Showing posts with label HamHeart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HamHeart. Show all posts

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Ham Heart Analog Synth Noise Box W/ LFO & Filter

via this auction
"This is a handmade hamheart featherduster, 100% analog noisemaker.

It features 5 squarewave oscillators, with 4 acting as an frequency modulating LFOs. As well as a lowpass filter

The 4 LFO's are scaled in their frequency ranges so that the rightmost LFO has a larger upper limit and the leftmost LFO has a larger lower limit. Anything from packs of angry badgers to pods of harpooned whales right on through swarms of drunken wasps and mosquitoes can be achieved. The main audio oscillator has a frequency range switch, which spans from nearly ultrasonic high end down to rhythmic beeps and clicks on the low side.

There is also a modulation depth control allowing for subtle pitch modulations and/or complete clangorous metallics.

The filter is a simple low pass design, and works wonders as a tone shaper.

The blue LED displays the rate of the audio oscillator and changes as you sweep the pitch.

The controls:

The 4 large knobs along the top are the LFO frequency controls.
The large knob in the right hand column is the main audio oscillators frequency control.
The large knob in the left hand column is the modulation depth control.
The small knob in the bottom left is the low pass filter cutoff control.
The small knob in the bottom right is the master volume control.

The leftmost toggle switch turns the filter on/off.
The center toggle switch selects between fine/coarse frequency.
The rightmost toggle switch selects the audio oscillators frequency range.

6.35mm (1/4 inch) audio output
2.1mm 9v DC input (tip -)
Rubber feet

Metal faceplate, painted navy blue.
Hand painted masonic values hamheart logo.

hamheart dot com or hamdust at gmail for sounds."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

close up der Woche #11/10 -Ham Heart Noisebox

via Aliens Project

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Noisy Drone Samples on Aliens Project

get them here

Samples include:
Alpha Synth
Atari Microsynth
Audible Disease Demetia DM1
Bleeplabs Thingamagoop
Coron DS-7
Elektro-Faustus EF-101
MFOS Weird Sound Generator
Monotonic Labs Type N38
Moodysound Babybox
Delfy SS-1
Ham Heart
Hartmann Neuron (Drones)
Matell Drums
Sonic Madness
Think Geek Bliptronic 5000
Vintage Noize 1969


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ham Heart Analog Synth Noise Box

via this auction
"This is a handmade Ham Heart analog synthesizer.

It features 1 squarewave oscillator, which can either be free running in drone mode or triggered
by the green pushbutton in trigger mode.

The green toggle switch selects between 'drone' or 'trigger' mode.

The green button allows you play the device rhythmically or in short bursts.

The large knob sweeps the frequency of the oscillator.

The yellow LED displays the rate of oscillation, and changes as you sweep the pitch.

6.35mm (1/4 inch) audio output
2.1mm 9v DC input (tip -)

Rubber feet
Metal faceplate painted caution yellow with high gloss clear coat.
Hand painted wounded beast hamheart logo.

hamdust at gmail or hamheart dot com for sounds."

Thursday, February 04, 2010

hamheart featherduster action

YouTube via bigcitymusic.
"Here's the super-fun hamheart featherduster synth box. There's a core oscillator with 3-way pitch range switch. There are four LFO's for modulation and a variable mod control knob that goes from subtle to screwy. There's also a great and unique filter which can be bypassed completely if you want. We like these little guys. They sound great and they're oh-so-unique. Each one has different artwork and we love that!"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Big City Music

Pics of the Big City Music at NAMM 2010

Booth included:
4ms Pedals
Analogue Systems
Diabolical Devices
Dirty Boy Pedals
flight of harmony
Ham Heart

Metasonix (Eric Barbour)
Signal Arts
Surfin Kangaro
Malekko / Wiard

If I missed any, let me know! I forget the name of the orange red device in the bottom image. I've posted it a number of times. It's on the tip of my tounge, but I can't freakin remember. It's driving me crazy! :)

Update via Josh Humphrey and Dan in the comments: It's the 4ms Bend Matrix Joy Toy. Some previous posts including video here.

I met Roger Cordell owner of Big City Music, Josh Humphrey of Big City Music, Eric Barbour of Metasonix, Shagghie, and Wolfgang Michalowicz of Surfin Kangaroo. All great people. Be sure to see this video on the Surfin Kangaroo and this video on the Metasonix D-1000. Click here for a search on bigcitymusic which will bring up more videos of what was shown at NAMM.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ham Heart Hamdusts

via Ham Heart

"got a new batch shipped off to"

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Ham Heart Analog Noise Box W/ LFO FM drone

via this auction
"This is a handmade Ham Heart, 100% analog synthesizer.

It features 2 squarewave oscillators, with one acting as an frequency modulating LFO.

Both, the main oscillator and the LFO, have a 3 position frequency range switches, allowing for a great variety of sounds and textures. From slow rhythmic beeps and buzzes up through swarms of mosquitoes. With both the LFO and main oscillator in their highest ranges some really nice glitchy, distressed landing pod chirps and buzzes can be had.

There is also a modulation depth control allowing for subtle pitch modulations and/or complete clangorous metallics.

The controls:

The two outer toggle switches select the frequency range of the main oscillator and LFO.
The center toggle switch selects between fine/coarse frequency modulation.
The two black outer knobs control the pitch of the main oscillator and LFO.
The silver knob in the upper left is the modulation depth control.
The silver knob in the upper right is the master volume control."

6.35mm (1/4 inch) audio output
2.1mm 9v DC input (tip -)
On/Off switch
Rubber feet
White, metal faceplate
Hand painted, flightless bird Ham Heart logo.

hamdust at gmail, for sounds.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ham Heart Synthesizers -"the sweet yellow and black one..."

YouTube via bigcitymusic
"This Ham Heart, hand-made analog synth box sports one main oscillator, four modulating LFO oscillators, a filter and switches for LFO ranges. These little boxes are chock full of interesting drones and wild sounds. All Ham Heart synths are unique looking and sounding..... they're all different and we like that!"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ham Heart Analog Synth Noise Box W/ LFO FM circuit bent

via this auction
follow-up to this post
"This is a handmade Ham Heart, 100% analog synthesizer.

It features 2 squarewave oscillators, with one acting as an frequency modulating LFO.

The main oscillator is triggered by the 3 yellow buttons, each one represents a different frequency range. These buttons allow you to play the device rhythmically or piece together simple melodies.

The LFO has a 2 position frequency range switch, allowing for a great variety of sounds and textures. From slow rhythmic beeps and buzzes up through swarms of mosquitoes. With both the LFO and main oscillator in their highest ranges some really nice glitchy, distressed landing pod chirps and buzzes can be had.

There is also a modulation depth control allowing for subtle pitch modulations and/or complete clangorous metallics.

The controls:
The yellow push buttons trigger and select the frequency range of the main oscillator.
The two large green knobs control the pitch of the main oscillator and LFO.
The small yellow knob on the lower left is the modulation depth control.
The small yellow knob on the upper right is the master volume control.
The green toggle switch is the frequency range selector for the LFO.
The yellow toggle switch selects between fine/coarse frequency modulation.

6.35mm (1/4 inch) audio output
2.1mm 9v DC input (tip -)
On/Off switch
Metal, lime green face plate
6 legged beast and Ham Heart logo drawings.
Rubber feet"

Friday, October 16, 2009

Big City Music Welcomes Welcomes HamHeart Synthesizers

via the Big City Music blog

"We're super excited to announce that we will now be offering HamHeart synths. These little beauties should be available late next week! Woohoo."

Note: this is the first post on HamHeart Synthesizers.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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