Thursday, March 03, 2011

MacBeth M5N 3 Note Polyphonic 2

MacBeth M5N 3 Note Polyphonic 2 from Ken MacBeth on Vimeo.

"Here is another video featuring the M5N being controlled by a Kenton Pro4 in Polyphonic mode. I got Steve Jones to play this as my skills are somewhat lesser! But it does give a good example of the sound. It would seem that the M5N can sound quite concordant!"

Oberheim OB-X Analog Synthesizer "Memories"

YouTube Uploaded by retrosound72 on Mar 2, 2011

"vintage synth demo by RetroSound

Retro goes Vangelis ;)

all sounds self programmed: Oberheim OB-X 8-Voice Analog Synthesizer from the year 1979 recording: multi-trak

The sound of the OB-X is very different to the later models OB-Xa and OB-8. discrete SEM module design inside.

the audio file and more:"

Monster Formant Modular

YouTube Uploaded by tomabeman on Mar 3, 2011

MVI 2434

YouTube via Uploaded by krisp14u on Mar 3, 2011
Digisound modular in white. And of course Krisp1 DIY modules. Just a few labels for this post.

euro modular patch jamm

YouTube Uploaded by DrOctave1 on Mar 2, 2011

"a patch i made trying to test out the ASbd99 that evolved to this nice jamm. the first 2 mins is it self playing then i start to tweek it out and bring in some sweeps. enjoy. Rene doing the drums and one synth line the PP brains doing 3 other synth lines."

1984 KORG General Catalog

via Retro Synth Ads where you'll find the second page and write-up.

Doepfer eurorack modular synthesizer fixed filter A-128

via this auction
"You have a choice of knobs. I think the smaller ones feel better, but the original knobs are here if you prefer.....

Module A-128 (Fixed Filter Bank) is a filter bank, made up of 15 parallel band pass filters, all with fixed middle frequencies and bandwidth (50 Hz / 75Hz / 110Hz / 150Hz / 220Hz / 350Hz / 500Hz / 750Hz / 1.1kHz / 1.6kHz / 2.2kHz / 3.6kHz / 5.2kHz / 7.5kHz / 11 kHz).

Each band pass filter has its own amplitude control knob, with which that frequency band can be attenuated. The bandwidth of each of the filters is approximately half an octave.

The signal at the output of the A-128 contains a mix of all the filters, depending on the position of each one's amplitude control knob.

The filter bank's main job is to emphasize individual sections of the whole audio frequency range.

This module has a maximum current draw of 20mA. Requires 20 TE/HP worth of space to fit in a Eurorack frame."

Sympathy Networked Modular Synthesizer

YouTube Uploaded by metabog on Mar 2, 2011

"My BSc project. This modular synthesizer VST will have live network performance capabilities, allowing you to share the interface and controls with other users over the internet, by connecting to a central server (which I'm currently writing)."

Way Out Ware SynthX Now Available

"Beginner or pro, SynthX is great fun and candy for your ears and eyes.

You can chose to play using the intuitive XY mode that automatically makes every touch tuned to the selected scale, grid mode where you explore harmonies in a fun new way, and the keys mode that provides a standard piano keyboard.

Built using Way Out Ware's award winning virtual analog technology and heavily optimized for the iOS operating system, SynthX delivers a great looking and sounding analog experience to the iPad.

A mathematically modeled synthesizer, SynthX contains no samples. As a result, it is very small in size, yet it has an extremely large and professionally design sound library.

An effects chain including distortion, flanger, delay and limiter are included. Additionally, a separate identical effects chain is provided to process an external signal connected to the iPad's audio input.

SynthX has been designed from the beginning for the iPad and multi-touch. It has a comprehensive MIDI implementation using CoreMIDI including MIDI Note send and receive and MIDI Beat Clock LFO sync.

You can also record your performances within SynthX and use Sonoma Wireworks AudioCopy to share your performance with other iPad apps. It also supports iTunes file sharing which allows you to drag your performances in full quality into your favorite digital audio workstation.

Warning: SynthX can be habit forming. Please be sure to reserve time for it's use.

P.S. No natural sounds were harmed during the creation of this app."

SynthX - Way Out Ware, Inc.
iPads on eBay

soome, stutter island & grainstorm - monome arc videos by Stretta

soome from stretta on Vimeo.

"Improvisation on piano and monome. I'm using a hand-built arc prototype, generously on loan from tehn, who is very busy building and shipping monomes, dealing with the transition to serialosc required by the new edition and finalizing the arc firmware. I'm sure he'd prefer to be playing with the arc himself.

hardware: monome arc2 (knobs) monome64 (buttons)
software: grainstorm

more information about monome can be found at

more information about grainstorm can be found at:​stretta/​grainstorm"

stutter island from stretta on Vimeo.

"stutter island is beat mangling software for the monome arc, designed for live remixing and dj-ing.

more information about the monome can be found at

more information about me can be found at"

grainstorm demo from stretta on Vimeo.

"This video is a brief introduction to grainstorm, my granular synthesis application for the monome arc. Please take my enthusiasm as genuine, and not some marketing ploy by monome. They don't operate that way. I'm not trying to talk anyone into buying one. Quite the opposite as I think the initial production quantity is small enough benefit from a lower profile release to keep as many possible units out of the hands of people who wish to profit from the scarcity.

The arc isn't for everyone. Also consider the software available at launch: very little. My advice to those on the fence: wait. Also, don't base an arc purchasing decision on grainstorm.

Speech is a rather poor example, and in retrospect, maybe it wasn't a great choice, but I figured I had the soome video to show the more musical side.​stretta/​soome

Another typical result:​stretta-samples/​grainstorm-experiement

Grainstorm has four independent buffers that can be controlled with the arc. Primarily, you use the arc to scroll through the buffer. A push turn gesture on the same encoder widens the window from which grains are drawn. This isn't really evident in the video. A snapshot of various playback parameters can be stored on the grid monome where the it can be played like an instrument or sequenced with the on board sequencer. You can record live audio into the buffer, or load audio from disk. Meaningful support for the arc4 would be fairly easy.

more information on the monome can be found at

more information about me can be found at"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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