Uploaded on Apr 24, 2011 djpassius·17 videos
Showing posts with label Musikmesse2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Musikmesse2011. Show all posts
Saturday, March 09, 2013
SCHMIDT synthesizer at musikmesse 2011
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Moon Modular @SuperBoth 2011
YouTube Published on Aug 20, 2012 by moonmodular
"Got it from the Moogulator YT-channel, a small moon spliff :-) 'Ganz Europa Express' the SuperBooth from Schneiders Buero @the Musik Messe 2011, Frankfurt."
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
YouTube Uploaded by nerk on Apr 7, 2011
"Advanced Clock Management Engine: Clockgenerator für MIDI, DIN Sync und Trigger"
Musikmesse 2011: Ganz Europa Express
Musikmesse 2011: Ganz Europa Express - Teil 1
YouTube Uploaded by nerk on Apr 10, 2011
Note these are from last year. It looks like I missed them. Sacrilege.
Musikmesse 2011: Ganz Europa Express Teil 2
Uploaded by nerk on Apr 11, 2011
YouTube Uploaded by nerk on Apr 10, 2011
Note these are from last year. It looks like I missed them. Sacrilege.
Musikmesse 2011: Ganz Europa Express Teil 2
Uploaded by nerk on Apr 11, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
On the Schneiders Buero Carousel
Analogue Solutions,
Monday, May 09, 2011
Roland Jupiter-80 - Musikmesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by soundonsoundvideo on May 9, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Korg Wavedrum Mini - Musikmesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by soundonsoundvideo on May 5, 2011
More info on the sensor taking on the characteristics of the object it is attached to.
"Dynamic Percussion Synthesizer"
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
CLUB OF THE KNOBS Analogue Synthesizer at Music Fair Frankfurt 2011 - PART 1
YouTube Uploaded by synthprocess on May 4, 2011
"'The Return Of The Mammoth - CLUB OF THE KNOBS - Analogue Modular Synthesizer' at MUSIKMESSE FRANKFURT 2011, part 1: From Portugal to Frankfurt Music Fair.
Performing: Kazike, Axel Jungkunst and Georg Mahr.
Everything live recorded at booth D99 in hall 5.1! More informations on website cluboftheknobs.com."
CLUB OF THE KNOBS Analogue Synthesizer at Music Fair Frankfurt 2011 - PART 2
YouTube Uploaded by synthprocess on May 4, 2011
"The Return Of The Mammoth - CLUB OF THE KNOBS - Analogue Modular Synthesizer - at MUSIKMESSE FRANKFURT 2011, part 2:
early morning... until the final hour of the show!
Performing: Kazike, Axel Jungkunst and Georg Mahr.
All live recorded at the booth! More informations on website cluboftheknobs.com.
Enjoy it!"
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
The Boeing Cockpit That Makes Sound & Schmidt Voice Board

"This sound and UI monster -- and I mean that in the best possible way -- is the Schmidt Eightvoice Polyphonic Synthesizer.
Here's a little tech teaser: you get eight-voice polyphony, and every one of those voices has four oscillators and four filters!
There does not seem to be a product website yet, but you can find out more about this impressive instrument on Peter Mahr's Blog, blogasys.

Friday, April 29, 2011
Spectrasonics Bob Moog Tribute library - Musikmesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by soundonsoundvideo on Apr 29, 2011
"Bob Moog Tribute library for Omnisphere"
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
V-TOPIA Demo at Musikmesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by RolandChannel on Apr 27, 2011
"Michael Schack on the V-Drums and David Ahlund on the JUNO-Gi, the GAIA, and the VP-7 demo at Musikmesse Frankfurt 2011"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Dataline Octatrack Improvisation @ Musikmesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by MrDataline on Apr 26, 2011
"All performance made from scratch, improvising all day long at the Elektron booth. Great times...
Sorry about the sound quality...."
Monday, April 25, 2011
Musik Messe Biscuit and Missing Link Jam
YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Apr 25, 2011
This one in via Jeannot of 4MS Pedals:
'We were just in Frankfurt for Musik Messe, with our new euro modules, and met a bunch of great manufacturers, and artists. I took this video, albeit a couple weeks ago, of Denis from OTO machines, and Hanz from Missing Link jamming on the Biscuit, and Wireless MIDI/OSC Transmitter. They've got it hooked into a modded XBase09, and the master clock is coming from the new products by the Innerclock Systems guys. Hans Lindauer is jamming on the iPhone, with a very fun, minimal, osc command program, and also has the iPad up and running OSC/Midi commands. Denis Cazajeux is tweaking the 8 bit delay and pitch shifting. Thought you'd might like to see it, bad quality and all, its a good jam. That part of our booth was so fun, it was nice to have a solid beat going in the background of modulars, and tabletop synths."
The Missing Link,
Saturday, April 23, 2011
4ms Pingable Envelope Generator demo at MusikMesse 2011
YouTube Uploaded by 4mspedals on Apr 23, 2011
"Demonstrating the Pingable Envelope Generator, the newest Eurorack module from 4ms.
The PEG is a dual envelope module, with the unique feature of always synchronizing the envelope lengths to a clock (or a division/multiple of the clock). The envelope curve (lin/log/exp/etc) and skew (rise/fall ratio) can be altered without changing the overall envelope length.
In this patch, the two envelope outputs of the PEG are modulating the FM (pitch) and the Morph Z of an E350 Morphing Terrarium."
4ms Pedals VCA Matrix to begin production

