MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for eM

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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query eM. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, January 08, 2021

LA Circuits, Inc. Buchla Styled Eurorack Systems

1. Attaché Demo ft. Echoes + Sunless City
Brendan demoing the Attaché Eurorack System featuring modules: Echoes BBD Delay and Sunless City Transistor Ladder Filter.
Attaché is a complete eurorack system with a built in power supply and 88 HP rails mounted in a handheld hardshell briefcase-- modeled after vintage Samsonite briefcases of the 1970's.
2. LA Circuits EM-404 Hallogallo Audio Fx Demo
Audio visualizer of the EM-404 Hallogallo VCF/Envelope Follower eurorack module. Available for purchase this November 2020, order now:
3. EM-601 Technicolor Reverb Audio Fx Demo
Audio demo of Model EM-601 | Technicolor Dynamic Reverb eurorack module. Visuals of the Orion Nebula provided by Nasa Hubble Space Telescope.
4. LA Circuits Atomic Meddle & Clocks
Atomic Meddle Stereo VCF Processing Station and Clocks Sequencer | Summer 2020
5. Attaché Briefcase System Demo
Compact synthesizer in a vintage style briefcase. Coming this Winter 2020.
6. LA Circuits Modular Teaser
7. LA Circuits Lab System Teaser

Current modules via



EM-802 Machinist Sample Track + Hold & Noise consists of 3 individual circuits: a highly stable voltage-controlled sample / track & hold, a noise generator, and a voltage-controlled clock generator. The sample / track & hold section can be manually engaged using the Manual Trigger push button.

The noise generator provides five independent colors of noise. The spectrum specifically consists of Violet, Blue, White, Pink and Red noise. The clock generator’s frequency rate is visualized using the onboard LED indicator, and the sample / track + hold polarity is displayed with corresponding LED indicators.

The onboard slew limiter provides further sound sculpting functionality, wherein the user may select the slew limiter circuit direction and control the slew rate via CV input.


Model: EM-802

Product SKU: 800-0802

Dimensions: 12 HP (3U)

Panel: 2.00 mm Anodized Aluminum

Power: +/- 12V | 8 mA

Monday, July 08, 2013

Festival Oscillations/SESC Vila Mariana Featuring Herb Deutsch & More

via Astronauta Pinguim (Googlish translation below)

"Festival Oscillations

SESC Vila Mariana


O termo “música eletrônica” é associado, principalmente nos dias de hoje, à raves e pistas de dança do mundo inteiro. Mas nem sempre foi assim. Houve um período no qual as coisas eram bem diferentes e o termo era utilizado quase que exclusivamente de forma acadêmica nas faculdades de música, que tinham entre seus mestres nomes que trabalhavam com estruturas musicais mais radicais e inovadoras, geralmente utilizando tecnologias recém inventandas e ainda em desenvolvimento. O período que vai desde as primeiras experiências com geradores de som construídos eletrônicamente e o uso destes aparatos para gerar ritmos dançantes é tão grande e tão cheio de mistérios que merece ser estudado com mais profundidade e, somente com estes estudos e o acesso do ouvinte à eles, entenderemos melhor a evolução pela qual a música moderna passou no ultimo século, acarretando inclusive mudanças sociais e comportamentais importantíssimas para a humanidade. Ao trazermos ao Brasil nomes como Herbert Deutsch, Harald Grosskopf, Hans-Joachim Roedelius e Silver Apples, não só realizamos um festival inovador - nunca antes realizado no nosso país - como também trazemos uma parte importante e (ainda) não devidamente documentada da música mundial!

Participantes do Festival Oscillations:

Herbert Deutsch – O compositor, arranjador e inventor norte-americano Herbert Deutsch - nascido no início da década de 30 - foi o grande nome ao lado de Robert Moog na invenção do sintetizador. Foi ele quem procurou o doutor Moog com a idéia de um novo instrumento baseado nos estudos de osciladores controlados por voltagem, já em andamento nas pesquisas de Robert Moog. Herbert Deutsch foi parte importante na confecção do protótipo numero um do sintetizador Moog, instrumento que mudou completamente a forma como a música passou a ser criada e apreciada nas últimas 5 décadas. Desde o início dos anos 60, ele tem se dedicado a lecionar nas cadeiras de Musica Eletrônica e Composição na Hofstra University, em Nova York. Herbert Deutsch apresentará sua famosa palestra/concerto/demonstração “From Moog to Mac”, que abrange desde seus primeiros experimentos com música eletrônica, ainda nos anos 50, até suas mais recentes pesquisas na área, passando pela invenção do sintetizador em 1964. Herbert utilizará instrumentos originais para suas demonstrações no auditório do SESC Vila Mariana.

