Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Boing from Abel Flaubert on Vimeo.

boing boing boing ..."

Sound Cells demo - generative music iPhone app

YouTube Uploaded by kbroom on May 2, 2011

"Sound Cells is an Universal iOS app, that creates generative music, inspired by the "Otomata" web app. By touching the matrix, cells are created and start interacting with each other. If they collide (or land on the same square) they will change directions. If a cell touches the wall, it will generate a sound. The rest of the app mechanics are left to the user for experimentation."

The app comes with the 2 different sounds, which can be controlled in realtime for very expressive effects. Also the app can generate MIDI output, so you can hook up a midi capable instrument for endless possibilities.

This is a universal app and on the iPad, it will use the full available resolution for a rich visual experience."

Big Robot Studios - iTunes
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Hey Jordan [Roland Jupiter-80 Sighting]

YouTube Uploaded by JCRUDESS on May 2, 2011

"A glimpse of the keyboards I'm using for the new DT recording!"

It's a Beautiful 200e World

YouTube Uploaded by dkimcg on May 3, 2011

"I love midi, it's a beautiful world.

Same patch as previous, not much time spent on the midi arrangement...just enough to make it a simplified recognizable sketch."

Aesthetics - Josué Palma

YouTube Uploaded by josuepalma on May 3, 2011

"Another midnight live performance...

This is one of my new songs integrating the new multi dots XY pad feature in touchable 1.2, I would like to add more controllerism (iphone and axiom) but i don't know if i could handle it :P ... Although... i really love that level of expression

Change is the only constant."

touchAble - AppBC
iPads on eBay

bs-16i velocity support

YouTube Uploaded by bismarcoo on May 3, 2011

"bs-16i version 1.2 supports key velocity using accelerometer."

bismark - iTunes
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Sawtooth Wave Blues - Electribe ESX

YouTube Uploaded by VJFranzK on May 3, 2011

The idiots are winning.

YouTube Uploaded by repeatle on May 3, 2011

"Youtube is full of clips with people making Depeche Mode covers so here is mine.
This must be the most pointless use of those Roland boxes ever."

Minimal Techno 2 Korg EMX1

YouTube Uploaded by sequencerzone on May 3, 2011
Custom paint.
"Groovin' !
Enjoy the beats."

Prophet 08 PE - Cheesy house mix

YouTube Uploaded by LF0 on May 3, 2011

"Cheap and quick, cheesy house mix"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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