Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Audio Damage Sequencer 1. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Audio Damage Sequencer 1. Sort by date Show all posts
Thursday, April 09, 2015
Audio Damage - Sequencer 1 - Part 1
Published on Apr 9, 2015 DivKidMusic
"The first in a 5 part series of videos for the Sequencer 1 module from Audio Damage. In this part of the video I'll look at creating sequences, pitch, gates, accents, ratchets, slides, sequencer length, sequencer modes, performance repeats and pulses per step. All listed below with timings so you can flick through.
Watch out for more videos every week by subscribing to the channel and liking this video and if you want to support my channel check the Patreon link below.
Intro 00:00
Pitch & Gates 00:17
Slides 02:15
Accents 02:47
Pulses Per Step 03:51
Ratchets 05:15
Sequence Length 06:05
Performance Repeats 07:43
Sequencer Modes 08:47"
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 LFO Test...
Published on Aug 19, 2014 Audio Damage, Inc.
"This is a quick demo of the various features of the three LFOs in Sequencer 1. Note that we are not quite finished coding these, so some minor details may be different in the shipping unit.
Sequencer 1 Pitch (1v/Oct) out: PDO 1v/Oct in. PDO to Doepfer VCA to Audio Damage Digifilter.
Sequencer 1 Gate out: WMD Multimode Envelope in. Env out to Doepfer VCA CV in.
Sequencer 1 CV1 out: Audio Damage Digifilter frequency CV in. Digifilter is set to Lowpass mode, mild resonance.
In this manner, Sequencer 1's LFO1 is affecting the frequency of the Digifilter, so that you can plainly hear what is occurring."
Wednesday, October 08, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 Now Available
The Sequencer 1 has arrived.
Details via Audio Damage
"Sometimes, a company has to throw down the gauntlet and say 'this right here is the best thing, period, full stop.' Sequencer 1 is that thing. It is, empirically, the most sophisticated Euro-rack sequencer available. With a musically intuitive approach to programming, a massive helping of generative functions, and a feature list as long as, well, a really, really long list, Sequencer 1 covers all the bases, and then some.
With Micro SD card storage and software updates, backing up and updating are as easy as dragging and dropping. Four banks of 16 patterns (each up to 64 steps) make live performance a breeze. Front-panel one-push access to all commonly-used features means no menu diving, no rote memorization of hex codes, and no confusion. 1V/Oct, Hz/V and gate/inverse gate/S-Trig outputs mean it'll drive both modern Eurorack and vintage analog synths. Hell, the three tempo-synced LFOs are worth the price of admission alone.
In short, Sequencer 1 is the end-all-be-all of production sequencers, for both studio use and live performance, and the feature list will only get longer, with a clear roadmap of updates and additions, and all the programming knowledge and experience that Audio Damage can bring to bear on this, our flagship product.
» Four banks of sixteen patterns each, for a total of 64 patterns.
» Each pattern can be 1 to 64 steps.
» Direct front-panel access to all major features; hardly any menu diving.
» Micro SD Card (on back of unit) for pattern storage and super-simple firmware updates. 2gb Micro SD card included with unit, pre-installed with latest firmware.
» 1V/Oct and Hz/Volt pitch CV output.
» Individually programmable gate and accent outputs, with selectable gate, inverse gate (vintage Yamaha), and S-trig (vintage Korg and Moog) modes.
» External sync, run, and reset inputs. (1 pulse per step currently. 24- and 48-ppq DIN sync coming soon!)
» Zero-latency sync, run, and reset outputs. (24- and 48-ppq modes coming soon!)
» Three tempo-synced internal LFOs with 25 waveforms, phase, three voltage modes, and length from single step to 256 steps (16 measures at 4/4).
» Two CV inputs for modulating current step, step mode, gate length, current pattern, transpose, repeat mode, and ratcheting.
» Three CV outputs programmable per step, with several LFO modes (replace, addition, and multiplication).
» Programmable per step: pitch, gate, accent, note length/tie, three CV output values, slide, and ratchet.
» Programmable per pattern: swing, number of steps, playback mode (forward, reverse, two ping-pong modes, random step, every other step, and walk.)
