Showing posts with label New DIY in 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New DIY in 2017. Show all posts

Thursday, November 09, 2017

New North Coast Synthesis MSK 008 Dual VC Octave Switch

via North Coast Synthesis Ltd.

"Master of Melodies

The MSK 008 Voltage-Controlled Octave Switch is a multifunction voltage processor. The module has two channels, each containing a whole-volt quantizer that maps its input to the nearest integer number of volts from -2 to +2; a three-position toggle switch that shifts the quantizer boundaries up or down by a volt; and a precision adder (with optional subtraction function).

If you simply route a pitch CV through one of the unquantized CV1 inputs, it can be a performance control, allowing easy transposition up or down an octave at the flip of a switch. That might be useful for VCOs without their own built-in octave switches. With no input signal, it generates a selectable offset of -1, 0, or +1 volts; feed that into an attenuated exponential FM input somewhere and you get the same tactile control over any other interval transposition you choose.

But the possibilities really open up when you start using more inputs. An LFO into the quantized input gives the effect of flipping the octave switch under CV control, keeping your hands free to wiggle elsewhere. Using the unquantized inputs, which are normalled across the two channels, you can transpose one sequence by another. The CV2 input can add or subtract, selectable during build by a solder jumper on the circuit board; in a default build, CV2 adds on the left channel and subtracts on the right, but do-it-yourselfers can change this selection, or design their own expanders to make it switchable on the fly.

Combining the two channels, with or without other utility modules, allows more complex melody-shifting effects. And it doesn't have to be just for oscillator pitch control. Switching fixed-voltage offsets on filter cutoffs also makes for great drops and timbral shifts. (And try putting the result through a slew limiter!) The default sum and difference configuration allows the module to act as a "mid-side" encoder or decoder. With other patching it can be a flip-flop or a wavefolder.

The MSK 008 is fast enough to work on audio. The quantizer is built from hardware comparators, without a microcontroller, and it can do simple bit-crushing effects across the whole audio spectrum. Each channel can also be a unity mixer for audio, with two regular inputs plus the output of the bit-crusher.

The MSK 008 is available as a pre-built 8HP Eurorack module, a do-it-yourself kit, or bare boards. Prices can be as low as zero (if you download the plans and source all the parts yourself). It has blinky red and green lights on it.

Two channels and multiple CV functions in a small space
Flash-style comparator quantization - no microcontroller
Through-hole design for easy hand construction and maintenance
Connectors between boards, and panel controls mounted on a board - no flying wires
No compromises on component quality: real aluminum panel, not PCB material, with colour printing; nickel and gold plating on the circuit boards; close-tolerance metal film fixed resistors; multiturn trimmers.
Fully open design - no lock-in

8HP Eurorack synthesizer module, 43mm deep including mated power cable.
Maximum current requirements in normal use 45mA at +12V, 50mA at -12V. Reverse-connection protected.
Build difficulty: easy. All through-hole. Accurate voltmeter (or a tracking VCO and some way of measuring its frequency) needed for adjustment."

New North Coast Synthesis MSK 007 Leapfrog VCF

And we have a new maker featured on the site.

via North Coast Synthesis Ltd.

"Not Your Grandmother's Synth Filter (Yet)

There are hundreds of analog synthesizer VCFs, but only a few core designs. You've got your Moog transistor ladder and imitators that use diodes or other substitutes; you've got your two-pole state variable filter, maybe cascaded to get additional poles; and that's about it. Your grandmother was making electronic music with these designs in the 1960s, and not much has happened since. There are a few more options available in digital and semi-digital (such as switched-capacitor) architectures, but most analog designers have given up trying to create really new filters. Instead, they compete on how well they can imitate or clone specific "vintage" filters.

The North Coast Synthesis MSK 007 Leapfrog is new and different, with a sound all its own. The fifth-order "leapfrog" core topology, with five integrators and multiple feedback loops, originates in scientific work more recent than the 1960s and as far as we know never before available in a modular synth VCF. The near-elliptic response curve has an extremely sharp cutoff, with ripple in the passband and nulls in the stopband at frequencies chosen to be musically relevant.

