Showing posts sorted by relevance for query boomstar. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query boomstar. Sort by date Show all posts
Monday, December 08, 2014
New Studio Electronics Boomstar Eurorack Modules - 3003, 4075 & 5089 Filters & AMP / VCA Overdrive
The new Studio Electronics & Pittsburgh Modular Boomstar eurorack modules are now shipping. The filters retail for $269 each and the AMP retails for $209. See the sponsors on the right for availability. Details via Studio Electronics:
"Our 5089 ('Moog') filter has the roundest, slickest tone of all the Boomstar’s filters. Go easy on it, and round, creamy buttery flavors wrap the oscillators in earthy warmth; smash it and a meaty, satisfying overdrive, and a maximum harvest of vintage 1960s and 1970s organic‑sounding, second‑order harmonic distortion fill the plate. Every setting is balanced and bountiful. Looking for traditional R ’n B baselines and leads? Focus here on the rich saturation of this benchmark filter and its symmetrical cascades of generation-stretching timbres. All Boomstar Modular filters are hand-built in the U. S. Pick-and-Place all the way!
Our 3003 ('Roland Tb-303') filter has the most gentle sonic touch of its partners in the Boomstar fold, but nevertheless is quite capable of shaping precise, very dynamic tone. Whether or not this STUDIO ELECTRONICS filter is filling its traditional baseline boxing niche, driving a harsh, liquid, acid-like tone, a softer more rubber-bandy SH-101-ish presence, or out of the bass range altogether, leading the way, all is within easy reach of this surprisingly warm and versatile VCF. The 3003 can be distinctly vocal at times, especially when one is willing to put grittier, more distorted desires aside.
Our 4075 ('ARP') filter is the most requested of the Boomstar filter models, perhaps owing to its uniqueness. Has there ever been a better match for a square wave? It weaves dreams with “glidey,” 70s basslines, is a natural in the lead department, and feels as if a temper tantrum simmers a mere micron beneath its veneer of faux respectability. Aggressive and articulate, this fresh ARP can snap punishing kick drum sounds out as well as color with bright, edgy, stringy tones for essential arpeggiations.
From Designer Tim Caswell’s own hand:
The amplifier (AMP) is a 2 stage Class A discrete design using 3 pairs of hand matched transistors. Envelope is usually applied to ST1/1. ST1/2 goes thru an attenuverter and can be used for envelope or modulation. ST2/1 goes to the 2nd stage, and is typically used for volume control. ST2/2 goes thru an attenuverter and is typically used for modulation.
The AMP, the 5089, and the 3003 are Class A circuits. They draw more current from the +12 rail than from the -12 volt rail. If the system power supply is under-sized, hum or buzz may be heard. In that case, larger filter capacitors and/or a larger power transformer will be needed. The 4075 draws equally from both rails, and is more immune to hum.
Like our filters Boomstar Modular AMP modules are hand-built entirely in the U. S. of A
THE BOOMSTAR MODULAR SYSTEM realizes the seemingly inevitable eurorack sprawl of our semi-modular Boomstar desktop synth, consisting of 11 modules that dramatically open up the root level programming and sound sculpting of that lush and potent, and already flexible Boomstar sound.
What makes it tick: Let’s tick ‘em off: Class A 5089, 3003 and AMP *, rugged through-hole construction, discrete circuitry, hand-matched transistors in the filters and amplifier, multi-filtered, hand-crafted, Premium Quality Analog sound. We’d like to think we’ve learned a few things bringing the MIDIMINI, SE1-X, ATC-X, polyphonic CODE Omega synths, ModMax pedals, C2s, Pre 2, and Slate Pro Audio Dragon and Fox to market, and the air waves worldwide.
Our Boomstar Modular System’s 5089 circuit mirrors faithfully the filter design from the Minimoog—it is not a style; it’s not a type, not reminiscent of, not vintage inspired—it is the analog sound standard manufactured anew, and how we love it so. Apply the same thinking to our 4075, 3003, and SE80 filters vis-à-vis their originals, and you’ve caught our drift; the Oscillation and AMP modules also resonate with the Mini’s timeless designs, functionality, and gorgeous, gleaming sound—modernized and reimagined by the maestro Tim Caswell himself, but we’re just getting started here…"
Friday, June 14, 2013
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Boomstar 4075 Demo
Published on Sep 30, 2012 by StudioElectronics
"Studio Electronics Boomstar 4075 - ARP Filter Sneak n' Peak (Take 2)
Get the here: (for you listening pleasure only).
