Showing posts with label eurorack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eurorack. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31, 2025

video upload by 4ms Company

Complete Techno + Dark Ambient palette: Perkons Voice deep dive demo

video upload by Dave Mech

"Here I'm showing the Perkons Voice eurorack module by Erica Synths which conveniently gives us access to all the wondrous Perkons HD-01 sounds but in 1/16th the size. Sure, it doesn't have the amazing sequencing capabilities but it does offer other interesting capabilities, like patch selection modulation and in general CV control over all parameters, which can yield beautiful results. And it's possible to get decay layers to up to 4 voices. So lots of drone and ambient sound source capabilities!

If you're interested in presets, samples and courses, check out"

JAMUARY 2025 #31 - BIA'S

video upload by FL3SHB4CK

"Happy new modular year!!!
LAST DAY!! of this cool Jamuary 2025.
THANKS A LOT to all the viewers, likers and messagers (very kind) and
CONGRATZ to all participants who did put some effort and consistancy thru this jammin' month!

A tout seigneur tout honneur, last day is the BIA's day.

Basimilus Iteritas Alter modulated by Amnis (mainly gates) and AHH, 808 hats into Beads, doing granular stuff and reverb.

Basimilus Iteritas Alter
AHH, µGR2, Quadratt, Line out

4U 50hp recorded live into Syntakt reverb and delay

#jamuary2025 #jamuary #jam #modularjam
‪@NoiseEngineering‬ ‪@xodesnet‬ ‪@intellijel‬"

Massenet's "Meditation from Thais" on Modular Synthesizer

video upload by Biopower Audio

"Here's my stab at the famous violin air from Jules Massenet's 1894 opera, THAIS, using my Biopower Axe & Razor #eurorack #modular #synthesizer ribbon controller.

The ribbon controller is pressure sensitive, which I'm using to control a Plum Audio Jove filter cutoff. Two further pressure points on the stock of the instrument provide an injection of vibrato (both the frequency and amplitude of an LFO to the timbre parameter on a Plaits oscillator) and a pitch bend, mainly to get notes outside the D Major scale, which I quantized. The accompaniment is an emulated Juno 106.

I designed this instrument to bring convenient Rick Wakeman shredding within reach of all synth players -- but it can play sweetly and precisely too!

Available for purchase as built modules and DIY kits at"

See the Biopower Modular label below for more. It looks like they switched their name from Biopower Modular to Biopower Audio. The Biopower Audio label will be used for future posts, considering.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

meloDICER firmware R44 - Walk-through

video upload by vermonagear

"We recently released firmware R44 for the meloDICER, bringing key improvements to MIDI functionality when used with the MEX3 expander module. In this video, we walk you through the new features and show you how to set up the updated parameters.

Firmware R44 introduces:

Individual MIDI channels per voice
A more intuitive menu structure for MIDI IN channel and MIDI clock synchronization
Retained settings for REST2, REST3, ACCENT PROBABILITY, and STANDARD VELOCITY, even after powering down the module"

VCV RSCL \ Improvised Patch Tutorial No.3

video upload by Omri Cohen

"You can also find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 120957290

00:00 - Introduction
00:15 - Basic functionality
02:42 - Rescaling pitch
09:18 - Rescaling randomness
13:55 - Clipping
24:02 - Wave folding
30:00 - PWM like movement"

Rarest Digital VCO? The Double Helix Wavetable Processor

video upload by Magical Synth Adventure

"Here's a deep dive into one of the rarest Eurorack modules of all time (only 5 or 6 prototypes were made before cancellation!) - a very special sounding 9-bit wavetable oscillator, with many unique sounding "processors' - FM, wavefolding, sync, delay, you name it!

A million thanks to Richard Nicol from Pittsburgh Modular:

Richard's original video here:" [below] 00:00 Intro Demo
01:58 Hello Adventurers!
02:26 The DNA Symbiotic Waves
03:26 The Double Helix Wavetable Processor
06:18 Wavetable Exploration
11:40 Processors
21:10 Self-Patching Fun!
22:08 Closing Thoughts, a Lost Classic?

Pittsburgh Modular Digital Oscillator Lab???

Pittsburgh Modular Digital Oscillator Lab???

video upload by Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers - Apr 16, 2020

"Experimental eurorack patch laboratory with Richard."

JAMUARY 2025 #30 - ZU SIDE

video upload by FL3SHB4CK

"Happy new modular year!

