MATRIXSYNTH: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Korg DSS-1

flickr by zubibaja
(click for more)

Virus B demo

YouTube via theveg99. via this auction

900 Spaces, The Albert, 12-05-2009 (8 of 9)

flickr by smileham

full size

Roland SH-201


YouTube via minsky57. via fisheck. Some studio synth spotting.

Curtis Roads Part 1: The Breakdown

YouTube via DellLounge

"Curtis Roads is a true composer. While he may not be a superstar hitmaker producing songs for Madonna and Brittany Spears, his scholarly approach is to create sounds youve never heard before. Using a process known as granular synthesis and software he invented, Roads breaks swarms of sounds down into millisecond-long slivers."

Curtis Roads Part 2: Getting Granular

"Microsound encompasses any sound thats so short it couldnt fit on the normal musical time scale. In terms of measurement, youre talking anywhere from 10 milliseconds to 1/10 of a second."

Curtis Roads Part 3: Build It Up

"No doubt about it, Curtis Roads compositions are virtuosic. Even though a single piece can take half a decade or longer to make, hes released tons of recordings and has more in the works."

Update via Rory VICE/ Be sure to see the comments of this post for more info as well.

"There are two divergent streams in 20th century electronic music: The one most people are familiar with starts out with goofballs like Jean-Jacques Perrey and Vangelis noodling around on synthesizers and eventually devolves into Kaja Googoo. Curtis Roads is part of the other path, the one that follows insane geniuses like Stockhausen and Morton Subotnik and uses whatever-period-it-happens-to-be's state-of-the-art computer technology to produce compositions that completely defy conventional music logic and sometimes sound more like a freaked-out ATM than tunes you put on and listen to.

Professor Roads' primary interests/methods are granular and pulsar synthesis. We're still trying to wrap our brains around pulsar, but from what we gather granular synthesis is where you break down individual notes and sounds into teensy tiny little bits (or "grains") and then reassemble them into music full of such microscopic nuances that it could only be fully appreciated by a man who's like some kind of computer-man or something. There's also this thing where the reconstituted microsounds don't produce actual, distinctive tones but nebulous sound masses that can be modulated in ways that regular sounds can't which we don't fully understand despite Roads' best efforts at explaining."

Update via Alfred in the comments: "Cloud Generator can be found here. Mac OS 9 only"


via this auction

MIDI Control Summary

Little Boots - Stuck On Repeat

YouTube via ElementaryPingu. Little Boots and the Tenori-On. Previous posts with Little Boots.
"Interview and impromptu performance on Breakfast TV May 11 2009."

Roland TB-303

flickr by Chris Randall
(click for more)

full size

Oberheim OB-8

via Analog Industries presents Arturia Origin- Part Three

YouTube via audiomidicom.

follow-up to Parts One and Two.
"'s Mitchell Sigman shows off Arturia's new Origin hardware DSP modeling synthesizer- part three of a series. Call at (866) 283-4601 for more info!"

Native Instruments Maschine Inspires Great Change In Gearwire Staffer

YouTube via gearwire
"Sporting a new hairstyle and glasses, the intrepid Owen O'Malley dives into a decidedly non-guitar adventure. Native Instruments Maschine may be initially intimidating, but Owen's confident and thorough approach will have you grooving that box in no time. Can we say that on the internet?
See more on"

JayB's Patches for Yamaha S80 and CS6x (New Video)

YouTube via Hanni13579
"Hi there! This is my fresh video with partly new sounds from my S80/CS6x sound bank. Actually there are many more to present, but as a matter of time, I only chose a few. The bank can be downloaded for free at"

Musikmesse: Reactable Experience - 1 - Messe 2009

YouTube via MusicmarketingCanada
"This is 21st century tactile sound synthesis of the Star Trek kind. Wow! You are inside the synthesizer and you are working it with your hands. Bjork uses one live."