Harald Grosskopf - Nascido no final dos anos 40, na cidade de Hildesheim (Alemanha), Harald Grosskopf é, desde o início da sua carreira artística no começo dos anos 70, um dos músicos mais atuantes da sua geração. Participou de mais de 100 discos de bandas e artistas importantes do chamado "krautrock", como Wallenstein, Cosmic Jokers, Ashra Tempel, Klaus Schulze e Walter Wegmüller, entre outros. Em 1980, Harald Grosskopf lançou seu clássico LP “Synthesist” (relançado recentemente pelo selo norte-americano Rvng Intl), além de atuar como músico na banda de apoio da cantora Lili Berlin, na primeira metade dos anos 80. Nos anos 90 e 2000, Harald participou de projetos ao lado do também músico e produtor alemão Steve Baltes (Sunya Beat e N-tribe), além de dedicar-se à sua carreira solo e também retornar à banda Ash Ra, onde permanece até hoje. Harald Grosskopf tem 6 discos solo lançados, sendo o mais recente uma nova roupagem do álbum “Synthesist” (1980), agora renomeado “Synthesist 2010” (Rvng Intl).

Hans-Joachim Roedelius - Hans-Joachim Roedelius é um dos principais nomes do "krautrock" (como era chamado o rock e a música eletrônica/experimental feita na Alemanha nos anos 60 e 70) e também pode ser considerado um dos principais e mais criativos pioneiros de várias subdivisões da música eletrônica, da "ambient" ao "industrial", devido à originalidade dos projetos e bandas nas quais foi integrante ao longo de 45 anos de carreira. Fundador do trio Kluster - ao lado de Conrad Schnitzler (ex-Tangerine Dream) e de Dieter Moebius -, do Cluster (com Moebius) e do Harmonia (com Moebius e Michael Rother, ex-Kraftwerk), Roedelius é um dos experimentadores mais sutis (e ao mesmo tempo um dos mais radicais) dentro das suas áreas de atuação, sendo citado como influência de nomes como o produtor Brian Eno, com quem Roedelius gravou 3 álbuns nos anos 70 ("Tracks and Traces", gravado pelo Harmonia em 1976, "Cluster & Eno" e "After the heat", ambos gravados por Roedelius, Moebius and Eno em 1977).

Silver Apples - Influência tanto para apreciadores da música eletrônica - aquela feita nos primórios, com equipamentos analógicos e sem toda a tecnologia "facilitadora" de hoje em dia - como para fãs do rock experimental que se fazia nos anos 60, o Silver Apples é uma das bandas mais interessantes da história da música mundial. Formada na segunda metade dos anos 60, a dupla original era constituida pelo baterista Danny Taylor e por Simeon Coxe III, executando uma parafernália eletrônica inacreditável na época (Simeon chegou a utilizar nove osciladores de áudio controlados por um mecanismo no qual ele utilizava as mãos, os pés e até os joelhos e cotovelos para tocar ao vivo). Nesta época a dupla gravou três discos imprescindíveis em qualquer coleção: "Silver Apples" (1968), "Contact" (1969) e "The Garden" (gravado em 1969, mas lançado somente em 1998), álbuns que colocaram os Silver Apples para sempre na história da música como uma das primeiras bandas eletrônicas de todos os tempos, antecipando inclusive toda a revolução eletrônica capitaneada pelo Kraftwerk e outras bandas alemãs na década seguinte. Hoje em dia, Simeon Coxe III mantém o legado da dupla vivo (apesar do falecimento de Danny Taylor em 2005), se apresentando nos maiores festivais de música do mundo! O Silver Apples se apresenta pela segunda vez no palco do SESC Vila Mariana.


Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Korg Electribe ER-1 Drum Machine Through Roland RE 101 Space Echo & Yamaha EM 90 Ensemble Mixer

Yamaha EM 90 Ensemble Mixer w/ Drum Machine, Spring Reverb test Published on Dec 5, 2018 SUBTOKYOSHOP

"Yamaha EM 90 Ensemble Mixer w/ Analog Drum Machine, Spring Reverb 70's Rare Vintage Test

+ Roland RE 101 Space Echo
+ Korg Electribe ER-1 Drum Machine"

subtokyoshop on eBay | subtokyoshop on Reverb

Note the above links are affiliate links. See the site's privacy policy
Update via subtokyoshop in the comments:

"Hi, I am Shin subtokyoshop, I like to add one point, this main drum sound is from yamaha EM-90 mixer, it contains vintage analog beatbox and spring reverb inside. Korg ER-1 is for adding some drum sounds for EM-90. thank you for attaching my youtube anyway."

Note this is the first post to feature the Yamaha EM 90.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Vintage Yamaha EM-90A Amplifier Mixer with Built in Rhythm Machine

via this auction

"Yamaha 70 watt amplifier/mixer, model number EM-90A. It is in very good condition with no major damage, though there are light signs of wear, like light scratches, scuffing and sticker residue. The manual is also included, but is meant for the EM-80, EM-100 and EM-150."

Update via unknown in the comments: "These are actually 15watts per channel. Not very loud or clean, but they do have a bit of character."

Friday, July 12, 2019

ELEKTRONIKA EM 25 - Vintage Analog String synthesizer USSR Soviet 106

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Jul 12, 2019 GLvintageSHOP

via this auction

"EM-25 is an interesting Soviet string-synth that looks and feels like a curious cross between Moog Opus 3, Yamaha SK15 and ARP Solina. Like other Soviet synths, has got a distinct sound of its own and can easily compete with synths that have grown to become classics.

Organ has great vibe - I like its etheral and gentle vibe in upper register. It has one percussive drawbar (again a plus for total tonal variety).
EM-25's organ is quite interesting, potent and woody with full registers, almost acoustic sounding. With a touch of LXP-1 reverb, a single drawbar turns into real Cathedral organ!

Synth section (called brass on EM-25) is VCO fixed preset on both, with full filter section - but only one filter for all voices.

All said, EM-25 is unique and rare and a real stringer."

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Elektronika EM-04 Vintage Analog Soviet Synthesizer Annivesary Edition

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Elektronika EM-04 Vintage Analog Soviet Synthesizer

1000 years to Bryansk city Annivesary Edition

About this item:

Vintage Soviet analog synthesizer.


Type: Synthesizer

Produced: 1985

Serial number: 851011

Name: „Elektronika EM-04"

Producer: Unknown

Power supply: 220V

Dimensions: 780x470x30 mm

Weight: 15 kg

SKU: R042


Not tested. Sold as is. All parts seems to be all right.

Lot includes:

Elektronika EM-04 synthesizer only. No pedals or cables."

Pics of the inside below. Note the 851108. I'd assume this is the serial number, however, the auction description above lists the SN as 851011.

Regarding the anniversary edition, if you look at previous versions of the EM-04, you will see they are missing the text on the lower left.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

MATRIXSYNTH T Spotted on TV - Lirinha with Astronauta Pinguim on Keys

AO VIVO: Lirinha no Estúdio Showlivre

YouTube Streamed live on Nov 21, 2011 by showlivre

Show starts at 6:30. I believe this is the second time MATRIXSYNTH was featured on a TV broadcast. There was one on French TV posted here. I keep hoping to find a MATRIXSYNTH card somewhere on the IT Crowd.

Fabricio Carvalho (Astronauta Pinguim) on Keys: Minimoog Model D, Roland EP30 electronic piano and a Crumar Toccata organ. Be sure to check out his Moog tattoo. Igor Medeiros on Nord Modular.

Googlish (Original description further below):
"Is the highlight Lirinha Studio Showivre ( broadcast live on November 21, 2011.

Singer-songwriter presents Lirinha your disk, Lira, work that marked a new phase which now follows the artist in solo work, after more than 10 year career with Cordel do Fogo Encantado.

