Sunday, November 28, 2010


via this auction

ARP Pro Soloist DGX Model 2720

via this auction

Use Audio Plugiator Synth Module Tabletop Synthesizer

via this auction

"Plugiator desktop synthesizer. It is an excellent condition as you can see from the pictures and is fully loaded up with all 8 of Use Audio's amazing plug-in synthesizer emulations. My favorite two are the minimax (minimoog) and Pro-12 (prophet 5). Having owned both of these classic synths in the past I can tell you that the plugiator really nails the sounds with amazing accuracy. The Lightwave also produces amazing sounds. Here are some mp3 samples:

Minimax (minimoog)
Pro-12 (prophet-5)
Lightwave (sounds like a virus!)
B4000 (Hammond B3)

Lots and lots more samples here:

Comes with original box, power adapter, manual, and software editor disc."

Oberheim OBXa

via this auction

"Oberheim OB-Xa vintage analog synthesizer with 120 Programs, 8 voice. keyboard's serial number: 814612. The Keyboard has a problem. All voices, keys and buttons work but it will not tune at all. If you play the same note 8 times, it will have different sounds or tuning issues."

Pics of the inside below.

Kids Cover Gary Numan's Metal

YouTube via Numanjnr | April 05, 2010 |

"Me and my brother doing a cover of metal by Gary Numan.I was using a Yamaha psre-323."
Roland SH-201

And one more:

Gary Numan - We Are Glass

Numanjnr | September 25, 2010 |

"NumanJnr covering We Are Glass from Farewell Tour 81."

Atari Punk Console APC w/ Voltage input w/ Photo Resistor and PT2399 delay Synthrotek

YouTube via synthrotek | September 15, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"Atari Punk Console APC w/ 10 Step Analog Step Sequencer & PT2399 Delay Synthrotek. Combining's APC, PT2399 Delay, and our a photo resistor MAGIC! Any of these products are available in kits or fully assembled. DIGG and MAKE IT yo!"

eBay Scams

The below is in via an anonymous reader. I catch these as well. Be careful. In these listings, there is usually an offer to pick the item for a great BIN outside of eBay by contacting the seller. NEVER go for it. It's usually a scam and it is against eBay policy.

When I see them I filter them out of the eBay links on the right of this site, so use them. Please note it's not possible to catch them all the second they go up, and there are other scams out there, so always be careful. The list is "cleaner" but not perfect. I also filter a few other things to keep the feeds synth only.

via an anonymous reader:
"I follow your blog for some time now. I use your blog mainly to keep up to date with all synth related and from time to time find good deals on eBay. But the reason of my email is for something else, today I found a few eBay items and almost got scammed.

The item in question was an Alesis Andromeda. I took a few screen shots and decided to forward you those. Perhaps you can make a post and warn others of the issue.

The A6 on the screen is not the same I was about to be scammed into. But today I've seen many of them come up and go by many different sellers. I believe that the seller accounts got hijacked and they are not even aware of the issue, none the less it will great to warn others of the matter. The worst part is that the scam is for many types of synths, oberheim, arps, jupiters, etc. which really sucks specially during holiday season. "

Also see this post on protecting yourself against scams.

SYNFO - Service Manuals and Schematics - 135 docs as of this post.
You'll also find synth parts and synth repair links.
Note this is Vintage Planet on eBay

Button Fly Low - "Cure for a Dark House"

YouTube via djnotsomuch | October 10, 2010 |

"In the middle of practicing some ideas in Ableton I kept carving out complicated rhythmic sketches on my OHM64. SO I recorded them via my cellphone and a MicroTrack II. The BPM was about 115, approximately 12 samples were used. All but 2 only 1 measure in length - each one geting crushed. Just having some fun practicing and working out ideas!

Geek stuff: no effects in use, CPU max 3%, stick white Macbook."

Using Ableton to provide control voltage for a Moog Slim Phatty [tutorial-demo]

YouTube via djnotsomuch | November 27, 2010 | 6 likes, 0 dislikes

"Seeing the Slim Phatty retaining CV (control voltage) inputs I wondered how well line level voltage would work as a control source. The answer:

Pretty Damn Well!

This is a tutorial/demo on how I pulled this off and everything you need to know! The Moog (notes) are controlled via the MPK25 but the filter and pitch modulation is via the CV inputs.

Yes - Line level (analog) signal has voltage. I learned some of these tricks about a year ago - once thinking CV was far out and not so easy to gain control of - wrong.

The modulation of the SF can be controlled with amazing accuracy and synchronization using an application like Ableton. The possibilities are endless - I am still trying to understand where I would like to go with this idea. For now - you have the basic knowledge - please post back ideas and break throughs! Thx.

Supporting post :"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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