» Front-panel 'Repeat' functions for live-cutting of sequences; repeats the last 8, 4, 2, or 1 step(s) while held down. Also a CV modulation target.
» Front-panel 'Ratchet' functions for ratcheting 2 or 4 times on each step while held down. An additional 3-step ratchet is available for direct programming per step.
» 20mm depth, eminently skiffable.
» 36HP width, 110ma current draw on the +12V buss.
» Manual coming soon."
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 Testing...
Published on Aug 17, 2014 Audio Damage, Inc.
"This test shows Sequencer 1's ability to drive Hz/V and S-Trig gear.
Sequencer 1 is being driven from the Silent Way Sync plug-in in Ableton Live via an Expert Sleepers ES-4. (The orange module you see to the left of the sequencer.)
Pitch is set to Hz/V, and Gate is set to Inv Gate (Yamaha monosynths use an inverse gate, not an S-Trig gate. Seq 1 will send all three flavors: normal, inverted, and S-Trig.)
Pitch and Gate are patched directly to the Yamaha CS-5's "Control Voltage" and "Trigger" inputs. The CS-5's output is sent directly back to Ableton Live.
The drums are from Audio Damage Tattoo.
Once the sequencer is running for a moment, as you can see in the video, we start hitting the REP and RAT buttons on Seq1. The buttons are labeled REP 8, REP 4, REP 2, REP 1, and RAT 2 and RAT 4. They repeat the last 8, 4, 2, or 1 steps, or ratchet the current step 2 or 4 times. These can also be controlled via control voltage to Seq1's "CV1" or "CV2" inputs, and RAT 1 and RAT2 can also be programmed per note."
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 - day 1 perc seq
Published on Oct 12, 2014 Greg VanEck
"day 1 with the audio damage sequencer 1. not my finest patching, but demonstrates the versatile ability of the seq 1 to sequence and modulate multiple sources simultaneously. all gate triggering and modulation from the seq 1 with the time synch lfo's routed to its ratcheting and repeat functions and mult'd to other modules. accent used as a second gate trigger. braids and equation composer as sound sources. piston honda mkII for modulated waveshaping. mmf-6 for filtering. halls of valhalla cart for side chained reverb, modulated by the a-119. audio damage grainshift for granular processing."
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Avril 14th (Sequencer 1 pattern chaining demo)
Published on Mar 17, 2016 Audio Damage, Inc.
"The purpose of this video is to show off the pattern chaining and multi-note output in v1.3 of the Audio Damage Sequencer 1 firmware. To do this, we programmed Aphex Twin's "Avril 14th" in its entirety.
For the patch, the pitch and gate outputs drive the main arpeggiated "bassline" of the song, a single WMD/SSF Spectrum oscillator to a Pole Zero filter (that is also the VCA.) Later in the song, a second Spectrum/Pole Zero voice is added to do the chords. This is driven with the CV2 output set to "Notes" and the CV3 output set to "Gate."
The main melody line is driven by Sequencer 1's CV1 output (set to "Notes,") with the ACCENT output providing gate duties. The voice itself is a prototype of our Proton self-contained waveguide voice, running to DubJr Mk2 (which is clocked from Sequencer 1) and thus to a Dimensions chorus.
The entire stereo signal is running through Ozone 7 to provide some mastering duties, and there is a touch of Audio Damage Eos for reverb."
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 - day 1 jam patch
Published on Oct 12, 2014 Greg VanEck
"day 1 jam with the audio damage sequencer 1. pitch out to braids, processed by halls of valhalla cart. gate out to dual adsr for vca and ripples filter envelopes. accent out to equation composer for percussion, processed by grainshift and erbe verb. all modulation and gate triggers are from the seq 1 internal lfo's, routed back to itself to cv input parameters and mult'd to other modules in the patch via stackables."
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Verbos Complex Oscillator, Intellijel Polaris, ES Distings, Audio Damage Sequencer 1
Published on Jun 19, 2016 Boele Gerkes
"A simple 8-step sequence feeds a single Verbos Complex Oscillator, AM modulated by it's modulator oscillator, going through an Intellijel Polaris filter ending op in the Verbos Pan & scan. A second sequencer (Audio Damage Sequencer 1) is used as Gate provider, triggering two envelopes. Two Expert Sleepers Disting modules modulate the oscillator and the play order of the AD Sequencer 1."
