MATRIXSYNTH: New Tools in 2018

Showing posts with label New Tools in 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Tools in 2018. Show all posts

Friday, December 21, 2018

UNCPROP FamilyTool – Modular Synthesizer Extension for Moog's DFAM, Mother-32 & More


"It will ship ready to play starting approximately July 2019. And here’s what it does:


6 A/B switches for up to six switchable routings
2 of which are OR-logic mixers
No external power source needed*
Passive MULT (1:4 or 2x1:2)
Patching fun with 24 I/Os

Fits eurorack modules up to 20hp and 35mm depth (e.g. Clouds and MATHS)
Perfectly fits DFAM/Mother-32 and
Is a great addition to any other semi-modular synth
For heavy users & beginners
StretchGoal: internal PSU
Then also works as a standalone eurorack case/effects unit
Handcrafted wooden panels (walnut)
*The MULT-OR-SWITCH module operates passively. To power other eurorack modules, we have planned an internal PSU (Power Supply Unit) as a stretch goal – please see below.
The FamilyTool will be assembled by hand in Munich, Germany."

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Announcing Quad Note Generator from Propellerhead

Published on Dec 4, 2018 Propellerhead

"Unexpected, unpredictable, unanticipated, unforeseen, from out of left field or out of the blue. Quad Note Generator is the Player device that creates an endless stream of musical ideas. Melodies you wouldn’t have thought of, rhythms not yet heard and music about to be written. Far beyond just random notes, Quad Note Generator will take your music and turn it upside down or turn the beat around. Slight variations or complete improv–it’s up to you.

Create melodies, rhythms and harmonies you wouldn’t have thought of with Quad Note Generator. This new Player Device from Propellerhead Software will help create bass lines, leads lines or other musical phrases to fit your music, based on scale and your preferences for rhythm and variation. It can generate melodies it its own or respond to your keyboard playing. Working with Quad Note Generator is a bit like having a co-writer along that says “what if we try this” when you create music.

You can use Quad Note Generator in several ways. Use it as your starting point to help you set off in a direction with your song. Or use it to spice up something you are already working on. If you like, you can record the Quad Note Generator performance into Reason’s main sequencer to for final editing.

With the freeze function, you can create phrases that are part repetitive and part improvisational in nature. What will Quad Note Generator add to your music?


Four separate note generators
Creates musical melodies and patterns
Control variations for note and rhythm
Use freeze function to capture perfect motifs
Record performances to Reason’s main sequencer
Comes with a variety of inspiring patches to get you started"

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Yamaha SY99 8MB Magic Memory Board from WohMart.COM

"WohMart.COM is proud to announce the Yamaha SY99 8MB Magic Memory Board (MMB) is now available!

This is an all-new designed-from-scratch 8 megabyte sample/MDR expansion board for the SY99. It installs under the bottom cover, and uses 2 of the connectors on the DM2 circuit board. It also needs 2 extra signals, taken from an IC on the board - so installation requires an intermediate level of technical skill (soldering to fine-pitch SMT ICs skills are necessary).

We will also be supplying upgrade EPROMs and CPUs if your SY99 needs them. Because blank CPUs are very hard to obtain, these do come at a premium price. If you already have v1.57 on your SY99, you only need our customised EPROM. Be sure to read the instructions on the order page carefully, and select the correct version when placing your order.

Full details, including installation instructions at the order page, [here]. The first batch (extremely limited quantities) will be shipping next month. Batch 2 will ship early next year."

Music HandyMan Toolbox by Ocean Swift

Published on Nov 8, 2018 Ocean Swift

"Music HandyMan Toolbox

A swiss army knife toolkit of useful features, musically relevant math functions and references for musicians, sound designers and audio developers

A Set of tools to use in any Project!
– Determine the time, frequency and samples in a measure at a given sample rate
– Quickly view the notes of a musical scale
– Get the frequency of a note in different tunings
– Generate tones
– View reference charts for MIDI CC numbers, frequency spectrum, loudness and compression.
– Store information about a musical project such as BPM, musical scale, tuning and additional user notes such as a project’s to-do list, information for remixers, credits, reminders or anything else.
– The project information includes the option to export to a text file, to include easily accessible information within a project’s folder.

Load it in your favorite DAW as a VST plugin or instrument or use the included
standalone version

This tool is useful for everyone working in Music & Audio:
Solo Producer or Musicians: Takes notes of what you are working and whats left todo! All that is left is to mix the bass and guitar better? Write it down in our notepad so you wont forget anything! Specially helpful for older projects you haven’t opened in months or even years – a quick set of notes will set you on track so much quicker

Solo Producer or Musicians Starting a new project: Starting a new track? Quickly check the musical scale and note you want to use, determine bpm and other relevant information that you can save for later

Useful for Bands: Quickly Pass Notes between your band members – you can quickly export and save these notes as .txt files and share with your members!

