Showing posts with label synth tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label synth tutorials. Show all posts
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Instruō tràigh Design
video uploads by Instruō
"This is a long form series which documents the full design process of a Eurorack module.
The tràigh was the second module I designed as Instruō back in 2016.
I revisited the module, added some features and produced a limited batch to serve as a fundraiser in aid a surgery and radiation therapy treatments for my dog Winston.
He's a very larger greyhound who has been at my side for most of the time I have been running Instruō."
Thursday, January 23, 2025
VCV LFO \ Improvised Patch Tutorial
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can also find this patch, along with many others, available on my Patreon page - / 120531082
00:00 - Introduction
00:22 - Modulation
11:19 - Complex modulation
23:30 - Pitch sequences
33:45 - As a voice
37:29 - Reset \ Drum voice"
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Creating and Transferring Wavetables - Novation Peak
video upload by Mad Robot
Anaheim, CA – January 22, 2025: Native Instruments is making it easier than ever for music producers to explore new sounds on their favorite controllers by launching its Native Kontrol Standard (NKS) Hardware Partner Program, announced today at NAMM 2025. Industry leaders Akai Professional, Novation, Nektar, Korg, and M-Audio are adopting the NKS ecosystem to power seamless integration with Native Instruments software. This connects music makers to over 2,000 NKS-compatible instruments and effects from more than 250 brands.
“This expansion highlights the impact of collaboration,” says Simon Cross, Chief Product Officer at Native Instruments. “It marks an important milestone in our mission to provide musicians with an open, connected platform, making professional-grade tools, instruments, and technology more accessible to creators everywhere.”
Native Kontrol Stand"Wavetables are a fantastic tool to expand your sonic horizons.
But sometimes the ones built in the Peak aren't enough.
And how cool would it be to 'bake' one of your favorite VST's patch down to a wavetable that you can then play around with inside the Peak ?
This video is based off knowledge shared by @StarskyCarr in a super well made tutorial [see here, and here]. I decided to make my own specifically for the Peak/Summit since the workflow is a bit tricky.
Although the video is 25 minutes long it takes only 4-5 minutes to transfer a new wavetable when you're used to it.
Here are the steps to reproduce :
1- Find a patch in any VST that you'd like to create a wavetable for.
2- Automate parameters over a few seconds of this patch playing using a midi clip and a linear envelope(s)
3- The note playing needs to be an F2 detuned by -23ct. This is how we're gonna get the right amount of samples (256) per cycle
4- Record the note and automation using an audio track listening to the VST's track output
5- Send the recorded audio to Audacity
6- Change Audacity's sample rate to 44100 and its time display units to "samples" (bottom left corner)
7- Copy / paste on a new track a small portion of the beginning, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and end of the recording.
8- Analyze how one shape might morph into the next, and use that knowledge to determine the starting position of the waveform selections.
Ideally the selection starts when the waveform crosses the 0dB line.
8.1- Manually enter "256" in the audacity selection box to have exactly the right amount of samples. Ctrl+c to copy, then delete the sample crop, and paste it back in the track to have only your 256 samples selection.
9- Do that for the 5 samples and make sure they're one after another without space in between. Delete the first track.
10- Select the 5 samples by clicking on the first one and manually typing "1280" in the selection length.
11- Go to File - Export - Export Selected Audio , and export as a .wav
12- In Novation Components, after selecting "Manage Peak", in the wavetable editor, create wavetable and then "import" - "Audio File" - select the wav you just created - Import as Wavetable
13- Save your wavetable and send it to a free slot. That's it !"
Snowfall Thickener | Make Noise
video upload by MAKEN0ISE
"The rich sounds of falling, melting, and freezing snow get thickened up more by The ReSynthesizer.
Snowfall Morphagene Reel:"
MPC3 - TRIM and CHOP fast: Cut your loops and one-shots quickly.
video upload by Audiorial
Click CC on the bottom player controls for subtitles.
"MPC3 - TRIM and CHOP fast: Cut your loops and one-shots quickly."
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Introducing Novation Bass Station by GForce Software
video upload by GForce Software
"Novation and GForce are proud to announce the release of the GForce Bass Station, a brand-new software version of the original analogue synthesiser.
Bass Station is an iconic mono-synth, celebrated for its raw, punchy bass and distinctive analogue filter. First launched in 1993, it has been a core part of Novation's brand ever since.
The new GForce Bass Station AU / VST is an exact emulation of the original Bass Station, now with a new expanded mode, which includes up to 16-voice polyphony and unison modes, taking its versatility far beyond the monophonic hardware original.
