MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Baghead

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Baghead. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Baghead. Sort by date Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Two Buchla Music Easel Arps by Baghead

"Two tracks arping the Buchla Easel. Arp 6 is using KIRNU CREAM arpeggiator VST and a DrumStaion

Arp 7 is a bass line loop from the Easel overlaid with the Easel own arpeggiator

Nothin serious, just fun"

Friday, February 03, 2023

Buchla LEM218 V3

This one in via brian comnes aka baghead.

Description via Buchla. See the dealers on the right for availability.

"The third iteration of one of the most used touch interfaces, the 218, as the LEM218v3: The 218e version3 Lunar Excursion Module. The first design appeared in the 1973 release of the Buchla Music Easel and named for the spacecraft that delivered astronauts to the moon. Providing the familiar piano key layout for this early mobile music machine, the additional controls and capabilities were an interface for exploring uncharted musical territory. With the new version 3, it’s been updated with a new foundation of stable, modern electronics and plenty of inputs and outputs to integrate with your Buchla, MIDI, and Eurorack gear.

MIDI Polyphony, Velocity & More!
More than just MIDI compatible, the LEM 218 v3 gives you a unique interface to playing your existing MIDI gear and soft synths. Each touch outputs note name, channel pressure, and velocity for every note, along with sustain controls from a pedal. Polyphonic MIDI mode lets you play chords. The touchstrip can act as a pitch bend control, or as a mod wheel for additional expressive control. Easily configured using the front panel controls, you can send notes and controls on any MIDI channel. Send the LEM some MIDI, and it gets converted to voltages and gates for eurorack and Buchla control.

Capacitive Magic
The incredible sensitivity and accuracy of the redesigned touch bed means the lightest touch will produce triggers and control voltage for your setup. The adjustable sensor has the dynamic range and durability to handle your playing. The new texture not only improves the sensing, but provides a satisfying tactile experience. As always, pressure is an expressive output, adding an extra dimension to the control. MIDI outputs velocity and polyphony, as well as channel pressure, making the LEM218 a uniquely expressive controller for all your synthesizers. The configurable touchstrip adds a fantastic addition for pitch bend or as an additional modulator to patch into your system

Get More For Your Euro
Even if you don’t have any Buchla products, the LEM 218 v3 is designed to work with your Eurorack-compatible gear. Four 3.5mm jacks output 1v/octave pitch, 0-8 volts pressure, touchstrip voltage, and gate outputs for use with Eurorack equipment. Or, combine your Euro with your Buchla instruments. If NATO can do it, so can you. The sound design possibilities will blow your mind

A pulse input allows the arpeggiator to be driven by external inputs and are allowed to interact with the automated notes to make the pattern more complex. Additional controls allow you to blend different patterns and randomness to easily change from the expected to the surprising

The classic preset voltage knobs offer several possible ways to shift your sounds into new territory. Not only can the knobs be used for quick access to voltages for your patch, they can control arpeggiation modes and octave shifting. Pads output pulses for additional control

Set It Up Your Way
Such a unique device will spark many ideas. With easy front panel configuration, you can quickly customize the velocity and pressure sensitivity, MIDI channel, knob behavior, and more. No cumbersome software setups, just simple settings with the keys and knobs, and you’re ready to play."

Saturday, December 27, 2008


via Baghead's sounds channel
"5 Puremagnetik Modular Pattern clips tweeked with the ususal Audio Damage Tools most interesting is the lack of a drum track, yet it still had percussive qualities"

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Biscuit presets

Biscuit presets by Baghead
"Mopho synth through 16 OTO Biscuit presets as a test - sequenced by SugarBytes Thesys pushing notes to Mopho and CC controllers for filter frequency and resonance to Biscuit

Starts clean then 16 presets then back to clean - enjoy!!!"

Sunday, February 14, 2021


I always wonder what will come in for Valentine's day. Here you go. :)

"Benjolins rock, this one modulated by a MoogCP251 voltage controller passes thru an Instruo Athro wave folder, then on to a MF107 Moog FreqBox and then off into an H9 Blackhole Cigaroo preset. Turn up the bass!!!"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wub me wub me never let me go

Wub me wub me never let me go by Baghead What your volume levels at 11 seconds and 2:32 (high resonance) "this is a remix of STG's homage to Eric Barbour - but run through an Assblaster to give it a yellower sound - enjoy!!!!!!" The original [previously posted here]: "this started out as a demo of sequencer summing and the quantiser but turned into a track honouring the vacuum tube synthesisers made by the American company Metasonix, which were not used to make this piece, and their colourful inventor Eric Barbour. instruments: STG Soundlabs/ modular, Juno-60, Eventide H3000SE, Korg ESX-1 with Oberheim DX samples and onboard reverb."

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Night On The Plains

"Easel first minute, then spectraphon second minute then both fade out on spectraphon
both thru HP resonator patches"

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Planks by Baghead

"Easel in to Adrenalinn III pedal and a good dollop of spring reverb"

Saturday, November 29, 2008


via Baghead's sounds channel

"This is good example of Noatikl software driving 4 soft synth instances with some ER-1 drums, I never touched the keyboard, just sat back and let the robot do it...