In Lira, the musician reinvents itself with a sound that goes through the use of guitars, keyboards, synthesizers, percussion and drums, resulting in a surprising and innovative foray into territory that is familiar: the fine line between music and poetry. Lirinha shows his maturity as an artist and songwriter, evolves into a cohesive work, with strong influence of the references that populate his songs."

Original description:
"Lirinha é o destaque do Estudio Showivre ( transmitido ao vivo no dia 21 de novembro de 2011.

Cantor e compositor Lirinha apresenta seu disco, Lira, trabalho que marca nova fase do artista que agora segue em trabalho solo, depois de mais de 10 anos de carreira com o Cordel do Fogo Encantado.

Em Lira, o músico se reinventa com uma sonoridade que passa pela utilização de guitarras, teclados, sintetizadores, percussão e bateria, resultando em uma surpreendente e inovadora incursão em território que lhe é familiar: a tênue fronteira entre a música e a poesia. Lirinha mostra seu amadurecimento como artista e letrista, evolui em um trabalho coeso, com forte influência das referências que povoam as suas canções."


Also see: dbmixtape Astronauta Pinguim via Fabricio on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge:
"Hey friends, I was asked to do a mixtape to "Deep Beep" a brazilian site of electronic music, so I choose songs from some of the pioneers of everything we all like: Delia Derbishire, Brian Eno, Kraftwerk, o Cluster e o Harmonia (both from Hans-joachim Roedelius), Giorgio Moroder, Harald Grosskopf, Tony Carey, Silver Apples, Conrad Schnitzler, Rüdiger Lorenz, You, Automat, The Normal e Sigue Sigue Sputnik!!! Please check it out and hope you enjoy my mixtape!!!"

Saturday, December 09, 2023


video upload by


Nascido em Paris, ele é mais conhecido por sua invenção do Ondes (Waves) Martenot, um instrumento que ele percebeu pela primeira vez em 1928 e passou décadas aprimorando. Ele revelou um modelo microtonal em 1938.ESte é MONOFÔNICO (não produz acordes,mas pode ser arpejado com teclados)
Ele também foi responsável por ensinar a primeira geração de artistas Martenot, incluindo Karel Goeyvaerts, Jeanne Loriod, Georges Savaria, Gilles Tremblay e sua irmã Ginette Martenot.O próprio Martenot atuou como um 'ondista' com a Orquestra da Filadélfia sob o comando de Leopold Stokowski em 1930. A Feira Mundial de 1937 em Paris concedeu-lhe o "Le Grand Prix de l'Exposition Mondiale". Ele deu aulas no Conservatório de Paris durante os anos 1940."

Saturday, March 05, 2011


via this auction
"rare Soviet analog polyphonic synthesizer - ELEKTRONIKA EM 25. This auction synth was made in November 1991 by most pupular Soviet brand. "Elektronika" was the so-called brand name for any former Soviet electronic product made in any former Soviet factory more or less involved in the manufacturing of any electronic devices and there were a whole range of electronic products released in Russia (watches, TV sets, amps, speakers, tuners, and more) that used this 'trademark'.

Elektronika EM-25 is a polyphonic synth specialising in strings, organ and brass. Like other such instruments, it has a 'divide-down' variety to give a totally polyphonic generator through a single filter, amp and envelope.

The strings section had mixable contrabass, cello and violins with variable attack and decay and the obligatory chorus unit for the rich ensemble effect.

The organ offered variable footages at 16', 8', 4' and 2' with variable attack and decay whilst the brass section offered trombone and trumpet. Of course, none of these sounds 'realistic' but there are plenty of controls and facilities to coax some sonic mileage out of this trio of sounds.

There is an LFO that could be used to sweep the apparently fiercely resonant, self-oscillating filter and all the sections could be mixed and balanced - even split across the keyboard range - and so, in that respect, the EM-25 was not unlike the Moog Opus, Korg Trident and other such keyboards. To the left was a performance section - "Transposer" with a pitchbend lever that appears to have been lifted directly from Roland's 'bender' design!

As other soviet synths EM 25 has it`s own unique sound. You can get from the synth - warm analog strings, smooth pads, orchestral sounds, fat synthetic brasses and leads, various space fx sounds etc."

