Tuesday, June 05, 2012

MMTA SUMMER SYNTHFEST 2012 - Mr. AcidMachine

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jun 4, 2012

Prototype Dr.DrumSet drum machine by Mr.AcidMachine. It's based on the Roland TR-808 and TR-606. It sounds really nice. One cool featured that he showed me later and unfortunately I did not capture on video was the ability to tunes the metal oscillators for the cymbal, hihats, and cowbell at the same time with just one knob. You can get some really cool effects going while the rhythm is playing. Note the distorted synth sounds at :37 are coming from Vidgod which I pan to for a sec.

Update: above I initially stated that you could tune all sounds with one knob. That was my mistake. The knob tunes the metal oscillators for the cymbal, hihats, and cowbell at the same time. It makes for a really cool effect.

MMTA SUMMER SYNTHFEST 2012 - Hans Lindaur - The Missing Link

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jun 4, 2012

This is a follow-up to my twelve minute walkthrough, but only two minutes, and it starts with Hans Lindaur of (aka Jabrudian Industries LLC), makers of The Missing Link wireless OSC to MIDI device. You can find more info on the device at wifimidi. In short you can connect your iOS device to it wirelessly and use it to transmit OSC or OSC to MIDI messages to your external gear. Many of my iPad editors for TouchOSC are mapped to The Missing Link for wireless control. You'll find other templates on their site.

In the video you'll also see the rare Technosaurus Effexon effects unit, Microcon synth, and two Cyclodon sequencers. To the right you will see a custom break-0ut box Hans built for the units. The video moves on to Larry Kleinke aka Computer Controlled's table and back around to Vidgod aka Gary Bauder and the Cosmic Tumblers.


YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jun 4, 2012 Update: updated the gear featured:

Just a brief flyover of John L Rice's monster modular system. The 5U system features Modcan, Moon Modular (aka The Lunar Experience), STG,, COTK, a Cynthia Zeroscillator, Synthesis Technology aka MOTM, Happy Nerding – Super Sawtor, Oakley/Krisp1 – Croglin VCF, and MegaOhm - CdS VCF/A. You can also see a Sequentix Cirklon and a Novation Supernova racked. The video also features his eurorack system including Modcan – Touch Sequencer, Synth Tech – (all available!) 340, 350, 560, 580, Malekko/Wiard – NoiseRing, Circuit Abbey – Unify, TipTop – frames, uZeus, drum modules etc.

Remember to see the MMTA SYNTHFEST 2012 label for more.

Update: Grooveshark link removed. Click here for an article on them by Cinch Solutions.

L-1 Quad VCA

via Aleksei Laman on Eurorack Synthesizers Facebook

TRASH_AUDIO Synth Event 12


"We will constantly update this page as manufacturers and artists confirm. Tickets will be available in the following weeks.

TRASH_AUDIO is hosting Synth Event 12 at the Empty Bottle in Chicago, IL on Sunday July 29th 2012. We’ll have a Synth Market with manufacturers during the day where they will be offering their wares at special prices, and later in the evening we’ll have modular performances.

Alessandro Cortini
Richard Devine
Lichens (Rob Lowe)
Keith Fullerton Whitman

Synth Market Manufacturers
The Harvestman
Make Noise
STG Soundlabs
Tip Top Audio

Tickets – On Sale Soon…
$25 – Day Pass
$15 – Performances
$15 – Synth Market

- Facebook Event"

::vtol:: smuta synth - dual BBD madness

::vtol:: smuta synth from ::vtol:: on Vimeo.

based on circuit bent behringer BUF300 and UC200

Innerclock Systems Sync-Gen IILS: Serial # 001 Ships

via chrisso on Muff's

"I just received my IILS module from Innerclock.
I don't have any Cwejman, but IILS build quality is beyond Cyclebox II standard.
Design/looks are like MN Rene on steroids. Puts me in mind of H R Giger's Alien meets sophisticated technical drawing.
Packaging is luxurious.
But the main thing is, you install it in your rack, launch the included software, and it works first time.
I'm syncing a Buchla format Eardrill Morphun to Ableton."

via the Innerclock blog

Kebu - Blade Runner/Day One (Live @ Dynamo, Turku, 5.5.2012)

YouTube Published on Jun 5, 2012 by kebunator

"This medley started up the Kebu concert at Dynamo-klubi:
- Vangelis: Blade runner (main titles)
- Kebu: Day one

The song is performed using only analog synthesizers, either played live or sequenced. Equipment used in this song: Arp Odyssey Mk II, Korg Micro-preset M500, Korg PE-2000, Korg Polysix, Roland Alpha Juno, Roland Juno 60, Touched-by-sound DRM1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Yamaha RM1x (only for MIDI sequencing), Behringer DDX3216, Lexicon MPX500, as well as a midi patchbay and additional preamps for my mixer."

NED Synclavier - Exemples FM

YouTube Published on Jun 5, 2012 by jbfairlight

"Exemples de sons de Synclavier II, merci a Eric pour sa coopération !"

Sound Lab Mark II Driven By Sequencer

YouTube Published on Jun 5, 2012 by theraywilsonshow

"Hi All, Ray Wilson of Music From Outer Space here. I set the sequencer controls for the heart of the sun... Just kidding but I did set it for a sequence you're probably very familiar with (E-G-A-G-D-C-D-E). In any case I had been asked to put up a video demoing the Sound Lab Mark II actually making sound instead of just me droning on about it so this is straight from the Sound Lab Mark II. It's a little long perhaps even boring at times but it goes through a number of timbres and effects that the Sound Lab Mark II can make. It's a great project and a really nice little synthesizer. The Sound Lab Mark II Project can be found here:

The surgeon general has determined that listening to this demo will NOT make your arms as hairy as mine are. Yes, I know my arms are hairy... I didn't ask for it they just came this way. I'm OK with it. They seem to work fine."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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