"We're starting production of the VCA Matrix!
The first run has a four-color aluminum panel that matches the RCD/SCM clocker suite
Estimated shipping date: May 31st.
Retail price: US$375

The newest Eurorack module from 4ms, the VCA Matrix, is a playable 4x4 matrix of 16 VCAs.
Four CV or audio inputs can be routed in any amount/combination to four outputs, using the 16 CV control jacks, Level knobs, and Mute buttons.
4 CV/audio inputs and 4 outputs (buffered and dc-coupled)
16 VCA's using high quality SSM chips
Playable surface with 16 latching Mute LED buttons, to mute each VCA individually (mute button disconnects Control jack and Level knob, and silences the VCA)
LED button brightness indicates sum of Control jack, Level knob, and Mute button
16 Control jacks for VCA level control
16 Level knobs attenuate the incoming Control signals. The control jacks are normalled to +5v, so if no control is plugged in, the knobs act as manual level (boost/cut) controls
Matrix Expandability: VCA Matrices can be connected to form a larger matrix using headers on the back (4x8, 8x8, 12x4, etc)
Control Expandability: 16-pin header on back side of PCB allows an external device to control all VCAs: e.g. patch recall, patch sequencing, preset patterns such as quadrature panning, etc.
Suitable as a 4x4 mixer, splitter, as well as dynamic signal router/processor
Module size:
The VCA Matrix is 28HP, and approximately 1.5" deep (38mm).
Power consumption:
A jumper selects using +5V from the power supply, or generating +5V on-board from the +12V rail.
-12V rail: 100mA max
+12V rail:
75mA max with jumper selecting external 5V
110mA max with jumper selecting internal 5V.
+5V rail:
40mA max with jumper selecting external 5V
not used (0mA) with jumper selecting internal 5V."
4ms VCAMatrix and PEG at Musik Messe 2011
YouTube Uploaded by 4mspedals on Apr 23, 2011
"Here we are at MusikMesse demoing our newest products for the Eurorack modular synthesizer system: the VCA Matrix, a 4x4 matrix of 16 VCAs with mute buttons, manual level pots, and CV controls... And the Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG), a wavetable-based dual envelope module that synchronizes the length of the envelopes to a division/multiple of an incoming clock time.
The VCA Matrix has 4 clocks from an SCM running into the inputs, and the outputs are controlling the pitch, wave folding, and filter amount of a basic VCO/VCF patch... this is generating the repeating melody line.
The PEG is generating two envelopes which are modulating the Morph and FM of a Morphing Terrarium module. Both envelopes are triggered by a shuffled SCM output."
Thursday, April 21, 2011
musik messe 2011 - analog synths II
YouTube Uploaded by Moogulator on Apr 21, 2011
Part 1 here. You can see the new Elektrokosmos Kosmonaut in the start and an Atomo Synth in neon green in the rack.
"analog synths at Frankfurt Musikmesse 2011 - (simple iPhone Movie)"
EOWAVE DOMINO video demo [Musikmesse 2011]
YouTube Uploaded by audiofanzinetv on Apr 21, 2011
MANIKIN ELECTRONIC MEMOTRON video demo [Musikmesse 2011]
YouTube Uploaded by audiofanzinetv on Apr 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Axel Hartmann on the Moog Poly Slim Phatty rig!
YouTube Uploaded by SourceDistributionTV on Apr 20, 2011
"Synth-design legend Axel Hartmann tinkles the Moog Little Phatty (which he actually helped to design)...but this is no ordinary Little Phatty...this is a four voice Poly setup using three additional Slim Phatties to add extra voices!
Moog senior engineer Cyril Lance is on hand to give us a little insight into what makes poly chaining an all-VCO system musically possible.
For more information please visit: https://www.moogmusic.com/
To find a dealer in the UK: http://www.sourcedistribution.co.uk/
Finally, follow! http://www.twitter.com/sourcedist"
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
What's inside the Moog Taurus?
YouTube Uploaded by SourceDistributionTV on Apr 19, 2011
"Moog senior engineer Cyril Lance shares a little insight on what went into the beautiful and brutal Moog Taurus III - filmed at Musikmesse 2011.
For more information: https://www.moogmusic.com/taurus/?section=product&product_id=21299
To find a dealer in the UK: http://www.sourcedistribution.co.uk/
Finally, follow us! http://www.twitter.com/sourcedist"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.