Greg St. Regis' clever twists and turns launched the first 4075 Boomstar past "the surly bonds of earth," via a cheap audio interface that happened to be around. More Boomstar filter type demos, live footage and markedly superior D/A Converters to follow.
Headphones mandatory. Production units are mere weeks away!
Greg St. Regis comments:
We've spent the last month debugging the prototype pcbs and perfecting the analog circuits. At this point, I felt it was good enough to give you all a sneak preview of the sound. It has about 90% of it's hardware functional. Still to be implemented is the software LFO. This is raw BoomStar recorded though a Focusrite Scarlett interface (nothing special), into Reason with a Macbook Pro. We did this in about 20 minutes, one take. I played a small Akai controller with a built in arpeggiator with my left hand and turned knobs with my right. It's "kinda cool.
It was originally about 11 minutes long; Marc did a small amount of normalizing and edited it down to 8 minutes 30 some seconds.
Put some decent headphones on and listen to huge low booms end and searingly crisp filter sweeps. I tried to take it though a full compliment of waveforms, xmod, rmod, oscillator sync, feedback looping, resonance squeals and overdrive. There is quite a bit more to come when the LFO gets in on the action.
The chassis are getting screened this week. We'll post more demos in the days to come with video included. And no, this is not an SE1X or ATCX! They sound quite good, but there is nothing like the clarity and impact of pure discrete analog with hardware envelopes.
p.s. Expect to see these in the shops in about 30 days... we're in love with this little beast.
Previous MSR comments:
'Four Boomstar hardware circuits: crossmod, ringmod, feedback, AND distortion are at play here at one time or another. The idea was to stretch out... and let things get greasy and messy.'
'The "feedback" feature (a la the Minimoog) is employed throughout this track so that distortion is an effect. If you are attempting to listen to this through your laptop speakers they will be overwhelmed quickly.'"
Saturday, February 07, 2015
New Boomstar Modular Modstar System
via Studio Electronics
TONE AND TRADITION are the Boomstar Modular Modstar's foundation and purpose. Big tone, pure tone, historically accurate, classic, warm and fat 5U modular tone, in two compete synthesizer expressions: Seito, the compact, 1st class patching powerhouse, and Sensei, the three filter Master Control System—all wrapped up in Pittsburgh Modular’s rugged Move 104, and 108 cases, respectively. Make noises or notes; leave the planet—Milky Way even, or stay in town and put your good foot down on some bass and lead bounce necessities. Play or stray—you'll find your Modstar way.
THE BOOMSTAR MODULAR SYSTEM realizes the seemingly inevitable eurorack sprawl of our semi-modular BOOMSTAR desktop synth, consisting of 14 modules that dramatically open up the root level programming and sound sculpting of that lush and potent, and already flexible Boomstar sound.
What makes it tick: Let’s tick ‘em off: Class A 5089, 3003 and AMP *, rugged through-hole construction, discrete circuitry, hand-matched transistors in the filters and amplifier, multi-filtered, hand-crafted, Premium Quality Analog sound. We’d like to think we’ve learned a few things bringing the MIDIMINI, SE1-X, ATC-X, polyphonic CODE Omega synths, ModMax pedals, C2s, Pre2, and Slate Pro Audio Dragon & Fox to market, and the air waves worldwide.
Our Boomstar Modular System’s 5089 circuit mirrors faithfully the filter design from the Minimoog—it is not a style; it’s not a type, not reminiscent of, not vintage inspired—it is the analog sound standard manufactured anew, and how we love it so. Apply the same thinking to our 4075, 3003, and SE80 filters vis-à-vis their originals, and you’ve caught our drift; OSCILLATION and AMP modules also resonate with the Mini’s timeless designs, functionality, and gorgeous, gleaming sound—modernized and reimagined by the maestro Tim Caswell himself, but we’re just getting started here; the SEM filter is on deck.
We hope you are as thrilled with your purchase of the complete system/individual modules as we are with our partnership with PITTSBURGH MODULAR, and the final through-hole designs which flowed from the first Nicol/St. Regis Beer Summit at Winter NAMM 2013. The MODSTAR module breakdown upshot: Filters, Oscillators, and AMP are built by SE, and the intoxicating remainder by our good friends and exceedingly savvy business partners at PGH—without whose invaluable, real world/walking the streets of Euroland insights, experience, and deep resources, this project would have faded to grey. A tip of the SE chapeau to Richard Nicol, Perry, and the full-strength, generally less-weathered outfit at P. M. And to our direct sales and Guru-in-Chief, Geoff Farr, who relentlessly hounded us St. Regis bros—“When are the euro modules going to be ready to ship?” “Can I get a single Boomstar Modular filter pic?” You definitely put on your red shoes...