Amnis beat, clocked by Pamela and data from Gliss (free lfo reset by Pam)
Battering Ram is the kick and bass, AHH is the 808 hat and crazy tones by Noiswasp

Pamela's new workout
Battering Ram
AHH, diff-rect, Quadratt, Line out
4U 50hp recorded live into Syntakt reverb and delay"

Pole Dancer analog filter: Zoxnoxious synthesizer voice card demo

video upload by Ultratroninator 3000

"Here's a demo of the Pole Dancer filter, the latest voice card for the Zoxnoxious synthesizer. The Zoxnoxious synth is a VCV Rack controlled hardware synth with a modular voice card architecture. The Pole Dancer earns its name with its unique pole mixing filter functions. Able to take on many different filter modes and morphing between "Personality" filter modes. The Pole Dancer and the Personality module give the VCV Rack user full control over the filter mix levels for pole mixing.

The demo shows the details on the Pole Dancer's VCV Rack module. Also shown is a few ways on how one could use VCV Rack to morph and sequence filter modes. The video ends with detail on how effective the Pole Dancer is on taking on complex filter modes.

The Expedition Electronics webpage used in the demo to show various filter modes is here:

I'm hoping to get the voice cards and Zoxnoxious synth available sometime soon. I'm still looking into how best to do that. It's all open source with schematics, Raspberry Pi, and VCV Rack stuff all on Github:

00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Crossfade example
02:09 - Module frontend
04:19 - Personality: pole mixing
05:34 - Filter sequencing
06:20 - Tweaking the filter sequencing
09:00 - Pole mixing background
11:45 - Filter analysis"

Noria - Drones

video upload by DecadeBridge

"This video demonstrates running Noria at audio rate to use it as a drone/glitchy synth.

Here it is installed into a eurorack case but can also be used as standalone. All sounds are from Noria only.

Apologies for the video being slightly out of sync!"

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Noria - Sequencing

video upload by DecadeBridge

"Noria is a 16 step sequencer and drone/pseudo self sequenced synth.
I use it as a straightforward sequencer with Erebus in this video running at sequencer rates and audio rate. All sounds come from Erebus.
Noria will be available as a limited edition run soon from my Etsy store."

01:05 Pitch sequencing
02:26 Out A fixed notes Out B sequencing
05:58 Audio rate

A first look at the 242t from Buchla & Tiptop Audio

video upload by Tiptop Audio

"The Buchla & Tiptop Audio Programmable Pulser - Model 242t is an essential module for creating rhythmically intricate patches in Eurorack 200t systems.
This video showcases how the 242t interacts with other 200t modules, driving a unique patch that triggers and controls a feedback loop system.

You can see this historical collection of Buchla 200 series reissues, including the new 242t, the Programmable Pulser module, here:

Patch Overview of 'Triggering Feedback Loops':
The 242t sends pulses to a network of modules to generate sequences and modulations:
242t: Sends pulses to the 245t, 266t, and 281t for creating CV sequences and dynamic modulations.
259t: Serves as the primary VCO, delivering the audio foundation.
292t: Shapes the audio signal from the 259t.

Feedback System Details:
Tiptop ZDSP: Processes the 259t’s audio output (filtered by the 292t). Its outputs feed the 296t and 285t, which send their processed signals back into the ZDSP’s feedback inputs, creating a controlled loop.
296t: Operates also as an envelope follower, analyzing the ZDSP’s output and generating CV. The CV is sent to MISO, where it is inverted and routed back to modulate the ZDSP’s feedback inputs, acting as a limiter to prevent saturation."

JAMUARY 2025 #29

video upload by FL3SHB4CK

"Happy new modular year!

Amnis beat, clocked by Pamela and data from Gliss (free lfo reset by Pam)
Battering Ram is the kick and bass, AHH is the 808 hat and crazy tones by Noiswasp

Pamela's new workout
Battering Ram
AHH, diff-rect, Quadratt, Line out

4U 50hp recorded live into Syntakt reverb and delay"

The magic auto-muting eurorack mixer: Eowave Supamix Demo

video upload by mylarmelodies

"In this demo I'll show you the unique‪@eowavemodular‬ Supamix - a generative eurorack modular mixer. What's the trick? It can automate the on-and-off muting of channels, using voltage or gates. The pattern of muting is determined by an algorithm you choose, and makes it uniquely powerful for generative patches that play out by themselves, as well as co-ordinating buildups, drops and more.

One important feature I did not show - if you hold down a mute for half a second, it stays on no matter what automation is happening on the other channels. Useful for keeping one track running (eg. Drums) while others are switching on and off merrily."

The Supamix was announced back in May 2024.

Check with dealers on the right for availability.

