MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Stereoping

Showing posts sorted by date for query Stereoping. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Stereoping. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024


video upload by Davide Micheli

"The video I made is on the BIT 99 electronic synthesizer built by CRUMAR in 1984. The purpose is to show some technical characteristics of the vintage electronic synthesizer.

In particular, I updated the firmware by changing two EPROMs (see the following site:

The MIDI controller is the 'Stereoping's Synth Controller'.

In the video I play some patches whose synthsizer parameters are changed in realtime by means of the MIDI Synth Controller.

To emphasize the versatility of the MIDI Synth Controller and the deep 80's sounds of the BIT 99 synthesizer, I recorded a bass sequence on CUBASE and transmitted via MIDI to the BIT 99 synthesizer.

While the sequence is being played by the BIT 99, some parameters of DCOs, VCOs, VCF etc...are edited in realtime. LFOs are modified too.

The video is improvised and I hope it is useful and fun for fans of vintage electronic synthesizers. In some part of video the LINE 6 DL4 MKII Delay is activated."

Saturday, December 07, 2024

EMU ESI 4000 Granulizer

video upload by Stereoping

"Another Synth Controller edition ... for #EMU #ESI Samplers! No, it can not edit LFOs and Envelopes because the ESIs do not support it in any way. But the #Granulizer makes creative use of the ESI's feature of modulating the Sample Start point by velocity. I saw this in a video of youTuber @Stereo Realist (source below) and wanted to see how far i come with a dedictad hardware device.

The Controller replaces velocity of incoming midinotes with knob tweakings while rapidly firing these manipulated notes on the ESI, like an arpeggiator with built in mididata manipulator. GRAIN LENGTH determines the duration until the Note Off event is sent. The result is a really bad but funny granular sampler.

Besides the controls for grain length, position, random position, pitchbend (cool for tuning frozen choirs or screaming cats to changing musical context) it offers some CC-knobs for realtime editing of VCA Level & Pan, VCF Cutoff & Q. Pressure can be freely assigned in the Realtime mods, e.g. to Attack.Yes, we all know: software and iPads can do this much better and cheaper but ... it's HARDWARE ! Edition's firmware and addendum (for details) available in my shop under DOWNLOADS.

0:15 - Introteaser
0:55 - Settings on ESI to get it working
3:16 - The controls demoed
5:40 - midisync for grain seeding
7:21 - Crossfading samples"

E-mu ESi Granular Synthesis: An Impromptu Guide

video upload by Stereo Realist

"Rudimentary granular synthesis on an old hardware sampler; not entirely practical in most situations, but a good way to mangle your sounds for later resampling. You could probably go even deeper on the higher-end e-mu samplers of the era since they have a lot more modulation options from what I hear, though I've never personally used one."

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sequential Circuits Six-Trak with Stereoping controller

video uploads by batchas

Use the player controls to skip around. Some great demos in the 2nd video.

"I made a one hour session yesterday to check the Six-Trak that I am selling with the Stereoping controller and recorded 12 videos, trying different settings.
As usual after trying a machine I didn’t play for so long, I think I should keep it cause it sounds so
I checked and cleaned everything, though I have no space anymore to keep this.
It’s a shame having instruments and not playing them. That’s why I’m letting go on several machines I do never use."

Friday, June 07, 2024

2024/06 - One Up Ultimate Percussion

video upload by Stereoping

"Quick demo of a One Up Ultimate Percussion Synth. Piuuu Piuuu ... Kind of Coron DS-8 without the LFO/FM section. But with a BITE parameter introducing kind of short high frequency noisepulse. Pitchbend only positive."

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sequential Circuits Prophet VS w/ Stereoping Controller

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"SCI Prophet VS in gorgeous, collector quality condition, complete with (essential) Stereoping controller (2 year wait!) 3 memory cartridges, and custom soft case."

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Access & Stereoping Microwave Programmers

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Stereoping via this listing

Additional Retro Gear Shop Listings

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sequential Circuits Prophet VS Rack Synth SN 0065 w/ New Display & Memory Cart

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Additional Retro Gear Shop Listings

"Rare vintage Sequential Circuits Prophet VS rack synthesizer. It’s in excellent cosmetic shape with some minor wear as expected for its age. 100% fully functional with latest OS 1.2. Recently professionally serviced as needed, including installing new upgraded screen which is super easy to read, very bright and legible from all angles (looks even better in person, the pictures don’t do it justice), replaced data slider with a new metal shaft slider and cap (more sturdy than the original) and replaced caps in PSU, voice board, and output board. The battery tests good.

If you need an awesome dedicated hardware controller for the Prophet VS, please check out our Prophet VS Stereoping Controller, we can do a combined bundle deal if you purchased both together. Amazing digital analog hybrid synth, haunting pads, wicked basses, leads and effects. A classic for getting morphed transformed sounds with the data joystick. The built in sequencer/arpeggiator and randomizing patch function are awesome features. Includes VS Ram Prophet VS Ram Cartridge Model 240 (which has a value of $250 on its own). Very rare to find these racks, don't miss out!"

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sequential Circuits Prophet VS SN 1124 + Stereoping Programmer

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This particular SN was listed a couple of times in the past. Good to see it has been serviced.

"Here is the work done on it about 5 months ago:

1. New OLED display

2. Completely new switches installed

3. New transformer (toroidal) replaced in PSU

4. New capacitors in the PSU section

5. Completely cleaned and calibrated with the Prophet VS is included the Stereoping Prophet VS programmer, BRAND NEW in the box."

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Waldorf Microwave 1 Rev A (CEM 3389 chips) + Stereoping Programmer

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"The Microwave was checked by Waldorf last year, no problems found."

