Monday, November 01, 2021

Roland System 8 (FM Oscillator - No FX + Prophet 6 and OB6 pads)

video upload by Infested Alien

Generative patch from scratch with Hallucigenia

video upload by Omri Cohen

"There's a video available on my Patreon page where I go deeper into the Comparator and Slope Detector techniques, together with a document full of patching techniques and ideas -

Here's the patch from the video -

00:00 - Introduction
00:30 - First voice with an FM-OP
07:39 - Second voice with a Comparator and Energy
13:35 - Adding a bass with Basal and a Slope Detector
16:47 - Adding an arp with Plaits"

Changes by MATTHS

"Psychedelic Techno is the agenda here as MATTHS makes a direct nod to his first ever release (Loop) under the pseudonym. Arhythmic synth lines intertwine with colourful delays and erratic percussion, all underpinned by a deafening kick drum. MUSIC: Production, performance, mix and mastering by MATTHS

ARTWORK: Elina Krima

Remember, you can become a MATTHS VIP member for only £3 a month and receive hours of extra releases right away!"

Novation Peak / Summit Patches - Boards of Canada, Tame Impala etc.

video upload by Krzysztof Steplowski

"----- Only $12 for all 128 sounds -----
----- Get the pack here: -----

No post-proccesing. Only original sound recorded directly from the unit.

128 unique, well designed patches for Novation Peak and Novation Summit for fans of Boards of Canada, Tycho, Tame Impala etc.

Melodic, living sounds ideal for ambient, downtempo, vaporwave or leftfield. Leads, pads, ARPs and textures - see the video or listen to the soundcloud clips at

----- Any questions? Send me an email: -----

All the themes used in the video or sound demo are copyrighted to the respective owners."

DX5 playing The Cure "Plainsong"

video upload by DX5

"Opening theme from The Cure 'Disintegration' album.

Gear used:
Roland JX-8P (Also triggering the D10 via MIDI)
Roland D10 (Synthetic strings lead)
Yamaha DX7
Backtrack previously recorded and sequenced track by track by me (no sample from the original song) on Pro Tools.

Original song Composed by Simon Gallup / Roger O'Donnell / Robert Smith / Porl Thompson / Laurence Tolhurst / Boris Williams.

Performed here by DX5 Jose Maria Bara."

Radikal Technologies Accelerator

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Korg Radias

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

AE Modular - Ambient Waves 2021

video upload by tangible waves

"This year I was invited again to perform at the Ambient Waves Festival at the Nazareth Church in Munich. This time I only brought my small AE Modular system which contained a few of the recently released modules: Drone38, DronX, Phaser, etc.


Rather Have the Story - The RHS podcasts w/ Steve Porcaro, Matt Fink, & Roger Manning

video upload by Rather Have the Story - The RHS podcast

"'Let's do it...'
- This week we welcome Steve Porcaro, of Toto, of film and TV scoring, co-author of "Human Nature" for Michael Jackson, session musician - and much more.

We talk about the world and work of session musicians, Jeff Porcaro growing up and in the studio, the Rosanna solo, making the Toto albums in the studio, our tributes to the GREAT Keith Emerson, film and TV scoring, James Newton Howard, Roger Linn, Greg Ladanyi, Tommy Mars...

The Roland Microcomposer and early sequencers and synths, the venerable Yamaha CS80, DS1 and 2, the DX7, Polyfusion modular synthesizers, "The Blip" (Steve's creation of complex attack sounds) based upon Frank Zappa and his synthesizer horn sound, and much more!

"Back To You", from Steve's solo album (Someday/Somehow) features, Steve/Mike/Jeff Porcaro together:

*** See the rack of gear I set upon Steve's old keyboard stand at 58:17. Brownie points for all the weird stuff you can identify in the photo - drop a comment if you spot something!"

Rather Have the Story: Matt Fink = Dr Fink of Prince and the Revolution

video upload by Rather Have the Story - The RHS podcast

"This week we have the iconic musician, the longtime keyboard player for Prince and the Revolution, Matt Fink aka Dr. Fink.

We explore some of the lesser-known parts of Dr. Matt's life: Cool unknown bands from Minneapolis, the long evolution of the Dr. Fink character, vintage keyboards of the '70s, albums with meat on the cover, tribute bands, AC/DC, The Revolution reunited, When Doves Cry video, K-TEL Records, A Clockwork Orange, and (of course) working with Prince.

Stay tuned, more coming each week. We've got a lot of great guests coming, both known and unknown. Like and Subscribe, if you will - and we'll see you next time!

Thanks to Andra Fink, Max Fink, Liesl Bradner in the Peanut Gallery.
Closing Music: "1999" by Dr. Fink, "Old Boston" by Sir George Martin

MUSICIANS: Transfer your old tapes and media to digital at"

Rather Have the Story podcast - ROGER MANNING: Pt1 (Beck, Jellyfish, Moog Cookbook, etc!)

video upload by Rather Have the Story - The RHS podcast

"The one, the only (almost, we discuss this) ROGER MANNING.

Incredibly talented and positive soul, RJMJ joins us for a great chat about music stuff. Great stories of digging for the then-unwanted "old keyboards" and what one does with them...

Join us for Part 1 (of likely 647 more episodes where RJMJ will return).

You will hear about vocal harmonies, classic arranging, French music, Beck, Jellyfish, and not much else - because we have a lot more to come when he returns later (like Lickerish Quartet, Imperial Drag, The Moog Cookbook, Load, Malibu, TV Eyes, Roger Joseph Manning Jr, Morrissey, Blink 192... and on and on.)

The Was Not Was song we discuss was finally released nearly 15 years later, on their Boo! album. That track is "From the Head to the Heart" - hear it here in finished form. String quartet, Orchestron Cello, Mellotron flutes!"

Vector Synth Autumn Update

"Over six months have passed since our last update. There is a lot of encouragement and positivity, some amazing feedback and a lot of ideas flying around on where to go next, what things to improve, what new features to add.

We really appreciate the trust Vector operators put into us, a small boutique synthesizer maker. In return, we try to make this little but powerful machine the best it can be.

There’s a lot to share, so let’s get right to it.
Firmware Update 2.6.6

The 2.6.X series firmware has been in beta for a few months and the community has been incredibly helpful with presenting ideas, testing and reporting bugs. After so many iterations — six of them — the 2.6.6 firmware is ready for production use and is shipped with all new Vectors. So what’s new?

New Ladder Filter

In addition to the second-order 12dB/oct filters which can be switched between low pass, band pass and high pass modes, the new firmware introduces a 24dB/oct low pass ladder filter. The new filter provides a classic and well-known tonal character, which in combination with Vector’s synthesis engine gives it new opportunities for creative filtering.

New Blend Modes

The 2.6.6 introduces new Blend modes for even more ways the harmonic Generators can interact. PDAM and rPDAM stand for Phase Distortion and Amplitude Modulation, and Reverse Phase Distortion and Amplitude Modulation. The two new Blend modes complement the existing PD, AM, and PDAM Blend modes. Just like the other modulation types, these are also audio-rate and the operators and modulators can be separately filtered before modulation.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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