* Our Class A circuits draw more current from the +12 rail than from the -12 volt rail. If the system power supply is under-sized, hum or buzz may be heard. In that case, larger filter capacitors and/or a larger power transformer will be needed. The 4075 draws equally from both rails, and is more immune to hum."
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Roman Bayou's Cinq: SE80 Beats 'n Band in a Boom* Box, in 5 (or so) Movements
Published on Jul 15, 2014 StudioElectronics
"Studio Electronics' SoundCloud ( Copy:
What happens when one disappears into the wilderness road of one's mind (and mighty-mighty DP8) with a Boomstar SE80, a little help from its friends: Boom*s 4075, 5089, SEM, 3003, no fixed deadlines, the power and elegance of Kontakt, and a desire to inspire and be inspired? This piece "right there"—my two and a half year old daughters' go to phrase.
The Boomstar SE80 got the party started early with its remarkable capacity to generate very warm, acoustic sounding drum sounds, in addition to the emblematic, voltage-flavored fare. Hundreds of samples later—some put through "Waves" paces—I dragged my favs into a new sequence window at bar 1, with a fixed tempo, sans bar lines, and no particular key signature in mind.
Very non-random, if avant garde sounding patterns and melodies emerged, preparing me for an immersion headlong into West African rhythms, and demanding an extended vacay to the Isle of Dub. Once those pillars were in place all of the Stevie, Gino, Duke, Cameo, Zap, Monte Moir, and St. Regis (the band yo) chords, leads, and turns—produced by both the 4075 and SE80 Boomstars—colored and kept pushing until the Roger "vocalisms" of the dual resonant SE80 filters sat atop the throne, playing the solo diva, wowing the key Dub backbeats, and hitting the combo-organy voicing stretches. It was with great difficulty that I backed away the '80s knobs and switches, because of that intoxicating "vocality and warmth."
The drums, excepting one distorted fill which I enjoyed complimenting and co-opting with synthiness, the triangle (Drew Nuemann's brilliant 3003 creation recorded at 3% of unity—it's true Drew!), a crisp D. Neumann tom design (4075), a very Mike Neuble-ish 16th note triplet figure (SEM), an open hi hat (SEM), the crash cymbal (SEM), and the "Bonham" room mic kick drum from "Boomstar the Beguine" (SEM), were generated by the SE80; I made far more samples than I could press into service, but it was most enjoyable slipping and sliding them in whenever I could.
All of the leads are single sample stretches in Kontakt, or sampled performances (some of which went under the knife and tune); the chords are a mix of the same and individually tracked single note performances, which were in turn repurposed/retuned in various places spectrally in DP. The more percussive and filter driven polys represent the latter. It was amazing how good the "stretches" sounded—kind of reminded me of working with valve instruments and their gradually lower register, longer and slower envelopes ramps.
A bit of Boomstar 5089 begins supporting the last half of the Dub groove with a bass double, figure, and slide or two, snapping once in the 1st Movement (a pull from the "Shootout at the Boomstar Corral" YouTube vid for those still awake). The B* Moog filter also supplies the sub in the rejected "Simon Says" soundtrack moodiness in Movement 5. The piano and synth patches are from GarageBand, ported in via that .aiff stripping trick.
Boomstar 4075 gets its Gary Wright/Rene and Angela 2600 bass groove on, above the 5089 sub fray, yet under it's own classic lead sound; a bony redux of Movement 3's "Moir-ish" charm brings the effort to a conclusion.
Boomstar 5089 boomed both the intro bass and 1:53 breakdown.
Lest I forget, the SE80 freeform synth jazz dance of the 4th Movement (3:03), grinds into "that perfect machine voice like ELP's, "I am perfect are you!" Directly following it is my friend Dan's "kind of atmospheric, distorted, Tomita-esque mood till 4:51 whence come the mysterious morse code signals from the nether reaches of outer space." All of which follows the sub movement (small m) of the SE80 Beat/Glitch Boxing: the punctuation for the preceding micro Glam Synth beatdown.
Final Note: The ambient, "spooky sound starting at 0:43 which weaves underneath awhile," following the 1st Movement (really another sub movement...), is an SEM lead subjected to generous Paulstretching in Audacity.
And do c.f. for your purest listening pleasure!
Special Thanks to David Bowie whose fascinating, multimbral life and entertainment genius distracted and reinvigorated me near project's end; throw Gino Vannelli into that motivational kettle as well—THAT VOICE! Well, as my beloved mother Maria Therezia was wont to say without undue emphasis: "He's an Italian."