Sweep the cutoff and hear each harmonic pop into existence and wobble around before the next one arrives. Choose a timbre, and the temperature compensated volt per octave tracking will keep it consistent across the frequency range. Change it up with exponential and linear frequency modulation. There's even a built-in VCA, because you can never have too many VCAs.

The MSK 007 is available as a pre-built 16HP Eurorack module, a DIY kit, or as bare boards. It's the perfect gift for Grandma or any other electronic musician in your life.

All-new design, not a clone or imitation of anything else
Ultra-sharp five-pole near-elliptic low-pass response, 61dB/octave at the least steep part of the main cutoff slope, with peaks and nulls at musically relevant frequencies
Built-in VCA switchable to feedback or output modes from the front panel - no jumpers
Temperature compensated V/octave tracking
Through-hole for easy hand construction and maintenance
Connectors between boards, and panel controls mounted on a board - no flying wires
No compromises on component quality: real aluminum panel, not PCB material, with colour printing; nickel and gold plating on the circuit boards; smooth-touch conductive plastic panel potentiometers rated for one million operations; polystyrene integrator capacitors; close-tolerance metal film fixed resistors; multiturn trimmers.
Fully open design - no lock-in

16HP Eurorack synthesizer module, 58mm deep including mated power cable.
Maximum current requirements in normal use: 70mA +12V, 65mA -12V. Reverse-connection protected.
Build difficulty: intermediate to advanced, because of the number of parts and adjustment steps. All through-hole. Multimeter and dual-trace digital oscilloscope are recommended for adjustment, with other options possible."

Saturday, November 04, 2017

DIY Project #8: Minty Synth 2.0

Published on Nov 4, 2017 poorness studios

"The Minty Synth is a tiny Arduino-bases synthesizer built inside of a mint tin. It's very powerful for how simple it is to build. You can buy one here:"

"The MintySynth kit - 2.0 is a great way to make your next musical creation while experimenting with electronics and programming. Open source and hackable, the MintySynth is an Arduino-compatible synth kit that fits in an Altoids tin.

This comes as an unassembled kit so some soldering is required - but the assembly itself is fairly straightforward and the software comes preloaded so creating your next project should be a breeze! The included software is a 4 voice, 16 step wavetable sequencer that let's you play around with different intruments while controlling the tempo, swing, keys and scale. You can save up to four 16 note songs, relooping them over and over or reload each individually. If you do want to program the Synth yourself, you'll need an FTDI Cable since there's no onboard USB."

And via

"MintySynth is an Arduino-compatible synthesizer/sequencer/audio experiment kit that fits neatly in an Altoids® tin. It is intended to be an educational tool as well as a fun toy, and is a great way to learn about electronics, programming, and music. It’s open source and hackable! Soldering is required, but assembly is straightforward and generally takes one to two hours. You supply the Altoids® tin. You can either assemble the kit and use it with the preloaded synth software, or you can program it yourself as you would an Arduino...

DinSync Announces New Gilbert CV/Gate Voice DIY Project

via the re303 forum:

"Gilbert is a new DIY project I'm working on, and will eventually be available in the re303 shop as a full kit.

The first prototype has been made and is working. The idea here is a small cv/gate voice you can build and use with your re303 (or any other cv/gate sequencer of course)

The architecture is inspired largely by the mc202, sh101 and sh09. So it sounds somewhat like all of them. Anyway soon i'll be making the next prototype version and maybe after that I'll have a good idea of the release times.

meantime check the instragram posts here in the forum for previews of the prototype"

Sample and hold

A post shared by Paul Barker (@dinsync) on

Not bad for the first prototype. #gilbert

A post shared by Paul Barker (@dinsync) on

DIY synthesizer by pepofication

Published on Nov 4, 2017 pepofication

"Korg SQ-1 VCO, VCF, AD, VCA
The VCF isn't properly working yet."

