Saturday, April 01, 2017

Max for Cats - NEW SYNTH

Published on Apr 1, 2017

Max for Cats crafts Software Instruments, Effects, MIDI devices, Sound Design and Samples for Ableton Live."

Korg minilogue 4-voice Analog Synthesizer

Published on Mar 31, 2017 CLASSIC VINTAGE

"the Minilogue is a single–channel, mono–timbral, four–voice analogue/digital hybrid polysynth with various duophonic and monophonic options. Each voice offers two VCOs plus white noise, a low–pass VCF and an audio VCA, all modulated by a digitally generated LFO and shaped by dual, digitally generated ADSR envelopes. It’s a simple but classic voice architecture, although Korg have enhanced it with some interesting twists that we’ll address in due course."

Friday, March 31, 2017

Waldorf XTk Treasures Part 2 Synthesizer Demo XT Rik Marston Synth

Published on Mar 31, 2017 SynthgodXXX

"Waldorf XTk 'Treasures from the Synth Vault' Part 2
Synthesizer Demo by Rik Marston 100% No Talking!!!
**Watch in HD** **Headphones Friendly!**

Waldorf XTk 30 Voice Wavetable Synthesizer.
This video PART 2, so go back & see PART 1
if you have not done that already!
This video is a AUDIO DEMO of some of the BEST
presets from the Waldorf XT or XTk synthesizer.
What a beauty!! I miss it soooooo much!!!
Put on your headphones, get loose & TRIP OUT on this
ORANGE BEAST! What a unique sounding synthesizer...
It's getting very hard to find & worth every penny!"

Part 1 here.

Akemie's Rings Ambient Patch

Published on Mar 18, 2017 Worwell

"Akemie's Taiko into Malgorithm into Rings to Dual Wasp. Just Friends and Dixie LFO modulation."

The Boys and the Bear (feat. PO-20, PO-32, and WRX sti)

Published on Mar 31, 2017 Aidan Burns-Fulkerson

"I was leaving work and waiting for the car to warm up. It seemed like a good time for a short jam session."

Subaru label?

K-Board Pro 4 and Modal 002R MPE - Demos

Published on Mar 31, 2017 Keith McMillen Instruments

Dave Smith Tempest Drum Patch Design Tutorials by AdamSchneiderMusic

Dave Smith Tempest 808 Kick Drum Tutorial

Published on Mar 30, 2017 AdamSchneiderMusic

"After seeing some rumors that the Dave Smith Tempest is lacking when it comes to bass drum power I decided to make this video where I recreate the classic 808 kick sound. Simply put: the Tempest can design kicks that are as deep and thumpy as you want, you just need to know how to program it. While I didn't do it in this video, the sounds of the Tempest only get better with additional effects processing similar to the techniques used on the classic 808/909 machines.

I highly recommend listening with a sub woofer or headphones."


Tiptop Audio One Flux Sampler Techno Patch

Published on Mar 31, 2017 Perfect Circuit Audio

"The Tiptop Audio One 24 bit 96 kHz sample player is having it’s pitch CV controlled by the Make Noise Pressure Points and Brains while the samples are manually changed with the knob. Everything in this patch is sequenced by the 4MS Quad Clock Distributor. The droney kick drum is the Hexinverter Mutant BD9. Different colors of noise from the SSF Quantum Rainbow are run through the Optomix as well as the AJH Mini Mod VCF which is opened with the Erica Synths HADSR. The Z-DSP provides a delay on the output of the VCF as well.

One provides the powerful combo of high fidelity and low latency to make modular sample playback both versatile and expressive. One has several methods of sample playback, with the primary being the super low latency Trigger mode that can play samples with a delay as low as 0.25ms. The module's multifunction CV jack provides configurable control over free or quantized pitch, and can also cycle through samples to create interesting sequenced patterns.

Available here:"

MATRIXSYNTH members get a %10 discount at Perfect Circuit Audio!

Buchla CVT Nine

Published on Mar 31, 2017 Todd Barton

Buchla VCT

Blue Roland Sh-101 SN 251597

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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