YuSynth and MFOS Modular

via AntiCosal's photostream
(click for more)

New Akai APC40 Website

You can see when I grabbed the screen capture. :)

CASIO SK5 - Frankie Knuckles - Your Love

YouTube via drbenway
"Your Love" played on a CASIO SK-5.



"demo for
edit by CPU
performance / testing by Derek Michael"
via via see CDM for more. via CDM:

"Who would have thought that Matrixsynth green would be the shade this year? You can thank for getting the loaner out in the world."


More Info on the MMM HandyCon

via George Mattson on the Official MMM wiki: "I'm going to break the traditional descriptive format for describing these modules for this one and just talk.

The HandiCon is a contraction of Hand (i or y) Con troller. I spelled it both ways on the graphic because the spelling doesn't matter. It sounds the same either way and gets the point across.

The complete system consists of two parts: the control module (shown) that mounts in the case and a controller device that is connected through the DB25 connector.

The DB25 connector was my choice because I needed a lot of wires to connect the two parts and "typical" available connectors were too big or too pricey for what I needed. Also, if you need another or longer cable, just run down to the local electronics outlet or computer store and grab a DB25 cable. Just make sure it's pin-for-pin straight through and uses all 25 pins. Easy. Widely and easily available and no big proprietary connector and cable. The signals are all analog. There are no digital signals used for the pair. Even though it makes it look hi-tech, it was just a matter of convenience, cost and space.

There are seven identical, independent channels so we'll focus on one. Lets just pick PL (far left column).

The switch allows you to select either a +V, -V or external CV signal (if one is patched to the jack). The control panel sends it out the DB25 connector to the controller half. The Min/Max attenuator at the top of the column allows you to set the desired output level for the processed CV. The CV out jacks allow you to patch the processed CV's wherever you would like to use them.

I based the controller off of the left-hand controller I designed for the Syntar in 1979, except I won't be using fish hooks. :)

Place your left hand on a flat surface and just rest it there totally relaxed. Imagine a plunger at the end of each finger that slides under your palm when you curl your finger or thumb. Your palm is resting on a small half-dome rise.

Beneath those plungers are attenuators that process the CV's coming down the cable from the control panel and send the signal back to the control panel.

Therefore the seven channels are:
PL: Palm Left
PR: Palm Right
LF:Little Finger
RF:Ring Finger
MF:Middle Finger
IF:Index Finger

Whatever CV signals that are selected for the channels are controlled by your left hand movements. The attenuators on the control panel limit the output amount of the CV to allow for full travel limit settings. For instance, you use your ring finger to process a +V CV going to the 1V/O input of a VCO. The panel attenuator lets you limit the full-stop finger travel to say...a third, minor 7th, fifth...whatever interval you choose. Now, multiply that CV processing control by 7 channels.

This was actually the first module I designed. I need to prototype the hand controller but I have to carve out a time slot to do it. It's going to be pretty slick.


Mattson Mini Modular

Didgeridoo Improvisation - custom built controller for Max/MSP sound processing and synthesis

YouTube via yakthekyle
"This is a demonstration of my homemade didgeridoo controller. The controller communicates with Max/MSP via serial communication using a handmade micro controller circuit based on the ATMega 168 chip. I have it set up to control several levels of modulation, filters, delays and also trigger samples."


YouTube via ripe909 "problem demonstration"


flickr by jonathansloan

full size

Manetron "Mellotron for iPhone & iPod touch" in App Store Now!!

YouTube via ManetronM400S. sent my way via Brian Kehew via Palm Sounds.
"- 35Kyes of sampled sounds from Mellotron M400S serial number 714 manufactured in the 70's.
- 7sec PCM full sampling sounds each Key
- No Loop (real performance feeling)
- Manetron is pre-loaded with basic 3 instruments including Flute (Bank A), 3violins (Strings) (Bank B), Cello (Bank C)
- The sound of motor and tape rewind mechanical noise
- Original sounds source are recorded by 96KHz/24 bits
- Compiled under the supervision of Tokyo Mellotron Studio ( )"
You can find it on iTunes here:
Manetron : Mellotron Simulator

Prior vid:
Manetron!!! Mellotron for iPhone and iPod touch. Coming Soon!

