Showing posts with label six4pix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label six4pix. Show all posts

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Synthfest UK 2024

video upload by LEK Productions

"Synthfest, 5th October, 2024

Le Strum:
LXR Drum Machine:
Antonus 2600:
Resonance Studios: [w/ The Pool by Baloran]
Solid State Logic:
Sweet Discrete:
DPW Design:

Music by Infinite Motion:"

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Fresh Coffee with Oberheim OB-6, Strymon Volante & Six4Pix NoodleBox

video by While We Were Sleeping

"I recently got a Sequential Oberheim OB-6. The OB-6 just sounds wonderful and puts me in a euphoric and relaxation state of mind.
On our first weekend together I thought Ill introduce The OB-6 to my other two current favourites the Strymon Volante tape delay and the Six4Pix NoodleBox Serendipity Sequencer.
So I Noodled a few sequences made a fresh cope of coffee using hand-ground Beans and let that sweet Oberheim sound float through the Volante.
So here it is mixed with the sound of the Brighton sea and a pinch of seagulls.

Background Video and sounds are shout next to Brighton pier and just in time for that day starling murmuration.

Hope you enjoy

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Strymon Volante with synth - Chapter 3: Vermona PERfourMER mkii - A 4 notes weekend

Published on Apr 23, 2020 While We Were Sleeping

0:00 - Intro: Does it sound better with or without the Volante?
0:55 - Jam 1: Loving this patch
8:11- Jam 2: can't stop playing this patch
15:16 Jam 3: Going abstract

This is the 3rd chapter of my Strymon Volante with mostly synth series and like the Microfreak before it, this one will be covered in two consecutive videos.

In this two part I have pared the Volante with my Vermona PERfourMER mkii. The PERfourMER is a four part/oscillators analog synth that is flexible and creative and I have deep love for it.

I have kept the Microfreak for this video as a MIDI controller as I really enjoy playing on it. the Microfreak is controlling the PERfourMER Oscillator 4.

I am also using noodlebox prototype by six4pix for CV control of Oscillators 1 to 3. The noodlebox is currently on indiegogo and will have about a day left until the end of the campaign when this video comes out. In my opinion the noodlebox is an inspiring sequencer and looks super cool. if you want to know more search for "Noodlebox - A Serendipity Sequencer" on or go to

The backroud to this video is:
I was planning on coming up with a complex patch on the noodlebox but made the mistake of turning the Volante on after entering only 4 notes and I thought it sounded so good that I couldn't stop jamming over it all weekend long.
So the first of this two parter will be a selection of 2 long jams and a short one at the end. For the second part I have a large number of shorter patches/jams to go through that are more diverse.
I also have chapter 5 recorded and it is a special one and uses the loophole introduced by the "mostly synth" part of the series name.

Would love to get some feedback and would love to know what you like in this and other strymon Volante videos and if you use the Volante with mostly synth let me know how you are getting on with the pedal.

Some tech stuff:
Audio and video recorded live into iPhone 11 using Zoom U-24 audio interface

Audio from strymon into Mackie 1202-VLZ3 mixer and then into the U-24. any other pedals will be shown in the patch description.

No other processing except level normalisation

Video effects using iPhone.
Edited in iMovie

All video, photography & music by While We Were Sleeping"

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Noodlebox Serendipity Seeks Funding on Indiegogo

Published on Apr 2, 2020 Jason Hotchkiss

"We have today launched an Indiegogo campaign to take pre-orders for our Noodlebox Serendipity Sequencer

Noodlebox is a four part analog and MIDI sequencer stuffed with features for live jamming and improvisation. It has been a long time in the making - perhaps you saw the prototype at Superbooth 2019 or one of the other shows it visited early last year... well now we are finally at a point where we can start take pre-orders and move forward with production of the first batch.

The production units are finished to a higher standard than the prototype, with wood and extruded aluminium construction, but they share the same clear LED matrix display and fun workflow. Take a look at our Indiegogo campaign and see what you think.

Thank you for your interest in our products. We hope that you are all staying safe in these odd times."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

noodlebox serendipity sequencer prototype by six4pix

Published on Oct 24, 2019 While We Were Sleeping

00:00 - noodlebox on
00:05 - Fist noodle - My first go on the noodlebox. part of an Instagram live video.
02:39 - Two Layers - An example of one layer modifying another (details below)
03:12 - In the six4pix studio - Jason showing me around the noodlebox. You will be joining us mid-conversation and It's just to give an idea, not a tutorial.

noodlebox Details:
My good friend Jason gave me a noodlebox prototype so I can help test it :)

In the video, I have the noodlebox MIDI synced to my MPC Live and sends CV and Gate to control a bassline on my eurorack.

The software for the noodlebox is at an early stage and features and functionality can change.

noodlebox Layers:
The noodlebox is a 4 layers sequencer where layers can be though of as tracks. each has an individual midi channel and CV/Gate. Layers can be used to modify each other (Like transpose example at 2:39). Layers can have their own signatures and length. You can drag the start to end points in both directions to create a loop of varies length and directions.

noodlebox pages:
Each layer can also have 4 pages (versions) that can be stringed together at any order and number of repeats (like a song mode)

All this and other features can be used to noodle together vary complex and long patterns.

More Videos details
in the two layers examples 02:39 we use 2 layers each with a 4 note pattern.
The first playing a simple 4 note pattern.
The second also 4 notes long but at a slow clock division, transposing the first layer.
We are using the trigger of the first layer to trigger the VCA envelope and the transposed CV from the second layer to control the pitch.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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