Showing posts with label Axoloti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Axoloti. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Before The Lights Go Out | Teenage Engineering OP-1 & Axoloti Core

Published on Apr 20, 2016 Heatseekerrr

"Created with an OP-1 and an Axoloti Core.

The Axoloti is being utilized as a stereo filter/FX processor. The Nanokontrol is controlling several parameters:
Knob 1 - LP resonance
Slider 1 - LP cutoff
Knob 2 - HP resonance
Slider 2 - HP cutoff
Slider 3 - LP/HP crossfade
Slider 4 - Bit crush crossfade"

Friday, March 25, 2016

the two troubadours #tribunal

Published on Mar 25, 2016 Matthew Tyas

"Improvised synth session using two axoloti boards in home made DIY enclosures. Featuring Mescalibur as guest star"

Sunday, February 21, 2016

New Music Thing Modular Axoloti Shift/Delay Test

Published on Feb 21, 2016 Tom Whitwell

A new module from Music Thing Modular based on Axoloti.

via Music Thing Modular

"Axoloti is a very nice €65 audio board from Belgium, the closest thing I’ve yet seen to an Audio Arduino; lots of easy analog ins and outs for pots and switches, enough power to do interesting audio, and a nice visual patching system. A bit like a Nord Modular for 2016.

I’ve put together a simple control surface for my Axoloti; pots, buttons, LEDs and a joystick.

The BOM and PCB files (with a link to OSHPark to buy the PCBs direct) is here on Github: Axoloti Control Board.
It is all CC-BY-SA licensed so feel free to make and sell boards, so long as you credit me (Tom Whitwell / Music Thing Modular) and share any changes/improvements you make to the design."

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Patch of patches | Drone d'AF Air à Bougue

Published on Jan 26, 2016 Matthew Tyas

"A modular dream with 3 DIY axoloti boxes communicating with each other. The sound is straight out of the last box in the chain (one goes into to the other). The only mastering processing used is a limiter. All sounds and effects created by axoloti ("

Drone d'AF Air à Bougue

Published on Jan 26, 2016

"Improvising with a DIY Axoloti Synth (, in the Landes (France)."

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Patch of patches

Published on Jan 13, 2016 Matthew Tyas

"A modular dream with 3 DIY axoloti boxes communicating with each other. The sound is strait out of the last box in the chain (one goes into to the other). The only mastering processing used is a limiter. All sounds and effects created by axoloti ("

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Axoloti SH-101 style sequencer

Published on Jan 5, 2016 chaosmoon

"A simple standalone midi sequencer inspired by the SH-101. The volum slider on the midi keyboard (hosted via USB by the Axoloti) puts the sequencer in record or playback mode. In record mode it memorizes notes input by the keyboard. Once put back into playback mode it will cycle through the notes, triggered by incoming midi notes; In this case a silent drum track on the Korg ER-1. The outgoing midi notes are sent to the Mutable Instruments Shruthi. I have a newer version of the sequencer in the pipeline with 8 memories. Eventually i'll make a version that can easily be combined with onboard synths made on the Axoloti."

New Axcore Experimental Hardware Synthesizer from Synth-Project in the Works

Mario from Synth-Project, known for his knob-laden custom hardware controllers for various software based synths, is working on a new stand alone synth, the Axcore Experimental Synthesizer. What makes this different, is the hardware will actually host the synth engine running Axoloti. This will be a stand alone synthesizer, not just a controller. No word if this will be a one-off production, like his other controllers.

This one in via MATRIXSYNTH reader, Electronic Battle.

via the Axoloti forums:


after playing around with the Axcore, I've made the decision to build a case/cabinet around it. I want my own standalone Synthesizer.

You can see the current state here, if you like. Also a Sound example.

Axcore Experimental Synthesizer

Best Mario from Synth-Project"

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Axoloti - volume change 7 sine oscillators

Published on Oct 7, 2015 António Machado

"midi cc from Doepfer to Axoloti Core; audio recorded from headphones out to R-09"

Sunday, September 06, 2015

axoloti in the woods #1

Published on Sep 6, 2015 Matthew Tyas

"A walk in the woods with my DIY axoloti box and an amp in my back pack, all making noise and sounds in the nature."

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Axoloti Noodles

Published on Aug 13, 2015 Mark Harris

"Noodling around with the Axoloti, a Madrona Labs Soundplane and an Eigenharp Alpha.

Im loving the Axoloti board , 60 Euro for so much power and flexibility.. programmed like a nord modular on the computer, and then upload the patch so it can run standalone (i.e. without computer). tiny board - you can just see it top right in soundplane part

Here I just grabbed it with some patches Ive made, and had some quick fun with my Soundplane and Eigenharp Alpha.

The Axoloti supports MPE (Midi Polyphonic Expression), so I can have individual notes with different timbres and pitch-bend, volumes

Madrona Labs Soundplane : using MPE , each note individual voice, which includes a LFO (the bouncing) that has a changeable rate per note. (the Y axis on the Soundplane, also used for filter)

Eigenharp Alpha : using MPE, again per note expression, but a more conventional synth voice, Y axis is used for filter/resonance. the strip controller on the Alpha is used to control distortion fx (on the Axoloti)

Axoloti: 2 patches, one for my Soundplane, other for alpha, loaded on the SDCard, and can be switched via midi (on my Alphas percussion keys).

Other: Valhalla Vintage Verb used for Ableton for post production reverb. ( I hope to use another Axoloti board for reverbs in the future)"

Friday, April 17, 2015

Axoloti XY: Cymatics demo

Published on Apr 17, 2015 Axoloti

Start with low volume on this one. Gorgeous 3D oscilloscope patterns.

"Lissajous curves on steroids. Unedited live capture, no sequencing, Axoloti Core and USB-MIDI controller, feeding into an analog oscilloscope (Philips PM3082) in XY mode. The soundtrack is exactly the oscilloscope feed."

Monday, January 05, 2015

Axoloti - New Hardware Synthesizer with Modular Software Seeks Funding on Indiegogo

Published on Dec 25, 2014 Axoloti

2. Axoloti basic synthesis tutorial

3. H2SO4 - "Step sequencer, oscillators, filter, distortion acid. Screencast and audio straight recorded from Axoloti, no post-production. The screaming sound and detuning are 100% intentional. It's not a track, just demo'ing some sonic power. No samples used."

4. The hoover sound - "3 PWM oscillators, notch filter, chorus FX. Played via MIDI from the LMMS sequencer."

5. Tybett - "Three 'Feedback Delay Network' resonators played by filtered pulses in a polyrhythmic pattern. No processing done outside Axoloti."

6. Amon is broke - "A beatslicer in Axoloti!"

"Axoloti is a platform that blends sketching of digital audio algorithms with the musical playability of standalone hardware.

The Axoloti Patcher offers a “patcher” environment similar to Max/MSP, Pure Data or Reaktor.

The patches run on a standalone powerful microcontroller board : Axoloti Core.

Look at some examples of what it is up to.

Optionally, it can connect to the Axoloti Control, which allows to navigate through patches and adjust parameters away from the computer.

It is still ongoing development, current source code is on GitHub.

Axoloti Control allows you to navigate through patches and adjust parameters away from the computer, without having to assign parameters to MIDI controllers.

It has a graphical monochrome LCD, navigation buttons, 4 endless encoders and 4-by-4 pushbuttons with LEDs.

It’s designed to enable interactions like controlling a 16-step sequencer, or as a 4-track arrangement controller, or adjusting 4 different values of one selected object like an ADSR envelope."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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