More info at
Reverb Machine - audio demo
Graeme Rawson - video production
Çağatay Çetin - 3D animation"
Novation Bass Station by GForce Walkthrough
video upload by GForce Software
00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Overview
02:22 - LFO
03:15 - Oscillators
06:32 - OSC Modulation
07:30 - Filter
08:30 - Envelopes
09:15 - Modulation
11:22 - XMods
14:15 - FX
17:10 - Controls
20:07 - Macros
21:07 - Sequencer
28:02 - Arpeggiator
29:01 - Settings
30:50 - Browser
33:30 - Collections
34:20 - Saving a Patch
35:25 - CC Mapping
36:15 - Undo / Redo
Monday, January 20, 2025
ARPOLOOP Tutorial 3 by Massimiliano Viel #arpoloop
video upload by LepLoop
For subtitles Hit CC in the player controls follwed by the Gear icon, Subtitles, Auto-Translate, and your language.
"We asked Massimiliano Viel, composer, musician, researcher, and professor at the Milan Conservatory, to make some ArpoLoop tutorials.
The Cube Sequencer."
ARPOLOOP Tutorials by Massimiliano
Patch From Scratch with the RAS Bonkers Dual Distortion Module
video upload by sonicstate
"In a follow up to the Demo of the Bonkers module, @matthsmatthsmatths goes for an unrehearsed session creating a Patch From Scratch incorporating the module in a wider context.
Bonkers is a versatile dual analogue processor designed to generate a multitude of aggressive, punchy, violent and absolutely bonkers variations of the original unprocessed sound."
00:00:00 Start
00:00:53 Patching Starts
00:01:43 Bass Line
00:02:32 VCA
00:04:19 Kick
00:05:14 Sidechain
00:07:28 Feedback
00:09:28 FX
00:11:30 Hats
00:13:25 Pads
00:18:10 Mix Out
How to build a synthesizer with a patch bay and interface in VCV Rack
video upload by Omri Cohen
"You can find the complete synth patch on my Patreon - / 120041091
00:00 - Introduction
00:21 - The synth
03:44 - Organizing things
05:06 - VCO Waves
06:04 - Interface \ VCOs
10:23 - Interface \ Mixer
11:49 - Interface \ Envelopes
12:46 - Interface \ Filters
20:07 - Interface \ Modulation
22:43 - Interface \ FX
24:30 - Patch Bay \ Outputs
27:03 - Patch Bay \ Inputs
32:11 - Finished Synth"
Connecting the Stylophone Drone Synth to External Gear // Who Needs Envelopes Anyway?
video upload by Starsky Carr
"Retriggering slow LFOs can give you envelope style modulation. In this I demo how it works on the Stylophone CPM DS-2 drone synth.
It s super short video, but shows CV to pitch connections so I'm showing how to control the oscillator pitch with external eurorack modules, keys, sequencers etc."
Getting Started with Chord Pilot
video uploads by knobula
1. Getting Started with Chord Pilot Pt1
In this video I introduce the main controls on Chord Pilot, showing you how to generate a simple chord and save it to one of the preset buttons.
2. ChordPilot Edit Mode Pt2
In this video I briefly explain the Edit Mode in Chord Pilot: How you can revisit a stored preset to make changes using the controls and also how you can select and change an individual note by 'freezing' it.
3. Part 3: Chord Pilot Orbit and Arpeggio Gate Modes
In this video we talk about the 3 gate modes in chord pilot: Chord, Orbit and Arpeggio.
4. Chord Pilot Part 4 - Buttons
In this video I show you the various ways you can use buttons to modify and recall chords, and how buttons can be selected using CV control.
5. Chord Pilot Part 5 Banks & Sets
The final part in the Chord Pilot 'Getting Started' series. Banks & Sets explains how to access the 192 chords that can be stored in the device.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
ARPOLOOP Tutorial 2 by Massimiliano Viel #arpoloop
video upload by LepLoop
For subtitles Hit CC in the player controls follwed by the Gear icon, Subtitles, Auto-Translate, and your language.
"We asked Massimiliano Viel, composer, musician, researcher, and professor at the Milan Conservatory, to make some ArpoLoop tutorials."
ARPOLOOP Tutorials by Massimiliano
FM Algorithms: How to read them, how to choose one (tutorial with examples)
video upload by Floyd Steinberg
"See those charts printed onto your FM synthesizer? Those aren't hiroglyphs, they're a useful information for finding the right algorithm for the sound you have in mind. In this video, I quickly explain how to read them, what to look out for and how to pick one for the sound you want to create. (No table of contents needed today)
Useful links:
Saturday, January 18, 2025
TiNRS Bopp & Steve launch! Demo and Q&A livestream
video upload by This Is Not Rocket Science
"It's been a long time coming but here they are BOPP & STEVE our deconstructed reverb SPACE module
We will talk a bit about the development and Stijn will guide you through all the corners of SPACE region by region. Grab some tail for this demo.
Freestyle patching at the end"
See the announcement post here.
Synth Curious? Fun Times with the Moog Sound Studio
video upload by Circuit 3
"If you know synths and are a bit of an expert this video isn't for you.
But: are you synth curious? Grab a drink and make yourself comfortable. Watch me learn how to use some of my synth equipment. My goal was to use only 'old school' voltages to control the equipment. CV stands for 'control voltage' and gate means a pulse of electricity which can be used to cause a note to start playing or to tell an electronic instrument what the tempo is.