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 v1.1 Feature Addition Overview...
Published on Dec 17, 2014 Audio Damage, Inc.
"A long-winded look at all the new features in Sequencer 1 software update v1.1. The new firmware is available on the Sequencer 1 product page at"
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Modular Jam 45
Published on Feb 18, 2016 ngarjuna
"Some patch notes…
West Coast Bass Patch
Driven by Audio Damage Sequencer 1 pushing pitch to the 2 Sputnik VCOs and Wogglebug
Triggers to Maths 1 and accents to Maths 4
Sputnik 1 Tri (-2 Oct) to Opto 1
Sputnik 2 Sine gently FM'd by Wogglebug Woggle CV to Timbre to Opto 2
Maths Sum to Opto 1 and 2 (accented envelopes)
PEG modulating Opto damp 2 (faster) and Timbre (slower)
East Coast Sync Patch
Rene driving the pitch and gates
Sync'd Cranial Saw square modulated by Dual ADSR into Post Lawsuit Filter
SSF Quantum Rainbow Pink Noise attenuated into Post Lawsuit Filter
Pittsburgh Oscillator at audio rate modulating Post Lawsuit Filter
PEG modulating scaled CV input of Post Lawsuit Filter
Audio into Oakley Classic VCA modulated by Dual ADSR
Grunty Vocalized Riff at the beginning etc. is just the Sync Patch tweaked like crazy by the new Sinevibes Array VST. Still just getting to know it but obviously can do some cool stuff.
Robot Bukkake Patch
Rene feeding pitch to Rubicon (at 0 symmetry) and Wogglebug
Rubicon angered (Maths controlled FM) by Wogglebug Ring Mod!
Sputnik 1 modulating Wogglebug clock
Something Maths something Optomix
Bloops and Zaps in Madrona Labs Aalto wiggling some TZFM
Drums in Spark and Jamstix filtered by AJH Minimod VCF modulated by Minimod DEG and AD Sequencer 1
Acid cooked by the Angel Lofte Source Plus and sometimes delayed by the Synthrotek Eko
Mult-ing courtesy of the Division 6 Multiplicity XV"
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Modular Jam 60 'I Dream of What's-her-name'
Published on Oct 4, 2016 ngarjuna
Sequencing the Spectral Multiband Resonator
Published on Oct 4, 2016
There's a detailed video walkthrough of the SMR patches.
"Patch Notes
Acid Patch
I had a standard modular acid patch (Rubi - VCF303 - uVCA) but it lost the A-B comparison to Audiorealism ABL3 (the modular variant sounded equally good but with my CV input on the fritz I wasn't able to modulate the cutoff as wildly). I left the modular patch in the video, however, as videos of the computer screen look less interesting.
So the acid patch is ABL3 basically unprocessed.
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 is hitting the input of the SMR
Rotate controlled by CV3 sequence
There's a div/8 PEG envelope modulating resonance
Variation on the first SMR patch but with 2 gate sequences and a steady clock being applied to the level CV inputs on the SMR
Rene driving STO, 2 sequences that I'm manually shifting between (the first is 4 bars, the second is 2 bars)
STO Vari Out into Timbre Shape modulated by Wogglebug Smooth CV and linear FM'd by Sputnik VCO 2 (also tracking pitch)
Sequencer 1 slow LFO modulating Timbre
Into the Optomix enveloped by Maths Fall modulated by Wogglebug Stepped Out (Woggle clocked at 16th notes)
Delays in AD Dubstation
West Coast Bass
Sequencer 1 driving pitch, gate, accent
STO receiving pitch deeply linear FM'ing itself from Sub Out (required tuning adjustments) Vari Out into Optomix
Maths channel 1 for main envelope, channel 4 for accent envelope
Sum Out enveloping Optomix
Sputnik 1 set to a lower pitch receiving pitch from Seq1
Exp in set to inverted max receiving LFO from Seq1
FM In receiving another LFO from Seq1
Sputnik 2 set to a higher pitch also receiving pitch CV from Seq1
Maths envelope to inverted Exp In
FM In receiving from Sputnik 1
Sine Out into the Optomix being enveloped by Maths Both modulated by Wogglebug Stepped
Drums in iSpark with stems to AD Replicant instances"
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Ströme live beim PULS Festival 2016 (Full Concert) & Live at Superbooth 2017
Published on Dec 6, 2016 PULS Musik
"Alle Fotos und Videos vom PULS Festival:"
via Florian Anwander:
"Two guys from Munich, Germany do live music with two big modular systems. The group is called 'Ströme' which is german for "electric currents". They are professional musicians. They played bass and drums for several years in the very successful bavarian band "La Brass Banda". The left one is Mario Schönhuber, the (former) bass player. He is doing most of the sequences and chords. The guy at the right system is Tobias Weber (drummer at La Brass Banda), he is doing all drums and percussive stuff.