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

2024/01 - dawless winter session #2 with DIY gear and MUCH reverb

video upload by Stereoping

"Drowning the lead synth - which imperturbably repeats it's themes - in the dark and endless reverb of a Roland #DEP5. Other guests beside the DIY gear: FB01 through Dynacord #VRS23, Moog #Matriarch, Boss SX700 which got modulated by fader on the phaser mid frequency while processing the Wersi CX-1 HiHats. A Volca Sample also contributes a bit of background beat."

Sunday, January 14, 2024

2024/01 - dawless winter session with DIY gear and some FM Synths

video upload by Stereoping

"The title sais it all, just a recording of a relaxed MPC evening session. Playing with the sweet spot of a modded #Waldorf #Pulse which was sent through a Roland #DEP-5. Other featured gear: two DIY drumboxes, #Yamaha #FB01, two #TX7 detuned and hard panned, #Dyncord #DRP15, two Ibanez BBD delays and a Dynacord #VRS23."

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Stereoping Bit Midi Controller for Crumar Bit One/01/99

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Monday, October 23, 2023

Sequential Circuits Prophet VS w/ Stereoping MIDI Controller & Carts

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"Prophet VS in excellent condition with lots of extras. I am the second owner. It comes with a Stereoping MIDI controller/interface, 6x RAM cartridges (5x model 240, 1x model 241) and original user manual. Local pickup is invited, I can also meet near the US border, Ottawa or Montreal."

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Waldorf Microwave Rackmount Wavetable Synthesizer SN 901177 w/ Cards & Controller

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"Includes Stereoping controller (no psu/standard 9v) + overlays for the microwave (overlays for the :81z / K3 also included)

3 original soundcards"

Saturday, July 01, 2023

2023/06 - Desert Cat

video upload by Stereoping

"Another no budget for fun #musicvideo created with #Unrealengine. A cat running through the desert, swimming through an oasis pond, transiting ancient egypt ruins and finally finding a comfy place to sleep in the city of Brass.

Music: Moog Subsequent 37, Korg Volca Sample and Spitfire BBC Symphony Orchestra sequenced from FLStudio with some oriental drumsamples.

Unreal Asset store props credits: AnimX Advanced Cats, Egypt Ruins Environment, Dust & Sandstorm FX, City of Brass, Modular Military Operation Urban Training Environment - Arabian Pack"

Monday, June 19, 2023

Oberheim Matrix 1000 w/ Stereoping Controller

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Friday, June 16, 2023

Stereoping Sample Polka Midicontroller for Korg Volca Sample

video upload by Stereoping

"Sample Polka edition for the Synth Controller supporting polyphonic playing on the Volca Sample with simultaneous editing of the poly parts.

0:00 introduction by scary Jenny from Uncanny Valley

1:11 knob twiddling on the Controller editing the parts used for polyphonic playing, PANSPREAD function, VELOCITY knob, loop with adjustment of START POINT and LENGTH, SAMPLE knob, switching voicecount

5:13 using the poly-Volca as an arpeggiator

6:34 different samples for poly-parts

7:42 keytracking behaviour of original Volca Sample, original with Pajen firmware and Volca Sample 2

8:56 DOUBLE mode for Stereo sampleplaying - with different samples and dephased identical samples for left and right side"

Sunday, June 11, 2023

2023/06 - Pioneer Toraiz AS-1 Midicontroller for realtime editing

video upload by Stereoping

"Demo of the Synth Controller Edition "AS1" for the Pioneer Toraiz AS-1. Finally you have quick realtime access to all parameters of synth engine, arpeggiator and FX section. The demo shows editing on all three color layers (red: Oscillators, green: Filter & Envelopes, blue: LFO and FX) with and without background rhythms. Most probably this video only makes sense if you are already familiar with the AS-1 and want to see the concept and behaviour of the Controller. The AS-1 behaves very well when being edited remotely, no hanging notes, no lags, only Chorus rate causes some jittering. For details you can check out the manual's addendum PDF in the Stereoping Shop's Synth Controller Downloads section.0:33 red layer - editing oscillators with their modulation routing switches. Explaing how to access SHIFT parameters. Playing with polymod of OSC2 on OSC1. Switching to LFO-PWM3:16 - taking a look on SLOP3:49 green layer - playing with filters and envelopes, LFO on cutoff, Glide6:10 - exploring impact of OSC levels on self ringing VCF6:32 blue layer - realtime FX tweaking, adjusting BBD sync9:42 arpeggiator session where FL Studio sends chord into the AS-1 which are arpeggiated by the AS-1."

Monday, June 05, 2023

2023/06 - Norns Dub

video upload by Stereoping

"Summer tunes warmup. The Monome Norns running the beautiful 'RAINDROPS' script is sent through a DIY-PCB Juno-6 Chorus with Stereo-mod. The Norns is intentionally not temposynced and accompanied by a modded Alesis HR-16 which makes funny things when one of the Voice Eproms is removed. The HR-16's audio runs through a Yamaha CS-5 lowpass into a DIY Axoloti-based effects unit with lots of knobs for realtime tweaking Reverb/Delay and a little granulizer. The HR-16's midiclock drives a Volca Drum with Midi-Out-mod. The Volca's sequencer's Midinotes (incl. probablitiy and ratchetings) are converted by a little DIY Midi-box into the suitable notes for the Solin8 (starting at 3:10), a cheap 8bit-glitch teensy-based WAV-Drumsounds-Player with downsampling faders. "

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Oberheim Matrix 6 w/ Stereoping Controller

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Matrix-6 SN 7734517
Stereoping SN 0958


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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