Monday, July 08, 2024

Source Audio Artifakt [FX w/ Synthesizers #18] No Talk Audio Demo

video upload by gstormelectro

"Audio + Video by G-Storm Electro c. 2024

Artifakt by Source Audio. Lo-fi, low grade reverb, bit-reduction, tape hissy, AM Radio goodess. Today I'm running some synths and electro gear through the Artifakt pedal, see what modes I've been vibing with. Pedal was edited all manually - on computer. No presets were used - So you'll see a pic of pedal starting point settings w/ each audition. Dry audio preceeds FX auditions...well usually. Recorded direct to Tascam DR-05, no other effects or mastering beyond routine normalization.

*Time* *Equipment* *Artifakt Mode*
0:00 | Sequential Multitrak | uVerb
0:45 | E-Mu Drumulator | Glitch
1:29 | Sequential Multitrak | Tape
2:07 | Behringer Poly800 | uVerb
3:42 | E-Mu Drumulator | uVerb
4:27 | Sequential Multitrak | Radio
5:03 | Tascam Porta One Ministudio | Radio
6:05 | Nord Electro 6D | Crush

And be sure to check out my cool eurorack modules available in my Reverb store

G-Storm Electro:

Gotharman's LD3 Vowel filter sound demo [optional update]

video upload by Meska

"Quick sound demo of the Vowelfilter for gotharman's little deformer 3
this is an optional update:

Thank you for watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly "dark and expérimental" music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)

Make Noise Strega Play

video upload by Stazma

It's not called a Lab for nothing

video upload by Omri Cohen

"Here you can find the Venom collection -
Venom VCV Forum posts -
Here is the video about the Rhythm Explorer module - [posted here]

00:00 - Introduction
00:12 - Basic functions
04:37 - Phase modulation
09:00 - Phase and amplitude tips
14:07 - One shot audio
18:34 - 0Hz carrier
22:23 - Phase distortion
23:47 - LFO"

Additional resources:

Moog Minimoog Model D 44-Key Monophonic Synthesizer 1971 - 1982 SN 8197

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via this listing

"Functions as it should. Shows age but she is old."

Oberheim SEM Pro MIDI to CV SN 0263

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this listing

UDO Audio Super 6 Desktop in Blue with Decksaver & Original Box

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

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korg minilogue & sherman filterbank

video upload by HIROAKI IIZUKA

Die antwoord apparaat in eurorack

video upload by errorinstruments paul tas

Stand alone version featured here.

"Die antwoord apparat

Means in Dutch answering machine

this machine is based on an old chip that can’t record sounds in a kind of Lofi beautiful quality .

The sound is more higher and warmer. You can control the speed of the sound and the spots.

With the control voltage. For example, your record your voice.

Or the sound of a piano. The sound of music box.

Or kalimba You can record live in the building in microphone

of course there is also a jack input of recording have influence on the time

how long you can record and on the quality of the sound we recommended to

put it in before your recording and looking for sweet spots .

Make sure if you’re recording you put all the switches down.

(R) mode to be sure . You can also use this device as a filter.

if you’re using the double switches

up and you’re using the input for an oscillator or something else they’re gonna be some demonstrations videos"

rare Synton Syrinx after repair and mod

video upload by Alexey Taber

Check out the AnalogFX SER-2020 for a modern take on the Synton Syrinx.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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