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

New Divide & Conquer & Sly Grogan from nonlinearcircuits

divide & conquer plus a sly grogan Published on Oct 17, 2017 cirtcele

"Just a patch based around the Divide & Conquer, the Sly Grogan is fairly evident as well."

Divide & Conquer via nonlinearcircuits

"This module is intended to be a companion module for the Bindubba Sequencer."

SLY GROGAN via nonlinearcircuits

"SLY GROGAN is an envelope generator based on the design in Electronotes #86. It can produce a wide variety of different envelopes and bursts, perhaps most interesting is the ability to have the envelopes ringing after the attack stage. It also works well as a voltage controlled LFO, tho the module is neither a LFO nor a regular ADSR.
Please note: it no longer contains a VCA, this was dropped in favour of tapping the extra outputs (2&3)."

Center Square Music Stereo CEM Filter Rack Modules Featuring Dual Curtis VCF CEM3328

via this auction

"These are single rack space modules consisting of a pair of 24db/oct low pass filters using Curtis CEM3328 synth filter chips. These are great sounding, musical filters with the special feature of consistent volume across resonance settings.

These modules have balanced/unbalanced inputs and unbalanced outputs. There are CV inputs for frequency and resonance on each channel, and a stereo link switch to have the knob settings from channel one operate channel 2 (the CV freq. input also carries over, but the res. CV control jack does not so you need to use a multiple if you want identical CV on the resonance input).

High-quality parts used through-out (Nichicon and Nippon caps, etc). These are professionally designed, assembled, and wired. Uses quality double-sided pcb's.

The only thing I would say is not professional quality are the control decals. I used water-slide decals so they will last and have a low profile, but they don't look nearly as good as proper screen printing or engraving methods in my opinion."

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Oakley Introduces the SRE330 - Enhanced Stereo Ensemble and Chorus Module

via Oakley where you'll find additional details.

"The Oakley SRE330 is a multi mode stereo ensemble unit designed to mimic the behaviour of the multichannel chorus and ensemble units of late 1970s and early 1980s. The SRE330 uses up to four channels of bucket brigade delay (BBD) lines and up to four voltage controlled low frequency oscillators (LFO) to achieve a sound reminiscent of various types of string machines, guitar chorus pedals and studio rack effects of yesteryear.

Unlike the original devices the SRE330 allows greater control over the modulation depths, speeds and waveforms, as well as featuring a wet/dry control. Input and output level control pots are also provided to allow maximum flexibility in dealing with a variety of input signal levels. Both the stereo input and output connections are balanced but can be used with unbalanced connections if desired.

The unit features classic companding noise reduction circuitry which keeps unwanted noise levels to an acceptable level while also adding a 'vintage' sound of its own. A four LED level meter helps you keep signal levels at optimum ensuring a good noise to signal ratio without clipping."

Monday, October 09, 2017


Published on Oct 9, 2017 Dreadbox

"Analog Monophonic Synthesizer"

The Dreadbox HADES goes DIY.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Nucleo Synth (Virtual Analog Synthesizer) for the STM32F7 Nucleo-144 Board

via the ST Community website, where you can find additional info including build instructions. This is a DIY synth by pappas.chris that uses a $23 STM32F7 Nucleo-144 Board.

About this project :
An expandable feature 6-voice virtual analog synthesizer using only one STM32F7 Nucleo-144 board.

Project info
Type : Built using one STM32F7 Nucleo-144 board, one stereo audio jack, and a USB-OTG to USB-A adapter.

Software Tools :
Keil uVision 5 (Free Evaluation Version)

I created this project to offer a low-cost alternative to creating analog synth sounds.

Friday, October 06, 2017

New SYNTHETA 82 Prototype Hardware Desktop Synthesizer From Adamstan

Prototypowe dźwięki - Prototype sounds vol. 4 - SYNTHETA 82

Published on Oct 6, 2017 adamstan84

English below.