Audio Designers: Our Music Calculator, Note to Frequency and relevant math functions can be very helpful if you are working on sound-design! and like stated above you should also use notes to write information about a specific project"

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Kenton Pro Solo Mk3 — SynthFest 2018

Published on Nov 6, 2018 Sound On Sound magazine

"Modular synths are everywhere and with the popularity of the Eurorack format, they largely exist as part of a single, unified ecosystem. However, if you want to control your modular synth rig from a more traditional piece of MIDI gear, then you have a problem as Eurorack modules are generally controlled by control voltage (CV). SOS Reviews Editor Matt Houghton took a brief look at the new Kenton Pro Solo Mk3 at the recent SynthFest UK — an update to a well-loved problem-solving device.

Kenton have made a name for themselves as purveyors of useful boxes (converters, splitters etc.) for synth users and their Pro Solo Mk3 is featured accordingly. It keeps all the features of the Mk2 which Gordon Reid reviewed way back in 2006, including MIDI Thru, 16-bit D-A conversion for solid pitch performance and couple of AUX outputs for controlling parameters such as VCF, PWM or VCAs from an external controller.

The Mk3 provides three AUX outputs, each available on its own 3.5mm jack, giving you even greater control over different elements of your pre-MIDI or modular set up.

It’s set to be available very soon with a UK price tags of £158.40."

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

TSL studio equipment boutique Analog Gate Sequencer for synth , guitar

Published on Oct 24, 2018 TSL Studio Equipment

"Analog Gate Sequencer by TSL Studio Equipment
8 Ch Sequencer with LFO and AR Filter (Attack and Release)
- True Bypass Switch
- Tempo Knob
100% Handmade point to point designed it by George Tsomokos for TSL Studio Equipment"

Monday, October 08, 2018

Synthfest 2018: iConnectivity Shows Network MIDI Integration

Published on Oct 8, 2018 sonicstate

"iConnectivity have been offering this as part of their MIDI interfaces since the iConnectivity 4+, at least on a basic level. But now they've written it into their own software, and added GUI to it via their recently redesigned iConfig control panel."

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

you might need this for your synthesizer setup

Published on Sep 19, 2018

"I just got a new cool gadget to use with your synthesizer and midi controllers/keyboards. Check it out here:

BE AWESOME and become a Patron:

There are obviously alternatives to this product: HobbyTronics MIDI HOST, iConnect Mio 10, Bomebox, and many many DIY solutions in the description of this video I have many more suggestions" [below]

"MuMidi HubLink provides a means for Musicians to connect USB-MIDI devices together. Typically, this might be a sound generator device (such as a synth) and a controller, such as a keyboard or similar. Its rugged yet stylish design makes it suitable for desktop, studio and stage use.

By also providing power over USB to bus-powered USB-MIDI Devices, MuMidi HubLink can remove the need for copious power connections in a MIDI setup."

USB MIDI INTERFACE vs MIDI USB HOST – What is the difference? A Beginner Friendly Overview

Published on Sep 21, 2017

"My video where I recommended a midi usb host for your dawless setup got a few confused comments so I thought I would try and explain the difference between a usb midi interface and a midi usb host. While it is a very basic topic I felt that some of you might enjoy hearing about it. USEFUL LINKS DOWN BELOW!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Knobcon 2018: The Missing Link - Clock Generator With Ableton Link

Published on Sep 12, 2018 sonicstate

Not to be confused with the original The Missing Link from Hans Lindaur's wifimidi.

"The Circuit Happy Missing Link is a clock generator with Ableton Link integration. Devices can be used to synth multiple devices over Wifi, and outputs a number of different clock type and resolution."

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Ploytec ONE.2 MIDI Clock Tap Tempo Pedal

Published on Sep 5, 2018 Ploytec

"This USB powered MIDI Clock Pedal with 140cm cables can sync your sequencer, arpeggiator or synthesizer workstation via MIDI to your band. It's much more ergonomic compared to its predecessor, the 34oneII."

Monday, August 13, 2018

SynthArk Hardware Synth Programmers

SynthArk currently has controllers for the Roland Alpha Juno line (Juno-1, Juno-2, MKS-50), the Emu Proteus line (Proteus 1-3, MPS), DW line (DW-6000, DW-8000), and DSS1, and the Yamaha DX11 and TX81z.

via SynthArk:

"We are currently designing MIDI SysEx programmers for various vintage synthesizers. The programmer panels are designed to work with Eurorack cases and our custom MIDI controllers. Programmer panels ship in a slanted acrylic case, unless specified otherwise. 3U rack frames are also available."