Tobias uses in the first video the Doepfer A-157 for the drum programming, but changed now to a Tiptop Audio Circadian Rhythm (can be seen in the Berlin video).
Marios uses a combination of Audio Damage Sequencer 1, Stillson Hammer, Intellijel Metropolis, and Make Noise Tempi for his bass sequences. In the first video he is using still a Roland JD-Xi for the chords, but recently he changed over to a Audio Damage Sequencer 1 which controls for Doepfer A-111-3 plus monophonic filter and vca (you may spot it in the Berlin video in the most upper row).
Enjoy it."
Superbooth 2017 - Ströme live
Published on May 5, 2017 Bendeg
Monday, June 06, 2016
Modular Jam #33 - Beatstep Pro
Published on Jun 6, 2016 DivKidVideo
"Just a quick edit from some video I captured when I first got my beatstep pro. Which is mainly my drum sequencer at the minute.
Beatstep pro is providing triggers for the drums and also using a spare drum trigger out providing the swung clock for the patch.
The HexInverter Electronique Mutant Drums providing the backbone for the jam with the Mutant Bassdrum, Clap, Hats and Mutant Machine all mixed within the Mutant Hot Glue.
Sequenced by the Audio Damage Sequencer 1 with ratchets and accents the sound source is the Sputnik Modular Dual Oscillator. Timbre and waveshaping modulation comes from two of the modulators in the Sequencer 1. Both in LFO mode one set to a 7 step length sine wave and one a 16th note random stepped LFO. The gate out on the Sequencer 1 is triggering the Sputnik Modular Quad Function Generator which also modulates the Dual oscillator and also the Sputnik Modular Quad VCF/VCA (LPG!). This then going into the Make Noise Erbe Verb for some basic reverb FX with plenty of hands on control for jamming with.
This is Mutable Instruments Braids going into Mutable Instruments Streams for basic envelope control over the on board analogue VCF and VCA. The sequence comes from the sample and hold on the SSF Ultra-Random Analog. This is then quantized by the ADDAC 207 Quantizer. Playing with the level of internal noise of the Ultra-Random Analog and the active notes on the quantizer we can get a moving and changing random arpeggio.
Sputnik Modular Dual Four Tap Delay and Crossfader is taking the square wave output of the Dual Oscillator (as opposed to the waveshaped out we hear for the bassline) which is first processed through the low pass gate in the patch. Feedback on the delay is set up with the Mutable Instruments Ripples filter in band pass mode also taking LFO modulation from the sequencer 1. Patching in feedback on the delays gives us another element to modulate with a phaser style swirling sound from the LFO on the filter as well as some reflective delay sounds."
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Mutable Instruments Shruthi 1 Synthesizer
via this auction
via the seller:
"I professionally built this myself and it has a rare and nice looking black on white display. It does not include a case, but I never used one with it. Has never been gigged, only played a couple times. It has the SMR4 filter installed, which sounds a lot like the SSM2044 (korg polysix etc). Real smooth and sweet with a good amount of resonance!"
Full specs:
Digital/analog hybrid monosynth.