"Mellotron for iPhone and iPod touch in your pocket. Genuine sound sampled from Mellotron M400S (serial number 714) manufactured in the 70's."

Pearl SY-1 Syncussion Analog Drum Synth

via this auction
"These are really awesome for expanding on your drum machine setup and using with your 808/MPC/Elektron type of gear. You can actually sequence it with CV if you put the jack halfway into the "tune" input it will track CV pitches! Not super accurate CV control but you can make some really awesome modular sounding bloopy bleeps and tight punchy basslines, that right there is something that no other analog drum trigger setup can do! This is 2 channel, 2 independant synth voices with 7 waveforms, Tune, Decay, Width (Cutoff), Speed, Range, LFO and sample and hold! Using the LFO set to square you can make just one channel sound like two toms while the LFO modulates the pitch way cool! These are really rare, not many show up EVER so don't miss out."

Fairlight Videos

A playlist via FairlightAudio. May of these have been posted individually here before. Having them all in a playlist is a great idea and worth posting again. Enjoy.
Fairlight CMI on "This Week" ABC TV
Peter Gabriel and Fairlight CMI
Herbie Hancock jams with his Fairlight CMI
Fairlight Keyboard signing
Darren Hayes on Rove talks about Fairlight CMI
Fairlight Instruments Corporate Video 1985
Xynergi from Fairlight
Xynergi Demo 1

Charles Cohen Buchla Music Easel Pics and MP3s

See the updates in this post.

Monomachine + Machinedrum only progressive house groove

YouTube via capougello
"despite these machines are claimed to sound digital, here an example that say the opposite! this is ONLY elektron, recorded in 3 takes, 4 tracks mixed and a little touch of sidechain. no multib no eq no fx other than elektron only a very subtle verb.."

Maschine: Overview

YouTube via NativeInstruments
Maschine: Overview
Maschine: Software Sequencer Integration
Maschine: Sampling Part 1 - Part 2
Maschine: MIDI Controller
Maschine: Slicing
Maschine: Scenes & Performing Part 1 - Part 3
Maschine: Export Audio


YouTube via kerikino
"my camera battery was dead so took a quick video displaying how the top removes. more detailed photos including interior after i finish the current one i am working on"


YouTube via ggijs
"A analog synthesizer with a micro controller that is controlling the sounds.
The sounds are sort of generative.. but there is still control over some parameters of the sounds."


YouTube via djwidow420

Circuit Bending 101, Earth Day 2009, Peter Jones Gallery, Chicago

YouTube via CremeDeMentia. Video of the Earth Day event previously announced here.
"The boys from were in attendance Earth Day, 2009, to help Patrick McCarthy from Roth Mobot ( teach a small workshop on Circuit Bending. You'll see an animated sculpture by Kathy Weaver ( starting off the video, some shots from the workshop, and some footage of Tommy Stephenson, also of Roth Mobot, demoing a delay pedal circuit bent by Spunky Toofers/Daniel Park."

Sequential Pro-One

YouTube via 123synthland. Six vids:
Sequential Pro-One For Sale - short sequence #1 - #4
Sequential Pro-One For Sale - short sequence #5 (processing Roland TR-606 drum machine)
"Here's a quick video clip of the Pro-One we recently serviced and are about to put up for sale. Servicing included replacement of power supply capacitors, cleaning of all pots and switches, full internal and external cleaning, keyboard disassembly, removal of old bushings, key and key bed cleaning, installation of new bushings, key contact cleaning, j-wire and key level adjustment, full burn in period and full testing, recalibration, etc. A fully overhauled Pro-One is a real pleasure to play - we'll miss this one when it's gone! Email us anytime at"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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