MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for WMD Sequential Switch Matrix

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query WMD Sequential Switch Matrix. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query WMD Sequential Switch Matrix. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, September 04, 2015

severence // magnetar patch

Published on Sep 3, 2015 severence

"// experimenting with rf noise while making patch notes for the synchrodyne resonestor video

// modules used in this patch

addac802 vca quintet mixing console
abstract data logic boss
alm pamela's workout
evaton technologies rf nomad
intellijel planar
jones o´tool
make noise dual prismatic oscillator
make noise mmg
make noise rené
modcan quad lfo
mutable instruments clouds
nonlinearcircuits super sloth
schippmann vcf-02
steady state fate positronic transient gate
steady state fate propagate
steady state fate ultra-random analog
toppobrillo quantimator
wmd sequential switch matrix
wmd sequential switch matrix expand
wmd synchrodyne
wmd synchrodyne expand
wmd/ssf spo

// patch notes

addac802 vca quintet mixing console (a) out1 - schippmann vcf-02 input1

Friday, November 08, 2013

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix Demos

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix teaser demo 1 -

Published on Nov 8, 2013 William Mathewson·39 videos

"This is a short usage video for the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix eurorack module."

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix teaser demo 2

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix teaser demo 3

Thursday, January 16, 2014

WMD Coming to NAMM with the Sequential Switch Matrix & More

via WMD:

"January 14th, 2014: The long awaited Sequential Switch is in production and shipping just in time for the NAMM show. Come visit us at the WMD Booth 1076 in Hall E at the NAMM show in Anaheim, CA on the 23-26th of January! We will be showing some yet unanounced stuff that will surely blow a few minds."

Specks are also in for the Sequential Switch Matrix as follows:

"Introducing the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix: Our take on an essential module.

Four inputs can be routed with individual buttons to four outputs. Those routing settings are stored in an array of matrices that can be sequenced or controlled with CV. Preset routing, feedback loops, chop sequences, trigger blasts (with expander), four-bit-wavetable-synthesis, and dramatic controllable mayhem are all possible

Four Input Four Output Routing
Inputs Mix to Outputs
16 Matrices per Bank
20Vpp Headroom
Signal Strength and Polarity LEDs
Comparator Input and Outputs
Simultaneous CV and Gate Control
Four Banks With Separate Settings
Randomizing Functions
CV Controlable Top Matrix
Can Slave to MIDI Control Change
26kHz Maximum Switch Frequency
8 Bit DAC Voltage Output
Skiffable PCB Design
16 HP
+80mA/-32mA Current Consumption"

You can find videos of the prototype here and the first render to go up here.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix Effects Routing

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix Effects Routing from Joseph Fraioli on Vimeo.

"Using the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix as an effects routing matrix. The four outputs of the SSM are routed to four different effects chains. Slow sequences route the four different inputs to different combinations of effects in the outputs.

SSM ins:
1: Intellijel/Cylonix Shapeshifter
2: Mutable Instruments Braids
3: TipTop Audio BD808
4: Q-Bit Electronix Nebulae (one shot mode - 5 channels of samples are being triggered)

SSM outs
1: Modcan dual delay
2: TipTop Audio Zdsp Dragonfly Delay with Modcan Dual Frequency Shifter in the Feedback path
3: Flame FX6
4: Mungo g0 > Modcan Dual Phaser

Drone - The Harvestman Piston Honda MKII and Hertz Donut MKII > Serge Resonant Equalizer > Make Noise Echophon > Cwejman MMF1 > Eventide H8000FW reverb."

via Joseph Fraioli on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Sunday, June 01, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix Eurorack Synthesizer Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"four inputs can be routed with individual buttons to four outputs. those routing settings are stored in an array of matrices that can be sequenced or controlled with cv. preset routing, feedback loops, chop sequences, trigger blasts (with expander), four-bit-wavetable-synthesis, and dramatic controllable mayhem are all possible.