If you liked this ... buy my music!
This video features the Moog Sound Studio which is made up of 3 modules which I demonstrate in the video. If you know nothing about synths you'll hopefully learn how we connect multiple synths and have them play in sync with each other... you'll see how each synth has a job to play much like instruments in a guitar based band: drums, bass and guitar.
Big thanks to YouTuber @Cutflower for his helpful tutorials (great work!) and also to @braintree56 for his helpful tutorials. I highly recommend checking out their videos if you want to learn how these synths work and some of the possibilities. Lastly shout out to Caroline and the team at @myvolts1903 . You can see some of their cool cables being used in this video."
1983 - Polyphonic MIDI to CV Mastermind
video upload by Bastl Instruments
00:00 INTRO
02:47 LISTEN & TUNE & CV
14:13 LAYOUT P
15:31 LAYOUT P.
16:11 LAYOUT 3
17:14 LAYOUT 3.
17:39 LAYOUT 1
19:27 LAYOUT 2
19:38 LAYOUT 4
19:50 LAYOUT G
23:23 LAYOUT D
23:52 LAYOUT T
24:16 LAYOUT C
27:28 LAYOUT Q
41:52 WINDOW
52:11 OUTRO
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Stairs Stereo Ladder Filter by After Later Audio || Full Walkthrough and Demo
video upload by Robots Are Red
00:00 - Opening
00:41 - Walkthrough
06:55 - Does it Ping?
07:19 - East Coast Patch
13:10 - West Coast Patch
17:54 - Drums
Check with dealers on the right for availability. See the announcement post here.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Vintage Soul in a Modern Body // GS Music E7
video upload by Starsky Carr
"Drawing inspiration from the classics the GS Music E7 takes a 'best of' approach to bring us a modern VCO with a totally vintage vibe. It doesn't replicate any synth in particular, (it's got 7 voices for a start!) but you'll be familiar with all the functions and can recreate pretty much any classic tone. Talking of tones, it's got a wonderful sound quality that pulls you in and charms your socks off.
But it doesn't stop in the 80s.. we have MPE mode, it's 4-part multitimbral, with MIDI CC control, 600 preset slots, USB and full sized MIDI IN OUT & THRU
It also vas CV control for more sonic explorations - something I've not delved into yet."
0:00 Modern VCO with a Vintage Heart
5:51 Lil' Demo with a 909
6:53 Voicing Options
13:28 It's 4-Part Multitimbral
19:40 The Oscillators
24:18 Sync
25:39 24dB Resonant Filter
30:23 It's MPE Compatible
31:09 MPE Demo
32:16 The Envelopes have Lots of options
36:20 The LFOs have Loads of modes
39:56 Chorus and Ensemble
42:21 Digital Delay
45:23 Amp Mod
45:26 Pros and Cons
This Booklet from 1984 Taught Keith Crosley (Almost) Everything He Knows about Synthesizers
video upload by Keith Crosley
"This little booklet from 1984 taught me (almost) everything I know about synthesis. Let's go back to basics... and back to the future... with the Casio CZ-101 manuals and see what we can learn about the basics of learning synthesizer programming and sound design. Along the way we'll learn a thing or two about classic synth modulations, some interesting new wavetables, and how to rock the synth guitar! So... Grab your waveshaper and strap your DCW down, because where we're going we don't need any filters! It's time for some retro-digital-synthesis-a-go-go!
Casio CZ-101 manuals directory:
Casio "Sound Synthesis Handbook" PDF:
Casio CZ-101 Manual PDF:
KRC Mathwaves full collection -- 160,000+ wavetables, including new multi/poly inspired wavetables and the "Varieties of Noise" sample library -- usually $29, can be yours for just $20 using code SANDRA at checkout or by following this link:
All proceeds go to my sister and her family as she recovers from her accident.
GoFundMe for my sister and her family:
Virtual CZ VST plugin at PluginBoutique:"
When The Factory Sounds Can Make Absolute Bangers
video upload by EZBOT
"Your Digitakt II is equipped with hundreds of great sounds. Let's see what we can come up with using only what ships with a new Digitakt II and make something stylish and fresh from scratch! My aim is to make something clean, minimal, and classy. We will start with the noise tools and move on from there."
EZBOT resources available at
0:00 Start!
02:23 LFO TIme Table calculator and bank duplicator
05:24 My minimal techno track (preview) for the compilation
8:54 Tunes we've made together
11:32 starting to work on the track for this session
26:05 a bit of the foundation forming
41:20 minimal techno is here
50:41 feeling smoov
56:45 Really coming together now
01:25:33 The Patterns so far, intro, energy, break
01:35:24 Talking with the chat for a long time
01:59:16 The less on the table, the better the music
02:05:46 back to work, cookin techno burgers
02:15:10 just listen through the transition, it's nice with the OT
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.