Enjoy near responsibly, preferably over some worthy Genelecs or Audix speaks,
Marc Alexandre Theriot St. Regis 6-24-14
(Quoted commentary by Peri O'Meri)"
Friday, February 01, 2013
Studio Electronics Boomstar Videos Featuring Drew Neumann
Studio Electronics 4075 3003 Boomstars Featuring Drew Neumann
Published on Feb 1, 2013 StudioElectronics·3 videos
"As stated in worthy elsewheres: 'A 4 hour tour of Boomstar 4075 and 3003 sounds from top to bottom, tracked in DP7.24. No EQ, compression, or plugins, other than a gate sequencer on a freeform "NAMM iphone" recording/track to tempo match it, and one or two delays on certain lead tracks. No mixing, no mess--just a faders up affair with a few soundbite fades: all pillows removed. Component/construction kit tracks will be uploaded to SoundCloud as well.
In the composer's own words: "This is done ONLY with the 2 Boomstars--all noises, drum tracks, everything is the 4075 and 3003, overdubbed like crazy in Digital Performer. Most tracks are dry and raw, just delays on a few channels. There is just a final mastering limiter bounce on the mix file, that's it.'
Matching sounds on both synths was a snap... pretty key.
4075: Hi-Hats, kicks, resonance saturated kicks and kick loops.
3003: Lead sound doubles, hard bass line doubles, snare, "Ringo" tom fills."
Published on Feb 1, 2013 StudioElectronics·3 videos
"As stated in worthy elsewheres: 'A 4 hour tour of Boomstar 4075 and 3003 sounds from top to bottom, tracked in DP7.24. No EQ, compression, or plugins, other than a gate sequencer on a freeform "NAMM iphone" recording/track to tempo match it, and one or two delays on certain lead tracks. No mixing, no mess--just a faders up affair with a few soundbite fades: all pillows removed. Component/construction kit tracks will be uploaded to SoundCloud as well.
In the composer's own words: "This is done ONLY with the 2 Boomstars--all noises, drum tracks, everything is the 4075 and 3003, overdubbed like crazy in Digital Performer. Most tracks are dry and raw, just delays on a few channels. There is just a final mastering limiter bounce on the mix file, that's it.'
Matching sounds on both synths was a snap... pretty key.
4075: Hi-Hats, kicks, resonance saturated kicks and kick loops.
3003: Lead sound doubles, hard bass line doubles, snare, "Ringo" tom fills."
Friday, July 04, 2014
Studio Electronics Boomstar SE80 Analog Synthesizer SN 100446
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"The snap and punch of hardware envelopes drive the BOOMSTAR's brilliant voltage controlled circuits with unparalleled sonic integrity and versatility. BOOMSTAR is the ultimate desktop analog synthesizer for those who remember and desire still, the electronic Analog sound that changed the world, and for seekers who have yet to discover that magic and delight... in their time.
Driven by rapid fire hardware envelope snap, and near Modular sound flexibility (at the flip of any of its 20 toggle switches), the STUDIO ELECTRONICS BOOMSTAR® desktop* synth is a performer and sound designer’s waking dream. The Boomstar foundation: two Oscillators—stackable waveforms with Sub OSC, two Envelopes invertible, loopable, with ‘drone’ and ‘master’ mode, is accented expressively by hardware XMod and exponential glide, extensive modulation routing, and a flexible software LFO: jacked for heavy lifting and fine-tuned experimentation—even go ”off synth” with the external input and color exotic oscillations.
The quick-turn shaft pots along the bottom for the hardware Ring Mod, Noise, Filter Feedback and VCO Levels make vital sonic change intimate, immediate, and indispensable; the adjacent Overdrive switch adds warmth and edge. Thirty one pots insure fluid, intuitive mastery over wide-ranging sweep and subtlety of tone: feather in the changes or whip them suddenly and rhythmically into shape.
S. E.’s patchable, discrete, through-hole, hand-matched transistor, American-made analog synthesizers are as rugged as they are flexible; inspiring instruments built to last a lifetime, and then some, no matter which brilliant, hand-crafted filter model you choose.
All discrete circuity. Hand matched transistors in filter and amplifier.