four input four output routing
inputs mix to outputs
16 matrices per bank
20vpp headroom
signal strength and polarity leds
comparator input and outputs
simultaneous cv and gate control
four banks with separate settings
randomizing functions
cv controlable top matrix
can slave to midi control change
26khz maximum switch frequency
8 bit dac voltage output
skiffable pcb design
16 hp
+80ma/-32ma current consumption

Friday, December 11, 2015

severence // heliotail patch

Published on Dec 11, 2015 severence

"// ambient soundscapes using the epoch modular benjolin + twinpeak, mutable instruments clouds, make noise dpo & steady state fate quantum rainbow 2 as sound sources

// patch notes

Sunday, August 30, 2015

severence // synchrodyne resonestor patch

Published on Aug 30, 2015 severence

"// experiments with the wmd synchrodyne and the resonestor mode within clouds parasite, an alternative firmware for mutable instruments clouds

// modules used in this patch

addac802 quintet mixing console
abstract data logic boss
alm pamela's workout
evaton technologies rf nomad
make noise dual prismatic oscillator
make noise mmg
make noise rené
modcan quad lfo
mutable instruments clouds
nonlinearcircuits super sloth
schippmann vcf-02
steady state fate positronic transient gate
steady state fate propagate
steady state fate ultra-random analog
toppobrillo quantimator
wmd sequential switch matrix
wmd sequential switch matrix expand
wmd synchrodyne
wmd synchrodyne expand
wmd/ssf spo"

Sunday, August 07, 2016

severence // frozen state patch

Published on Aug 7, 2016

// experimenting with the intellijel rainmaker delay buffer freeze function

// patch notes

addac802 (a) out1 - intellijel rainmaker in l (dly to cmb (off) mono l)
addac802 (a) out4 - desk + addac802 (b) in5
addac802 (b) out5 - mutable instruments clouds in l
alm pamelas workout 5 - make noise mathc ch1 trig
alm pamelas workout 5 - mutable instruments clouds trig
alm pamelas workout 7 - modcan quad lfo gate 4
alm pamelas workout 8 - intellijel rainmaker dly clk
alm pamelas workout 8 - make noise maths ch4 trig
alm pamelas workout 8 - verbos electronics random sampling quantized randoms trigger
make noise maths ch1 unity - addac802 (b) cv3
make noise maths ch4 unity - addac802 (a) cv1
make noise maths eoc - toppobrillo quantimator trig
make noise maths inv - wmd/ssf spo in 2b
make noise rené cv out - alm pamelas workout run
metasonix r54 output - addac802 (b) in3
modcan quad lfo lfo4 - wmd/ssf spo in 2a
schippmann omega-phi omega sin - addac802 (a) in1
schippmann omega-phi omega sin - verbos electronics dual four pole hipass in
schippmann omega-phi phi sin - verbos electronics dual four pole hipass cv b
schippmann vcf-02 output - addac802 (a) in3
steady state fate ultra random analog clk out - alm pamelas workout clk
steady state fate ultra random analog clk out - wmd ssm step/gate
steady state fate ultra random analog sample out-b - mutable instruments clouds text
toppobrillo quantimator 1 - schippmann omega-phi 1v/oct
dp4 hipass out - addac802 (b) in1
verbos electronics harmonic oscillator saw out - verbos electronics harmonic oscillator cv input
verbos electronics harmonic oscillator mix out - schippmann vcf-02 input1
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv1 - schippmann vcf-02 cv1
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv1 - toppobrillo quantimator in
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv1 - verbos electronics harmonic oscillator harmonic scan width
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv2 - schippmann omega-phi pm
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv2 - verbos electronics dual four pole hipass cv a
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv2 - verbos electronics harmonic oscillator harmonic scan center
verbos electronics random sampling fluctuating randoms cv2 - verbos electronics random sampling quantized randoms cv in
verbos electronics random sampling quantized randoms 2n - verbos electronics harmonic oscillator 1v/oct
verbos electronics random sampling white noise - addac802 (b) in4
wmd sequential switch matrix expand dac4 - addac802 (b) cv5
wmd sequential switch matrix expand 1-1 - intellijel rainmaker trig
wmd/ssf spo out2 - addac802 (a) cv4

