MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Aliens Project

Showing posts sorted by date for query Aliens Project. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Aliens Project. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2021

Legendary PPG 300 Modular Synthesizer Pics

Spotted at Aliens-Project where you'll find additional pics.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Aliens-Project PPG-300 Modular Synthesizer

Spotted on Aliens-Project where you'll find one more pic.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Stramp Synchanger 4000

via Aliens-Project

Here's one you don't see often. There have only been three previous Stramp posts, and two featured this one from Aliens-Project.

From this post, this was a "Rare European take on the Synthi Hi-Fli style of guitar processor, nicely designed... Includes pitch-to-voltage conversion with hold (like practically all similar machines, difficult to avoid some glitches in the tracking oscillator); envelope following; fuzz; and a seven-band graphic EQ. Switches and faders for three outputs: source, internal synth, and fuzz. Really nice hardware (especially the switches), and a pleasure to use."

Friday, July 17, 2020

Aliens Project Close-Up of the Week: EMS SYNTHI E

via Aliens Project

close up der Woche #29/20 -EMS SynthiE

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Aliens Project Close-Up of the Week: EMS Synthi AKS

via Aliens Project

Haven't posted one of these in a while. You can find more here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bernd-Michael Land -Live@MAXIMAL am 07.03.2020 / relaxing ambient electronic music

Published on Mar 25, 2020 Bernd-Michael Land

Bernd-Michael Land
Livemitschnitt vom Konzert am 07.03.2020
(short version)
Kulturinitiative Maximal e.V.
Eisenbahnstraße 13
63110 Rodgau

Besonderer Dank geht an das Team vom Maximal für die Bereitstellung der Videodateien / Copyright: Maximal Kulturinitiative e. V.

Song: Gelb
Album: Farben (2018)
Label: Brücken*Ton LC-20721
Bestell-Nr. BT052FCD
Order via email: bmland1111 "at"

Copyright: Bernd-Michael Land


Bernd-Michael Land of Aliens Project.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Ampethron Introduces Ampethron Portable – Liveact, DJ and studio hardware synthesizer

The press release:

Ampethron, a new synthesizer company, introduces Ampethron Portable – a live act and studio hardware device with unique a external controller and the possibility to endless extensions and upgrades (install next synthesizers, instruments and algorithms to the hardware device).

If you want to learn more, see videos and hear demo songs at:

“After more than 4 years of development, multiple beta testing stages, everything is coming to perfection and we are ready to roll out. We are starting Crowdfunding Campaign mainly because we need to know how many pieces should be produces in first series” Ampethron company says.

You can support this project here: (OFFICIAL PRE-ORDERD CROWDFUNDING)

Here is the complete specification of Ampethron portable FX synthesizer:

Ampethron FX+ synthesizer is a primary synthesizer installed in every Ampethron portable device. FX+ is synthesizer with both classic and futuristic/innovative algorithms of sound synthesis allowing you to create FX sounds and soundscapes never heard before. The main advantage of FX+ synth is speed of work – you can rapidly create hundreds of FXs while sounds amazing in every setting.

FX Synth Top features:

- 4X Oscillators (1x Wavedrawing – user can draw his own waveform realtime with finger or pc mouse, 2x Special wavetable oscillator with special Re-Synth-Remodulation algorithm, 1x classic virtual analog oscillator)

- Variable routing of every oscillator to Filter 1 or Filter 2

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Moog Prodigy | Overview and Sounds

Published on Sep 12, 2019 Ralph Baumgartl

"Hello Friends, finally I am back with another Synth video! I know it has been quite a while since my last video upload, but anyway here is a Synth Vlog about the Moog Prodigy Analog Synthesizer which I recorded at the studio of my good buddy Bernd-Michael Land. We give you a quick overview of the Moog Prodigy and its components and let you hear some sound samples. Many thanks for watching!

If you like my Music, then please consider supporting me on"

Bernie of Aliens Project.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

PPG-300 Modular System

Spotted on Aliens Project. Click through for more pics of the system. Cool skull and Grendel Drone Commander on top?

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Bernd-Michael Land -Analog Drones mit Modularsystemen

Published on Nov 7, 2018 Bernd-Michael Land

Analog Modular Synthesizer
- Drone / Glitch & Noise -

SynxsS-Studio News #332
recorded / Livemitschnitt im SynxsS-Studio am 04.11.2018



Bernd-Michael Land of Mixed 5U system, EMS Synthi, & MacBeth M5. Not sure what that is to the left of the MacBeth.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

MB Sound Design #2: "Project Blue Beam"

Published on Sep 25, 2018 Kris Lennox

"Aliens descend :) In terms of sound design, it'll likely take years before the full potential of the MB's sound design possibilities are fully realised by the musical/sound community, what with the modulation possibilities. Even with patches like this one, I'm only scratching the surface. Sound design potential is one of the true strengths of the instrument, and one of the main motivating factors for my own purchasing the MB. There aren't many standalone monos with the same level of sound design potential; working with the MB in this style is likely the closest one can get to working with a full modular rig/setup.