2 Oscillators: Sub Oscillator, Sync, Pulse Width, Tracking On/Off, Modulation, Fine Tune
Waveforms: Toggle Switches select combinations of Sine, Triangle, Saw and Square waveforms
Classic Yamaha CS-80 Filter design
Filter: Frequency/Resonance Controls, Filter keyboard tracking, Mod depth, Mod Source
2 Envelopes: Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release controls; Envelope Invert switches, Destination toggle switches
Drone/Envelope 1 Master center-off toggle switch
XMod: Oscillator 2 mod depth to select Osc 1 Pulse Width, Frequency, or Off
LFO: Rate, MIDI Sync On/Off, Waveform selection, Mod Depth, 2 Destinations,
LFO Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, Square, Offset Square 1 and 2, Random, and Slew
Amplifier: 2 Levels of Overdrive, selectable by 3-way toggle
Additional: Master Tune, Glide Time, Dynamics to Filter Frequency, Envelope 1 to Oscillator 1 Pulse Width
Mixer: Osc 1, Osc 2, Ring Mod, Noise, Feedback
Front Panel Jacks: CV In, Gate In, Filter Frequency In, Amplifier In, Oscillator Out, External Signal In
Back Panel Jacks: MIDI In/Out, 1/4" Audio Output, DC Power Out
Back Panel Switches: MIDI Learn Switch (Channel, Note Priority, Aftertouch, Mod Wheel Destination) and Tap Tempo for LFO
Overflow Switch for polyphonic chaining"
via this auction
"The snap and punch of hardware envelopes drive the BOOMSTAR's brilliant voltage controlled circuits with unparalleled sonic integrity and versatility. BOOMSTAR is the ultimate desktop analog synthesizer for those who remember and desire still, the electronic Analog sound that changed the world, and for seekers who have yet to discover that magic and delight... in their time.
Driven by rapid fire hardware envelope snap, and near Modular sound flexibility (at the flip of any of its 20 toggle switches), the STUDIO ELECTRONICS BOOMSTAR® desktop* synth is a performer and sound designer’s waking dream. The Boomstar foundation: two Oscillators—stackable waveforms with Sub OSC, two Envelopes invertible, loopable, with ‘drone’ and ‘master’ mode, is accented expressively by hardware XMod and exponential glide, extensive modulation routing, and a flexible software LFO: jacked for heavy lifting and fine-tuned experimentation—even go ”off synth” with the external input and color exotic oscillations.
The quick-turn shaft pots along the bottom for the hardware Ring Mod, Noise, Filter Feedback and VCO Levels make vital sonic change intimate, immediate, and indispensable; the adjacent Overdrive switch adds warmth and edge. Thirty one pots insure fluid, intuitive mastery over wide-ranging sweep and subtlety of tone: feather in the changes or whip them suddenly and rhythmically into shape.
S. E.’s patchable, discrete, through-hole, hand-matched transistor, American-made analog synthesizers are as rugged as they are flexible; inspiring instruments built to last a lifetime, and then some, no matter which brilliant, hand-crafted filter model you choose.
All discrete circuity. Hand matched transistors in filter and amplifier.
2 Oscillators: Sub Oscillator, Sync, Pulse Width, Tracking On/Off, Modulation, Fine Tune
Waveforms: Toggle Switches select combinations of Sine, Triangle, Saw and Square waveforms
Classic Yamaha CS-80 Filter design
Filter: Frequency/Resonance Controls, Filter keyboard tracking, Mod depth, Mod Source
2 Envelopes: Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release controls; Envelope Invert switches, Destination toggle switches
Drone/Envelope 1 Master center-off toggle switch
XMod: Oscillator 2 mod depth to select Osc 1 Pulse Width, Frequency, or Off
LFO: Rate, MIDI Sync On/Off, Waveform selection, Mod Depth, 2 Destinations,
LFO Waveforms: Sine, Triangle, Saw Up, Saw Down, Square, Offset Square 1 and 2, Random, and Slew
Amplifier: 2 Levels of Overdrive, selectable by 3-way toggle
Additional: Master Tune, Glide Time, Dynamics to Filter Frequency, Envelope 1 to Oscillator 1 Pulse Width
Mixer: Osc 1, Osc 2, Ring Mod, Noise, Feedback
Front Panel Jacks: CV In, Gate In, Filter Frequency In, Amplifier In, Oscillator Out, External Signal In
Back Panel Jacks: MIDI In/Out, 1/4" Audio Output, DC Power Out
Back Panel Switches: MIDI Learn Switch (Channel, Note Priority, Aftertouch, Mod Wheel Destination) and Tap Tempo for LFO
Overflow Switch for polyphonic chaining"
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Studio Electronics Boomstar 5089 by Drew Neumann
Before I Don't Have Anything Left - Studio Electronics Boomstar 5089 by Drew Neumann
Published on Feb 13, 2013
"The very first Boomstar 5089 production unit demo here, or to parrot my favorite hackneyed "Beltway" phrase: "that's out there." 100% natural, except for the third arm. Amazing that this box can make (of all things) FM sounds - listen for 'em @ 00:00:34:17.