Thursday, December 20, 2018

ELEKTRONIKA EM25 - Vintage Analog String synthesizer USSR Soviet Russian

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Dec 20, 2018 GLvintageSHOP

"EM-25 is an interesting Soviet string-synth that looks and feels like a curious cross between Moog Opus 3, Yamaha SK15 and ARP Solina. Like other Soviet synths, has got a distinct sound of its own and can easily compete with synths that have grown to become classics.

Organ has great vibe - I like its etheral and gentle vibe in upper register. It has one percussive drawbar (again a plus for total tonal variety).
EM-25's organ is quite interesting, potent and woody with full registers, almost acoustic sounding. With a touch of LXP-1 reverb, a single drawbar turns into real Cathedral organ!

Synth section (called brass on EM-25) is VCO fixed preset on both, with full filter section - but only one filter for all voices.

All said, EM-25 is unique and rare and a real stringer"

Update: some pics via this auction

Monday, March 04, 2019

ELEKTRONIKA EM25 - Vintage Analog String synthesizer USSR Soviet Russian

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Mar 4, 2019 GLvintageSHOP

"EM-25 is an interesting Soviet string-synth that looks and feels like a curious cross between Moog Opus 3, Yamaha SK15 and ARP Solina. Like other Soviet synths, has got a distinct sound of its own and can easily compete with synths that have grown to become classics.

Organ has great vibe - I like its etheral and gentle vibe in upper register. It has one percussive drawbar (again a plus for total tonal variety).
EM-25's organ is quite interesting, potent and woody with full registers, almost acoustic sounding. With a touch of LXP-1 reverb, a single drawbar turns into real Cathedral organ!

Synth section (called brass on EM-25) is VCO fixed preset on both, with full filter section - but only one filter for all voices.

All said, EM-25 is unique and rare and a real stringer."

via this auction

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Elektronika EM-25 (electronika EM25) soviet analog synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Elektronika em-25 Published on Apr 10, 2012 Mike C

via this auction

Note the video above was in the auction for demo purposes only. It is not the specific unit for sale. I couldn't find it in the archives, so up it goes.

"EM-25 is an interesting Soviet string-synth that looks and feels like a curious cross between Moog Opus 3 and ARP Solina. Like other Soviet synths, has got a distinct sound of its own and can easily compete with synths that have grown to become classics.

EM-025 HAS 3 SOUND SECTIONS : STRINGS, ORGAN, BRASS. All 3 sections You can use as independent sound or these will be mixed in any combination of 1, 2 or 3 sources with select buttons."

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Elektronika EM-25 String Organ Synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Mar 22, 2018 SergeyArmavir

via this auction

Friday, January 29, 2021

Roland EM-101 Sound Plus - filter mod

video by wildchurch

"video in two parts:
1. brief demonstration of filter adjustment
2. multi-tracked piece (all EM-101 except drums)

the Roland EM-101 is an analog sound module from the mid-80s
it's all about preset sounds and has very basic MIDI functionality
there are 2 banks: ensemble (polyphonic) and solo (monophonic)
there's also a 3rd hidden bank accessed through a button press/power on combination

the EM-101 is paraphonic and any VCF adjustment requires opening the case to access trim pots
i've simply replaced these with potentiometers mounted to the front panel

while this allows adjustment to the sounds, it's not a particularly practical solution from a playing point of view
the available space to mount the pots is very tight making it too fiddly for musical adjustments

a better solution would be a break out box with a decent cable length so the controls could be positioned ergonomically
in addition, this could incorporate switch jack sockets for foot pedal control (especially for the ensemble voices)

depending on selected preset, the filter has variable impact on the sound, from barely noticeable to harsh self-oscillation
it's impact is most evident on the solo voices but it can also give a pleasing sizzle to some ensemble sounds"

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Metasonix Wretch Machine Vids

Remember this Wretch up for auction? The following are some vids of it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

::vtol:: mod.tot.em

::vtol:: mod.tot.em from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

"mod.tot.em is an interactive robot totem (modem) that accepts metal objects as offerings, which wake him up from the hibernation mode. It comes out from sleep to show you some audiovisual transmutations.