Personal taste RE tone of analog monos will always be subjective (i.e. Moog/Arturia etc), but sound design on the MB will, objectively, likely remain in a league of its own for quite some time.

The included patch is quite involved. You'll initially hear microtonal drifting on the voice-like treatment of VCO 3's sine wave. The drifting works well to create the 'other-worldly' effect (check out Penderecki's music for fine acoustic examples of microtonal drift). There are numerous modulations on VCO's 1 and 2, plus an envelope on the blue noise."

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Published on Jul 26, 2018 Bernd-Michael Land

An interview and studio tour of BERND-MICHAEL LAND of Aliens Project.

Turn on subtitles and pick your language for this one.




Gefördert durch:
Film- und Mediennachwuchsförderung Rheinland-Pfalz

copyright: NILS F. HILLEBRAND (2015)

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Aliens Project Close-Up of the Week #25/17 - Modular Wall

via Aliens Project

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

SynxsS Studio

Great shot via Aliens Project. Spot the modules. Always a trip seeing Doepfer in black.

Click through for the rest.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy Knobbing 2016 Pics by Aliens Project

You'll find the full set here.

Pictured here:

Aliens Project's EMS VCS3 with stenciled Alien on back

GRP Synthesizer A4

One of 25 Schmidts

Ramcur / Pin Electronics Hornet

Massive system & Nord Modular G2.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Knobbing 2016 - Modular Synth Meeting in Fischbach Set for May 13 - 15

via Aliens Project

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Roland System 700

via Aliens Project

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Synthesizer Studio Tours - Bernd-Michael Land of Aliens Project & Frank Tischer of Thau

Synthesizer Studio Trip covering Minimoog, Roland Digital Chorus, Space Echo, CompuRythm and more.

Published on Aug 5, 2015

" is once again visiting the Synthesizer Studio of Bernd-Michael Land. They are talking about his latest Electronica Music projects and demonstrate the legendary Roland Space Echo, Digital Chorus, CompuRythm Drum Machine and Minimoog Analogue Synthesizer."

Modern Berlin School Synthesizer Setup for Live Electronica Music Performances

Published on Aug 11, 2015 Ralph Baumgartl VLog

"Ralph Baumgartl is talking to Frank Tischer of the Electronica Band 'Thau'. Frank is explaining his Synthesizer gear setup for performing Berlin School type music live on stage. He's also giving a little live performance showcasing the music of Thau."

Friday, August 07, 2015

THAU -Studio Session 5. August 2015

Published on Aug 7, 2015 Bernd-Michael Land
Update: Re-Published on Aug 8, 2015

Some significant synth spotting featuring Bernd-Michael Land of Aliens Project. Enjoy.

"THAU - Studiosession

Recorded am 15. August 2015
im SynxsS-Studio, Rodgau

Synthesizer-Sequence by Frank Tischer
(Und es ward Licht / Album Kailash *2015)


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Aliens Project Synthesizer Studio Tour

Synthesizer Studio Tour von Analog Modular bis Arp, EMS, Moog, Roland, Korg, Yamaha und Oberheim.

Published on Jun 20, 2015 Ralph Baumgartl VLog

Tour of Bernd-Michael Land's Aliens-Project Studio. Those of you that have been coming to MATRIXSYNTH over the years should be familiar with Aliens-Project. His studio has actually scaled down quite a bit since the earlier days.

Googlish translation further below:

"Ralph Baumgartl besucht das Synthesizer Studio von Bernd-Michael Land.

Bernd-Michael Land zeigt seine analogen Vintage Modular Synthesizer Systeme und weitere analoge sowie digitale Keyboards von Moog, Roland, Arp, Korg, EMS, Solina, Oberheim, Elka, Yamaha, Alesis, Waldorf und vielen anderen Musik Instrumenten.

Alle Shownotes und Links zu diesem Video findest du hier:

Das Podcast Interview mit Bernd-Michael Land, in dem er mit Ralph Baumgartl über sein Leben spricht, findest du hier:"


"Ralph Baumgartl visited the Synthesizerstudio Bernd-Michael Land. code

Bernd-Michael country showing his vintage analog modular synthesizer systems and other analog and digital keyboards Moog, Roland, Arp, Korg, EMS, Solina, Oberheim, Elka, Yamaha, Alesis, Waldorf and many other musical instruments.

All show notes and links on this video can be found here:

The podcast interview with Bernd-Michael Land, in which he speaks with Ralph Baumgartl about his life, can be found here:"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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