Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Buchla Music Easel Snippet

Published on Mar 10, 2015 schokokontrol

Ladik S-180 sequencer + S-050 voltage controlled clock divider

Published on Mar 10, 2015

I believe this is the first post featuring the S-050.

Tubbutec Universal MIDI Interface For Drum Machines

Vermona ER9 Midi - Test of Tubbutec interface

Published on Mar 10, 2015 tubbutec

"Testing the upcoming universal midi interface for drum machines on the Vermona ER9.
The interface offers 16 velocity sensitive trigger outputs with adjustable voltage, shape and length. Additionally there is a CV out and several gates and sync options.
The interface is the board on top of the Vermona, not much larger then the included midi socket. for more infos"

Ikonika - Against The Clock

Published on Apr 22, 2014 FACTmagazine

With the Moog Little Phatty.

"Against the Clock is a series on FACT TV where we give an artist 10 minutes in the studio and see what they come up with.

In the latest episode, we set the challenge to Ikonika. A steady stream of music since 2008 has made Ikonika one of UK dance music's most interesting acts - equally influenced by Streets of Rage and Rich Harrison, and peppering club forms from electronica to techno with her trademark synthlines and drum fills. She's released two albums, 2010's Contact Want Love Have and 2013's Aerotropolis, and this year will be celebrating the 10th birthday of her regular label Hyperdub.

Filmed by Luis Muñoz, Pawel Ptak & Kamil Dymek."

NightRadio Quantum DJ experimental quantum noise machine

Published on Mar 10, 2015 Alexander Zolotov

"Experimental quantum noise machine by NightRadio:"

Alexander Zolotov is the man behind numerous apps including SunVox, Virtual ANS, and PixiTracker. Curious if this is his first hardware creation. I added a new NightRadio channel to track moving forward.

Analogue Jam with the DSI Pro2, the GRP A4, Doepfer Dark Time and John Wegner

Published on Dec 11, 2014 Kaiboard

"First jam with the new DSI Pro2 synthesizer. Inspired by my friend John Wegner, who contributed some guitar lines (offline via sampler), I had some fun with this new monophonic synth star."

Van Allen Echoes - a musical journey in eight minutes from sun to earth

Published on Mar 18, 2013 Kaiboard

"This piece was inspired by sounds which were created by atmospheric lightning discharges and their interaction with the Van Allen Radiation Belt. These sounds* have been detected and recorded by the University of Iowa ( I further processed the sounds using the GRP A4 synthesizer and than augmented them with a 'spacy' piece of music. As always recorded live in one track and using the famous coat from Kazakhstan. Why does the piece last 8 minutes - it's the time particles need from sun to earth and reach the Van Allen Radiation Belt - we can see them as polar lights.
The video snippets are taken from the NASA homepage (

*The Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Waves instruments detected these signals with two orthogonal magnetic antennas (Bv and Bu) during UTC hour 18 of September 11, 2012. The predominant feature is a barrage of whistlers which originate with lightning discharges on Earth. These signals propogate along magnetic field lines through the thin ionized gasses of space which allow the higher frequencies to travel faster than the lower frequencies. This results in a frequency dispersion and the characteristic whistling tone, which also sounds a little like science-fiction movie sound effects."

And a few GRP demos:

First steps with GRP A 4 step sequencer
First Jam with GRP A4 and four synth generations
Sneaking up on the GRP A4
Crazy Cross-Modulation with GRP A4 Synthesizer
WakeFake - inspired by Rick Wakeman, a moogish GRP A4 and a coat from Kazakhstan
Morte et Dabo

The Happy Eurorack & Friends Jam (w/ Tinysizer, MicroBrute Synth, MPC 1000, JV-1010) #TTNM

Published on Mar 10, 2015 The Tuesday Night Machines

"So, I got a Triggerman module and took it for a test drive ... and then I added a bunch of instruments and arrived here ... without much of the Triggerman stuff audible anymore :D

Audio gear used:
- Eurorack Modular Synthesizer (with Malekko Wiard Anti-Oscillator, Intellijel Dixie, Delptronics Triggerman, Klangbau Köln Wavetable VCO, Erica Polivoks VCF, etc. see:
- Anyware Tinysizer (modular synth, lead sound)
- Arturia MicroBrute (analog synthesizer, bass sound)
- Roland JV-1010 (ROMpler, string sounds)
- Akai MPC1000 w/ JJOS 2 (808 samples & MIDI sequencing)
- Zoom R16 (recording & mastering)

Filmed with a Canon EOS 550D (Rebel t2i)."

New Buchla Release From Todd Barton with Limited Vinyl 7.5"

via Patron supporter, Todd Barton:

"I'm really proud to announce the release of a limited 7.5" hand cut vinyl record of three of my Buchla pieces.

It is released through in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Their mission: CYLAND MediaArtLab is an international initiative bringing together artists, critics, curators, coders, engineers and media activists.

Each record is cut by hand on a vinyl lathe.

The album is available for purchase or streaming here"

Update: photo of the actual vinyl lathe used to cut the disks added below.

Corsynth C105E - High Pass Filter Demo

Cwejman RES-4 Eurorack 4 Band Resonator

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Beautiful sounding eurorack 4 band resonator."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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