Thursday, August 03, 2006

Update to Matrixsynth RSS Feed

Update: I heard back from synthwise. I caught them midflight, so this was somewhat of a misunderstanding. They have added links to my posts and credit. I will remove the comments regarding the site from my posts. My feeds however will remain partial. If you feel strongly about this, feel free to comment.

Original Post:
I have unfortunately discovered that another site is plagiarizing my posts word for word and are not giving me credit or links back to this site. I'm guessing that they are scrubbing my RSS feed along with a bunch of other sites and the whole process is automated. Because of this I will be updating my feed to a partial feed. What does this mean? For people subbed to this site with RSS or blog readers, you will only get a portion of the post. To get the full post you will need to click through to the main site. For people that come directly to the main site, this will have zero impact on you. I have also started adding "This post plagiarized on Synthwise. Find the original post on Matrixsynth" to each of my posts for the time being. Synthwise is the site ripping me and others off. I will not link to them. I set the message to black font so it does not show up on this site, but if you have an RSS reader you will see these messages. Please just ignore them.

BTW, it is unacceptable to copy any of my posts without written permission from me. Putting up Your own post with a courtesy link back to my post and site is fine as it let's your readers know about my site and where you got the topic of your post from. I do it and all the other bloggers do it.


Free Moog event in LA Friday, 8/4

Via AH:

"from LA Weekly:

FRIDAY, August 4

Can't get enough Moog in your life? Today is for you. Downtown's Grand Performances kicks off at noon with Moog Mania, a concert featuring 'Moog magician' Arlan Schierbaum, dream-funk percussionist Marcus Joseph and their Mojo Triage, who bring more varieties of the synthesizer than Eskimos have words for 'snow' Later in the evening, everyone returns from the postconcert Moog study groups for a film on the Moogster himself, Robert Moog. Dress as your favorite member of Yes. California Plaza, 300 S. Grand Ave., downtown; Fri., Aug. 4, noon (concert) & 8 p.m. (film); free. (213) 687-2159."

No title link.

Moog - New Flickr Shot

flickr by ZoneNekros.

Way To Stop - Memorymoog Track by The Guts

Title link takes you to a few tracks by The Guts. The track Way To Stop features 100% Moog Memorymoog for synths and Roland V-Synth with vocal designer card for vocoder. Other tracks feature Moog Memorymoog, Roland Vsynth, Akai MPC, Novation Supernova, Korg Polysix, and Oberheim 2 voice.
via First Last
Note on submissions: I only posts tracks that showcase a synth or two. The idea is you get to distinctly hear what the given synth/s sounds like. The focus of the post is on the synth. If you want to post tracks that feature more than two synths in general, please feel free to sign up and post on SYNTHWIRE.

CP-251 and lights - New Flickr Shot

flickr by felixinferious.

I love the color in this shot.

More Moogerfooger after the hop.

New Stuff from Music From Outer Space

Via Ray of Music From Outer Space on the DIY list:

"Hi All

I have come up with some new stuff that you may want to check out..

A sample and hold with some cool features...

A VC-LFO also with some cool features...

My "Cornucopia Of Noise" (multi-noise & random gate generator) circuit is
just around the corner.



I so need to build a SoundLab.
Hmm... Maybe I should put the blog down for a bit. : )

Poison Ivy - New Flickr Shot

flickr by devowski.

Looks like this one was inspired by the real thing:

"i am covered with this shit. ive been trying to think of new things to come. so far it has been successful mentally, but physically might be some ass bustin."

Feel better devowski. Nice work though. : )

Matrixsynth by...

Matrixsynth by underface (original image)

Matrixsynth by Shepitology

Matrixsynth by Frederic - Being and X-Men fan, I was surprised and happy to see this one. : )

Matrixsynth by Javier

Yamaha DX100

Waldorf Microwave XT

Waldorf Microwave PC Editor

Clavia Nord Modular

Kurzweil K2000S

Ensoniq ESQ-m

BTW, I want give a HUGE THANKS to everyone who took the time to create and submit these. There have been a total of 47 shots so far. I know how busy things can get, so the fact that you took the time out to one, create the patch/name, two, take a shot of it, and three, send it in is really flattering. I thank everyone privately in email, but I just wanted to say THANKS again in public. I said it in my one year anniversary post and I'll say it again, the contributions by the readers of this site really do add to it. Running the site by myself can be overwhelming with a day job and a family to take care of, so stuff like this really makes it worth it.

As for any of you that think these Matrixsynth by... posts are a bit too much, I will start putting up one post a day with all Matrixsynth by... shots. I'm also guessing over time the number that come in will naturally go down, but I do welcome people to feel free to send these in whenever they feel like it. It would be cool to see one come in a month after they stop. Thanks again. matrix

Turn That Knob...

Thought you all might appreciate this one. Before I pass judgment, my cat JD loved chewing the few knobs on the Sequential Circuits Multi-Trak. Guess it helped him come up with some patches.

Title link takes you a few more shots while they are up on

Matrixsynth Header is back

Thanks to Des and Tom of Music Thing for letting me put up their logos each for a day. Tom's was fun considering how horrible it looked on my site, tiny with a black background. No offense Tom, your logo looks awesome where it belongs, on Music Thing. : ) BTW, Tom originally sent it to me for a post, not the header. I asked him if I could put it up for fun and he agreed.

Des, I was very, very tempted to keep your logo. Nicely done, so thanks for that. I did miss my simple clean little header though. And the wife made me keep it. : ) For whatever reason she's grown fond of it and says it's the way it should be. It also looks good on a T-shirt for some reason. BTW, regarding Ts, I need to order a sample again from cafe press. Their colors on black Ts are supposedly brighter, but they are still in Beta last I heard, so it will still be a bit before I have them available. I tried spreadshirt and the green came out aqua, so that's a nogo as well.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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