Showing posts with label La Voix Du Luthier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label La Voix Du Luthier. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
La Voix du Luthier and Haken Audio Superbooth 22 concert
video upload by La Voix Du Luthier
"This is an excerpt of Edmund Eagan and Christophe Duquesne concert (La Voix du Luthier and Haken Audio) at Superbooth 22 (@Superbooth Berlin )
The "busking" Onde set (Onde _ Continuumini) is used by Christophe Duquesne and allows a total freedom (the Onde is battery powered and also powers the ContinuuMini).
Edmund Eagan is using a Continuum Slim 70 and a Eurorack set including the Eagan Matrix module, connected to the new single body Pyramid from La Voix du luthier.
The recording was done on an iPhone and kindly shared by Antonio Machado (the audio is also from the iPhone and a bit noisy due the the environment, but also preserve the acoustic side of the performance)
The concert was mostly improvised. This is a 16 minute except of a 45 minutes performance."
Monday, April 04, 2022
Monday, February 08, 2021
Mellotron Micro & Strymon Pedals Into A La Voix du Luthier ONDE
video by John L Rice
"Trying out the ONDE acoustic resonator amplifier with the Mellotron Micro and Strymon DECO, DIG, and BigSky pedals.
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Explanation
2:15 Saxy Noodlin'
3:07 Flutey Tootin'
4:20 Vocally Warblin'
4:40 Fiddly Fiddlin'
6:17 Stringy Pluckin'
7:36 Amazingly Graceful (almost)
9:03 Licorice Stick Lickin'
9:33 Toccata And Fugue D Minus
10:10 The Endy Endin'
For more info on the gear used check out the manufacturers:
Mellotron Micro:
Strymon Engineering:
La Voix du Lutier:
As always, thank you for watching, rating, following, and commenting! 🥳
If you are able to, please consider "buying me a coffee" if you found this content helpful or entertaining:"
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Superbooth 2020 - Home Edition - LaVoixDuLuthier - Performances and Talk
Published on Apr 23, 2020 La Voix Du Luthier
"Performances and talk for Superbooth 2020 Home Edition"
EMS SYNTHI four minutes in.
Thursday, April 09, 2020
Synthi + Onde #2
Published on Apr 9, 2020 Jean-Baptiste Favory
"☆ Le Synthi AKS (EMS 1972) et le résonateur Onde (La voix du luthier 2019).
Enregistrement stéréo M.S du SYNTHI (les 3 oscillateurs sont accordés en intonation juste). Le résonateur ONDE donne plus de profondeur et de vie au son électronique...
Vidéo réalisée par Maya Favory.
☆ M.S stéréo recording of an E.M.S SYNTHI AKS (EMS 1972) , amplified by ONDE acoustic resonator (La voix du luthier 2019). There's 3 oscillators tuned in just intonation. The ONDE is giving more depth and life here…
A Maya Favory film."
Part 1 here
Update: and coincidentally, another Onde video today, this one featuring the Roland SH-3A from António Machado
Onde - SH-3A - Rode mic recordings
Published on Apr 9, 2020 António Machado
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Synthi EMS + Onde La voix du luthier #1
Published on Mar 29, 2020 Jean-Baptiste Favory
"☆ Le Synthi AKS (EMS 1972) et le résonateur Onde (La voix du luthier 2019).
Enregistrement stéréo du SYNTHI (j'ai programmé ici un son à la MOOG, avec 3 oscillateurs sévèrement filtrés). Le résonateur ONDE donne plus de profondeur et de vie au son électronique...
Vidéo réalisée par Maya Favory.
☆ M.S stéréo recording of an E.M.S SYNTHI AKS, amplified by ONDE acoustic resonator from LA VOIX DU LUTHIER. The sound is a 3 oscillators heavily filtered tone, close to a MOOG model D bass sound. The ONDE is giving more depth and life here…
A Maya Favory film."
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Onde and Easel - first audio test
Published on Dec 22, 2019 UncertainMusicCorps
"First audio test for the Onde and the Music Easel.
Using the Easel to generate a wide range of timbres and frequencies and comparing the sound of the Onde with that of the Easel recorded direct to camera.
The Onde is recorded using an AT 2050. No EQ is applied other than a 20Hz shelf. The Easel is also recorded flat with no external fx.
Note this is a first test. More experimentation with mic placement may give a different feel although the recording sounds like a fair representation of what I can hear live. More important is the need for me to experiment with other mounting systems. The supplied tripods are quite vulnerable to sympathetic resonance as is the flimsy table top it is standing on.
For purists, the soundtrack for this video is available for download as a 48Khz, 24bit wav file here"
The Onde is by La Voix du Luthier.
Friday, May 17, 2019
La Voix du Luthier Intros Unique Eurorack Case
Published on May 17, 2019 Synthtopia
"At Superbooth 2019, La Voix du Luthier introduced a new Eurorack case, designed to be used with their Onde resonator.
We talked with Christophe Duquesne, who told us about the case and explained how they're creating a system for new types of electronic acoustic performance."
Saturday, January 26, 2019
NAMM 2019 La Voix Du Luthiers
Published on Jan 26, 2019 sonicstate
Thursday, January 24, 2019
NAMM: La Voix du Luthier [Episode 110]
Published on Jan 24, 2019 CatSynth TV
"We check out a novel item at NAMM 2019. La Voix du Luthier is an acoustic instrument/sound board that can be used with electronic instruments.
La Voix du Luthier has designed two new speakers, without speaker cones. The Onde and Pyramid were unveiled at ContinuuCon 2018 – the Haken Continuum Fingerboard conference, at the prestigious IRCAM in Paris, and then presented at SuperBooth 2018. These self-powered speakers, designed in collaboration with Haken Audio, give the sound of a luthier’s expertise in acoustics to any electronic instruments and guitars.
For more NAMM 2019 coverage, please subscribe to this channel and visit"
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Kickstarter Video of La Voix du Luthier Edmond Egan of Haken Audio
Published on Nov 27, 2018 La Voix Du Luthier
"Intro video of La Voix du Luthier's Kickstarter campaign"
Also see the La Voix Du Luthier label below for more.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
ContinuuMini Performance
Published on Nov 17, 2018 HakenAudio
"A performance on the Haken Audio ContinuuMini connected to La Voix du Luthier's Onde resonator."
Monday, October 15, 2018
La Voix du Luthier ContinuuMini Performance
Published on Oct 15, 2018 La Voix Du Luthier
"A live performance on the ContinuuMini through the La Voix du Luthier Onde resonator. Stereo mic configuration to capture the sonic space created by the two separate lower and upper Onde soundboards."
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Superbooth 2018: Onde - a Gorgeous Wooden Speaker - Great For Instruments!
Published on May 9, 2018 sonicstate
"The guys from Haken were showing their new ContinuuMini and had both it and the regular Continuum through the new wooden 'Onde' speaker from La Voix Du Luthier - it sounded amazing!
Check out their Kickstarter."
La Voix Du Luthier,
New in 2018,
New Makers,
New Makers in 2018,
New Tools,
New Tools in 2018,
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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