Monday, November 08, 2010

Shuffling, multiplied, shifted, rotated CV clocks!

via @RichardDevine

click the image for the super sized shot.

More Quant

YouTube via rezzn8r | November 08, 2010

"Another Noise Ring/Binary Zone Sequencing act.
I've really come to appreciate Offset/Bias, especially with the Noise Ring, or other random source. I like to adjust the range before feeding the signal to the Quantizer.
Not mentioned in the credits, but also worthy of note is the heavy use of the STG Wave Folder and Flight of Harmony Plague Bearer modules.."

mau5trap 3.0 - deadmau5 Studio Pics

via Deadmau5 on Facbook
(click for more)

Reaktor Based Speak n Spell

My speak n spell (version pro) homemade with reaktor 5.5

YouTube via Krumlek | November 08, 2010

"This is my second voice synthetiser (no samples, only analogic!!)....."


Krumlek | November 03, 2010

"This is my 1st builded version from speak n spell. Made with reaktor 5.5"

SU 700 reaktor

YouTube via Krumlek | November 08, 2010

"I would like to remake the su700 from yamaha with reaktor 5, sorry because it is not very finished, but i'm happy to show you a little demo!!!!"

Area - Gerontocrazia

YouTube via diangle | November 28, 2007
Vintage Serge?
"Da uno special RAI del '76 o '77. Il brano è tratto dal concept album fanta-politico Maledetti (Maudits)"

White ARP Odyssey in the following:

Area - Hommage à Violette Nozières

diangle | November 27, 2007

"Area ospiti del programma RAI Strix, 1978"

The Prototype Moog Voyager

via Geary Yelton's Photos

"I just remembered that Bob Moog once showed me a synthesizer prototype and I took a picture of it. I only just realized it was an early version of the Voyager."

Blue ARP Odyssey

via Eric van Baaren's Photos

And a row of ARPs below...

Doepfer A-188-2 Tapped BBD Modulations & Stuff

YouTube via plague1715 | November 04, 2010

"Sorry for the loud fan noise, it's a million degrees in SoCal. AFG into A-102 diode filter (synthi clone) into A-188-2. Filter cutoff and delay Modulations from Maths."

Curtis for iPad Turns 2.0

via The Strange Agency

"We’re eminently pleased to announce the 2.0 release of Curtis today, with some great new features:

* • All new user interface
* • Amplitude envelope
* • Scratch mode
* • Chromatic pitch quantize

We think this edition is a great improvement over the last. It’s far more musical, with chromatic quantize snapping the grain pitch to actual notes. A fantastic idea from Sleazy! The new amplitude envelope greatly extends usability and expressivity, so Curtis doesn’t perpetually sound, but can now be played like a more traditional instrument. Controls have all been surfaced, so there is no longer a need to flip down a hidden panel. The scratch mode we were playing around with some months ago has been incorporated as well. A big thanks to the users who wrote with suggestions, ideas, and demands!"

Curtis for iPad - The Strange Agency LLC
iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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