Friday, January 26, 2018

NAMM 2018: Malekko Manther Growl

Published on Jan 26, 2018 sonicstate

NAMM 2018: Watch the Korg Volca Mix in action

Published on Jan 26, 2018 Future Music Magazine

"A convenient power source and mixer to work with the Volca range has been high on a lot of users' wish list for some time. Now Korg have come through – we caught up with them on the NAMM show floor to see it in action."

Korg Minilogue PG Analog Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This Minilogue Polished Grey version is basically new, having only been opened briefly for testing. As seen in photos, factory tape is still on the unit and it is completely free of signs of use. All controls feel and operate like new, all ports and jacks in great shape, sound is strong and clear."

Looks black.

Dear Satellite by Callenberg Featuring 12 Tracks of the Yamaha CS70M

via Callenberg:


Here is an album featuring a Yamaha CS70M synthesizer on all twelve tracks, plus some other gear. Songs and fragments of electronica/ ambient/ drone and perhaps post rock. Hope you like it. Cheers! "

The release is available as a digital download or limited edition CD on BandCamp.

Meet the Yudo Neuman-2 - Massive Touch Screen Synthesizer Spotted at Nam


The following is Google translated from German:

"NAMM 2018: futuristic prototype Neuman-2 synthesizer surfaced!

The world has not seen anything like this: this crazy prototype from Yudo called Neuman-2 Synthesizer. A huge touchscreen sits above the keyboard. The image on the monitor is reminiscent of a spaceship's cockpit, it looks absolutely like a science fiction movie. But it controls a synthesizer. I have to see that live!
Neuman does not control UFOs

Very spectacular is the new Neuman-2 synthesizer from the hardware developer Yudo from Japan. The company is actually known for their smartphone games and music apps. Striking is of course the large touch screen monitor that towers above the keyboard on the synthesizer. On this you can see controls that actually remind of a huge console game, but could also come from a cockpit. It includes a lot of colorful shapes, big virtual sliders, X / Y pads, multitouch controller fields and above all a very nice big ad slot for parameter values. So you want a fully grown controller!
Inside, a computer-based synthesizer slumbers. Especially for this an OS was designed, which was tuned to the needs of many musicians. As the operating system is publicly accessible to developers, something great may be about to become the unique controller screen in the near future. Sound and video examples are unfortunately not yet available. But the photos definitely make you want more! Or what do you think?
Here you will find another very funny presentation of the DIY project Kami-Oto by Yudo, which reminds a little bit of Nintendo Labo.
Price and specifications

Unfortunately there are no Prizes and availability of the Neuman-2 Synthesizer yet. This is allegedly "tailored" to the user. The OS is also still in a development phase. But it could well be that the manufacturer Yudo launches a Kickstarter campaign with the very exclusive device. We are curious!"

NAMM 2018: Yudo NEUMAN Multi-Touch Keyboard / Synthesizer Prototype
Published on Jan 26, 2018

New 8 Voice Poly Analog from Black Corporation Spotted at NAMM (Not Deckard's Dream)

It looks like a buffed up Virus C. Analog though.

Two LFOs, toe VCOs, two ENVs, and Modulation section.

Update via Silver Seraph in the comments:

"That's for sure a new PolyKobol"

That would be correct. You can see some in the archives here.

Note this is from Black Corporation. If you click on the image and look on the lower right you will see Black Corporation. The man behind Black Corporation is Roman Filippov, who brought us the highly regarded Buchla 208r Easel clone. Deckard's Dream of course is based on the CS80. All indications that this will be a faithful reproduction.

Update2: and via Ryan in the comments: "No,it is not,its a polyphonic Kobol replica.

The Polykobol uses the more weak sounding SSM2044.

On top you get Prophet Style FM modulation of the filter from VCO 2 and FM between vco's!

Massive sounding synth that will blow away vintage and new synths."

See the comments below for more.

Update3 via Autonomik Circuits: It will be shown at Superbooth 18 and Roman confirms it will be available as a DIY kit.

A few NAMM 2018 Pics from Atomic Shadow

A few NAMM pics in via Atomic Shadow.


Pittsburgh Modular's Microvolt 3900
Waldorf's Quantum and STVC
The New Vox Continental
The Korg Prologue
The Elektron Digitone

NAMM 2018 - Best of Day 1 by KRAFT Music

Published on Jan 26, 2018 Kraft Music

"Kraft Music visits the 2018 NAMM show in Anaheim, California to provide you with all the latest news on upcoming gear for the new year! Here's some highlights from Day 1.

Visit our store at and check out our great deals on the products you love, including our bundle packages that provide a great deal on what you're looking for as well as some useful accessories to go along with it."


NAMM 2018 - Best of Day 2

Published on Jan 27, 2018 Kraft Music

Black Corporation's (Deckard's Dream) NAMM 2018 Newsletter

"We are at NAMM 2018 giving visitors a chance to get to experience Deckard’s Dream in person, as well as introducing Deckard’s Dream Expander, which officially went on sale today!

If you are at the show, please come by to say hello at booth #10905 and have a look firsthand.

The expander, which adds ring modulator, chorus, and tremolo effects, as well as master sustain and CV input controls, is available for pre-order through February. You can order it now built for $999 and as a DIY kit for $399 at. Expanders are expected to be shipping end April / early May.

Finally, by popular demand, we are adding Black Corporation Logo and NAMM18 T-shirts to the store. Get yours today!"

Reminiscent of Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division.

Radikal Technologies Delta Cep A NAMM 2018

Published on Jan 25, 2018 Perfect Circuit Audio

"The Radiakal Technologies Delta Cep A is a semi-modular paraphonic synth with built in effect that sounds huge. These sounds were recorded playing around with it at NAMM 2018"


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Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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