2 digital oscillators
band-limited sawtooth with adjustable phase
band-limited square wave with adjustable pulse-width
band-limited triangle wave with adjustable waveshaping
phase-distortion emulation of a low-pass filtered sawtooth (casio CZ-101)
phase-distortion emulation of a low-pass filtered sawtooth with high resonance (casio CZ-101)
phase-distortion emulation of a low-pass filtered sawtooth in the Rocker Launcher’s world in which sine waves are turned into triangles (casio CZ-101)
mysterious phase-distortion thing (could have been in the CZ-101 if the engineers at casio dared…)
phase-distortion emulation of a Jew’s harp / Morsing (could have been in the casio CZ-101)
stack of 4 detuned sawtooth waves (with aliasing)
simplistic FM (1>2 configuration), with adjustable modulation index and frequency ratio
wavetables, wavetables, wavetables!
sweepable table of basic waveforms
tampura transwave
PPG harsh creature
single cycle waveforms taken from D50 patches
cello transwave
slap bass transwave
organ/drawbars single cycle waveforms
male voice
user wavetable, can be edited by SysEx messages
harsh, aliasing-full waveforms obtained by bit-toggling
sine wave with variable amount of bitcrushing
poor man’s square with pulse-width modulation (plenty of aliasing but fat for basses)
colored noise (sweep from low-pass filtered white noise -> white noise -> high-pass filtered white noise)
lo-fi vowel synthesis (think “speak and spell”) with vowel morphing
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mutable Instruments Shruthi 1
via this auction
"Here Is a Mutable Instruments Shruthi 1 Analog synthesizer kit. It has been hand built by a professional and has the latest firmware. This synthesizer is a monster! With all analog filters and envelopes with digital waveforms it makes for the perfect synthesizer. The OS is constantly being upgraded, adding new features and better performance. These are very hard to get, as they only make about 30 of them every 3-6 months. This has the included case and will be ready to play when you receive it in the mail. Buying this kit from me is a great decision because if you do not have the time or the skills to make it, you can be assured to still get a quality build without potentially damaging the kit.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Audio Damage - Sequencer 1 - Build A Sequence
Published on Mar 10, 2015 DivKidMusic
"Here's a quick video just going through setting up a sequence on the Audio Damage Sequencer 1. I'll have a full in depth overview coming soon.
Hit like and subscribe for more videos every week and check the Patreon link in the description to support the channel."
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Audio Damage Sequencer 1
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Audio Damage Sequencer 1 module for eurorack modular synthesiser. Great module in excellent condition.
Includes micro SD -> SD card adapter."
via this auction
"Audio Damage Sequencer 1 module for eurorack modular synthesiser. Great module in excellent condition.
Includes micro SD -> SD card adapter."
Monday, October 24, 2016
'Get Dirty' - ngarjuna
Published on Oct 24, 2016 ngarjuna
"Modular Jam 61 - 'Get Dirty'
Produced by ngarjuna and Deborah Sherman
© 2016 Acid Coast
Patch Notes:
All Seeing Drums in Patterning (composited)
SMR Pips
Sequencer 1 Gate, Accent, Clock, CV1, CV2, Wogglebug Burst
are each hitting one of the six channels of the SMR
Left and Right inputs being fed by Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 respectively each cross FM’ing one another with Maths SUM (double cycling) adding to the EXP input on Sputnik 2, Wogglebug Stepped modulating CV input on Sputnik 1 with a Rubicon LFO further hitting the EXP input on Sputnik 1
CV3 on Seq1 is what’s moving the rotation along the dial
Lead Voice
Sequencer 1 pushing the Cranial Saw (Saw/Square/Sub mix) into the Polaris VCF in Bandpass A
FM1 is being fed by Maths SUM getting signal from Minimod Envelope and Rene (CV sequence to Unquantized OUT)
FM2 full positive fed by uVCA 2 which is dynamically sending Rubicon audio rate triangle wave modulated by a mixture of a Seq1 LFO, some random from the Wogglebug Stepped and OR out from PEG
Much of the movement including the longer sweeps is accomplished via manual wiggling on the Polaris cutoff
STO VARI OUT to Optomix
FM’d by its own SIN OUT (tuned to a pretty low octave)
Sputnik VARI OUT (Square) to Optomix
Maths enveloping Optomix and Sputnik VARI CV (ch1) and providing Accent (ch4)
Pittsburgh Oscillators into STG Soundlabs Post Lawsuit Filter
Modulated by Sequencer 1 LFO
All Acid lines in Audiorealism ABL3
Male vocals made with the TransVocal Discombobulator (Uhe Diva/Zynaptiq Morph/Cytomic The Drop)
Female robot vocals processed with Audio Damage Replicant"
Monday, July 24, 2017
'Wicked' - ngarjuna
Published on Jul 24, 2017 ngarjuna
The Motomouth mumbles...