Filter title sequence corrected.
An alternative audio take for your unfiltered listening pleasure? Why not.
SoundCloud it:"
Published on Feb 13, 2013
"The very first Boomstar 5089 production unit demo here, or to parrot my favorite hackneyed "Beltway" phrase: "that's out there." 100% natural, except for the third arm. Amazing that this box can make (of all things) FM sounds - listen for 'em @ 00:00:34:17.
Filter title sequence corrected.
An alternative audio take for your unfiltered listening pleasure? Why not.
SoundCloud it:"
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
New Studio Electronics MIDIMini V30
Studio Electronics Midimini V30 Demo With Patches [No Talking] Published on Dec 24, 2019 VCO USA
Note this post has been updated a few times. Original post below.
"A collection of 10 patches w/ Preset Templates for the Minimini V30. Time stamps below for the specific patch and the patch sheets appear at the last 10 seconds of each clip.
0:03 - The Impossible Drum 'Kit'
1:48 - Aggro Bass
2:35 - FM Sync Lead
3:48 - Screamin' Triangles
5:11 - Filter FM Shark Bass
6:26 - 4th Wobble Bass
7:58 - Bigger Than Yours Bass
9:00 - Classic Sync
9:51 - Pluck You (Arp)
10:57 - Dreamy Drone Chord
You can download the patch sheets here"
"30 years later and here we are... glorious sound makes that possible. All honor and praise to the geniuses at R. A. Moog Co, especially Bill Hemsath, and Mr. Moog himself, a person with whom I (MSR) shared a lunch space at NAMM in the 1990s—it's something folks.
Some internal patching on "Registered Pulses", "Voo R U", and "1st Midimini V30", not that I can remember what went where. No FX however, (with the exception of a wet channel on Rach of Ages 2), no compression, limiting, only a touch of some spot normalizing on several tracks. Essentially raw and un-pestered, synth and factory direct honesty—still such a lonely word.
Oh yes, and I created a few stereo tracks from multiple takes; who could resist? I'm sure you can spot them.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas,
Marc St Regis 12/24/19"
Details via Studio Electronics:
MIDIMINI V30 - $2999
"Many can recall dialing up Midim-g/Midimini patches that fit a song so perfectly that they inspired even greater creativity; shapely, sometimes sinuous sounds whose essense called out to you; emotive sounds you never wanted to change; sounds you lovingly tracked, notated and revered; sounds as vital as the lyrics or lead vocal—that solid, insistent, articulate bounce, bravado, and twangy bang. Was there another sensible, MIDI-driven rackmount choice for immaculate synth-bass and lead lines?
November 2019 brings the SE Midimini V30 to the table, and nothing has been lost in the translation of this end-of-decade Analog essential. A raft of brand-new hardware features, extensive software sweetening, and modular connections open the window even wider to an already stunning Analog view.
It's highlight time again:
Through-hole build: Every. Single. PC board.
Classic 4-pole, 24 db/oct, voltage-controlled Lowpass Ladder Filter, with voltage-controlled Cutoff.
Semi-Modular Mini: Standard issue CV & Gate, and # OutsToOuts-friendly patchability of voltage, amplifier, and key tonal mastering tap points (1/8" Eurorack Connections).
Classic Midimini Cross Mod and Boomstar-perfected Ring Mod.
Amp Drive: Boomstar Modular AMP saturation and overdrive imported into 'V30 world.
Output Feedback loop and gain control—the old Low Output to External Input hack—hardwired and fine-tuned—interacts expressivley with Amp Drive.
MIDI-syncable, AFM*-capable, multi-waveform LFO, routable to VCF and VCO.
LFO Out patch point for deep modulation or oscillation creation.
LFO Gate (LFO pulse of VCF/VCA) from the SE-02.
OSC 1 Triangle Wave to amplifier (bypasses VCF) for high Resonance setting/low frequency compensation.
Sweepable OSC Oscillator 2 to Oscillator 1 Sync.
Handy Boomstar Drone feature.
Envelope 2 Master Mode: ENV2 (VCA) assumes control of Filter (VCF) Envelope.
Expressive Linear and Exponential Glide.
Front Panel-mounted External Audio input with level control.
Independent Release control of Filter and Amplifier.
Boomstar MIDI Learn feature for MIDI, Aftertouch and Modwheel.
