Touché—taking parts of each of these designs and combining them into something new and unique."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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