Sbranvlztronics Arduino Clock Divider Logic Thing preview

Published on Aug 13, 2018 Sbranvlztronics

"First test of the Arduino Clock Divider Logic Thing module. The thing is driving a Roland SC55 via MIDI (drums and slap bass), and the ADSRs of two analog synth voices (VCO VCF VCA ADSR) on the Matrix II Analog Synth. Pitches for the analog synth are derived from the CV Quantizer (to the right in the video). The drum kit pieces are controlled by the 8 logic outputs from the Arduino Clock Divider Logic Thing."

Sunday, August 12, 2018

New Kiwitechnics Kiwi-1000 Upgrade for the Oberheim Matrix-1000

Kiwitechnics, makers of the Kiwi upgrades for the Roland JX-3P, JX-8P, Juno-106, and KORG Polyix, have a new DIY upgrade available for the Oberheim Matrix-1000. The cost is $295 plus shipping.

Details via Kiwitechnics:

This is an upgrade for the Oberheim M1000 rack mount synth module. This will transform the M1000 from a difficult to edit preset module with a poor midi interface into a full featured synth with some excellent features. The M1000 synth hardware is based on the CEM3396 ‘synth on a chip’ and this gives the synth a versatile set of features including multiple combined and editable waveforms on each DCO as well as PWM and VCF FM controls but will still retain the Oberheim ‘sound’. The upgrade will also replace the on board DCO master clock. The M1000 clock is a single fixed master clock that both DCOs use and this limits the range possible to about 6 octaves. The K1000 upgrade will replace the single master clock with separate clocks sources and each of these will have a range of 64’-2’. This is pushing the CEM chip to it’s limits but we feel the results are worth the effort.

The Oberheim M1000 has been hamstrung with most of the patches that cannot be edited, poor midi and a difficult patch format making editing and sound creating a challenge. We are using the experience gained with our other upgrades to redesign the M1000 to be a fully fledged synth with all the usual Kiwi features. This is not a M1000 with the midi fixed it is a completely new synth. We are incorporating Oberheim tone imports but because the tone layouts are so different the conversion is not going to produce exact matches. We are also putting in imports for the K106 & K8P products and well as Roland JX8P and JX-10/MKS-70 (Tones only) which will provide a big tone library from the web to use as a starting point.

The upgrade comes with a front panel label that will fit over the existing buttons and LEDs.

The Kiwi-1000 Upgrade features:

Thursday, August 09, 2018


Published on Aug 8, 2018 Michael Rucci

via RUCCI Handmade Electronics

"This is a 16-step sequencer that outputs control voltage from 0 to 5 volts. This is used to manipulate other equipment that utilizes incoming CV.

In addition to being able to select the number of steps (2 to 16) there are other modes and patterns…

16 Steps forward followed by 16 in reverse
8 blocks of 2 steps repeated 16 times
4 blocks of 4 steps repeated 4 times
2 blocks of 8 steps repeated 8 times
Dual overlapping 8-Step Sequences
Holding 3 beats on steps 1, 5, 9 and 13
2 steps forward, 1 step back
Random Mode
Modes are selectable via a mode control knob. You have control over the speed and 16 sliders to set the voltage of each step. There is a switch to start/stop the sequence and a button to manual step through when stopped.

All jacks are 1/8″ (3.5mm). The CV output is separated from the sync jacks. It has a sync input and two sync outputs, one that outputs a 5V clock pulse for each step and one that outputs a pulse only at step one. This allows multiple units to sync up either step for step or overlapping. Sync in is closest to the DC input, in the middle is the sync out, and closest to the CV output jack is the sync out with one pulse at step one.

It is housed in an extremely tough, raw aluminum case. It is powered by an included 9V battery or any 9V center-negative DC adapter.

Shipping to the US is a flat $10, everywhere else is $22 for the first item and $8 for each additional item.

Ships next day."

Thursday, August 02, 2018

HOT TIP - AC Tester from myVolts

A cool and simple AC tester for your gear via myVolts. It also has a polarity tester that lights up BLUE for centre positive polarity, and RED for centre negative polarity. Click through for details.

Also, myVolts Caroline Swords was featured in the latest Korg MicroKAST podcast chatting about it and upcoming projects. You can check it out below.

"I was a guest on the latest Korg MicroKAST podcast chatting about it, Ripcord (I know its been a while, but it's gonna be soon, and its gonna be great), and some other stuff we're developing - a cheap little passive mixer with noise filtering called the mickXer (that we decided to develop from chatting with Gaz Williams from Sonic State), and a few other bits."

