MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for bullfrog

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Showing posts sorted by date for query bullfrog. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, November 27, 2023

ESK - Erica Synths Bullfrog + Polyfusion 755 MK2

video upload by Metunar

"Simple demo of the Polyfusion 755 MK2 Frequency Shifting Feedback Controller together with an Erica Synths Bullfrog Synthesizer. Not playing anything meaningful, it’s more about the sound.
The Polyfusion is inserted in the delay feedback of the Bullfrog.
The 755 was not intended as effect unit. It was for PA-Systems to prevent mic feedback. So the maximal frequency shift range ist 1.5 to 6 Hz. You can shift up or down. This unit used in an effect insert it’s not interesting, you will not hear any effect, the change is too suptile. But in a feedback loop, it’s quite cool.
Mono Recording."

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

ESK - Psychedelic Bullfrog Dream

video upload by Metunar

"Psychedelic soundscape live jam with the analog monophonic Bullfrog synthesizer from Erica Synth.
All sounds including the voice sample and delay effect are from the Bullfrog.
There is also a bit reverb effect from the Elektron Digitakt."

Erica Synths Bullfrog

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Machina Bristronica 2023

videos uploads by sonicstate

Bristronica 2023: DPW Design - Mix
Bristronica 2023: Bela - GLISS
Bristronica 2023: U-He - Civilisation - Wiretap - Sloopy
Bristronica 2023: Node Audio - Entonal Studio
Bristronica 2023: Enjoy Electronics - The Godfather
Bristronica 2023: Knobula - Pianophonic Sample and Wavetable module
Bristronica 2023: Vaski Embedded - VU and Oscilloscope Modules
Bristronica 2023: Sonocurrent - MT2D Dual Triode Distortion
Bristronica 2023: Kiviak Instruments - Wofi - SK1 Inspired
Bristronica 2023: Per-Sonal - Polynator - play TR8-S and Digitakt in Poly
Bristronica 2023: Georgie Ward Back From Dua Lipa World Tour
Bristronica 2023: Erica Synths - Bullfrog 1st Look
Bristronica 2023: Modular Perfection - Eurorack Cases
Bristronica 2023: Isotonik - Arpex Worlds 1st MPE Arpeggiator on Push 3
Bristronica 2023: Erica Synths - Hexinverter Mindphaser
Bristronica 2023 Bastl - tiny ARP
Bristronica 2023: OXI Instruments - OXI One - Coral
Bristronica 2023: Play All Day - Playfader
Bristronica 2023: Midicake - 4 Way ARP And Some
Bristronica 2023: Archaea - Exchange Motion Controller
Bristronica 2023: TipTop Audio - 1 Cable Art System
Bristronica 2023: UDO - Super Gemini News and Sounds
Bristronica 23: TINRS Brinta - Granular Sampler With a mesmerising display

Friday, September 08, 2023

Erica Synths BULLFROG! Video Manual

video upload by Quincas Moreira Music

"The Bullfrog is an EDUCATIONAL Synthesizer by Erica Synths in Latvia. It is meant to teach young people and adult beginners the basic principles of electronic sound synthesis!"


Intro - mostly me talking for a bit 0:00
Bullfrog modular synth 0:40
Normalization 0:55
Signal Flow 1:35
Printed Manual 1:45
What is sound? 2:10
Frequency-Hertz 2:38
Human hearing range 2:50
Electronic sound 4:09
The Bulfrog Panel 5:17
The Oscillator AKA VCO 5:22
Voltage Control 5:27
1v/octave standard for Pitch control 6:28
what is an octave ? 6:40
Linear vs Exponential 7:20
Amplitude and Volume 8:20
The VCA : Amplifier or attenuator? 8:33
The Filter AKA VCF 9:19
Timbre: Harmonics AKA Overtones 9:35
Wave shapes and waveshaping 11:14
The Mixer 12:55
The NOISE generator - Aperiodic sounds 13:14
First Patch :simple manual control 14:41
Modulation Sources 15:44
Envelope Generators 15:54
Gates and the Manual Gate button 16:27
FX: The Delay 18:19
Performing the patch 19:59
The Sine waveshaper 20:45
Adding the Filter 21:17
Resonance 22:26
Filter as oscillator (High Feedback) 22:57
Duophonic Bullfrog 23:28
Automatic Filter control 24:14
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation 24:35
The Square Wave 25:32
LFO: Low Frequency Oscillator 25:49
ENV GEN Loop switch 26:26
ENV GEN BP Output 26:47
Rhythms with the ENV GEN 29:19
Keyboard Control 29:59
Velocity modulation 34:00
Making waves and winds with Noise 38:11
Turntable rhythms with noise 39:20
Sample and Hold 40:18
The LFO as Gate 44:14
The 50's Sci Fi Patch! 45:06
Stepped LFO 46:10
The human body as mod source 46:31
The Divider 48:42
The Built in Speaker 54:11
Preset Cards and the Card Slot 55:40
The Sequencer card 57:28
The Organ Card 59:26
Subtractive vs Additive Synthesis 59:49
The Smiley Card 1:03:00
The DIY Card 1:03:45
Outro - Stay Noisy! 1:04:35

