Sunday, April 04, 2021
video by verstaerker
"Metropolis. A musical impression by verstaerker.
Many synths where harmed during the making. To name a few:
Buchla Easel, Macbeth M3X, elektron Machinedrum,Analog Four, Analog Rytm, Korg Ms20Mini,PIN Portabella, Roland SH-1, Yocto 8080, SomaLabs The Pipe, Modal Cobalt 8M, elektron Analog Heat, Strymon Volante, TC M3000"
Modal Electronics,
Pin Electronics,
Rhodes Piano and Prophet 10 somber jazz
video by MIDERA
"I don't know what to call it? It's a bit too slow to be funk, I'm not really good enough at playing to even achieve that. So - it's somber jazz. I've been working on this piece for about a week, although I don't think I'll ever be satisfied, it's been fun to play.
Nothing much else to say about it really.
Rhodes Mark I Stage Piano 73
Sequential Prophet 10
Strymon DIG
Eventide Space
Avion Studios Retro Flyer Preamp"
Data Garden PlantWave - galvanic MIDI hardware 1st demo/experiments
video by SynthAddict
Little plant playing music.
"PlantWave converts measured plant (or any other organism's) galvanic resistance over time between 2 points to MIDI, like biofeedback devices (galvanic skin response in animals). Enjoy the experiments. A few synths were used in the demo.
I experiment with lights and wavelengths, as well as a simple impromptu chaotic jams at the end with a plant bandmate. :-)
The PlantWave mobile app has onboard synth presets & other features, but this demo is only for MIDI hardware.
Galvanic refers to Luigi Galvani, who was an 18th century physician, physicist, biologist and philosopher - considered the pioneer of bioelectromagnetics.
00:00 PlantWave inro, hookups, etc.
01:24 First connection & sound demo
01:48 Light demos and theory
03:43 Sound demo 2 with lights
05:30 Touch demo
06:04 Sound patch change
07:03 Plant change
08:10 Human/plant improv live jam"
Circuit Tracks - Chasing Tides Performance // Novation
video by NovationTV
"Enrique performs exclusive track Chasing Tides using Circuit Tracks.
Create instinctively. Perform immediately. Circuit Tracks is an extraordinary standalone groovebox for the modern producer. With two refined polyphonic digital synth tracks, four drum tracks, creative FX and on-the-go capabilities, it’s the perfect hands-on device for the agile music maker.
Fast, intuitive and straightforward, Novation Circuit Tracks’ workflow lets you create instinctively, without hesitation. No complex menus or scrolling, just creativity accelerated. Build intricate synth parts and load your own samples with ease, effortlessly construct sequences, douse everything with FX and keep inspired — and make the music you want to make.
--- Discover Circuit Tracks:"
40+ Wavestate Performances (Volume I) by Robust American Patches
Wavestate Performance Demonstrations (Wave 2) video by Robust American Patches
via Robust American Patches
"This collection contains some 40 performances and 130 programs for the Korg Wavestate/Wavestate S.E. (You also get 10 complimentary performances...see below) Every performance in this set makes heavy use of the various controllers...The modwheel, aftertouch, vector joystick and of course the 40 mod knobs. (8 performance knobs and up to 32 layer mod knobs) If you are looking for vibrato, try the modwheel or aftertouch. Be sure to give the performance and layer mod knobs a spin to further customize the sounds to your needs. We tried to keep the mod knob assignments consistent from performance to performance and program to program but there are more than a few exceptions. Most of the performances in Volume I use the master performance knob as a master filter knob. It usually controls multiple filter parameters of all the layers simultaneously. We suggest that you experiment with all of the controllers, both at the layer level and the performance level, to get the most out of these performances."
Nord Lead 2/2X "CINEMATICA" 50 Organic Presets
video by LFOstore
"'Cinematica' is a combination or collaboration between hardware & software tech.
Buy here:
Organic sounds for Nord Lead 2/2X combined with deepest fx of Supermassive wonderfull free of charge effect by Valhalla DSP.
We love Clavia with all our heart aswell as Valhalla DSP Virtual Fx.
We used a lot Valhalla effects in our past presentatinos & answered countless messages - what kind of vst fx you are using to process hardware?
We are thinking that Supermassive is the best one for any hardware synth & its totally free one, thanks to Valhalla.
Nord 2X really lucks lushness in tone - a good chorus effect & deep reverb for cosmic pads & soundscapes.
Inside Supermassive you will find silk choruses, ensembles & deepest reverbs (period).
Reverb Transmitter
video by Reverb Transmitter
"Added two new reverbs, which are inspired by Earthquaker Devices – 'Transmisser' pedal, named 'Reverb Transmitter' and 'Reverb Transmitter Warp'."
How to build VCVRack from scratch on MacOS
video by TheKlirrfaktor
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