Low/Last/High Note Priority, Env 1 inverting, VCF/VCA dynamics, and VCF Envelope Multi-trigger."
Click the images for the full size shots. Had to shrink them down a bit to format the page.
Original post:
This one was spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child, via Studio Electronics Instagram feed.
The MIDIMini as you all likely know is Studio Electronics rackmount Minimoog. They originally converted vintage Minimoogs to the MIDIMoog and then followed with their own designed MIDIMini. You can find pics of a MIDIMoog here and an original MIDIMini here.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Studio Electronics Boomstar ARP4075 and Oberheim SEM
Studio Electronics Boomstar ARP4075 and Oberheim SEM from Andreas Schneider on Vimeo.
"The Boomstar is the latest release of BrothersGreg and Marc St.Regis alias Studio Electronics. All existing models are nearly the same except the filter components defining the sound.Moogy and 303style, ARP and 4075 are available from stock for worldwide shipping, the CS80 like - the golden one) should be coming this year, the red one like Roland700 is just a vision so far. The Boomstar is made of good hardware as they always did selling for roundabout 900 USD/EUR mostly."
Monday, January 27, 2014
Nova Musik - Studio Electronics new BOOMSTAR models with Marc St. Regis at NAMM 2014
Published on Jan 27, 2014 Nova Musik·102 videos
"Marc St. Regis of Studio Electronics introduces to two new members of the BOOMSTAR family: the BOOMSTAR SE80 with its CS-80-derived filter and the BOOMSTAR 700, which gets its filter design from the MiniKorg 700."
NAMM2014 Studio Electronics
Published on Jan 27, 2014 RockoNCompany·529 videos
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
STUDIO ELECTRONICS // BOOMSTAR 3003 // First Touch // Hands On
Published on Aug 9, 2016 LESINDES
"Hands on STUDIO ELECTRONICS BOOMSTAR 3003 a TB 303 clone. Frist Touch with some sine and sync sounds."
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Studio Electronics Boomstar Moogy and 303style
Studio Electronics Boomstar Moogy and 303style from Andreas Schneider on Vimeo.
"The Boomstar is the latest release of BrothersGreg and Marc St.Regis alias Studio Electronics. All existing models are nearly the same except the filter components defining the sound.Moogy and 303style, ARP and 4075 are available from stock for worldwide shipping, the CS80 like - the golden one) should be coming this year, the red one like Roland700 is just a vision so far. The Boomstar is made of good hardware as they always did selling for roundabout 900 USD/EUR mostly."
Thursday, January 31, 2013
MATRIXSYNTH NAMM 2013: Studio Electronics at the Noisebug Booth
Uploaded on Jan 30, 2013 matrixsynth·251 videos
At 5:12 you'll see "MIDI overflow" on the back. Apparently you can chain these for polyphony.
Update: I heard back from Studio Electronics. You should be able to chain up to four of these, after there might be lag. Editing on one will not affect the other, so you would need to dial each up to mach much like SEMs in a two or four voice system. The plus side of this is you can slightly detune and alter the individual voices for potentially more interesting sounds. Think chords where each voice is doing something slightly different.
Studio Electronics debut of four new mono synths at the Noisebug booth. Marc St. Regis gives us an overview of the new Boomstar 4075 (ARP 2600 filter), the Boomstar 3003 (Roland TB-303 filter, but "sounds more like an SH-101"), the Boomstar SEM (Oberheim SEM filter), and finally the Boomstar 5089 (Minimoog filter). Audio demos are of the 4075 and 3003. Although the Boomstars were first announced back on March 2, 2012 here, NAMM was the first time they made a public appearance. You can find a demo of the 4075 posted on September 30, 2012 here, and one previous NAMM video recently posted by SonicState here. The product page for the Boomstars is here. I have to say these do sound great; they are incredibly thick and rich sounding analog synths. As you can see they have a small physical footprint along with substantial feeling knobs and they have quite a few extra features. Click the pics below for some super size shots.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Studio Electronics Announces New BOOMSTAR Discrete Analog Desktop Synths
"Back to the raw power and purity of discrete analog––where STUDIO ELECTRONICS started in 1985. The snap and punch of hardware envelopes drive the BOOMSTAR's brilliant voltage controlled circuits with unparalleled sonic integrity and versatility. BOOMSTAR is the ultimate desktop analog synthesizer for those who remember the electronic analog sound that changed the world, and for seekers who have yet to discover that magic and delight... in their time.