"Następca "Skrzyneczki" zaczyna nabierać ostatecznych kształtów. Od strony elektronicznej chyba 99% procent jest zrobione, oprogramowanie ~80%. Nawet Sysexy już częściowo działają, co widać na początku filmu :-) Obudowa pewnie jeszcze ulegnie drobnym poprawkom, ale ogólny styl zapewne zostanie zachowany. Oto "Syntheta 82" - ośmiogłosowy, dwubrzmieniowy syntezator analogowy Made In Poland - w stereo i w kolorze :-)

Krótkie podsumowanie:
- Polifonia 8 głosów
- Bitimbral (Split/Layer)
- W każdym głosie 2xVCO, 3xADSR, 3xLFO, RingMod, FM, VCF 12dB/okt o przełączanej charakterystyce
- wyjście stereo z regulowaną szerokością bazy
- 3 tryby panoramowania: - alt (domyślny) - parzyste głosy na lewo, nieparzyste na prawo - key - pozycja w panoramie określona przez wysokość dźwięku - indywidualny - jedna warstwa jest panoramowana na lewo, a druga na prawo

*Część presetów z tego dema można było usłyszeć w poprzednim filmie, jeszcze bez obudowy.

My new synth prototype - almost finished. Even Sysex patch dumps work ;-) "Syntheta 82" - 8 voice, bitimbral stereo analog synthesizer.

Each voice has 2xVCO, 3xADSR, 3xLFO, RingMod, FM, multimode 2-pole VCF and stereo output with adjustable widht.
3 panning modes are available:
- alternate (default): odd voices to the one side, even to another
- key: pan is set by note number
- separate: Upper layer to the left, Lower to the right

01:03 - JX Piano (sync, PWM)
01:41 - EPiano (RingMod, PWM)
02:19 - Bells (RingMod, PWM)
02:35 - Self-Osc
02:42 - Brass 1
03:02 - Split 1
03:28 - Split 2
03:46 - Split 3 (Pad/Lead)
04:19 - Organ
04:33 - Brass 2 (Saw + PWM)
04:52 - Strings 1 (Saw + Pulse)
05:10 - Strings 2 (Layer)
05:26 - "Sonar" ;-)
05:31 - Soft Pad
06:04 - JX Brass
06:17 - Resonant Brass
06:32 - HiQ Bass
06:56 - FM 1 (Osc FM, VCF FM, Sync)
07:45 - Vox Humana (RingMod, Layer)
08:14 - FM 2 (VCF FM, Sync, Ring Mod)
08:47 - Single-Osc Brass
09:16 - Drums"

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The SQK-01 - Arduino digital/analog FM synthesizer

Published on Sep 21, 2017 DrummingEvil


1. the SQK-01 - Arduino digital/analog FM synthesizer - Part 1

"A bit of a basic video to show the progress I've made on my synthesizer build so far! Part 2 will be more of an actual video, probably will make that when I've added the filter and such."

2. the SQK-01 - Arduino digital/analog FM synthesizer - Part 2

"Now that the digital and analog sections of the synthesizer are complete I show off some of the things it can do.


I forgot to re-tune the thing before recording (it was still using the old samplerate tuning words) so it is not tuned to A = 440Hz, but otherwise it is of course IN tune so no difference there :P"

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PS401 1:3 ClipMix eurorack module demonstration

Published on Sep 12, 2017 Antti Pussinen

"A quick demonstration of three to one clipping mixer eurorack synth module. Part of Paper Synthesizer workshop series by Antti Pussinen & Wolfgang Spahn"

"Paper Synthesizer is a modular environment where one can pick the desired building blocks and builds ones own sound generator of choice. A way to sculpt electricity into waveforms.
Paper Synthesizer is a collaborstion of Antti Pussinen und Wolfgang Spahn."