// desk effects

eventide space
strymon el capistan

Sunday, September 17, 2017

severence // inside a dream patch

Published on Sep 17, 2017

"// vacuum tube noise soundscapes

// patch notes //

erogenous tones levit8 out 2 - metasonix rk1 decay cv in
erogenous tones levit8 out 7 - metasonix r54 pitch cv a
erogenous tones levit8 out 7 - metasonix r55 pitch cv a
erogenous tones levit8 out 7 - schippmann omega-phi pm depth

Monday, January 02, 2017

severence // capacitive patch

Published on Jan 2, 2017 severence

"experimental ambient soundscapes

// patch notes

addac802 (a) out5 - folktek conduit delay input

folktek conduit delay out - addac802 (b) in1

intellijel planar cv x out - make noise maths ch4 fall
intellijel planar cv y out - make noise maths ch1 rise
intellijel planar cv y out - make noise maths ch4 rise

metasonix r54 audio out - addac802 (b) in2

make noise maths ch1 unity out - addac802 (b) cv2
make noise maths ch2 out - make noise rené xclk in
make noise maths ch4 unity out - addac802 (a) cv5
make noise maths eoc - make noise maths ch1 trig

Thursday, January 30, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix x 2

via Richard Devine on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"About to be a CV massacre with the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix x 2 !!!!"

Saturday, January 18, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix- CV usage demo

Published on Jan 18, 2014 William Mathewson·42 videos

Also see WMD Sequential Switch Matrix Audio Chopping Demo

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix

via WMD

"Just finished building and testing a batch of our newest module, the Sequential Switch Matrix!

They are now packed and ready to ship. Don't they look nice?"

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Workshop @ Modularsquare with WMD (english)

Published on Apr 29, 2015 modularsquare

"We are Modularsquare, a french shop near Paris/France focused on modular synths :

Every month we organise a meeting, this one was with William Mathewson from WMD - 04-19-215

0:01:43 Introduction to WMD
0:05:40 Introduction to Monolith keyboard
0:06:50 WMD/SSF Spectrum
0:16:17 WMD/SSF Blender
0:17:13 WMD/SSF Pole-zero filter
0:21:20 WMD/SSF Ultrafold
0:34:20 Talk about WMD and SSF collaboration
0:38:23 WMD/SSF Mini Slew
0:59:39 WMD/SSF Toolbox
1:10:03 WMD/SSF Amplitude
1:15:37 Synchrodyne
1:33:50 Synchrodyne Expander
1:51:06 Sequential Switch Matrix
2:03:15 PDO
2:16:41 Multimode Envelope
2:19:50 Micron Hadron Collider
2:29:06 Digital VCA


Nous sommes Modularsquare, une boutique spécialisée dans les instruments de musique électroniques, ainsi qu'une communauté d'artistes qui se réunie une fois par mois.

Pour consulter l'agenda de nos rencontres c'est par ici
Notre blog :

Les photos de nos rencontres :

Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter et facebook
Notre showroom est ouvert au public du lundi au vendredi
Lundi-Jeudi : 13h45 - 18h45
Vendredi : 14h45 - 19h45"

Thursday, June 25, 2015

WMD Rainy Morning Randomized Percussion Patch

Published on Jun 25, 2015 William Mathewson

"WMD Patch Example with PDO, Synchrodyne, Micro Hadron Collider and more. WIth all this rain in Colorado I figured a drippy, randomized drone patch was in order.