Vaemi Atari Punk Console (Standalone & Eurorack)

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Vaemi

Atari Punk Console : Short Review : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Atari Punk Console : Basic Features : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Atari Punk Console : With Analog Ribbon Controller : Vaemi (Eurorack)
Atari Punk Console : With Analog Sequencer : Vaemi (Standalone Synthesizer)
Mini Mixer (With Atari Punk Console, Cracklebox & PO-12) : Short Review : Vaemi (Synthesizer)

via Vaemi Reverb

VAEMI's Atari Punk Console features a circuit design that operates with two oscillators and the modulation between these oscillators. Based on the "Stepped Tone Generator" circuit developed by Forrest M. Mims III in the early 1980s, this design is one of the significant milestones in electronic music history.

Thanks to the two oscillators, it offers the possibility to select harmonic degrees based on the fundamental frequency. This feature allows users to create melodic arpeggios.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Buchla 200t Neapolian Minor

video upload by Ebotronix

Buchla 200t TipTop Audio,
2x 292t, 4x 258t, 2x 281t ,2x 207t, 2x 259t, 257t,266t,2x 245t,296t,
Verbos Harmonic Oscillator,
ADDAC Foot control,
Boss EV 30,
Mutable Instruments Shades,
Tunefish Modular ,µYarns,
Ornament and Crime,Shades,
Isla Instruments Kordbot,
4 ms QPLFO, (unipolar for Buchla 207t), QCD, Dual Looping Delay,
Strymon Big Sky Mx, controlled by, 16n ATO Faderbank,
Neapolian Minor Scale,0,1,3,5,7,8,11,
video # 2465

AI Synthesis Announces the AI028 Voltage Controlled Matrix Mixer

video upload by AI Synthesis

Press release follows:

Portland, OR, USA January 28, 2025 – AI Synthesis has announced the AI028 Voltage Controlled Matrix Mixer

The AI028 uses the new SSI2190 PROCIRCUIT™ 6-INTO-1 VOLTAGE CONTROLLED MIXER* ICs to create a 6 in, 6 out Voltage Controlled Matrix Mixer. Each column of jack nodes is a VCA input that will amplify the input from the left to the output on the bottom from silent 0V to full unity volume at 5V. The inputs and VCA circuits will accept Audio and CV signals. For those who want to manually control voltage, a 5V output is present in the lower left that, with a passive attenuator, can be used to manually control the volume of a node. While currently in manufacture, due to the Lunar New Year, it is temporarily on hold and is expected to ship in February or March. Presales are now open on and will be shipped on a first come/first served basis.

“In the year 2000, I was in college and obsessed with modular synths, but could barely afford to eat. I knew it was possible to build your own synth, but there wasn’t anyone, or anywhere to turn to for advice. In the past decade, much more information has been published online, and in 2013 I started down my path to DIY modular. Even with all of the information online, there still lacked a single, simple, comprehensive guide for those looking to build their own synthesizer. I want AI Synthesis to be that guide. Prior to building my own synth, I was a dreamer, after building my modular, I felt I had awoken. I want to help others do the same.”

-Abraham Ingle
Founder, AI Synthesis

In addition to providing step by step build instructions, schematics, and circuit explanations, the site also includes a guide for getting started in modular synthesis, and a series of DIY Guides, with information regarding how Resistors actually work, and how to integrate a $26 scope into your Eurorack system."


video upload by ALEQ Modular

"Drone, slow modification of the sound.

Two DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR, one for the sound, one for the modulation.
Modulation controlled and routed by the Attenuverter Bank.
Two Rampage for others modulations."

JAMUARY 2025 #28

video upload by FL3SHB4CK

"Happy new modular year!

Amnis beat, clocked by Pamela and data from Gliss (free lfo reset by Pam) Battering Ram is the kick and bass, AHH & ASD are the 808 hat and snare, nRings and feedback by Dark Matter.

Pamela's new workout
Battering Ram
Dark Matter
AHH, ASD, Quadratt, Line out

4U 50hp recorded live into Syntakt reverb and delay"

Intellijel Patch Ideas: Ring Mod Delay

video upload by Intellijel

"Here we have a Ring Mod Delay patch with Atlantix, Sealegs, Ring Mod 1U and Aux Mix 1U. With this combination, the feedback from the delay evolves through the ring modulator, causing the echoes to morph with each repeat. It can produce some wild results.

Patch notes:
• Dry Signal - Atlantix Out / Aux Mix CH1 / Main Out
• Delay Signal - Aux Mix Aux Out / Ring Mod X / Sealegs Delay (100% wet mix)/ Aux Mix CH2
• Use Aux Mix CH2 Aux Out to create the feedback loop
• Atlantix VCO B Sine out from MOD Y to Ring Mod Y
• VCO B's pitch can be static, track with VCO A or modulated (for example with Sample & Hold). This will effect the way the timbre of the delay."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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