MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Metunar

Showing posts sorted by date for query Metunar. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Metunar. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

ESK - Moog Opus 3 + Effects 2

video upload by Metunar

"Second short demo of the Moog Opus 3 (analog ensemble synthesizer) with analog effects. On the right main out there is a Boss CE-300 stereo super chorus. The Opus 3 left out with the string and organ section goes into the Polyfusion 755 MK2 (Frequency Shifting Feedback Controller) and then back to the brass/VCF filter input. This time with long release."

Friday, December 08, 2023

ESK - Moog Opus 3 + Effects 1

video upload by Metunar

"Short demo of the Moog Opus 3 (analog ensemble synthesizer) with analog effects. On the right main out there is a Boss CE-300 stereo super chorus. The Opus 3 left out with the string and organ section goes into the Polyfusion 755 MK2 (Frequency Shifting Feedback Controller) and then back to the brass/VCF filter input."

Monday, November 27, 2023

ESK - Erica Synths Bullfrog + Polyfusion 755 MK2

video upload by Metunar

"Simple demo of the Polyfusion 755 MK2 Frequency Shifting Feedback Controller together with an Erica Synths Bullfrog Synthesizer. Not playing anything meaningful, it’s more about the sound.
The Polyfusion is inserted in the delay feedback of the Bullfrog.
The 755 was not intended as effect unit. It was for PA-Systems to prevent mic feedback. So the maximal frequency shift range ist 1.5 to 6 Hz. You can shift up or down. This unit used in an effect insert it’s not interesting, you will not hear any effect, the change is too suptile. But in a feedback loop, it’s quite cool.
Mono Recording."

Sunday, November 12, 2023

ESK - Haken Continuum + Waldorf Kyra 2

video upload by Metunar

"Another Haken and Kyra Demo. Not playing something meaningful, it's more about the sound.
In this Patch i use a lot of Parameter modulations with the Y direction on the Haken.

The Haken Continuum Fingerboard as a Midi controller for an Waldorf Kyra synthesizers.
The Waldorf Kyra is perfect in combination with the Haken because it updates all voices/multitimbral channels simultaneously while changing parameters. It has no MPE, but it is 8 channel multitimbral and so you can use it with every MPE controller. Only drawback, there are no global controllers (like modulationwheel), but with the Haken i don’t need them.
No external effects are used."

Thursday, November 09, 2023

ESK - Haken Continuum + Waldorf Kyra

video upload by Metunar

"The Haken Continuum Fingerboard as a Midi controller for an Waldorf Kyra synthesizers. This Continuum is a an old Midi only version. The sensitivity is not so good as the new ones.
The Waldorf Kyra is perfect in combination with the Haken because it updates all voices/multitimbral channels simultaneously while changing parameters. It has no MPE, but it is 8 channel multitimbral and so you can use it with every MPE controller. Only drawback, there are no global controllers (like modulationwheel), but with the Haken i don’t need them.
The pitchbend on the Kyra has only a range of 1 octave, which is not much, but for my use, it's enough. No external effects are used."

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

ESK - Psychedelic Bullfrog Dream

video upload by Metunar

"Psychedelic soundscape live jam with the analog monophonic Bullfrog synthesizer from Erica Synth.
All sounds including the voice sample and delay effect are from the Bullfrog.
There is also a bit reverb effect from the Elektron Digitakt."

Erica Synths Bullfrog

Sunday, October 22, 2023

ESK - Akai MPC X with Beats FM Radio Loops

video upload by Metunar

"Here i made a kind of radio soundscape jam.
The Akai MPC X has 8 stereo audiotracks. I recorded into them some radio loops from the X Audio Systems Beats FM (Radio/Filter/Delay unit). The added drumbeat is from a Yamaha RX15 drumcomputer.
With the Q-Link encoders on the MPC X i control the level of the 8 audiotracks and some effects as well.
Direct stereo recording with mastering."

Saturday, October 14, 2023

ESK - X Audio Systems Beats FM - Noise Radio

video upload by Metunar

"The X Audio Systems Beats FM is a radio with analog filter, digital delay and a LFO. It is really noisy and some functions are not well implemented, but it makes a lot of fun to compose out of little radio excerpts a crazy soundscape. All noise, distortion, crackles and hiss are coming from the Beats FM, without any additional effect. Hope you like this 13 minutes of madness."

Monday, October 09, 2023

ESK - Waldorf Kyra 8 Layer Patch

video upload by Metunar

"I made 2 Waldorf Kyra Synthesizer demos with 8 layer patches. It’s the same single sound on all layer, but with different detune and pan settings. First you hear the single sound solo, then the 8 layer patch of this sound. I also show how easy you can chance parameters on one layer which is then directly effecting all layers. So the Kyra you can use as MPE synthesizer, even if MPE is not implemented.
All sounds and FX are from the Kyra.
Live recording without mastering."