There are 2 instances of TrackTeam Audio's Aetherwave (presets too, I was lazy) and 2 of SonicCharge Synplant...sorry of for that Kenny G like sax lead , and that big steamboat whistle oh well, got to work on my synplant patches I guess

Also between 1:57 and 2:51 it gets a little put of hand drum wise"

See this post for more info on Noatikl. In short: Noatikl (or noatikl) is a powerful yet easy to use generative music tool that will help you generate new musical ideas.

It uses techniques developed over the last 17 years through our work on the award-winning Koan generative music system, techniques now used in the all-new and superior 'Noatikl'... Many years ago, Brian Eno popularised the term "generative music" to describe music that is ever-different and changing, and that is created by a system."

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


"starts with Novation Drumstation into spring reverb, adds some Track Team Aetherweave for ambiance, then the mopho shows up , at the 1 minute mark the t-resonator is turned on and the LFO in that starts to do its work, hence the volume ups and downs on the mopho then I twist t-resonator knobs, which is the source of the squelches, near barks, etc. the t-resonator is really touchy and goes crappy way too fast unless you move knobs real slow and very little at a time, at the 3 minute mark, the T-res is turned off and its fade out time"
a note from baghead on this:
"this turned out tamer than I expected, I thought the mopho and the t-resonator might get a ltlle more edgy ...maybe its the drums ...borders on boring ....... sigh ....but its late and its what will happen for tonight ....everything is one take at this house"
If you don't like the piece, focus on the sounds. You can really hear the drumstation on this one. I like it.

Sunday, January 29, 2023



Monday, January 07, 2008


"DSI Evolver, Korg ER1, Kjaerhus Spectra softsynth , OB3 , sequenced in Live 7"
via Baghead

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Whiskey Cake by Baghead

"One pass recording with one easel channel into a Roger Linn Adrenalinn III pedal (sequenced filters) , H9 for Reverb"

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lentils by Baghead

"A simple track with the objective of getting space in the mix

It's all Easel with some H9 effects (delay and verb) sequenced by K-Teck Adlais4 a Max4Live plug with randomness added to that with another M4L plug 3xSEQ"

Monday, April 18, 2011


"psyBOX is a space-atmospheric soundscape generator - made to produce sounds, which can be used to create ambient and space- music.This particular tool can be called "pilotless". When you press "Start" button, you will plunge into the boundless world of the drifting waves woven in amazing sound textures. Depths of the outer space and the touch of the strange worlds, earth and heaven, dark and light sides of the existence – all these are the shades of the sound palette of the psyBOX. The processes inside that instrument live and develop independently creating all those landscapes. I recommend psyBOX as a source for inspiration when you need new ideas.

psyBOX uses the samples as a source of spectra splitting them into multiple grains-micro waves and combining them in clusters. Those clusters are formed randomly and they flow from one into another forming infinite drifting morphing. The two-layer scheme allows to expand tool possibilities making the sound more condensed and multilayered, adding more volume to the panorama. You can familiarise yourself with the possibilities of psyBOX by listening to sound examples or by loading the demo version which is accessible here." You can find samples here.

The following is a demo via brian comnes:

Psyb 3 by Baghead

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 2015 WTPA2 / Where's The Party At v2 LoFi 8 Bit Sampler

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Note this is brian comnes aka baghead's WTPA2. You can see a few demos he made of it in this post from 2015.

"WTPA2 (short for Where’s The Party At v2) is a LoFi 8 bit sampler

WTPA2 is a precise and weird 8-bit audio sampler kit – hackable & open sourced – which does some stuff that no other samplers out there do.

Beside basic sampler functions like: recording, overdub, start/end/duration editing, backward/timestretch playback it has some more advanced functions like bitrate depth, realtime feedback looping, granularity settings, output sum mode (which lets you combine both of the sample banks in any way you want).

Samples can be saved and loaded from a micro-SD card or, if live sampling is used, into it’s 512k memory.

It has separate analog clocks for the two SRAM sample banks, allowing live samples to be pitched independently. Also, up to three independent voices can be played at a time and each can be controlled by seperate MIDI channels.

The sampler also has a CV-in that can make it play along with your modular or the like.

The video link is this unit in use.

This was built by me from a kit, it works great. Will include all documentation sent with kit - (emailed to you after purchase)

Because it is used electronics the only warranty is that it will not arrive DOA"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Houndstooth - something moody for a change

Houndstooth - something moody for a change by Baghead
Mouse over the markers in the player for notes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Funkin Yellow

via brian c "OK a Metasonix tm3 oscillator pitched by jkj cv/midi then into Metasonix TM6 filter and then it gets envelope from Paia ADSR the output goes to Metasonix Tx1 Agonizer SE ....I added a funk drum beat from Novation DrumStation (808/909) a little CV help from a Moog cp251 too this is not a pretty piece but it does show that TM3 can be pitched and enveloped, not just a drone"

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Random Lights by Baghead

"Four S&H sources and the Benjolin cross connected to the Schlappi ANgle Grinder. A bit rough in spots but now you know how they interact."

via brian comnes:

"This is the simply a Benjolin feeding into a Schlappi Angle Grinder with 4 random S&H cvs

Also the H9 Nebula preset for 'ambience'

Some interesting sections, headphones are a big sub recommended"

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

pluto calls

"TrackTeam Audio Aetherwave Live PAck - a Live Sampler preset, 36 bars straight then 36 bars with Audio Damge Dubstation to fatten it up - enjoy" via Baghead's sounds channel

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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