Monday, April 24, 2017

Fast Sequence - MOS-LAB Model 15.

Published on Apr 24, 2017 Resonant Anvil

"The Moog Sub 37 provides the sequence and the keyboard control but no sound. The sound is all from the Model 15."

Superbooth 2017 - Erica Synths Drum Sequencer & Bass Drum Module

Published on Apr 24, 2017 DivKidVideo

"Kodek gave Modular Podcast a great demo of the new Erica Synths drum sequencer and bass drum module. The trigger sequencer has 16 trigger outs, 12 of which have accents and there's a bonus pair of clock synced LFOs and extra CV. There's also the new prototype of their 909 based bass drum module which was sounding great already."

Introducing "Stravinski" for iOS

Published on Apr 24, 2017 MrRonZimmer

"'Stravinski' is a melody generator that creates eight-bar piano melodies with adjustable complexity. The algorithm is based on scientific research in the field of music psychology. It is developed by the team behind 'CHAiOS SYNTH 2'.

Workflow: set the complexity to your preferred level, press 'generate', then 'play'. That's it. Hit 'settings' to set tempo and key, or toggle the drum tracks on/off.

Of cause "Stravinski" supports Audiobus and Inter-App Audio.

Have fun and get inspired by this next-gen melody algorithm!

Get it here:"

Previous post here.

Superbooth 2017: Bastl Instruments Dude, Softpop synth & desktop modulars

Published on Apr 24, 2017 Ask.Audio

"There was so much on show at Superbooth 2017 from Bastl Instruments. Vaclav and Peter Edwards demo all of the cool new synths and modules, including Dude, Softpop and new eurorack modules."

See this post for details on the new gear from Bastl Instruments.

Superbooth 2017 - Befaco Hexmixer Hexpander & Cases

Published on Apr 24, 2017 DivKidVideo

"Here's another video for Befaco from Superbooth. This time looking at the Hexmixer, Hexpander and new cases and power."

Absolution - Featuring Dave Smith Instruments Mopho X4 & Strymon ElCapistan + BlueSky

Published on Apr 24, 2017 JediSid

"Absolution - Sequencer and Lead piece featuring Dave Smith Instruments Mopho X4 & Strymon ElCapistan + BlueSky"


Published on Apr 24, 2017 TAKASHI WAKABAYASHI

Deckard's Dream Brass

Oberheim Matrix-12 Synthesizer Demo #7

Published on Apr 24, 2017 gstormelectro

"Audio, Programming and Video by G-Storm Electro c.2017

The Oberheim Matrix-12 was cooperating today, so I thought I better make a video before something happens again. Using some reverb and delay, recorded direct and no audio post processing."

All parts here.

E2 short-cut

Published on Apr 24, 2017 mishpult

"Taking the Korg Electribe 2 for a quick run through some patterns I wrote in the weekend. Digging deeper into the animation world as well - some animated E2 goodness and audio visualisation in AfterEffects."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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