Monday, June 10, 2024
The "slot machine" method of random writing with the DB-01
video upload by Richard DeHove
"Slot machines (AKA pokies and speilautomat) supposedly get a lot of their appeal through the fast cycle of anticipation and reward. And if you don't get the reward you wanted then you can instantly run the cycle again. Wins are reinforced by pretty lights and little tunes.
Well, that sounds a lot like small-chunk randomization with the DB-01: Quick randomizations of a few steps and with instant rewards. Except you won't be broke at the end.
I'm always trying to find fun ways to write patterns and this method is, imo, one of the best. Although it's specific to the DB-01 you could just as easily take a MIDI-Out feed and power other machines.
I also think it's very interesting to see the actual process people use to write patterns. If you've got a favorite method please share it in the comments.
0:00 The idea
0:49 Full random?
1:24 The usual way
2:29 Little chunks
4:55 More chunks
7:50 16-steps
8:52 Example 2
15:01 Example 3
Lots of downloads for supporters on Patreon:
Many thanks to my kind patrons who keep this channel ad-free
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Background Modulars No.5 - Buchla 100 and EMS VCS3
video upload by Memetune Studio
"Don’t have a Buchla 100 and EMS VCS3 to hand? No worries! Just put this video on in the background (in full-screen mode), and have the next best thing 😁
Here is 10 minutes of self-playing modular synthesiser randomness. Why not put it on loop - then you can have it bubbling away in the background while you do other things
A note on the patch: The whole thing is being run by the EMS Random Voltage Generator, but that is being modulated by a divided down set of voltages from the Buchla 8-step sequencer, so it changes the randomness very slowly, which makes it seem like its evolving as it goes along. There are ring modulated VCOs, cross mod VCOs and pitch shifted VCOs, from both systems all being mixed on the 205 matrix mixer, which also has feedback paths set up to go to the WEM valve copycat and also the Buchla dual reverbs and dual compressors. So the whole patch is intermingling and feeding back on itself via the matrix mixer. Its a highly complex patch and is pretty much impossible to describe fully because I just kept patching it until I liked the result enough to let it run and film it for 10 minutes"
Kawai SX-240 - A first pass (initialized) patch building
video upload by MIDERA
"I repaired the tact switches on the left board and replaced the battery for a friend (the same friend who gave me the Ensoniq ESQ-1). I put it back together and wanted to test it out. I started with an initialized patch. You hear a lot of fast LFO stuff, because I didn't realize that in an initialized patch the LFO speed is 99. I eventually figure it out.
As I was playing, I realized that the parameter buttons were difficult to press... sigh... I should have tested these before repairing the synth. But all I could think about during the making of this was that I knew I'd have to fix this. He didn't ask me to fix it, but... I guess I sort of feel obligated to fix things, if we don't care for things, who will?
Eventide Blackhole VST used (after a while) for reverb."
Cycle Instruments Tetrachords and Expert Sleepers FH-2 (quick and dirty)
video upload by Martin Doudoroff
"This is just a simple example of using the FH-2 as an output expander for Tetrachords. In this case, I have the FH-2 providing pitch, gate and velocity from MIDI channels 3 and 4, which I have assigned to Tetrachords tracks 2 and 4, respectively. (Audio is just from the cell phone.)"
via Cycle Instruments
"The Tetrachords is a 4 track polyphonic CV & MIDI note sequencer for Eurorack systems.
Featuring extensive connectivity, the Tetrachords can act as a bridge between a modular system and the rest of a studio.
The unique, built-for-purpose interface turns a studio into a melodic and harmonic playground. Easily explore anything from unisons and simple melodies to dense note clusters, made-up scales and polytonal mayhem."
BeetleCrab TEMPERA // A New Approach to Granular Synthesis
video upload by loopop
0:00 Intro
1:55 Why it’s special
3:05 Emitter basics
4:15 Rhythmic trigs
4:50 Playing the grid
6:50 Track types
7:35 2-lane mode
8:10 Wavetables?
9:20 Multitimbrality
10:05 Hardware
12:35 I/O
13:20 Some specs
15:00 Track menu
16:00 Sampling
16:55 Editing samples
18:20 Emitter params
25:45 Overlay “keys”
26:55 Modulators
29:05 Effects
30:55 Settings
31:30 Load/save
32:30 Macros
34:00 Gallery & misc
34:30 Pros & cons
38:50 Factory sounds
51:35 More sounds!
Touch Bass & FX Improv
video upload by Synthux Academy
"Touch Bass is part of the Simple Touch family. Touch Bass is a powerhouse polyphonic subtractive synthesizer packed with features! Built-in arpeggiator, Euclidean rhythms, internal modulations, reverb, and more. In this video, I attempt to play three units simultaneously to create a stereo-rhythmic sound experience! Tune in to see if I succeed or if it's just a cacophony of chaos. Spoiler: it's going to be epic either way!
Synthux Academy is a non-profit organization committed to providing design and engineering education to musicians, artists, and makers. Our mission is to empower individuals by equipping them with the skills necessary to bring their creative visions to life."
The Buchla 208 Card Slot Explained
video upload by Joel Davel
"Buchla engineer-designer Joel Davel sheds some light on the 208's card slot and how it figures into the general operation of the 208 or 208C. This informal but fairly comprehensive video explains how the card slot works and how it reveals the how the 208 control works in general."
Part 2 here
Experiment : The 'MIDISID Beast', a 3-headed beast with 18 SID voices
video upload by MIDI IN
"It has long been a dream of mine to build a version of MIDISID with 6 SIDs making 18 voices. The MIDISID Beast if you will. Here I hook up 3 regular MIDISIDs to test the idea.
0:00 The current 2-SID 6-voice MIDISID
0:25 The Dream
0:53 Testing the idea wit 3 regular MIDISIDs
2:09 Comfortably Numb
8:32 canyon.mid
10:35 passport.mid
12:43 Day of the Tentacle part of opening sequence
14:03 closing thoughts and invitation to Cambridge to experience The Beast"
Full Bucket - Six-Traq (Free Sequential Circuits SIx-Trak Emulation)
Six-Traq - Preview Version 0.8.2 video upload by Björn Arlt
"Preview of my plug-in Six-Traq."
Main features:
Close simulation of the original hardware.
Extended Poly/Multi modes, up to 96 voices polyphony.
Oscillator with three waveforms, additional white noise generator.
Classic self-resonating four-pole lowpass filter.
Individual envelopes for oscillator, filter and amplifier.
Onboard sequencer and arpeggiator.
SysEx import/export.
Supports MTS-ESP by ODDSound dynamic micro-tuning.
Resizable user interface (not "N" version.).
MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC.
Plug-in supports Windows and macOS."
And two user videos:
Free Synth - Six-Traq by Full Bucket Music (No Talking)
video upload by Elektronick Musick
"Simulating the classic Sequential Circuits Six-Trak synthesizer from 1984."
Full Bucket - Six-Traq (Free Sequential Circuits SIx-Trak Emulation) - Demo by Crazik
video upload by cra.:zik
"Sequential Circuit Six-Trak simulation by Full Bucket. All melodies I play are from me and copyrighted at the SACEM. My TOP Free Plugins (Firefox recommended):"
The Alchemist - USB Power all your gear with this high power isolated hub
video upload by myVolts
"Live now on Kickstarter:
The ultimate USB Power Hub. Ideal for musicians and mobile Creatives.
Power a string of synths, pedals, your phone, laptop.
All your Digital and Analog devices powered simply and efficiently."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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