Module list as of this post:
PS100 - Hard-Sync Oscillator
PS110 - Voltage Controlled Oscillator
PS110 - Wave Converter
PS201 - MIDI to CV
PS202 - MIDI-Duino
PS301 - Diode Wavefolder
PS401 - Clip Mixer
PS411 - EnvAmp (Attack/Release Envelope Generator & Opto-VCA)
PS808 - Kick Drum Board
PS000 - Power-Supply
Calibration Keyboard for PS110
DC-DC 5Vto2x12V Converter Board
USB to FFC Power Connector

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Gibran Curtiss Trigger Prototype

Published on Sep 10, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

"A 100% functional prototype for my personal use."

Portable Software Synthesizer V1.1

Published on Sep 9, 2017 Aaron Horeth

"This is something I just started working on. My plan is to add midi next and make it into a unique instrument"

Friday, September 08, 2017

DSP Synthesizers Introduces The Breadboard TS – A Synth Builders Wet Dream

via DSP Synthesizers

"The Breadboard TS is a development platform used to breadboard new ideas.

830 point breadboard.
2 octave touch keyboard with MIDI and CV/Gate output.
MIDI to CV/Gate input.
Built in oscilloscope.
Runs on a 1.5v battery but has 5 volt rails.

Comes with 65 jumper cables, VCDM and ENV6 synth chips."

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

New Barton Musical Circuits Chordizer Module

Published on Aug 29, 2017 boogdish

"This is a DIY synthesizer project. If you're interested in building it yourself, the page for it is at"

"This is a specialized module for controlling 1V/Octave oscillators and filters. A single CV input is offset and quantized to create 4 voice chords. Chord voicings can be saved and loaded using external CV. It also features a single slew control for all four outputs, random chord selection and more

The board features PC mounted pots for less wiring, and mounting holes for flexibility in panel layout. There are Eurorack and MOTM power connecters. It's compatible with 12V or 15V synth systems without any parts substitutions"

New Barton Musical Circuits 4 Quadrant Multiplier & Panner Module

Published on Aug 29, 2017 boogdish

"This is a DIY synthesizer module, if you're interested in building one for yourself, please visit"

"This module is a specialized VCA that can act as a Four-Quadrant Multiplier (sometimes referred to as a 'Ring Mod') or as a panner.

The board features PC mounted pots for less wiring, and mounting holes for flexibility in panel layout. There are Eurorack and MOTM power connecters. It's compatible with 12V or 15V synth systems without any parts substitutions"

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Hotchkiss Quad VCA/mixer with digital brain - eurorack module prototype

Published on Aug 26, 2017 Jason Hotchkiss

"Quick jam/demo of a prototype module I'm working on.

It is a quad VCA module in 8HP based on Coolaudio V2164 with full analog signal path. VCAs are digitally controlled and the firmware (a work in progress) generates independent envelopes per VCA channel - supports trigger sequencing, direct CV control per channel, crossfading or triggering across all channels with a single CV, mixer solo/mute control by CV (with attack/decay on mixer mutes for smooth fades), MIDI control and more to come...

Easy to use as a 4 to 1 mixer as all output jacks are normalled to a single output and each channel has a level pot (with 3x gain available). Input jacks are also normalled to allow signals to be split between multiple channels (e.g. to control multiple fx chains for same signal)

This is a first prototype but is a lot of fun already :) Hopefully will be ready for sale in next few months.."

Saturday, August 19, 2017

DSP Synthesizers 3HP Paperface Camelion Now Available

"The 3HP Paperface Camelion DSP module is now available for order.

Both as a kit or prebuilt.

If anyone remembers the dsp-Host with a 8-pin DIP socket on the panel the Paperface DSP works in the same way. You make your own modules.

It is built on the ATtiny85 but uses the TinyAudioBootloader.

The name “Paperface” comes from the classic Serge look with white panels.

The TinyAudioBootloader makes it possible to upload new firmware through the audio out port without a programmer just replaying a wavefile at startup.

The Camelion is open-source and the project page can be found here."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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