Monday, September 11, 2023

ESK - Waldorf Kyra Jam

video upload by Metunar

"Jamsession with the Waldorf Kyra synthesizer and an Elektron Digitakt.
All sounds are from the Kyra. The Digitakt is used as 8 track Midi sequencer with some controllers.
Live recording with mastering."

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Swiss Synthesizer Meeting 2023 at Gran Rex Auditorium in Locarno - 23. September 2023

via Metunar:

"Hi everybody!

I’m happy to share with you information about the upcoming jam session event of the Swiss Synthesizer Meeting.

This year we will perform in a very cool venue with a high-quality audio system: the Gran Rex Auditorium in old town Locarno (Ticino, Switzerland).

The jam session will take place as usual in two parts, with 1-hour pause in between. During this break the musicians will get some fresh air, as well as be available to answer questions from the audience about the world of synthesizers.

For the whole duration of the event it will also be possible to take a look and play half a dozen rare synthesizers: Theo Bloderer ( will exhibit some of his treasures and of course be open and available for questions and exchange.

Let’s go then! Come and see, hear and meet us at the Gran Rex Auditorium on 23. September 2023!

When: Saturday, 23. September 2023, from 14 to 22
Where: Gran Rex Auditorium, Locarno (Ticino, Schweiz).
Entrance: FREE (voluntary donation in the foyer possible).
Contacts: Flavio Boniforti / Roberto Raineri-Seith
Instagram - Facebook

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

ESK - Drums + Ibanez AD202 Delay

video upload by Metunar

"Testing out the Arturia Drumbrute Impact and a Ibanez AD202 Analog Delay.
This Delay has a Chorus (not used in this test), Flanger, Doubling and Delay Mode.
Recording in mono and to catch some high boost level i used an ART PWM Limiter.
In the last part of the demo i use a lot of input distortion."

Sunday, August 06, 2023

ESK - Analog Flanger Roland + Dynacord

video upload by Metunar

"Testing out two analog stereo flanger effects, the Roland SBF-325 and the Dynacord TAM 19.
To catch the peaks of high flanger feedback and some high boost level i used an ART PWM Limiter.
The Sequence is from an Elektron A4K."

Sunday, July 30, 2023

ESK - GRP V22 Vocoder + Drums

video upload by Metunar

"GRP Synthesizer V22 Vocoder and drums from the Arturia Drumbrute.
I used the internal carrier (Noise and VCO) of the V22.
The Elektron A4 keyboard is only used for Midi.
No external effects, only soft limiting on the master."

Monday, July 24, 2023

ESK - 8raw8 Drum Beats + FX

video upload by Metunar

"4 different drum beats with the analog 8raw8, the Roland TR-808 clone from France.
The Elektron Digitone is used for Midi sequencing and FX (Chorus, Delay, Reverb).
No sounds from the Digitone except FX."

See the 8raw8 label below for more.

Monday, July 17, 2023

ESK - Cwejman Modular + Sequencer

video upload by Metunar

"3 different sequences with a Cwejman Modular Synthesizer.
As sequencer i used a Doepfer A-155, A-154, Toppobrillo Quantimator, Acidlab Robokop, TipTop Audio Z8000 and some other modules.
There are some effects from the Elektron Digitone (Delay, Reverb)."

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

ESK - Tom Oberheim SEM + Sequencer 3

video upload by Metunar

"Another little sequence with the Tom Oberheim SEM Synthesizer.
There are some effects from the Elektron Digitone (Reverb)."

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

ESK - Tom Oberheim SEM + Sequencer 2

video upload by Metunar

"Little sequence with the Tom Oberheim SEM Synthesizer.
There are some effects from the Elektron Digitone (Delay, Reverb)."

Saturday, July 01, 2023

ESK - Cwejman Modular Jam

video upload by

"Ambient Jam with sounds from a Cwejman Modular System and some effects from a Elektron Digitone (Delay, Reverb).
As Sequencer i used a Doepfer A-155, A-154, Toppobrillo Quantimator, Acidlab Robokop and some other modules. With soft mastering (Limiter only)."

Monday, June 26, 2023

ESK - Tom Oberheim SEM + Sequencer

video upload by Metunar

"Playing the Tom Oberheim SEM Synthesizer with a Sequencer (Doepfer A-155, A-154).
There are some effects from the Elektron Digitone (Chorus, Delay, Reverb).
I made 4 sequences with the SEM in this video."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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