Monday, July 25, 2022

RMR Sequential Pro 3 Preset Pack

video upload by Red Means Recording

"41 sounds for the Sequential Pro 3, free with download of my 'Slow Down' EP on Bandcamp."

How To Use An Oscilloscope With Your Modular System

video upload by Patchwerks

"In this video Nick Bigelow of Patchwerks shows us how to use the Mordax Data Oscilloscope in a modular system.

Get the Mordax Data here:

'The DATA is a digital platform for testing, measurement, and signal generation in Eurorack modular synthesis systems. It is a modular tool kit, with functions applicable to any system and style.

Use the DATA’s scope to view the interactions between your control voltages and audio signals, allowing you to master your modules by understanding their voltage ranges, control shapes, and parameter responses. Use the DATA’s dual waveform generator to dial in a precisely scaled LFO for CV control, or use the waveform’s frequency “note mode” to effortlessly make dyads (two note chords). Use the DATA’s clock program as a master clock or to divide or multiply an incoming clock signal, sending four different clock outs to gate modules directly or as control to sequencers.

The possibilities of the DATA are basically unlimited; with the included microSD you can update the DATA’s firmware and we can continue to refine and create new programs.' -Mordax
Demo by: Nick Bigelow
Video by: Matthew Piecora ( EZBOT) and Steven Ly (Project 32)"

New firmware: 3xLFO, oscilloscope.

video upload by Happy Nerding

"New firmware increases the number of internal LFOs to three with a more ergonomic layout: all LFO settings are now represented in one window. Each LFO can be manually restarted with the arbitrary phase. One second long press changes LFO’s frequency display from Hz to seconds.

When effects are switched via internal LFO or external CV – active effect is now shown on the screen.

Added oscilloscope function – CVs connected to the SRR input will be represented with adjustable horizontal zoom."

California Highway 242 and Interstate 680 - Contra Cost County (w/ Original Music)

video upload by CatSynth TV

"A drive along I-680 in the vicinity of Walnut Creek and Concord to the split with California Highway 242; we then follow CA 242 north to its other terminus with California Highway 4 near Port Chicago.

Highway 242 is a short freeway that was once cart of California Highway 24 before I-680 was completed and split the segments into two separate highways.

Original music by Amanda Chaudhary featuring:
Arturia OP-Xa V, Synclavier V, Stage 73, CS-80 V
EastWest Ra: Dumbek drums and Middle Eastern string section
Mutable Instruments Plaits
Wiard Noisering
Strymon StarLab"


Francis Ford Coppola is into synths? Both the Moog Modular and Steiner EVI were used in the soundtrack for Apocalypse Now. See here for a couple of mentioning the story.

As for the book, detail via The Bob Moogfoundation, where you can pre-order it, follow:





The Moog synthesizer "bent the course of music forever" Rolling Stone declared.

Bob Moog, the man who did that bending, was a lovable geek with Einstein hair and pocket protectors. He walked into history in 1964 when his homemade contraption unexpectedly became a sensation---suddenly everyone wanted a Moog. The Beatles, The Doors, The Byrds, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, Yes, Stevie Wonder, and many more discovered his synthesizer, and it came to be featured in seminal film scores including A Clockwork Orange and Apocalypse Now . The Moog's game-changing sounds saturated 60's counterculture and burst into the disco party scene in the 70's to set off the electronic dance music movement. Bob had single-handedly founded the synth industry and become a star in the process.

Yamaha VP1 Demo - No Talking

video upload by Pro Synth Network

"This video was assembled from clips of Scott Kinsey playing a Yamaha VP1, owned by Reinhold Heil and restored by a team lead by Manny Fernandez, on Episode 120 of our live stream on Friday 22nd July 2022.

You can watch that stream here:"

Pro Synth Network LIVE! - Episode 120 - Yamaha VP1 Special

video upload by Pro Synth Network

"This week we're bringing to you a really special show!

The Yamaha VP1 is not only one of the rarest synthesizers ever made, but also one of the most unique. The VP1 was going to be Yamaha's first commercial foray into the world of physical and acoustic modelling. Utilising a free oscillation type of modelling, it was a 76 note, 16 voice modelling monster with the ability to combine multiple elements into a single patch and had dedicated external editing capabilities for an Apple G3 directly connected to it via a dedicated serial port.

Friend of the show, Manny Fernandez, has been helping Reinhold Heil restore his VP1 to working condition and now that the restoration has been completed, Manny, Reinhold and legendary jazz keyboardist Scott Kinsey, himself a VP1 fan and Yamaha professional, join us to discuss and demonstrate this remarkable instrument and its restoration process."

Why you hate modular synthesizers

video uploads by Why You Hate Modular Synths

Why you hate modular synthesizers - hi-hats
Why you hate modular synthesizers - cat hair
Why you hate modular synthesizers - Kick Drums
Why You Hate Modular Synthesizers - Synthesizers
Why You Hate Modular Synthesizers - Cables
Why you hate modular synthesizers - in the... on the... at the...

The Roland E-4 as a lowfi synth glitch machine

video upload by Richard DeHove

"Roland calls the E-4 the "Voice Tweaker" but here I use it exclusively as a glitch effect on the DB-01 synth. The DB-01's output is split with the dry sound going direct to the DAW and the other going to the E-4 mic input (which is overloading of course). The DB-01 is also providing a clock for the E-4 "scatter" effects. The result is a bit like the Fabikat Pladask pedal and some other grain and glitch processors.
After a bit of talking at the start I just twiddle the knobs and run through a few of the scatter programs. Each one has a slightly different combination of short stutters, reverse effects, delay and lowfi bitcrushed processing. As there are about 200 scatter programs this is just a short taste of what's on offer. You can also change the clock rate per beat from 1 to 24 and this also has a huge effect on the sound. Here I stay at 4.
In future I'll explore more complex setups with the harmonizer, autotune, vocoder and clock rates but hopefully this gives a little taste of the unit outside of its 'voice tweaker' role.
Probably also worth mentioning that - unlike most other E-4 demos - I actually bought this machine and paid full price.

0:00 Intro blather
1:22 Setup and routing
4:05 Music starts, no more talking

My site:
Lots of downloads for supporters on Patreon:"

Roland Rando

video upload by zack dagoba

"Benge's Roland System 100

Just had this fixed up and discretely modified by LucidSounds. He serviced and calibrated it, got everything working right, and then added some of the mods I asked for - external PWM of the 2 VCOs, LFO jack outputs, extra cv/gate inputs with built-in comparators so that the clocks can be triggered from anything, S&H clock in, I think that was everything. Quite a job!

Now it can do some fun things that normal 100s can't do, but it has THAT sound!

I put the sound of the System 100 up there with all the other early 70s classics"

3x NYMPHES and 1 spare hour to shoot a video by Dimitra

video upload by Dreadbox

"In this video Dimitra jams by using only a NYMPHES polyphonic Synthesizer, which she overdubs without any specific plan in mind.

'As a working woman, mother, + lots of other important roles I have to get through all day, it is really hard for me to find even a moment during a day to try the Dreadbox devices I design. That was my third time playing with the Nymphes synthesizer and I had to shoot a video to remember this moment :)
I only had a spare hour at the office, I connected Nymphes with a midi keyboard and straight to the audio interface. Firstly, I started recording the bass track, then the lead track and surprisingly, I left the drum for the end... '

N Y M P H E S is a 6-Voice Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer, condensed in a portable and compact box, without any compromise in the quality of the final instrument.
The result is stunning and ethereal …"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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