If you will leave mod.tot.em your e-mail to join god.spam.program, it will spam you with glitch visuals, sounds and texts.

Inspired by Hindu milk miracle

special for "Mythology online" WEB 2.0 art exhibition


Monday, January 14, 2019

ELEKTRONIKA EM25 - Vintage Analog String synthesizer USSR Soviet Russian

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Jan 14, 2019 GLvintageSHOP

"EM-25 is an interesting Soviet string-synth that looks and feels like a curious cross between Moog Opus 3, Yamaha SK15 and ARP Solina. Like other Soviet synths, has got a distinct sound of its own and can easily compete with synths that have grown to become classics.

Organ has great vibe - I like its etheral and gentle vibe in upper register. It has one percussive drawbar (again a plus for total tonal variety).
EM-25's organ is quite interesting, potent and woody with full registers, almost acoustic sounding. With a touch of LXP-1 reverb, a single drawbar turns into real Cathedral organ!

Synth section (called brass on EM-25) is VCO fixed preset on both, with full filter section - but only one filter for all voices.

All said, EM-25 is unique and rare and a real stringer."

Pics via this auction

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Electronika EM-25

Title link takes you to shots via this auction. The auction appears to be via the great Ruskeys site. If you haven't checked out Ruskeys yet, do it.


DESCRIPTION: EM-25 is 49-note (C-C) polyphonic string / brass / organ keyboard. Control of string and organ envelopes. Brass section has ADSR, LFO with vibrato delay and rate control, filter with awesome resonance. Single or multiple triggering of envelope. Sliders ranged along the panel behind the keyboard, with three integral-LED switches in centre. Roland-like modulation wheel, keyboard splittable. Made in the Moscow electronic factory.


POWER - on/off switch
STRINGS - attack, sustain, global sustain mode on/off; registers 16", 8", 4" - left, 8", 4" - right
ORGAN - registers 16", 8", 4", 2"/ 8", 4", 2"
SELECTOR - strings; organ; brass on/off
BRASS - vibrato; 16", 8", 4"/ 8", 4"; LFO rate, delay; filter ADSR, multi trig on/off, filter LFO deptch, mod, cut off, resonance
TRANSPOSER - detune, slide time, interval, octave, main volume, pitch wheel

CONNECTIONS - phones; stereo out, mono (0dB, -20dB), ext control in - mono, poly; pedal (for volume & pitch shift)

Demos via
sound1 - sweep pad
sound2 - layered strings
sound3 - cosmo FX
link to scanned manual/schemes"

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

You can find a demo of the ELEKTRONIKA EM 04 here.

"Elektronika EM-04. There is a one master oscillator in the instrument. Due to this oscillator a possibility of instrument's detuning in the process of operation is eliminated. This generator shifts a pitch of the instrument on an octave, "slalom-effect" and refines the tuning +/- 1/4. Because of split of the manual into 2 sections, the volume of each part may be adjusted.


— Total audible range - 7 1/12 octaves
— Keyboard's volume - 4 1/12 octaves
— Mains voltage - 220V +/-10%
— Dimensions - 790x490x155 cm
— Dimensions, 890x355x102 mm (31" x 19" x 4")
— Weight, 20 kg (approx. 44 Pounds)

The unit is in excellent condition both cosmetically and functionally.
ELEKTRONIKA EM-04 has a really interesting PURE UNIQUE ANALOG sound."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

DrNI:EM - Electronic Music as free as in Free Speech

YouTube via DrNIx123. I asked DrNIx123 what synth was used in this video and he replied:
"the synth is an Oberheim(-Viscount) OB-12 with some minimal modification to a factory preset ("A-064 Chimney" from the timbres) and the on-board arpeggiator.

I recorded it just for fun for a little review on that synth, it's nothing special but I think the "tune" is good enough for a little experiment in the video domain.

The review is in German and can be found here" You can find it in Googlish here.

Video Description:
"A little trash-artistic promotion video for DrNI: EM, my electronic music project. Created by minimal means (digital photo camera, Cinelerra). This video may vanish in the future or it may be replaced by a an improved version.

This video and the music are distributed under a Creative Commons license. Read this:

Further information about DrNI: EM is available here:"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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