Monday, June 29, 2009


YouTube via PHONICPOTION. S-CAT/spacecataudiotechnologies on Ebay




Sunsyn OS 2 Now Available

via the SunSyn site
"The SunSyn has to be sent to Jomox in order to perform the V 2.0 Update. Before doing so, we ask you to schedule the updating with Jomox by phone call or email and purchase this article in the Jomox webshop and pay the amount in advance as advised in the cash desk process.
Then please send the SunSyn to our home adress in Berlin.

The update includes all modifications, the firmware, recalibration and testing. Little repairs might be included if not too timeconsuming.

What's new?
1. The SunSyn 2.0 contains a firmware based boot BIOS, which is executing under any circumstances. Most problems with SunSyns in the past came up by wrong OS midi sysex dumpings which, in some cases, led to non-booting and dead devices. This is not possible any more.

1. Own waves or short samples can be transferred to the SunSyn by sysex midi dump.
2. We provide an editor (PC/MAC) that can convert any WAV or AIFF files on the computer and transfer them to the SunSyn. Each RCO bank can be transferred separately.
3. The RCO loops now always restart syncronous to a note trigger.
4. You can define a start point and a loop length, to which the RCO jumps back after reaching the end of the bank. Thus you are able to play back short samples of about 1.5 sec length if both old binary loop parameters (Course and Fine Loop) are set to 16.
5. RCO 1 can FM modulate RCO 2 now. However, the processing power of the old DSP is limited so that only one way is possible at an acceptable aliasing and tuning range.
6. The background noise of the RCOs is much improved by a hardware modification in order to let samples being played back much more clean.
More importantly, that improves the whole noise situation of the SunSyn in general.

1. The tuning algorithm has been reworked, The VCOs are tuned much cleaner now.
2. The envelopes have got an automatic tuning algorithm, too. The tricky manual envelope tuning is history now.
3. The Pitch Bend Range now is adjustable in semitones across +/- one octave. Also the over- and underrange pitch playing when the VCOs are crossing the borders of the 6 octave keyboard CV range is well performed now.
4. Glide has been completely reworked. Now it works logarithmic as known from old analog synthesizers and has a much more musical knob range.

1. The voice card allocation in multimode is cyclic now in order to let releasing voices decay properly even though another voice is triggered.
2. Latency of notes has been much improved and the pipelining has been completely new structured so that hanging and missing notes should be history now.
3. The multimode bugs like wrong output switching, wrong release, routing assignment interdependence, attack and RCO switching have been fixed. However, still there are some limitations for multimode as there are some parameters global and may affect other voices during context switching. These are: Glide, RCO Bank, RCO FM, RCO Start Point and Loop Length. If one of these parameters are different on two multis, changing of sound may occur between sounding voices."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Meeting of the Knobs 2009 on Wavemakers

more images on

Orange Future Retro Rave-o-lution.

Ensoniq SQ-80 Demo Song: "Free Rein"

YouTube via derekaggs11
"A simple song showing off some patches I recently made: the filter sweep (wheel controlled), a rich synth brass, electric piano and bass."

LINN electronics LINNDRUM

via this auction

Serial number is #864.

Microkorg Piano patch tutorial

YouTube via hdebbache2000
"Please rate..
Hey there. I got a lot of requests to explain how I made the piano patch from one of my videos. I dont understant why someone would want to make a piano on an analog synth, the instrument of the future!! Whatever, here are the instructions, just follow the annotations and you'll have a wonderful paddy-piano-ish sound to mess with. Cheers!

Note: This is not a real piano! so it will be realistic only on a limited range of notes

Note 2: yeah it's a digital wave on OSC1, meaning the sound is not analog.. But for analog freaks, changing it to saw or triangle will be close enought, and it will be analog"

Microkorg custom patches: Pink Floyd Improv, electric guitar, strings

YouTube via hdebbache2000
"Watch in high quality! A little improv on Pink floyd "Shine on you crazy diamonds", and a demo of some new sounds i've figured out."

Microkorg custom patches: Brass, piano, lead and arpeggio, and blade runner blues cover

"The purpose is to demonstrate some of the patches i have accumulated since i bought the thing, six months ago. I tried to replace the Enter Shikari style patches with more vintage ones. And there is an attempt at imitating Vangelis at 1:10.... Enjoy!"

Microkorg custom patches 2: Lead, distorted inter-modulation

"I've just discovered the inter-modulation feature, which lets you modulate a sine wave of osc 1 using osc 2 (as in a digital synth I suppose?). The result is a dirty distorted sound, as shown in some of the segments. Sorry for the lousy sound quality, it is recorded using the webcam's software, from a thinkpad laptop... anyways, enjoy!"

Microkorg: Daft Punk, Vintage and Pad stuff

"This time, I created some patches designed to emulate some of Daft Punk's well known sounds while adding something of my own (Da Funk, Short Circuit). Drums are made using Ableton. This synth is very powerful, and is definitely not a toy, sadly it is used mostly by amateurs. Also, some film themes, pad improvisation etc. Enjoy in High Def!"

Microkorg patches: more Vangelis, pads, leads brass etc, high quality

"Watch in high quality to hear good quality sounds, the difference is amazing." Click the HQ button.

Synth Blues Improv with Alesis Micron

YouTube via hdebbache2000. A bit JMJ (specifically at :38).
"Rate/Comment please. Hey there, here is a blues jam obviously inspired by Vangelis Blade Runner, but it is'nt a cover. It is to show the Micron's amazing capabilities. The sounds are custom, and I'm especially proud of the brass patch. In a while I'll start doing some more rythmic pieces like jarre and such, for now I just wanted to master this synth, so here is a relatively simple improv. Enjoy! And watch in high quality, the sound quality is worth it."

Blade Runner Main Titles Synth Cover with Alesis Micron

"Hey, I just got my Micron, and wanted to test it. I created a setup with a pad, a CS80 like lead, and some glass keys. I think the lead sound is close enought. The Micron is really a powerful synth... Only thing lacking is aftertouch. The playing is slow due to manipulations (expression, octave change etc). Enjoy!"

Synthesizer Studio Hamburg

YouTube via sunnyvollherbst
38 analoge synthesizer and 20
drum machines are waiting for your recording....
more fotos and infos: k"

Ted's Noise Synth

flickr by crayxax
(click for mouse-overs and more)
"Someone asked me to build them a custom noise synth and this is the result. Kind of a combination of my last two, with some added tweaks, it sounds very harsh. Has some weird personality traits when you switch on the ring mod function and depending on how much voltage you starve, certain controls start affecting other controls. I'm very pleased with it. Not sure if I'll keep these knobs or go for metal ones I used on my last box.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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