/ quincas

Monday, August 28, 2023

Erica Synths x Richie Hawtin Bullfrog sound demo

video upload by Erica Synths

"Created by Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin. Bullfrog is designed to captivate and inspire both youth and professionals alike."

00:02 - Analog sequencer cart jam
01:21 - "Space bleeper" patch
01:51 - Baby shark MIDI keyboard patch
02:11 - Acid Bassline patch cart sequenced with Digitakt
03:57 - Self generating patch 1
05:06 - Sampler card jam 1
06:13 - Self generating patch 2
06:47 - 'Washed arps' patch sequenced with Keystep
08:03 - Sampler card jam 2
09:14 - DIY cart patch
09:56 - Nursery rhyme patch played with MIDI keyboard
10:21 - Sampler card jam 3. Sequenced polyphonically with Ableton Live
11:40 - Drone zone. Looping envelopes used as extra oscillators

I think there's some baby shark in there.

See this post for additional details.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin's BULLFROG

Press release follows:

Created by Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin, Bullfrog is an educational electronic music instrument designed to captivate and inspire both youth and professionals alike. Bullfrog invites you to unlock musicality while combining the thrill of electronic music production with a comprehensive learning experience.

Bullfrog is a classical subtractive synthesiser – it consists of several "modules" for sound generation – VCO, NOISE GENERATOR - and treatment – VCF, VCA/DELAY, as well as "modules" that generate control and modulation signals to control them – ENVELOPE GENERATORS and SAMPLE & HOLD. The Bullfrog will not make the sound on its own unless it is patched – using eurorack patch cables to interconnect the “modules” or by inserting voice cards that create internal connections between the “modules” in a specific way and add extra functionality, like sampler/looper, sequencer, groovebox, etc. This approach better helps to understand functionality of a subtractive synthesizer and the principles of sound design with instruments like these.

In order to provide a well rounded understanding of the functionality of this synthesizer and sound synthesis in general, a comprehensive user manual is created to accompany the learning process.

Bullfrog will be available via and the best electronic music retailers across the globe on 10th of August 2023

Thoughts on Bullfrog by Richie Hawtin

''Electronic Music is as popular as ever and its traditions and frequencies now stretch around the world, uniting people across language and cultures. For me, one of the most exciting parts of creating with a synthesiser is the playful experimentation that inspires and pushes the imagination. Whether the intention is to create abstract frequencies or sounds inspired by real-life, the route one takes is personal and often surprising. It is within these investigations where the beauty of synthesis really comes alive, and which often unlocks a new sense of creative purpose. This journey of discovery is what originally pulled me deep into the world of electronic music and continues to be part of the fascination I find when working in the studio or performing on stage. As a teenager I felt like I was searching for the right outlet to transit my creativity and in synthesis I found a path.

These memories and concepts are at the heart of our Bullfrog synthesiser. Whether someone’s experience with Bullfrog points them down a career in electronic music or not, our goal is to both nurture a passion for electronically produced sounds and promote a fun easy learning path into basic sound synthesis.

We believe that the hands-on approach and problem solving that is innate to synthesis on a semi-modular synth like the Bullfrog, contains life lessons that go beyond what we can hear. The Bullfrog encapsulates the foundations of synthesis and is built with an immediate, intuitive design and a unique expandable architecture that grows and expands together with our user's imagination.

This instrument feels at home anywhere - as an educational tool in music and physics classes, as an addition to your basement studio or even as a tool for performance on a stage.

Learn. Produce. Perform.''

- Richie Hawtin

Additional details:


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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