Monday, December 13, 2010

recompas The Shrine of Native Rites for Electric Winter @ Eyebeam 12.11.10

Live EMS Synthi and Voice of Saturn

Latest tracks by recompas

"The performance took place in an installation where the audience consisted of 6 people, each with a set of headphones. They sat inside a space somewhat inspired by native american teepee's and other native structures that was meant to inspire a calm state of meditation or induce a dreamlike state with the materials used in construction and the video being projected on the cieling part. The recordings are of 6 separate performances."

DIY analog synth

YouTube via gajeanalog | August 23, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"Playing around with my DIY synth.

t's a 3-VCO analog synth that has a transistor ladder VCF, two ADSRs, two LFOs, a ring modulator, and a noise generator. I'm not actually playing but automatically driving using dual LFO that are synchronizing each other."

Plasma Percussion Experiment

YouTube via gajeanalog | November 06, 2009 |

"This is the first experiment. This is a toy called Plasma Plate. I made a circuit that picks up noise from the plasma. Sounds/looks good to be used for a percussion."

KORG monotron mod. experiment / VCOもう一個つけてみました

YouTube via gajeanalog | April 24, 2010 |

"I've got this nice analog synth newly released by Korg. The synth itself is fun to play, but I want to add another oscillator to enrich the sound. This is my first experiment to add a VCO to Monotron. The 2nd oscillator output is sent to VCF as well as the first oscillator (i.e. the original). This can do soft sync also.

The mod. info including schematics is uploaded at

Also check [below]
The embeded version is introduced there from 4:33.

KORG の新製品のアナログシンセ monotron そのままでも十分楽しいですが、VCO がもう一個あるともっと楽しそうだと思いました。

We love monotron!! [Movie version] Perfect Edition

YouTube via KORGINC | June 28, 2010

monotrons on eBay

DIY Optigan / Orchestron Disc Player

YouTube via gajeanalog | December 12, 2010 | 1 likes, 0 dislikes

"Check out the article

Optigan and Orchestron are optical organs manufactured in 1970s. One day I heard the sound and liked them, and thought I wanted to play them. However their manufacturing were terminated long time ago and nearly impossible for me to obtain. But the discs are still available, so I have a chance if I build the player by myself.

This is my DIY optical organ built from analog record turntable. It supports both Optigan and Orchestron discs."

Studio Wormbone 'Metal In Water' - Waterphone Sample Set

"'Metal In Water' explores the artistic properties of forged industrial materials from an entirely new perspective. Combine the harmonic overtones of steel, aluminum, bronze and iron with the highly emotive way that water influences resonance, in a pristine collection of 24-bit samples."

All Studio Wormbone sample sets are 50% for December.

Nowhere in this world (Plogue Bidule + 2 Doepfer Dark Energy + Moog CP-251)

YouTube via GruithuisenCityMan | December 12, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"My first album is now available at Ruralfaune
( or )
SYNTH018 FREDERIC GERCHAMBEAU "3 Suites" CDR - limited 90 - file under : french avant-garde electronic, GRM music for theoretical minds


Hello ! My name is Frederic Gerchambeau. I have made this movie. The music has been made in one take with Plogue Bidule (sequencer, granular synthesis, mixer and various delay effects), two Doepfer Dark Energy (one is sequenced and another one is played on keyboard) and a Moog CP-251. Enjoy !"

1979 Minimoog Ad

via Retro Synth Ads
(click for the write-up)

TouchOSC iPad templates for Record, Reason and Kong

YouTube via theretouchcontrolTV | November 10, 2010 |

"Sneak peek preview at Retouch's iPad templates for controlling Propellerhead's Record and Reason via TouchOSC. More info coming soon at"

TouchOSC - hexler
iPads on eBay
iPads on Amazon

Retouch Kong iPad template

YouTube via theretouchcontrolTV | November 13, 2010 |

"Sneak peek preview at Retouch's TouchOSC iPad templates for controlling Propellerhead's Record and Reason. More info coming soon at"


YouTube via attorks | December 13, 2010 |

"It is very hard to be original if you have uploaded so many videos to YouTube. I think this video is more of the same but yet a little different. Like most of my videos, the music in this video is totally improvised on the sequences I pre-programmed; hope you will like it.
Anyway, the video starts with some arpeggiated notes from the Waldorf Q Keyboard after which the sequences from the Ian Fritz Teezer Through-Zero VCO/Blacet MiniWave voice, the self-built Modular and the Modular are brought up; these are all 8 step sequences from the Doepfer MAQ16/3 and the Q960. Also some noise percussion is added provided by the Formant noise module filtered by the CGS high-pass filter. The Mellotron strings are provided by the Roland XP-80 and the solo is performed on the Clavia Nord Lead 1.

The title refers to the oneness between my friend Anne and I.

You see here the first 15 minutes of a 23 minute video. You can see/hear/download the video and music from my website soon."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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