Produced by ngarjuna
© 2017 Acid Coast
Patch Notes:
Combination of new and old: the bass, WC Plucks and SMR patches are all from February. Everything else is from more recently.
Mumbles & Wicked Refrain Patch
The main patch's Motomouth modulation is from a series of S&H CVs from the Abstract Data Octocontroller; I scanned around until I found something I liked then grabbed some bars then scanned around to something else
Audio Damage Sequencer 1 providing PITCH and SNAP gates (ACCENT) to Intellijel Rubicon
SAW and PULSE with small amount of PWM modulation from an Octocontroller LFO to STG .MIX to the Limaflo Motomouth
Out to Intellijel uVCA enveloped by Intellijel Dual ADSR
WC Plucks
Stereo patch
Rene driving pitch to STO and Sputnik 1 glide modulated by Seq One
Octocontroller driving pitch to Sputnik 2
Sputnik 1 getting waveshape CV from LFO from Octocontroller and FM'd by Sputnik 2
Sputnik 1 VAR going into Optomix 1 enveloped by Maths
STO FM'd by Sputnik 2 and SHAPE modulated by Octocontroller LFO
STO VAR going into Optomix 2 enveloped by Maths
SMR Melodic
2 Octocontroller loops going into L and R respectively
Octocontroller S&H controlling the ROTATE CV
I don't have patch notes or video but there are two other SMR patches: one which produces kind of a pitchless, funky bouncy kind of sound; another which is a more percussive, almost glasslike kind of sound
You can hear the more subtle modular parts when the Avalon and Motomouth and drums all drop out around 6:33
Arturia Spark
mutilated by Audio Damage Replicant 2 and Sinevibes Fraction
Acid Voices
Abstrakt Instruments Avalon
LFO from Octocontroller plus manual wiggling
Combination of a line patched from Audiorealism ABL3 and a line patched with SSF Quantum Rainbow Pink Noise and Rubicon driven by Seq One SQR out into STG Post Lawsuit Filter modulated by S&H CV and enveloped by AJH Minimod CG
Into Classic VCA enveloped by Maths SUM (GATE plus ACC)"
Monday, January 16, 2017
'Dirty Larry' - ngarjuna
Published on Jan 16, 2017 ngarjuna
"Modular Jam 67 - 'Dirty Larry'
Produced by ngarjuna
© 2017 Acid Coast
Patch Notes:
Acid Voices
Abstrakt Instruments Avalon
The LFOs is my fingers
Arturia iSpark and Spark
Audio Damage Replicant
Modular Bleep Bloop Patch
Rene driving the STO and striking Optomix
STO into Optomix enveloped by Maths
Bleep Bloop Delay Hash
Bleep Bloop voice is also piped into the Synthrotek Eko near/at the edge of maximum delay time further perturbed by Wogglebug which, in addition to being clocked per usual, is modulating its own clock with Woggle CV
Into the Zvex Insant Lofi Junky
The washy, droopy, glitched delays that come in and out are from the Eko side of the patch
SMR Patch
SMR into Instant Lofi Junky
Sequencer 1 is sequencing the scales (CV1)
Wogglebug STEPPED with some influence from Sequencer 1 (CV2) are 'controlling' the rotation
Sequencer 1 is also providing the Gate sequence that is Wogglebug's clock
Junky is getting a little bit of PEG (inverted) into C/LOFI
Modular Bells
Sequencer 1 driving Rubicon and STO
STO VARI to Optomix enveloped by Maths
Rubicon SIN to Optomix enveloped by other Maths
Rubicon LIN FM'd by Sputnik 1 SIN"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.