Modules used in this video include:
WMD Phase Displacement Oscillator
WMD Sequential Switch Matrix
WMD Synchrodyne
WMD Multimode Envelope
WMD Pro Output
WMD Geiger Counter
WMD Micro Hadron Collider
WMD Triple BiPolar VCA
WMD / SSF Mini Slew
Audio Damage AEVerb
SSF Ultra Random

For More information, visit:"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

WMD Multimode Envelope - Drum Patch Example

Published on Aug 13, 2014 William Mathewson

"Alex from WMD explains and demonstrates a patch using two of the WMD Multimode Envelopes to create a drum pattern from modules not necessarily meant to make drum sounds.

He includes using the Envelope in "double attack" ADAR mode as well as the standard ADSR mode for some interesting patterns.

Skip to:

Explination: 00:10
Patch Example: 2:15

Modules in this patch include:
WMD - Multimode Envelope (X2)
WMD - Sequential Switch Matrix
WMD - SSM Expand
WMD - Phase Displacement Oscillator
WMD - Micro Hadron Collider
WMD - Digital VCA
WMD - Compressor
WMD - Buffered Mult
Hex Inverter - Mutant Hihats
SSF - Quantum Rainbow
Pro Modular - Cloq
4MS - Shuffling Clock Divider
4MS - S.C.M. Breakout
Grayscale - Algorhyth
Low Gain - SUBMIX"

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Constellation Matrix

Constellation Matrix from Joseph Fraioli on Vimeo.

"A patch utilizing the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix as a routing switch for incoming gates. Gate sources are four channels of the 4ms SCM which are routed to the Cylonix Shapeshifter, TipTop BD808, Mutable Instruments Braids and Harvestman Hertz Donut MKII. Another output of the 4ms SCM is sequencing through the matrixes via the SSM step/gate input which results in complex and evolving percussion patterns.

Ambient melody is an original piano recording played back via the Qu-bit Electronix Nebulae in loop mode with various time and pitch manipulation, This is then fed through the Serge Resonant Equalizer and Modcan Dual Delay for further modulation.

Additional accent melody coming from the Synthesis Technology E350 though the Flame FX6 reverb and Modcan Phaser with an envelope being triggered by another channel of the 4ms SCM.

Reverb is from the Eventide H8000FW."

Friday, July 25, 2014

WMD Sequential Switch Matrix and SSM Expand Drum Sequencing and Output Switching

Published on Jul 25, 2014 William Mathewson

"Caleb at WMD gives a quick demo on using the SSM and it's Expand Module as a drum sequencer and output switching unit to achieve unique sounding, processed drums.

Other Modules in this patch include:

Pro Modular - Cloq
4MS - Rotating Clock Divider
Hex Inverter - Mutant HiHats
Hex Inverter - Mutant Bass Drum
Noise Engineering - Basimilus Iteratas
WMD - Micro Hadron Collider
WMD - Multimode Envelope"

Monday, April 16, 2018

WMD FRACTURE - Sound Examples

Published on Apr 16, 2018 WMDevices

"WMD Fracture is our second Eurorack Module aimed at creating percussion and drum sounds. Claps, snaps, ticks, bings, bongs, and skrtz are all available with the turn of just a few knobs.

In this video, we demonstrate the range of sounds using a bunch of sequencing from the Malleko Voltage Block and CV processing via the WMD Sequential Switch Matrix."

Find previous posts featuring WMD's new Fracture eurorack module here.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

severence // planetesimal patch

Published on Jan 16, 2016 severence

"// evolving ambient soundscapes using the wmd synchrodyne + expand, epoch modular twinpeak, make noise dual prismatic oscillator & steady state fate quantum rainbow II as sound sources

// modules used in this patch

addac802 quintet mixing console
alm busy circuits pamela's workout
antimatter brainseed
epoch modular twinpeak
make noise dual prismatic oscillator
make noise maths
malekko wiard jag
modcan quad lfo
mutable instruments clouds
nonlinear circuits sloth
schippmann phs-28
schippmann vcf-02
toppobrillo quantimator
steady state fate propagate
steady state fate quantum rainbow 2
steady state fate ultra random analog
wmd sequential switch matrix + expand
wmd synchrodyne + expand
wmd/ssf spo
verbos electroncs dual four pole"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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