This new blazing brainchild of STUDIO ELECTRONICS represents the design collective ethos of circuit and software "Saseong" Tim Caswell, tactile layout and lead feature specialist Greg St. Regis, graphic and sound consultant Marc St. Regis, art design wizard of vector truth, John Greczula, cool-headed concept leader Geoff Farr and our relentless and wise feature and functionality consultant and "Whip", Drew Neumann.
Four Models/Filter types: 4075-classic Arp 2600, 5089-classic Moog 24db ladder, SEM-classic Oberheim 12db, 303-classic Roland TB.
This music machine's discrete voltage controlled analog oscillators, hand matched transistors in its filters and amplifiers and STUDIO ELECTRONICS' typically expressive programming feature realizes its name: Earth Grounding Subs to Deep Field Shimmers... BOOMSTAR!"
Click the pics for the super size shots.
Retail Price is $799
via Studio Electronics
This new blazing brainchild of STUDIO ELECTRONICS represents the design collective ethos of circuit and software "Saseong" Tim Caswell, tactile layout and lead feature specialist Greg St. Regis, graphic and sound consultant Marc St. Regis, art design wizard of vector truth, John Greczula, cool-headed concept leader Geoff Farr and our relentless and wise feature and functionality consultant and "Whip", Drew Neumann.
Four Models/Filter types: 4075-classic Arp 2600, 5089-classic Moog 24db ladder, SEM-classic Oberheim 12db, 303-classic Roland TB.
This music machine's discrete voltage controlled analog oscillators, hand matched transistors in its filters and amplifiers and STUDIO ELECTRONICS' typically expressive programming feature realizes its name: Earth Grounding Subs to Deep Field Shimmers... BOOMSTAR!"
Click the pics for the super size shots.
Retail Price is $799
via Studio Electronics
Monday, February 24, 2014
Studio Electronics BOOMSTAR 5089 24dB ladder filter synth with Thesys sequencer app
Published on Feb 24, 2014
"http://SoundsAndGear - A video showing how beastly the Studio Electronics Boomstar 5089 synth is. This one has the 24db "Moog" style filter in it, and as with all the Boomstar lineup, some crazy modulation and other stuff that makes it a very powerful synth. I will be doing an actual review/overview of all the features, but this is just a video to get you familiar with the types of sounds you can make with it.
I'm sequencing it with the Sugar Bytes Thesys app running on my iPad. This is the raw output of the synth directly into my interface with no compression or anything. Be careful, it can get really loud and wild!
More info on the Boomstar here:
iTunes: Thesys - Sugar Bytes GmbH
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Studio Electronics Boomstar 303 Synthesizer SN 100086
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
Perfect Circuit Audio (RSS)
"Back to the raw power and purity of discrete analog - where Studio Electronics started in 1985!
Boomstar is the ultimate desktop analog synthesizer for those who remember and desire the electronic analog sounds that changed the world. Choose between four models, each corresponding to a classic filter type:
4075: Classic Arp 2600
5089: Classic Moog 24db ladder
SEM: Classic Oberheim 12dB/Oct with sweepable Low-pass through High-pass
303: Classic Roland TB
The Boomstar is a superior analog music machine made in the USA. From it's discrete voltage controlled analog oscillators, to it's hand matched transistors in its filters and amplifiers, no compromises have been made and no corners cut. This is the real deal for those seeking truly fat analog sound at a reasonable price. The snap and punch of hardware envelopes drive the Boomstar's brilliant voltage controlled circuits with unparalleled sonic integrity and versatility. The Boomstars are even semi-modular, with easy to access front mounted CV and Audio inputs and outputs for different routing possibilities and use with other hardware. This is not your average modern analog synthesizer!"
via this auction
Perfect Circuit Audio (RSS)
"Back to the raw power and purity of discrete analog - where Studio Electronics started in 1985!
Boomstar is the ultimate desktop analog synthesizer for those who remember and desire the electronic analog sounds that changed the world. Choose between four models, each corresponding to a classic filter type:
4075: Classic Arp 2600
5089: Classic Moog 24db ladder
SEM: Classic Oberheim 12dB/Oct with sweepable Low-pass through High-pass
303: Classic Roland TB
The Boomstar is a superior analog music machine made in the USA. From it's discrete voltage controlled analog oscillators, to it's hand matched transistors in its filters and amplifiers, no compromises have been made and no corners cut. This is the real deal for those seeking truly fat analog sound at a reasonable price. The snap and punch of hardware envelopes drive the Boomstar's brilliant voltage controlled circuits with unparalleled sonic integrity and versatility. The Boomstars are even semi-modular, with easy to access front mounted CV and Audio inputs and outputs for different routing possibilities and use with other hardware. This is not your average modern analog synthesizer!"
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