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Valpower MIDI-DCB interface for Roland Juno-60 review and demo

Published on Jul 21, 2018 SynthMania

"A new 'plug & play' MIDI-to-DCB interface for the Roland Juno-60
You can get this at
0:00 Introduction
1:23 Installation
2:08 DX7 + Juno-60 layer
3:58 Sequencing from Korg Monologue
6:53 Sequencing from DAW (Cubase) - Chopin prelude
8:44 Conclusion"

"Important: Current version its unidirectional, meaning you can send midi to JUNO, but not use juno as a midi keyboard. This functionality might be added in the future."

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

NEW Roland GoMixer PRO - A good solution for synthesizer jam videos!

Published on Jul 17, 2018 BoBeats

"This is a review of Roland GoMixer PRO. Check out Skillshare here and get 2 months free:"


via Roland

"Use Pro-Quality Sound to Get More Followers, More Views, and Higher Engagement

Whether you’re a musician, podcaster or live streamer, high-quality audio can make or break your productions. And although your smartphone’s built-in microphones are fine for everyday use, to impress your listeners you’ll need superior quality and more control over your audio. Roland’s GO:MIXER PRO is the easiest way for content creators to connect and mix up to nine audio inputs, including pro-quality powered microphones, guitar/bass and line-level gear. Just plug in, set the volume levels and go; the resulting stereo audio output is sent straight to your smartphone, ready for uploading and sharing. And if you’d like to make your videos stand out, GO:MIXER PRO works with Roland’s unique smartphone apps including 4XCAMERA or Virtual Stage Camera. GO:MIXER PRO is the ideal solution for adding professional sound to your social media videos or live streaming, helping you get more followers, more views, and higher engagement.

Great Music Is Built On Great Sound

If you’ve ever been disappointed with the audio when recording your own music, GO:MIXER PRO delivers an ultra-clean stereo signal without the background noise that can ruin a performance. If you play music with others, you can simultaneously capture three different instruments through dedicated inputs, for example keyboards, guitar/bass and vocals, and adjust their volume levels—perfect for recording demos or rehearsals.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

New Analogue Solutions Generator - CV & Gage Sequence Generator

via liquid sky berlin:

listprice 679 €
available in around 2 months

the info from AS says:

What is it!?

Generator is a highly versatile multi channel analogue step sequencer. It provides a fun and intuitive, yet powerful way to create rhythms and melodies with your modular and CV sequencers.

Why do I need this Sequencer? What’s so special?

Generator is a very compact and high quality step sequencer. It’s USP is that is is a playable sequencer. You don’t just set up a sequencer and leave it looping. The UI is designed in such a way as to make it easy, fun and intuitive to alter the rhythm and to get alternative sequences playing using the real time touch pads.

Generator has plenty of scope for re-patching the signals using CV leads, or via the pre-configured switches.

Generator is super easy to hook up to your analogue synthesisers, Eurorack, and other analogue gear.

Sync to DAW is very easy and solid, using MIDI note 60 (on channel 1). Play that note and the sequencer will step.

No menus of multi-button pressed. WYSIWYG front panel control.

Generator can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be

We have given this sequencer a large and diverse number of controls, that along side the patch sockets, will give even the best and experienced electronic musician endless possibilities.

We have presented the controls in a user friendly and familiar sequencer layout that, together with this manual and other resources, enable even the new guy to get great patterns quickly.

No compromise has been made with the construction of Generator. Cheaper parts have not been used!

Full rugged steel/aluminium case - no plastic mouldings
Good quality smooth, fully sealed against dust
Good quality knobs
Gold plated touch pads
Analogue step voltages
Full 16 steps, 3 CV channels, Gate channel
Designed, built, tested and assembled in the UK
6 part Voltage Generator
So many sockets!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Introducing the MIDI to CV Converter (MBHP-CV) and a quick repair

Published on Jun 23, 2018 Sbranvlztronics

"The MIDIbox CV can convert MIDI messages to 8 CV and 8 Gate outputs. I added a monophonic analog synthesizer (VCO, VCF, VCA and VCADSR) to the MIDIbox so it can be used stand alone or controlling external analog modules.
I was having trouble with the menu navigation switches, so I replaced them and made this video showing the internals of the MBHP-CV.
A future video will show it at work.

For information about the MBHP (MIDIbox Hardware Platform, by Thorsten Klose) visit:

Thanks for watching."

Thursday, June 21, 2018

custom digital LFO/2*ADSR with midi

Published on Jun 21, 2018 Alexey Taber

test custom dig adsr/lfo with Roland System 100m

Published on Jun 21, 2018 Alexey Taber

Alexey Taber brought us the Polivoks clone with Alex Pleninger. See the Alexey Taber label below for more of his work.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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